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welcome back to my channel today we're back with some more trail makers but instead of dirty and Josh being here or me making something in solo I thought it would be fun if we would check out the best creations from the community so including you guys if you made one so I'm trail makers you can put your own creations on Steam Workshop and I can tell you there's some super cool ones out there so today we're just gonna have a look at them and what is this chicken doing over here chicken are you stuck in the ground my buddy that's so sad let's start and walk on them oh god I'm floating Wow physics am i right alright so let's open the workshop and see what we can get so you can sort the categories by votes newest traning subscriptions installed or owed all right so ladies and gentlemen we're gonna start off by looking if you guys actually made some vehicles for me so so far we've got three vehicles we've got the monster mg racer for sloka mango vocab and jelly we've got the jelly drifter and we've got the super fast simple fast flying car wow that sounds awesome super easy to drive flying land maybe none for jelly hey man come on so this guy is telling me that I won't be able to control this vehicle that he put on the workshop so obviously we're starting with like something easy all right the cool stuff comes later in a video this one is made by one of you guys and to be honest it looks very cool it reminds me a little bit of the the motorbike episode we did with Geordi and Josh so you're supposed to drive this thing look it's so pretty easy to drive this thing is amazing so how does it fly whoa okay whoa it looks place really well hey you said I could fly this thing well I can tell you I can it's actually really nice to fly the steering is a little bit weird but a yo it's really nice look at that landing look at that landing guys Wow whoever made this shoutout to you because this creation is amazing and thanks so much for just making something for me you guys make sure you go and make something on trail makers and you know what maybe I'll do another episode like this and we'll check out some vehicles that you guys made but if you do want to see that second episode how about we get 10,000 likes on this video all right at 10,000 likes I'll do another steam workshop showcasing video all right let's start off with the second video vehicle not video vehicle all right here it is we've got ourselves a beautiful looking plane in the grass so something that is actually super difficult in trail makers is building a plane that really works small planes are quite easy to build okay we're going the wrong way but the bigger the plane gets the heavier it gets and for some reason the physics in this game don't really allow heavy vehicles whoa yo this why it's amazing and usually blades only really fly with thrusters but this one has got four propellers on it it flies really well Wow I am actually impressed all right let's fly around a little bit let's go to the top over there and try and land it Wow look well it flies it's got a beautiful landing gear on it it's got some lights it's got six wings with two wing tips around I mean what's with six wins I'm saying like six wing parts you know I used to see them I'm actually impressed I'm really impressed it's quite an easy to sign but it flies so well I mean look at the angle we're flying up bad and it's performing so well all right so what we're gonna try and do is we're gonna land here there's not much space to land but I think this one will do just fine oh there we go what a perfect landing man that was awesome now we just need to get ourselves another vehicle to showcase and fly down to the bottom or I don't know a race maybe I don't know what kind of vehicles we can get next oh my goodness guys next up we've got an even bigger plane and this one has 12 thrusters on it six on this side six on this side and I'm not sure if there's any thrusters inside but Wow building planes is really difficult and I am impressed oh my god this looks a little bit like the Antonov or whatever it's called although I do need to turn this thing around a little bit let's turn it around Oh broke something off great I broke this piece off I'll put it back up on the back there you go there you go alright so like I said we're just gonna try and fly to the bottom and then we'll find another vehicle to go up again ha ha ha Jesus ok so well we wait wait it's got a trunk which by E whoa look at that it's got a frickin cargo trunk ok here we go Wow look at this it's flying so well this is cool alright let's try and open the let's try to open the trunk midair alright ok get rid of the smoke open up oh dude I just came up with an amazing idea me Tony and Josh should use this vehicle and then make something to fly and land inside of there while this thing is flying isn't that such a cool idea I obviously can't do that on solo but Wow alright let's let's put it up again because I feel like it's it's affecting the plane a little bit alright it fly super well but the question is does it land we're going at a big angle here guys this is way too much of an angle ok ok we gotta save it using thrusters oh oh we got a ramp we gotta we gotta dodge the ramp we got another ramp yo this is not a perfect landing spot let's just go to the right oh here we go here we go here we go oh ok well we uh we damage the plane what this is brick doing here anyway let's do like I think I did quite well that was that was really cool so like you guys can see this one actually uses a double wing set this is because it needs it for the lift ladies and gentlemen it's about time I show you guys something spectacular this is a robot that transforms into a vehicle as you guys can see the knee pads have like hover pads on them that makes it hover and I think there's more knee pads somewhere up the front there's some thrusters on the on the shoulders I'd say yeah let's just get inside and see how it works now you might actually recognize this from an episode that me joining and Josh recorded because josh pretended that this was his transform a vehicle which it obviously isn't now which do I click X X oh my god yo look at that so the front legs turn into two hovers and the back knee pads or hovering as well now CUNY oqe to go forwards whoa that's amazing man so it doesn't fly or anything but you can just glide over the map I think it's not fast enough to go over the water though we could give it a try we could give it a try because hover pads allow the vehicle to go a little Arthur maybe maybe it's too heavy I don't know it works it works on the water this robot floats it's amazing that is just absolutely amazing Wow we're drifting right now all right we kind of we kind of have to go back yeah funny enough now but we kind of have to go back the problem is when you lose speed with these hover things on the water you will sink you will start sinking these things only work when you're going fast so we got a need to go back before I slow down and drown yeah I don't like drowning it's not a great feeling all right three two one and we're back on land it's like we weren't even on the water it's so it's like it's like the same you know all right that was a great success now does it transform back we need to kind of like stop it from gliding a little bit okay okay I kind of want to stop gliding okay okay just stop gliding we're gonna try and turn it back into a robot three two one and does it work no it doesn't I mean X need to click X Oh problems okay once you turn it into a vehicle it cannot go back guys if I look at trending my UFO is actually exceptionally trending I had to upload it as Studios filled UFOs so my thumbnail guy could make a thumbnail on it ladies and gentlemen next up we've got a beautiful looking drone or quadcopter whatever you want to call it I feel like it looks like a drone they sell like and super cheap like little tech shops super cheap bad drones but this actually looks good ok what do I do with the back oh ok I already broke it hahaha alright so how do I control this thing when I click W it goes up one side when I click s it goes up the other so what if I hold them together oh wait wait oh I get it use arrows what ok I'm confused oh my god I figured it out hahaha yo this place is amazing look at it so it's a little bit hard to control but it works I must say it works look at this thing go alright let's check it out in first person how do I do that Oh God not that button that is not first-person no Jonah come back here I thought the F stand for sense for first-person but it stands for get out yeah Wow was the surprising rising lien of it was a soft landing this design though we've got eight helicopter propellers on this thing I have no idea how this works but it's super cool it is soo pretty cool man backwards left and right whatever you want to do it works perfectly fine so there's there's a G button and I believe it's like a boost if I click G watch it like boosts me am i right alright on that no it's a stabilizer that's what it does okay sense Wow ten points to the quadcopter this thing is absolutely fantastic all right let's try and land it well these struggle I have is like keeping the camera on the good spot we're gonna land on that little island there we go all right forwards this thing is super hard to control yeah okay I think I've got it I think I've got it going in for the landing going in for the landing oh look at the shade coming up okay oh oh yes we did a bit of a rough touchdown but wow what an amazing vehicle bye ladies and gentlemen next up we've got probably the most glitziest thing I've ever put down this is not a vehicle that drives it doesn't fly it doesn't float it really doesn't do anything that a normal vehicle does this is a soccer table how does it work okay so I got to drop the ball I guess alright so realistically there's two seats right and one over here the other one on this side now let's say Josh was here we could be playing soccer together but how does the ball drop I think I have to I think I have to break it yeah I think I do but then how do you control it you'll see it's got thrusters in it I don't know why oh okay the ball fell down ah it works it freakin works man whoa yo this is the glitziest but funniest thing I've ever done yeah so the problem is right I think the ball needs to be like floating or something see it's got thrusters on it but how do you control them space to forget in Oh yup that's how you do it that is how you do it guys Oh what we're gonna do we're gonna get the ball we're gonna put the ball in the soccer field there you go we're gonna get in the ball turn it on get out and now we can play so now if I'm correct the ball should keep rolling yes look at awesome I am playing against myself right now my left hand is playing against my my right hand it's not going great oh my god greenies about to score great just one yup great just one one point four jelly alright last but not least we've got something very very exciting ladies and gentlemen we are about to break the sound barrier with a million thrusters okay how fast does it go 400 500 600 700 800 all right I think this sound Bartha Novus miles an hour or not but we've probably broken the sound barrier by now $1,100 alright so you just go straight up or does it start leaning does it start leaning it just starts doing that it just starts leaning we need like gimble's on this thing so all it does is go straight up wait it's not perfectly in line is it am I crazy alright say I'm crazy I think because you've got so much speed as you can see it starts glitching out a little bit where it looks like it's like it looks like it's not straight anymore alright I believe the top speed of this thing is 1141 I don't seem to be going any faster than this 42 there you go awesome vehicle so we have a bunch more vehicles to explore but if you want to see them please leave a like on this video at 10,000 likes he'll do episode number 2 of checking out the awesome Steam Workshop and guys if you do have scrap mechanic this is not a sponsored video but go make something for me and I'll showcase in the next video I'll catch you guys next time thank you guys so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it make sure you go to jelly we're hosting a really really big summer sale with up to 50% discount on jelly sir calm calm yourself submerge come on it's waiting for you right here on the shelves thanks for watching guys I'll see you over at the jelly store by [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Jelly
Views: 3,059,995
Rating: 4.9340644 out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, trailmakers, child friendly, flying, jelly, kid friendly, game, vehicles, funny, dragon, jelly trailmakers, comedy, trail makers, drone, new, making, creating
Id: 3AGOIPngxHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 04 2018
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