Inmoov hand and forarm (STEP BY STEP tutorial)

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we're gonna build it in move hand and forearm so let me sum up for you what part you actually need a servo pulley that is delivered with your servos more servo poly parts from the in move website 3d printed although I have a version from Thingiverse that I will explain right now the double-layer servo pulling from Thingiverse consists out of three parts you have the middle part that is delivered with your server most of the time and then we have this big part where we put in this smaller part there will be a cable around it for pulling the finger later on in the arm then we put this small piece on top so we can kind of squeeze it in between and there will be another cable around it so what parts do we need more there's a backplate for the entire arm this is basically the connection part - in the elbow to the rest of the arm in his entire project I will not use it but if you want to build the entire arm you do need this part connected to it there will be some sort of gear that is connected to the rest of the arm a big piece for the outer shell of the robot arm another big piece on there in the in move website to go under the name rub cap 1 2 3 4 5 so we have another piece that is more to the wrist itself and the last big piece of the outer shell of D arm some fish wire and for this fish wire I use an thickness of 0.8 millimeter we also need some elastic bands for the tensioning part inside of the arm a part called rope cable and back for on the servo holder the servo bat itself are all the servers will be placed in some PDF ytube that will be combined with the elastic pants for the tensioning the wire tensioning part that will I will not be using in this project but I will explain why the cable guide called rotor wrist it will be used to place a servo for rotating the entire hand pull you some M 3 by 20 millimeter bolts and we also need all the fingers of the edge here they're just collected banks and later on you will see how they will look like a few gears that will be used into the rotation of the wrist some grease for any case I use silicon grease you will also need a part for on the servo interest to guide more wires wrote erased part two Roza race part 3 this is where the hand will be attached to the hand itself that consists out of multiple parts I will be explained later 3d printed bolts for in the hand top lighting for on the hand itself and some more plating there will be attached to the fingers or the arm I use 6 mg 9 9 6 are servos for all the gluing I will use a two component plastic glue ok so let's build the arm the first part I did was the outer shell I've printed everything with PLA but if you would do abs maybe the tolerances are different also the printer so you can put them together you can see they align up very well you also do this for the other side of the shell you can kind of fit them together and they awesome little let's say helping pieces on the inside of the arm here you can see a little bit that they can guide on the inside so I start making in the glue I use those two components so I put it on and I have to stir it I take some time so let's speed it up you only apply glue actually to the let's say outer edge of the shell after you done that check always if it is gluten this two-component glue is actually kind of a yellowish when it dries out so try not to use too much because if it goes out of the edge it will look kind of messy that's why I rub it away a little bit after you have glued everything and it is all dried up we're gonna put in some bolts in here those are gonna be used to actually attach to to shale outer parts later on for the entire arm so we put it in and I put some hot glue on it so they get stay stuck because you cannot really push them in I test it with a bowl if it goes through the nut and the same for the other side in the next part I'm gonna focus on is the server bet that consists out of multiple parts together actually we have a cable let's say guide and you can just click it into there but don't do it too harsh because if it's too tight it will break off cable tensioner that I will not use in this project because I will use different kind of servo pulleys and also a cable guide again for on the top where wires will go through these little site holes you could see this all goes into actually the outer shell there are some bolt holes for it to put in some screws and you could glue it but I don't because if something is wrong I can always get it off later easily you can kind of click it in if your printer printed everything very well it should fit kind of easily so I used some screws I cut one off because one was too long you always have to kind of figure out yourself what kind of screws do you need I just used some randoms I found around in my workshop do notice that if they stick out too much they will be in the way of the servos the next part is the cable and going dude you can just push in I would not glue it because for me it was already so tight I could barely get it in even so finally when it's pushed in you can see how it fits you can put even a Boldin to make it even more secure the next part you can find on the in move website is the cable tensioner it has these small packs where you can actually put those rubber bands on with the PDF t tube and then you can guide wire through it and it keeps a tension I will attach this part but at the end of this project I don't use it because I hope to keep the tension on my lines with an another version of a servo pulley so you can put a screw in align it very well take some time so now the cable can go through it and through the holes and you can kind of tension it so these are the kind of service I use the mg nine nine six are in total you will need about six of those actually five go into the function of the fingers and one will be used for the wrists so we can now put them in into the surfer bat there are five places for it with bold extrusions also for it and we can put all the wires through these like little holes to guide them to the back of the arm there's another one and it goes all the way underneath it actually so let's put them in putting them in and straightening out the cables can take some time so i speeded it up a lot so three go into the front if you see the wrist as a front and to go into the back for tensioning you cannot use the bolts that come with your server themselves somehow they don't fit so I just found out some random but keep lookout that you don't hit cables of course because you can't if they're too long let's put in all the rest I only put two screws per server because that makes them tight enough to test those servers if they work properly I have this little setup with a battery breadboard the small thing from Aliexpress for about two to three euro with a knob you can actually adjust the servos and a servo itself you can attach them so only small thing you can have enough and you can see well does the server actually work does it move there are some some few function buttons on a small thing you can push one that sets it to 0 degrees and there's another button that puts it into manual you can see if it rotates I did this with every server before I put it into the actual arm because I use fake servos let's say like that from Aliexpress so who knows might be they're broken so now I'm gonna make the servo police but for an example I will use the test finger I also made from the movie website so I use this boy it has a double layer do we have one layer that actually touches 2d let's say outer circle and one only in a circle and thereby you will have less Mon or let's say more tension in the actual finger itself and I use the bolts to actually tighten all the wires onto the server Polly had to cut a little bit the screws otherwise it would hit the servo himself so to make the server pulley I always put in two bolts directly into the white small top part we have an electric screwdriver just makes it easy then I aligned black pulley that I get with the surfer with the holes of the blade the big white printed part I align them on top it's not always easy to to fit it it's not 100 percent sure 100 percent right with all the tolerances on it but when you have it right you can actually bold it on and let's speed it up so off-camera I made more of those surfer police it takes quite a long time to make them really nice and on camera is even more difficult so normally I use this small ball to actually attach it to the server but because the server pulleys thicker it doesn't fit so we will need a little bit of a longer screw actually to bold it on the server but before we bought them on the server's you have to align all the servos with some code this code you can just get off the in move website and it will rotate all the servers in a position of 90 degrees so ya just have need some batteries breadboard to actually hook up all the servos for electricity I do them all separately and then with the signal wire also to the servos of the Arduino on this Arduino I already have all the code install from the amor website is all just pretty easy if you look it up I need them 90 degrees the only thing I have to do now is plug in the battery to power the Arduino because the servers will be powered from the big battery that you can see on the right so now the Arduino goes on and the code will be executed and they turn take some time it's hard to see but I just turned all 90 degrees so now I know all the servers are 90 degrees I can put on the server police all the server police are put on the same way so I know the orientation of the rest where the rest is and then I put them in this direction with the holes where the wire will go through the server pulley on so you just put them all 5 on let's speed it up bit up and just to be sure that all my servers are still 90 degrees I will hook up the Arduino again with some code so first I turn on the battery and you will see a little movement in actually the servos but that always happened so now I put on the 9-volt battery onto the Arduino board and then the code will run so that will be set to 90 degrees again takes always some seconds to run the code and there they go so now the next step is putting on let's say a cable guide on the top of the servo base if it is printed very well it is aligns very well and you can don't have to glue it but you can and you can just bold it down and how do you need to put it left or right well you will see very quickly if you put it wrong the top cover will not fit on it so there's an easy clue on how to place this part so let's bold it up okay after the next part the wrist so when your printer is there is all kind of holes to guide the wires but also this thing you have to break it away it's like support for the wrist bar so you just get some tweezers and carefully of course rip it out take some time and then it's kind of rough that you probably can you don't have to you can send up so now you can try to fit this on the rest of the arm and for me it fits directly you do need to know the good orientation of how it has to fit this place was for an old servo actually for a double actuated um but you don't need it and you can see that top part that bulky thing on the top now has to align with the same direction of the armies so first I'm gonna grind it a little bit I have just have a we call it Remo as a brand and it's an electric tool is really handy for some plastic parts okay so we branded it and now we're gonna glue it again attached to attaching it to the arm putting the wire through otherwise maybe you get glue on the wire get the orientation right because if you glue it with two component glue the chance of getting it loses very small without breaking it so after gluing and when it's all dried up you can put in the wrist servo there are a few holes or at up and down you can bolt a servo down with and there's also a little guide hole in here for the wire out of the servo I always put the cable in first and then I said for me it was a perfect fit but depends on your printer of course in tolerances and it's not just writing so now we can bold it up I just use some random screws I found again you can use any kind of screw you kind of want of course so the server's fixed now we're gonna put a gear on a servo from the Enmore website you have two versions one version is a thick one one version is a thin one because a thin version you can actually put on the servo pulley that you get with your servo most of the time the plastic is a little bit more durable so it doesn't wear out where if you print it the ribbons on the inside they wear out very quickly so I would suggest always to use the plastic so for Polly that you get with your servo you have to glue it together and then it's pretty tight but as you see it sticks out way too much so we will have to cut it first you just get a pair of tweezers cutting tweezers and then you can cut the extended parts away so now I have this small black thing you can glue on it it actually now has the same thickness of the other one that's why you can see now a good comparison so let's glue it again let's make some two-component glue make sure the hole aligns very well and it otherwise you will not be able to put a ball through it so I made a small mistake that you also might overcome if you follow just the directions off in your website there also is a part that actually guide the lines and you have to place it on your servo you can glue it and you can bold it but I want to bold it so actually you need longest cruise they go all the way through all parts of the servo Technion Adaline guide and the wrist part so that's the attach and attach it again so after this now as fixed we can put on the gear this gear will play an important role in the top wrist part so the wrist part will go over it and the small gear will go through this little hole you can see so you can bold it down still there's access to it I can still turn and then we have another part that has small holes for guiding lines and a big let's say diagonal hole for wiring if you want like sense or fingers so we put that in and they have to align so now you can see how the mechanism actually works the servo will be attached to there and if that one turns the entire wrist will turn so the hand will turn first we put on the little guy on a server then we're gonna put the big gear through the rest part for me it just fit it perfectly if it is too big for you just grind it a little bit down and then we got another part that attaches the entire arm to the hand we rotate this on it that's probably a better way to attach this but this is the way I did it so you might copy it or you have your own way the holes have to align and that hole has to be open for the servo still to be mounted down with the gear but let's first try to put it on without that connecting point so just take some wiggling so I speeded it up a little bit and you can test if it is all nicely aligned I mean it fits very well it just pops up on and you should be not able to turn actually the gay because it's now interlocked with the other gay and as you can see it doesn't fit very well because they're not bolded enough down so let's tighten them a little bit more and try it again so now it fits very well there's one Alliance this one is stuck you can still move it up and down of course because it is not fixed in that position now we can put in some bolts you don't have to but I did already to tighten up these two parts the top rest part and the part below it just some random screws again from the workshop so now is all the lines signing up this you can't move anymore so now I can put on this part it can be a little bit difficult because if you push the big gear it goes in and it would fall into the arm so I had to turn a little bit wiggle it a little bit but maybe there's a better way to attach it my best way was actually apparently turning it around and then it was tight and the holes aligned so now the holes were light and I could put a bullet into it and it just fits you can pull it a bit there is always a little bit of wiggle that you could prevent with some washer under it but maybe that will maybe I will attach that later on so if you just attached everything like I did you kind of have to reopen it again so because we have to increase all the games so if they D attach all the bolts and pull it together and we will put in some silicon grease and also a longer bolt for through the gear into the server so let's reopen it again and there you can see in the gay now fixed attached with the the part that connects arm and smaller so in there we can put long ball now so now it's all secure and tight so I'm gonna grease this gear the best is actually to use a clear kind of grease because I use a yellowish one let me show it for you yeah it's kind of yellowish so it will see a little bit look a little bit dirty sometimes if it comes out so let's and grease this gear so now this one is all greased I put also a little bit grease on this Moger it's just to overcome some friction that you might have and the grease will wear out so sometimes you will have to redo it a little bit and now a difficult annoying part comes you have to put them back to gether actually and it always you can still move that you can put it in the right direction where the bolt have to has to align with the arm and our hand comes on here so it's important how you put that part and I have to wiggle wiggle wiggle and then it goes in and overtime but you already see a mistake here that bolt is actually sticking out now it's too big so there was a big problem for me so I have to sand it down a little bit but before I can do that I have to pull it apart again and it is way too long so you can try to tighten it a little bit more but most of the time it doesn't always work and you will move maybe the server so I found out that didn't work so I had to detach the bowl again and I would have to grind up the plastic part make it thinner so that the ball will be lower and it would all match up I fit that so if it is I use my dremel tool again and this took a lot of grinding fitting it back on didn't fit back off grinding a little bit more back on back off more grinding more on more off and so on so finally I granted all attached it screwed it back together it all fits you still have that wiggle a little bit but I guess that's normal eventually I found out that actually it didn't fit because the the black plastic piece was not big enough to let the bolt through so I just grinded that sign it out a little bit and it fit it way way better so now I'm gonna test a little bit of this server with all the gays at work so I touched it now to computer directly and with the code open so I can put in different kind of degrees I want ninety degrees zero degrees 10 degrees and you do hear a little bit I hear a little bit of a jitter if I twisted a little bit it goes away but sometimes it doesn't so there's more of a programming thing and you can get out or can get in try different direction because if you put it on the maximum degrees you can turn and will always have a jitter in it and so it's better maybe not to do to the maximum but just ten degrees before that so now we're gonna get it off again and put on the hand but before we put on the hands we have to make all the fingers so all the fingers are now print it put in backs so you don't mix them up because some parts really do look like each other actually so first I get out one finger all the parts put them neatly next to each other because we will have to glue grind and drill all of them so this is the outer part we have to drill and this is an inner part it doesn't fit obviously so let's get the right part and this fits so through this hole there will be a bolt or a piece of filament and these kind of parts we have to glue to each other and it's the top finger you can glue but I would not do it yet because of course you have to put cable through it and they seem to cool as an indicator that is this small let's say indent so you know that they are in the right direction these are mostly the middle thing the middle part of every finger and these we also have to glue be sure to have the right direction of how to actually glue it and maybe it's a good comparison we can get the test finger again have a look there here they have numbers on it to make it even more easily but on the big and move on there are no numbers so is easily to align this with it so let's have a look okay so this is the best way it should be connected okay so now let's get out of the way of everything and start gluing this took a lot of time to glue everything so I speeded it up a lot so now everything is actually glue after glue and everything is dried up I started to drill everything so the outside hinges I drill with a 3.0 millimeter and the inside we have 2.5 or 2.8 depends what kind of drills you have in this way they're not in it like let's say filament or metal will stay stuck but it has some movement okay so now I've drilled everything and now I'm gonna make the pegs what I use for this is just a metal draw basically a screw very long and I put a finger over it and I will cut it eventually so I put all the fingers back actually into the backs now let's take one finger out everything there is basically the same so fine the good parts that have to be connected with them and a line of the holes so I use just use this hole or a metal rod I try to put it in sometimes you turn it press head most of the time it fits it's a three millimeter raw by the way you wiggle a little bit in and now you have to cut it I just use some tweezers for this I will cut it at the plastic as short as possible so it doesn't stick out that's very much because it will be sharp you can see a little bit turning out because otherwise it would fall out so you try to cut it as close to the plastic and they have it one finger hinge attached with a book you could grind it a little bit I think I didn't maybe you have a few I did it there to shop up to you and this we can do with every part so let's speed it up you have to do this with every finger and two hinges a thumb also so there are a lot of hinges to make so I made them all and I put them back into the backs it's best to keep them separate otherwise you will lose focus so the next part is the actual hand it consists out of multiple parts you have the thumb part this is more one and you have two parts for pinkie and the finger next to that also holes with it for some top plating that will be later on attached can I gives it a cool look but it also has a purpose actually to maintain some fingers in a certain position that they cannot fall backwards too much and that one will go on there but now first we have to drill all these holes for the plating I've drilled our three millimeter and also these I will drill with 2.5 or 2.8 for the fingers nature on so let's reel it I changed the diameter of the drill here now I need an 8 diameter for the big holes so for the thumb and the attachment of the fingers the pink in the other one and the wrist also 8 it's more like you read drill it sometimes the tolerance is not great so you read drill so that the bolts will fit way better so there's a bowl terrible terrible there so it was actually where thing going on from the in move website there's this kit of bolts you can now look you will get these parts you have a long one put them further so this one fits it has like a clip that you can hook on so it will be secured inside a hand and this one fits with length if you put it on the hand you can see it goes all the way through where it should be but this length actually for the boat you have doesn't fit it doesn't fit it's not just not long enough and those small holes you can see on the top of it those are these ones where you can put the clips in if you want but those bolts aren't even making it and they don't have the indent same goes for the long one doesn't fit it's not long enough and it doesn't have an indent I don't know if I'm wrong or did more website it is an old version and nowadays people use metal versions because a lot of people do I made my own set I just modeled a little bit longer with an indents and more clips so now they do fit actually so you can put them in and they fit and this is why we read reeled with an 8 but it still doesn't fit that well is too tight so I will have to read drill a little bit here it also doesn't fit so I have to redraw more with an 8 or maybe I should go up to a 9 so this took a lot of times of grinding and putting it back together but eventually it does fit as you see it still doesn't fit so I will drill it all off camera so make it a little bit more easy for myself so after the next part so the wire we use is that 0.8 fishing super rate I just bought it from Aliexpress there has no flexibility in it the ends are always a little bit of parts so I use my mouth I lick him and then they become more of a point you can also burn them and kind of make more point of them because you will have to go through all these small holes in the head on the top and bottom row the middle row is for electric wiring for sensor fingers that I will not make and we will have that fingers here wires also go through there and a thumb part so you go all the way a fruity hand through the finger and the bolt has to be in there for a wire I cut pieces of 75 centimeters each as advice from me in movie website you can better have them too long so you can always adjust it a little bit later on cut a piece off something like that so now I'll first do the thing this wire I melted it the top so it goes through pretty easily I first always do the hand itself then through the outer parts of the fingers that need to be done and as you can see here actually I also need to glue still part of the thumb but I will do that later so now let's do all the other wires for your thumb you need to get the extrusion bolt through it and it fits you could clip it in I don't do it yet because I might not get the clip out anymore and then it's pretty stuck in there forever one wire goes under it one wire goes over it that ball goes into the hands and let's do the other fingers the wiring part is maybe the most consuming part of building into our hand so you have to grind it a little bit more it still doesn't fit very well so I'll grind it a bit more so now I've granted it it would fit way better so let's try to put it on again put a ball through I use some tweezers sometimes to guide the wires a little bit better so now I pull always all the wires and you can see they are all nice and neatly in each finger in total ten wires if you're correct now we have to put all the wires from the hand through the big gear from the wrist to rotate so the wires don't get intertwined that much put them in the right way indirectly so you know the holes there so you want to orientate it like that I was just double-checking just to be sure because it would be paying any ads if you wired them all and did it wrong so that ten holes in total with one guide for electric wiring when we don't use again so let's wire it I drew the top wires from the hand through the top holes of the wrist and the lowest from to the lowest so now they're all fixed what I always do to tension everything is I put one hand on all the cables and one hand or the other one and I can pull everything after tensioning all the cables we can finally now connect the hands and the wrists together you cannot do it this way you have to do it this way otherwise the plastic will be against holes where wires come from and then the tensioning system will not work so this is the correct way of placing it does look like this bolt will hit it against it but it is inside the hand so you will not have a problem with that so this is a bit of a tricky part you're gonna put the ball through doesn't really matter which way put it I'll put it this way and it has to go between all the cables so you can't have to pull it and put it through and pull it and put it through so let's speed up this process and do it that was one wire that was wrong so I did it again pull aside put the ball through and there you go so now all the wires are through the gear in the hand and this can still rotate around it because it is not attached to the gate itself so we can't put the clip on so it doesn't fall out as you can you can easily get it off still and I would get some double checks if everything was alright so if everything is alright we can go over to the next step we have to wire now all the wires through this holder that is fixed to the servo and through that again through the wrist bar so do I go all the way through it seeing this is kind of a difficult thing with pliers I will do it off camera and then I will get back to you after I've then done all the wires so I've done all the wires they're all through it so now it does look a little bit messy so to make it a little bit more overview I will pull them again on both sides now they're all tight we can shove the hand closely over the wires to the wrist we can attach them together it should use just fit keep them tight otherwise they would maybe strangle or get fold it somewhere between plastic pots it takes some time to wiggle it in so I will speed up the process so sometimes you have to look if it's all correct and if the direction of the plastic part is all correct putting the balls back and then we all finished it so now it's all back together checking if something is correct this will always wait a little bit but this plastic part will prevent the hands of fault all the way so now everything is tight we can go over to putting all the fingers on actually after the next part so I put the hand down again with all the wires fingers really close to it and all the wires here don't pull them too far otherwise they will go out so you have a four fingers the thumb I also glued on and this can actually actuate move inwards and the same for the pinky anything next to it wires are nicely over it a hundred and again the plastic hinge will prevent it to go too far unless you want it that far you could maybe grind away but fingers will get intertwined with each other and then they get stuck so that's not what you want actually on here while the top lighting B so let's put on a fingers I always do the top wire on the top part of the finger and the bottom wire or the bottom wire putting all the hinges in so now we've done all the fingers that we can put knots into the wires so I do most of the time simple knots just crossing it over each other underneath it and through it again I will do this a couple of times because the the knot has to be a little bit thick so it doesn't go through the hole of the plastic finger this has to be thick so this is the actual hole it is good go through and that's why the finger actually works it is the not that kind of is against a hole and then can't go further so it pulls up the finger I don't know the perfect amount of nuts you should do in the wires I always do three to four I think that is enough but you can bet it have too many than too few knots in it if it one time will go into the hole the thing it doesn't work you have to get it out and it is a lot of work so let's put in some more nuts now we can pull the ropes on the left side of the arm so it is all nice and tight on it you will have some wire left over that later on it will be cut away so now you can actually already experiment with it you have now two wires on the thumb so one will be if you pull it it goes up closes it and if you pull the other one it will straighten it again and that pull movement will actually be done by the servo in the robot arm itself most of the time if you do this a couple of times it feels like the finger gets a little bit more smooth in motion maybe there's some plastic particle cause still grinding against each other so it's not always bad to test everything or see if it really works and if it's all smooth if not maybe sand it a little bit more so this I have to do with all the fingers so off-camera I already did it and I also cut the wires a little bit shorter so the top of the finger can get in here you can see that all the nuts are there and they're pretty short I just you will use some hot glue to eventually put on the top finger actually of each finger you can see some sort of a and nail on it and that is the way it should be put on the finger I will put it just over it and I fill the tip of the finger full with glue I use here I think it transparent and glue it is way better than using the yellow glue I also used sometimes filled it all the way up and I just push it over it so the cable will be fixed anything will be fixed but not temp no forever so I have to do this for every finger and there we go also thing I did is those little bolts I put some hot glue on it so they don't fall out that easily now it looks kind of ugly but later on I will probably change it for some glue that is not that yellow so now it is time to put on the top cover it cause this out of three parts we have the big top one as I said before I already put in some bolts to make it a little bit easier so I will have to align that on the top and then bolt it down don't bowl too far always because you could easily damage the plastic and then you will need again a bigger bowl to actually fix it and the last piece for the thumb and you both had it so now we have all the finger tops old plating and now we only need a few extra finger plating I also use some hot glue to fix that so I gotta head back and let's get those finger paintings on so first what I did was also grind him because they were too square and then the plating for the fingers would hit against it I wouldn't move that smooth so I grind a little bit and now it works way better as you can see now the hinge it works fine it still grinds a little bit but you should not be a problem later on because the more friction you have the harder servers work and you might burn one out so the top playthings of the fingers do have actual different sizes so be sure to have each finger padding for the right finger actually and we glue them on the finger itself make sure that it always moves how you want it so before you glue it always check it after that we can glue it I will glue it for all five of them so let's speed it up you so after you glue Teemo if you lift up the hand they should easily fall back and forward with it with the fingers itself you can still test a little bit it prevents them to go up too far so after the next part so now we are gonna put the tensioning lines actually on the server police I already did one for the thumb I use the thumb because that's the most right finger I will always guide through the most right a guiding Holmes left one for the most left ones of course in the middle for the middle so actually what I do is they put them quite tight on it so they go through it and they go up so the wire that actually pulls the finger up I always do on the big wheel and the wire that pulls it down on the small wheel to go through the small hole and I attach them with the boat so the bolt goes a little bit up and it'll go down in the worst type so I'll do one example you just screw a little bit up little bit up just enough space for the wire to be on you you pull it really tight and then go all the way around it and there you go then you have to bold it back on again and as you see the servo moved a little bit because I put too much force I will move little bit back probably not that good for it but I always do it anyway so tightening lines on every server pulley has to be done five times so I will right now do that off-camera that makes it a little bit of easier and then I will get back to you with the next step we're gonna do so we put all the wires on it looks a little bit messy but it doesn't really matter that much always leave a little bit of wiring over for if you need to change the tightness of any of the wires the tightness of the wiring I did it was tight enough that the fingers don't fall down of themselves that easily gives it I think I'm a little bit more of a realistic look and maybe it's too tight later on if you pull it too hard it will break at the end I put all the signal wires of all the servos that can in the next video will be attached making the surfer police move and then the fingers will go up and down so now we can actually finish it up with putting on the top plate so now you can just put all the extensive lengths of wire back into the arm normally if you would like calibrate a servos really well you can always cut all the X 10 extended wires off of course but for now I just put them in down to make room for the top part for my arm this was a pretty tight fit but it just did it as you can see the hole has to be lined and now it's not so I had to push it pretty hard and I wasn't light and it's the same for the other side in the total beginning of the project we put there on the inside of the arm a little knot we're now a bolt can go through and that ball I have right here is just a m3 10 millimeter that I use so I push it a little bit so the back also makes sense and we could turn it and the other side too but let's speed up this process because it takes quite some time to fit both parts of the arm pretty well on each other and bolt on tightly soon I will make a second video with another tutorial where I will attach the Arduino to all the servers thank you for watching
Channel: Xander DIY
Views: 88,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inmoov, Robothand, Hand and forarm, Inmoov tutorial, Inmoov hand, Inmoov diy, DIY, Inmoov arm, Inmoov build, Robot hand, Robot arm, Diy robot hand, Diy robot arm, inmoov, in moov, In moov
Id: 4t1daCFQ1OE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 0sec (3540 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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