inkscape tutorial text effect perspective envelope

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hello everyone it's lori i'm going to show you today how you can edit and manipulate your text using perspective and envelope distort in inkscape so let's get started we're going to grab some text with the a tool over here click on that click on the board type in whatever you want i'm just going to write text i've got montserrat by default and then i'm just going to click heavy so that we can see it nice and easy okay so now we have our text item the first thing we want to do is turn it to a path by going to path object to path and this will give us some nodes that we can edit and manipulate okay so next we're going to go to path path effects select our item then we get this plus sign here click on that and look for perspective envelope i've just begun to type in perspective and there it is now first thing we see in this pop-up box is that we have two choices enveloped information and perspective pretty similar i'll show you the difference between the two is not not very much in fact i can show you right here the difference it just distorts it just a little bit more differently so this one for example is thinner and the tea and this one is thicker in the tea so it's a matter of um it's a matter of being able to choose which one looks best to you for whatever project you're working in okay let's get back to our text down here so to move this around we use this arrow key and to edit it we need to use this edit paths by nodes so let's open up our path effect here there it is so in perspective let's choose let's actually just default i'll just move one of them around you can see what i can do here i can change each one individually i can give it like like it was laying on the floor and give it that kind of effect like you're reading text on the floor or something like that i'll just put that back so let's mirror movements in horizontal so now if i take this node it will mirror the opposite of this in a narrow perspective so it's exactly even and you can do the same on this side too okay so i give it the perspective that way and we can uncheck that here movements in vertical then move this one over and it's just the opposite side so can do like stand-up text or really different effects with that also okay i'll uncheck that and let's go over to envelope deformation it's just slightly different but very much the same so anytime you have trouble just click off the graphic go back to your nodes tool and then you should be able to change it again so again it looks like you're you're walking on this text um what else is pointing here so let's do like a kind of a perspective effect here like if you wanted to do that for a poster or something um grab this text here again you always want to go up to path object to path to finalize it now if we want to put it into a shape for example and grab the rectangle tool click and drag out a rectangle make sure that it's sharp and i'm going to take the fill out by pressing this x button in the bottom left corner so we just have a stroke here okay so now if i want to fit this text into this box after we let's shape this first go path object to path you shape it however you want um whatever shape okay so i'm going to select this i'll put it over here i'm going to click add perspective and now i'm going to go to the nodes tool i'll just zoom in here and notice that i have my snapping on my snapping tools here these three and if you can't do that make sure you have this one on as well and you can just snap it into the shape that you want it to conform to okay so that that's that and if you want to just duplicate that you just duplicate the shape and flip it over ctrl d to duplicate flip and i'll just press ctrl and it should snap into place and then you can put another word on the other side just uh grab text and do the same thing only in reverse choose the heavy path object path perspective so you have to go through the process over and over again to get to the perspective tool every time you want to use it but same thing okay um with the shapes so let's say i grab a rectangle tool and draw a square shift and control to draw it perfectly and i'm going to round it up a little bit we'll fill it in this time let's make it a nice big blue i'll take the stroke off this time and press ctrl d to duplicate it press to select both and ctrl to drag it ctrl d to duplicate ctrl to drag it down straight and then i'll just group them together we'll go path object to path and then i'm going to draw out a square shift and control only this time i'll do an outline instead so i'll just press shift and black and then i'll press x to get rid of the fill and let's give this a perspective as well perspective oops so if you do that by accident come down to the bottom here where it says rotate just press zero correct that okay i'm just creating a perspective box here all right pass object to path to finalize that now we'll use these ones to fit into this new shape we created again perspective my path perspective to the nodes you'll see instead of giving us nodes for each square it just gives us one you just snap them on where they look good okay so now we've got ours perspective we can just delete this outer ring or you could keep it you know you could uh incorporate it into your design somehow it wasn't gonna but let's see let's make it nice and big and then we can just ctrl d to duplicate this so group it and then i'll flip it with this button here press control yeah probably looks better without the the outside without this on it i'll just go path object to path to finalize this that way when i do ungroup this it won't be a problem as in you know not taking on its shape okay so that's how you can do the perspective and how much or how little is is uh dependent on the shape that you draw okay so that is about it for the text perspective uh perspective and um distort in inkscape if you like the tutorial please do hit that like and subscribe thanks for watching
Channel: Ardent Designs
Views: 2,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inkscape tutorial, logo design tutorial, beginner inkscape tutorial, Inkscape 1.0 tutorial, Inkscape 1.0 tutorials, inkscape tutorial text effect perspective envelope, perspective text effect, envelope text effect, inkscape perspective, inkscape tutorial perspective, inkscape tutorial envelope
Id: eFyWR7edsp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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