Inner Knee Relief In 60 Seconds (TRY NOW)

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hey guys i'm going to show you how to address inner knee pain today in in just a few moments um this exercise has been shown in a different video um the reason why i'm making this video is to elaborate a little bit further on why it works and responsibilities that you guys should do if it does work for you the last video went through was for skin rolling i will show you the skin rolling here and and this works with half of the people who try it yes it doesn't work for everybody it works for half of the people so if it doesn't work for you that doesn't work for you but it's a pretty simple protocol and so usually what happens here is you're just simply going to expose the knee grab a chunk of skin and i'll kind of turn here just so you can see and you make big paint brush strokes throughout the leg and then you go the other way and so what we do here is we're basically grabbing the skin i'll do it with one hand so you can see and you kind of roll through it and you roll through it okay i like using two hands because it's easier for me okay and i'll go this way just so you can see the other direction so this is probably a better view for you guys now this is going to seem really stupid okay i know how it is like i i show this sometimes with knee patients when we see them in person especially with inner knee pain or right around the patellar tendon right there especially with people who have had negative mris they've tried prp shots they've they've tried physical therapy or other types of therapies and it just hasn't worked and a lot of times just because those are specific to the knee joints this is addressing possibly referred symptoms in the area okay and so we're just going to keep rolling i hope you're rolling with me and if this works basically what you have to do is is do steps two and three or else it will come back okay i'm not going to lie to you it will come back is because all you've done is put a band-aid on the thing you've done some pain some pain reduction which is great feels great but if you want to return to your sport baseball basketball soccer this basic this happened for most of you because of um it's not trauma a lot of times knee issues come from repet repetitive habits and so we just have to improve the strength of the areas surrounding it via specific exercises and also usually got to use some corrective exercises as a patchwork in there so that's all you do just roll roll roll how does it feel go ahead move around stand up kneel down squat down whatever it was that bothered you just try it okay now that you feel like it worked or didn't work if it worked you're probably gonna keep listening if not you're probably gonna you're still gonna thumbs up this video but you're going to probably keep going and look for something else which is fine again it only works for half the people now what you have to understand here is why it works and i'll demonstrate on my on myself so there's nerves that come from the back and go right underneath the skin say my shirt is the skin and it goes all the way down into the inner part here of the knee okay um so there's there's really superficial nerves they're not very deep as you see we're grabbing the skin we're just decompressing the nerve a little bit you can also take a little bit of different approach grab it and kind of wiggle and this moves the nerve it's like local nerve flossing all right and so these are typically associated with higher low back nerves and i'm going to pan up a little bit just so you can see sorry no cameraman again we do these between patients so i do my best every time so this area right here on this guy bob norman there's these nerves right around the higher lumbar spine the low back but not between the little bony areas right here that you guys feel usually there's some area of stiffness here with people or there's like a nice dimple if you have like your your friend or spouse take a picture of you most some of you have a little dimple here it's like you've been extended there a lot we call this a spinal hinge and so rather than having a good solid hip pin sometimes you'll have a spinal hinge and so what these things do is it creates a little pinch point on on the little yellow nerves there which create the big nerve here which goes down the leg again if you look at it on me it goes kind of around the inner part here now it's common for a lot of you to have some some groin issues you don't have to some of you will have some itv and tightness you don't have to some of you will have hamstring tightness you don't have to sometimes shin splints responds really well to this okay and so what i'm getting at here is yeah if this thing worked great cool but it's a responsibility to trace the nerve up if you only leave it at working with the superficial nerves under the skin by the way created by justin dean phillips now great people search them out if you're looking for some local care and i think they're in a los angeles area as well as portland at this point in time um really good colleagues of mine and um what i want you to do is just realize that you have to trace the thing up all right you have to get them where they start if you don't it's just incomplete care all right a lot of times we'll use this skin rolling as a way to reduce pain and give people um a way out of their pain at least momentarily while we're solving the current issue at hand and so the current issue at hand for a lot of people it results it's from the spine and we have to do some things to patch that thing together such as some specific corrective exercises as well as some loading strategies such as some resistance training not too heavy not too light just enough to get the body to start working well again this usually doesn't take super long all right a lot of times it will probably take less than two months to really do the right exercises then you just have to keep them into your routine for a little bit of time if you're looking to figure out what these exercises are i can always help you one-on-one or one of our doctors can help you one-on-one as well or we do have a guide online which is very helpful um you know it doesn't cover all the bells and whistles but it's intended to meet you where you guys are at and if you're struggling with with money that is very affordable and it's very effective for a lot of people too again we're in costa mesa california we do offer online consults as well as video programming so let us know if you need some help we're always looking to help people out as much as we possibly can and it's sad that a lot of you will you're in different parts of the country and you feel like you've exhausted your resources locally there all right i get it i i hear we we get emails and comments from a lot of you uh about that type of thing and and um we're here to help all you have to do is start the conversation and ask us and we'd love to help you out through it subscribe to the channel like it uh and share please we have a search function within the channel which is a bar which after you subscribe just put in whatever you want knee pain hip pain low back foot diagnosis of any type we have so many different videos that i encourage you to go through and search them because i can't laundry list them out so see you guys next time take care
Channel: Performance Place Sports Care & Chiropractic
Views: 416,099
Rating: 4.8719459 out of 5
Keywords: knee exercises for pain, knee exercises, knee exercises for arthritis, knee exercises for torn meniscus, knee extension exercise, knee pain, knee pain exercises, knee pain relief, knee pain treatment, knee pain stretches, knee pain treatment at home, knee pain massage, knee pain remedies, knee pain exercises and stretches, knee pain exercises for women, knee pain exercises for men, athlean x knee pain
Id: mHlf-7u_AkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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