Inner Voices- Huberman and Goggins

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[Applause] [Music] but when I say dialogue I think most people think oh the the inner voice the the the chatter but that's just one half of a dialogue a dialogue is a two-way street so I completely agree because I know from experience that when we go inward oftentimes we hear things if we're really honest with ourselves it's like I don't want to think about that or that no and then we start looking outward or we start trying to shift our attention and distract and there are a million reasons that are handed to us excuses and seemingly good justifications to be able to do that but dialogue is a two-way street and it hit me while you were just saying what you were saying I was paying very close attention and I realized David Goggins is talking about the voice that comes up including the terrible stuff that no one wants to hear about themselves from themselves but then he's also got the dialogue down where he knows the counter voice right he goes yeah you're right and so I'm going to do this or maybe no remember this you're in a dialogue a two-way dialogue in there not a one-way chatter dialogue there are books written by famous psychologists about chatter trying to shift your internal narrative you're like bring the internal the internal narrative that's what going inward is about but it's not one voice again there's a hypothesis I'm not claiming to be all knowing Lord knows I'm not all knowing okay but you've mastered the dialogue and if there three voices strong medium and weak in there you're you're like let's all come to the table so you've got a a a symphony of voices in there that are all you that you know to be you right and you know how to have those convers you're not afraid to be in those conversations and then you know which what the outcome of that committee decision is and you put it into real world action and the world only sees the action that's it and only you can know your internal dialogue and only I can know my internal dialogue and the only way to quote unquote know it is to spend a hell of a lot of time there that's right okay a lifetime got it a lifetime like think about it for me to be sitting here in front of you you're not going to call 300 pound eolab guy to come sit here you might I don't know maybe probably not probably not thing about this what we teach people is kind kindness to yourself do you think if I taught myself kindness and I agree with it God so many people so many people take me out of context it's ridiculous take it however the [ __ ] you want to take it when I 300 pounds we you think that conversation would have got me if I spoke kindness to myself I tell you where it gets me right back to 7-Eleven another box of mini chocolate donuts and the chocolate milkshake that's the one voice that's the one voice that most of us have that you're talking about if you don't have a conversation in there the other voice that you create that says okay how does this look looks very ugly that kind conversation for me went away a long time ago which is why the dialogue is now which you see a lot of action because most people have inaction because there's one person talking and that one person's always leaning you down the same path the path that makes you feel very comfortable and happy with yourself the second you create the other voice there's conflict there's battles there's Wars there's defeat one thing I learned I taught myself this and people go I don't understand what you're saying I'm GNA try to break it down real quick I didn't teach myself Victory first I taught myself failure I taught myself how to fail and people go that's so depressing is it when you're 300 pounds and you can't read and write and you're [ __ ] up how many times you're gonna [ __ ] fail on that process so if you don't know how to fail there is no Victory I never talked about winning because I knew the path to winning was could be years of failing first so I taught myself how to fail properly no one teaches you how to [ __ ] fail but if you're going out for insurmountable [ __ ] odds that make absolutely no [ __ ] sense a black kid that can't swim 300 pound G be a Navy SEAL okay you better teach yourself how to fail first because if you sit in failure for for too long you will never come out of it so the first part of My Success was learning how to fail properly and then eventually I started getting a few victories but that's what people don't get when you have buried yourself in such a deep [ __ ] hole you better first talk about the failures you're going to have first and that's when that other voice comes up it tells you we got to do something but it also tells you boy I'm not going to lie to you goggin you're in for a [ __ ] climb bro you're going to get your ass handed to you made fun of the outside noise the inside noise both voices are G to be [ __ ] telling you to go [ __ ] yourself you are in for hell bro I am so brother want to fail so this is what you mean when you say that whatever anyone says it's insignificant insignificant as [ __ ] right it's the cap gun fire because it's just like it because the voice in your own head is is far worse that and I should say sorry one of the voices in your head yes yeah I'm being very like detailed almost surgical about that because I think this thing about inner dialogue we think is one voice yes but you're making it clear it's many voices it is and the thing about it is you you you have to be really and sometimes all the voices are telling you the wrong [ __ ] man but through Years Years not a podcast or listening to a book or reading a book years of sacrifice of suffering of diligent pinpoint [ __ ] work on what you want to do for yourself not like oh let me just do a bunch of [ __ ] let me I want to be in every task possible no pinpoint what I want to do with my life what happens is you have all these voices that telling you you're [ __ ] up and this is going to be hard but for some reason you put so much practice into you that you can ignore every one of them that are telling you you're not going to [ __ ] make it and still be able to [ __ ] make it because you have put the practice in that you know this is the process it's such a daunting task that all the voices are saying no but you still have the conviction that I know I can do this and that's what it took for me to get here 20 30 years ago I had this 35 or whatever it was 30 25 years ago pipe dream and ever since then every voice was like you're a [ __ ] nut but when you put that practice in every day you lace them up and I don't mean run it's just a metaphor for life when you lace them [ __ ] up every day pretty soon soon you win pretty soon you'll [ __ ] win you have the courage and the heart and the dedication and the mindset about everybody can go [ __ ] themselves I know what I know I've listened to myself enough to know I know what I know none of you can hear what I'm hearing and that's what people don't do enough of they don't listen to their Journey they listen to everybody else's [ __ ] before you know it I'm crazy but if I'm so [ __ ] crazy why am I so successful how that happen I'm so misguided and Mis and [ __ ] up and don't listen to him why am I the only one to do a whole bunch of [ __ ] why am I a Trailblazer why how is that possible how can you be [ __ ] up and also self-made the same [ __ ] no no obviously you're not looking at the truth in front of you the truth in front of you is it sucks is painful it's [ __ ] mind numbing and that is the truth and that's why a lot of people don't like listening to me because this is what it takes creating another voice and sometimes going at it alone all the time going at alone because no one's G to believe in you and that's that
Channel: NeuralNetwork
Views: 1,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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