Inkscape Logo Design: How to Make a Circle Logo Template | Curve Text | Create Pattern Fill

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i'm rick johansen and this is the iron echo design channel i want to start off with a thank you the last video i uploaded was the inkscape quick start guide and i got some nice notes of appreciation also some comments on things that we could have included it as well and i appreciate it across the board and that's what this channel is for is an open dialogue and helping each other with our inkscape and any type of design projects we're working on so enough theory today i want to go over the circle logo we'll make this type of template here now you might recognize this this is heavily inspired by one of the english premier league teams but i wanted to use it because if we follow along and recreate this there's some techniques and tricks i'll show you so you can you can make your own or modify it also i signed up to coach my son's kindergarten soccer and i put this in as a placeholder new england strikers the actual team name i will leave up to them to choose all right let's begin moving into some open space i brought the final logo down here so you can see where we are in the process and i'll have the color codes in the description below for the color palette that we're going to use also a friend of mine mentioned if you want to go very fast just screen capture the palette and bring it into your own project we're going to build this logo from the outside and work our way in so we'll grab the create circles and ellipsis tool if you hold shift and control together when you draw open the circle it'll stay nice and uniform you'll see my fill and stroke menu on the side by here populated if you don't see the menu it says paint brush thing in the corner i've got a yellow circle with what's called a black stroke now i could just eliminate the fill here the yellow by clicking on fill and xing out and then i could resize the stroke size to make it thicker but i don't want to do that because since i'm creating a template i want to have even more control so i can visually change the width of things on the fly and that is done with path effects so let's go back to put the fill back in there take the stroke off altogether so now i've got a big yellow circle but i'm going to be making this dark blue outer circle first i can choose eyedropper which will then take the selected object and change it to whatever color i click on so there's our blue i'm going to stamp out the inside so we have our ring and that's our first technique here so i'm going to go with the selector tool ctrl d will duplicate it so i have a blue circle and a blue circle to make it easier i'll change the top one to green holding shift and control i can then eyeball the width that i want so we'll start with that just to get things going if i hold shift i want to select both of them you need both objects selected which will allow you to do the path functions and the one that we want is up on path difference so that's stamped out the top object and we're left with this ring which is great but if i want to be able to manipulate it on the fly i'm going to add that path effect so with it selected go to path path effects and you'll get a tab up in your sidebar so click the plus and there's a whole menu of different things you can do for today we just want offset nothing happens you need to go to edit paths by node to get the functionality of offset so i click on edit paths by node and now with this little circle i can change the width to thin or thick on the fly and it retains this feature the whole time during the project so we can come back to this and change the width change the color it's always going to be there that's why i choose this method why don't we go with this width for now and next will be the little light blue circle so i'll do control d which duplicates it again you can't see it just yet eyedropper will go light blue same thing edit paths by node and if i choose see how it's kind of snapping if you have snapping enabled this is a great feature that helps you line things up but but for now i'm going to take it off so snapping is now off and it will let me move with more freedom on to the inner circle here i'll do control d again we'll duplicate it hold shift and control and it will size itself right in try about here change the color to the dark and if you choose you can go back to edit paths by node and you can widen that time to wrap some text around a circle we'll start with the top where it says new england so we'll bend it this way i choose to create edit text objects we write new england and for the font i'm on ariel which is something everybody should have on their computer bold is the style the size is 85 points and you can change the font if you want or the size but this will work well in here and i want to add some extra space in between the letters that's called kerning so the kerning if you're selected on your object or you have the edit text you'll have this up here this modification area and where it has an a a space between the letters let's change that to five you see how that expanded it a little bit that'll help fill up the space better speaking of space let's make some more room so i can show you how to bend the text without bunching up over here so i'm gonna make a new circle hold shift and control and for now the size doesn't matter because we can resize it once it's in place with the circle selected i'll hold shift and add the text the selection so both are now selected go up to text put on path and that makes your perfect arc based on the guide circle that we just made let's go put it back into place and see how the sizing looks off by a little bit and that's no problem i'm going to click off of everything when i move the guide circle it's going to move the words but don't worry about that so i move it over here so we can see what we're doing get your text put it into place and these are forever connected so if i hold shift and control to modify the circle it's going to move the text as well and now that i see it in place i like the spacing of the arc and the size of the font but i want to add a little bit more weight one way you can do that is go to if you have it selected go to stroke paint and activate the stroke now that was very subtle if i go to stroke size it's on point two six five millimeters it's got a point five millimeters if you have a font that you like that doesn't have a bold setting you can add bold yourself by doing this little trick all right let's do the bottom text now yeah i could just keep typing off of this circle but normally on logos it's not upside down on the bottom so we need a new guide circle i'll do control d and take the top one for this one because it's going to get put on the inside bottom it's going to get compacted so i'll make a larger guide circle and we can always change it later don't worry let's go to our font and write strikers for the bottom i will need some more width between the letters so i'll go to 25. let's go with this so i've got it here it doesn't have to be centered the text is selected i hold shift i got the guide circle text put on path so this is the same process we did but to get on the inside make sure they're both selected go to object flip vertical and there it is on the inside move it up here that's pretty close for a guess i'm still going to modify the guide circle so this guide circle is paired with that i'm going to click on it hold shift and control so it's nice and even i'll bring down this visual guide as well and then delete out that guide i like that but we didn't add the weight yet click on the bottom text go to stroke add the stroke stroke style i think was 0.5 okay off camera i changed the color of the text and if you did add width like i did to the text just make sure you change the color of the stroke as well i think this looks good visually but if i want to be very very precise like if this was for a client or something i'm going to use the align and distribute menu which is this thing here this bar graph click on that and we'll choose a line relative to last selected so the first selected is my strikers i'll hold shift and the last selected will be this inner circle which i know is perfectly aligned and this one right here is center on a vertical axis it lines it up so it was off center a little bit for this logo i'm going to do the shield with the stripes and the soccer ball but i might save it right here as a template that i can use as a starting point when i'm making circle logos because i've already got my inner outer text as an example you could just retype ocean avid i wouldn't have a new i think it went to school on ocean avenue dolphins ctrl z to delete out of that back to the task at hand before we do the shield i'm going to make the circle that's underneath it so i'll grab circle change the fill to that light blue i see a stroke which i don't want so i choose stroke x out of that put it in visually and then i'll use the line and distribute menu to make it perfect circle selected ring selected vertical horizontal all right let's do the shield now i move down to some open space so we can build here and there's a special tool at the bottom of the toolbar it's called do geometric constructions we're going to use first we'll get a rectangle open to make the shortcut work i need to change this to a path so path object to path i'll go to do geometric constructions and up here this one looks like a fish cut in half it's called mirror symmetry click there and it's going to double your shape and if you go to edit paths by nodes let's move over so we can see it whatever you do to one side is mirrored on the other which is perfect for making things like shields that have to have a uniform curve on both sides move it around so it looks decent and if you take this node right here and delete that you'll get a curve and the handles will allow you to modify the proportions the way you like it let's bring it over onto our logo make it a little taller the symmetry tool is still there so i can go back to edit paths by node and make changes that way as well i think that looks okay now i do want to lock this into one unified object to do that i'll click on it go to path union i'm actually going to make that the blue outline borders let's change this to blue i'll duplicate that and i'll shrink it in let's change the top one to the gold and using the regular handles i'll just hold shift and control which keeps it in proportion i'll bring that in one more time duplicate that change that one to the white scale that down and we have our interior shield which i have to cut in half a lot of different ways you can slice things up a quick and easy one get the bezier pen tool to make a straight line or at least lock in a straight line i'll hold ctrl i click it once double click and i've got a blank line because my stroke is off fix that now you can see it hold shift and add the shield so both items are selected go to path division it's going to cut that in half take the top one bring that up take the bottom one bring that down all right this brings us to the part of the tutorial i was looking forward to most because i want to show you how to make a custom pattern this bottom part right here we know how to change the fill to different colors or even gradients but this right here this says pattern there's preset patterns in here which can do some cool things but i want to show you how to make your own on the fly so let's change it back to white for now i'm going to make the stripes with the rectangle tool let's make one bar here ctrl d i'll duplicate that here's an example where you do want snapping i disabled it earlier but if i re-enable snapping see how it just clicks into place that's what i want i'll go to make that one light i'll group the two of them ctrl d that'll snap into place ctrl d and there's my pattern if i group this together i now have this object and if i go to object pattern object to pattern it now just created here see my pattern fill populated pattern one one six nine seven well how do we use that so i click on this i go to my pattern one one six one seven but it's not exactly the way i want it blah blah blah blah use the no tool if you you if you click on the node tool like it says nothing happens and you're gonna wonder what's up at least for my inkscape i don't know if it's a glitch i gotta zoom way out there it is you're looking for the x the circle and the square these are the editing tools that need to be on top of your pattern so let's zoom back in what i did right there is i took the black x that was way out in left field and brought it into on top of the shield because that's our pivot point this circle it goes along with the editing of the pattern you can change the direction of the pattern and the square down here is the scale so if i bring it in you'll see my stripes come closer together and with my red circle i pivot you have complete control so it's pretty cool you can build your own pattern on the fly and let's say i want to move the actual stripes inside the shape there's where you can take the black x again and move it around maybe make it a little more angled that's good ready to see inkscape flex its muscles remember inkscape at its core is software that runs basically math and algorithms to create all these different vectors and shapes for us they have under extensions something called render 3d polyhedron click on that and you'll get a menu box and under model file they have cube snub cube tetrahedron all these really common terms including soccer ball but it's actually pronounced truncated icosahedron truncated icosahedron i had to look it up it's basically a geometric shape that has 12 pentagons and then 20 hexagons it looks a lot like a soccer ball now there's lots of modifications you can do i just kept it at the default so with the default if i do live preview it actually comes off screen i'm just going to go with the ply close let's go find it here it is it looks like a soccer ball to me now if you want to go for realism and keep the shading or even round out the perimeter you can play with it and use the edit paths by node but i'm going to go for more of a geometric look so first let's modify the seams here so i'll go to stroke for the width we'll try 2.0 and we'll change the color to white i'm going to have a white background behind all of this at the end let's change the whole thing's fill to the darker and i'll just do the top part to have a slight value change i'll double click to get a piece of it and i'll hold shift to collect the other panels that i want and we'll do eyedropper or the lighter one group the whole thing together by clicking into no man's land control g size it down i'm going to keep it in the top panel and that will do it just for a final touch if you're gonna print this out or use it someplace i would drop a opaque white circle behind everything so it prints out properly right now there is some transparency there but that is our circle logo template i can use this again you can use this if you made it along if you have questions leave them down below and thanks truncated icosahedron [Music]
Channel: IronEcho Design
Views: 1,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rick Johanson, truncated, icosahedron, soccer, football, circle, logo
Id: a0XYJP88DJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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