Inkscape for Beginners: Photographic Text Effect

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this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create some photographic style text with part of the image looking like it's coming out of the text using Inkscape and at any point in this tutorial you could look down at the bottom left hand side of my screen to see which mouse clicks and keystrokes I'm using so I'll minimize this and we'll get started the first thing we're going to do in Inkscape is set the view we'll set the view to custom we'll make sure we're zoomed in at a hundred percent and then we'll open up our align and distribute menu and then we'll open up our edit objects colors gradients and Stroke menu so the first thing I'm going to do is import the image I want to use and I provided a link in the description to this particular image if you'd like to follow along with this tutorial so how I'm going to import it is I'm just going to reduce the size of the Inkscape window and then I'm going to take the image this hot air balloons image and I'm sure to click and drag that into Inkscape and make sure you have embed checked and go ahead and click OK and I'll maximize this window and here we have our image so what I'm going to do is I'm going to actually duplicate this image I'm just going to make a duplicate copy right on top of it so I'll just right-click that and go to duplicate and you'll see we have two copies of that image there now so what I'll do now is I'm going to create some text I'll grab the text tool and I'm just going to write text in all caps and the font I'm going to use is called Montserrat and I'll have a link to that in the description when you do this you want to make sure you use a really bold heavyweight font in order for the image to show through if you use a really thin font like that you won't see much of the image and it won't look right so that's why I recommend using Montserrat for that font so I'm just going to open up the text editor Medwin window and I'm going to find that font Mont surrett here it is right here Montserrat and I'll make I'll use the heavy I'll click on heavy and then click apply and close out of that and you'll see that's a pretty good that's a pretty good thickness of a font to you so let me go back to the Select tool I'm going to put this text on top the image here and I'm going to hold ctrl and shift and grab this arrow and just pull this out to enlarge this and let me drop the opacity of this in half so I can see the image through it and I'm going to position this text right about here where the the hot air balloon is will be coming out of the X I'm actually going to make this a little larger right about there I want the hot-air balloon coming out of the letter X but at the same time I want this hot-air balloon to be included in the image so what I'll do is I'll right-click on this text and go to duplicate and then I'll hold shift on the keyboard and click on the image and with them both select it I'll go to object clip set and then I'll raise that to the top with this button up here and you can't really see it but what happened was the clip set function took that image and shaped it into the shape of that text so let me undo that and put that back what I want to do now is select the black copy of the text beneath this so I'll hold alt and I'll click on that text and you may not be able to see it on my screen but you'll see the little black lines under there I want to select that text and you'll know you have it selected when you see the black stripe in the bottom left hand corner here and I'm going to bring the opacity of that all the way up and I'll turn that white and I'll come over to the stroke paint tab and I'll click the blue button to turn that on I want to give that an outline otherwise known as a stroke and I'm going to make that white under the HSL tab we'll just slide the El column all the way to the right and now you can see a little bit of a white outline coming through I'm going to come over to the stroke style tab and I'm gonna make this a lot thicker I'm gonna go with 25 hit enter and then I'll give that a rounded corner around to join maybe I'll make that a little smaller I don't need that that thick and the reason I'm doing this I'm just I'm just using this to be an outline around the text this is not part of the actual making the image part of the text part I'm just using I'm just adding a white outline as a decorative effect I'm just gonna make that a little smaller maybe I'll try 22 alright that's pretty good and what I'll do now is I'm going to click off of that to deselect everything and I want it with this second copy of the image I want to grab that part of the hot-air balloon right there so to do that I'm going to zoom over this hot-air balloon I'll grab the zoom the magnifying glass and just click and drag over that to zoom in and then I'll grab the Bezier pen which is right here or you could press B on the keyboard to grab that and I'm going to start this point going I'm going to start this going inside of the letter X right at the edge of the balloon right here I'll just click right there and I'll bring that line up until right about here where it's kind of almost like a corner right there I'll click on that and then I'll come up here to this corner and click and come up here click come up there click and then at this corner and then at this corner and then right here and then I'll bring this line to the right edge of the balloon within the letter X right there and click and then I'll bring this back to the starting point connect it back together and what I want to do is just so I can see this line a little better I'm going to turn that line green so I'll hold shift and click on the letter green actually now let me try blue hold shift click blue okay that stands out better and I'm going to make that stroke a little thinner I'll go with maybe 0.3 just like that so I'm going to zoom in a little bit you could hold ctrl and roll up and down the mouse wheel to zoom in and out or you could use the plus and minus keys on your keyboard and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to grab the edit pads by nodes tool and I'm just going to click and drag these lines and make them take the form of the hot air balloon kind of like that and I'm just going to do this quickly so I don't waste too much time with the tutorial with this tutorial if you want you could put a little more time into making sure it's cropped out a little more nicer click on this node and move that handle come over here and you could press down on the mouse wheel and move the mouse to pan the page around I'll take this line and bring that up click on that node and grab this handle and pull that out a little bit we want to make these lines take the shape of the hot-air balloon do the same thing right here move that out and then finally we'll do the same thing right here move that out let me take this line take this handle pull out a little bit and then this handle move that over a little bit pull this out to about here that's good and then I'll press one on the keyboard to zoom back out to a hundred percent and then we'll go back to the Select tool and with that shape selected I'm going to hold shift in the keyboard and click on the image and with them both select it I'll go to object clip set and then I'm going to raise that to the top above that white outline by clicking this button that says raise selection to the top just like that and now we're almost done but we can't quite see the white outline going around the text so I'm going to put a shadow beneath it so I'm going to click on that white outline there we go you'll know you have it selected when you see down here in the bottom left corner when you see these two white bars down there if you don't see that that means you have this layer selected you don't want that one selected so make sure you grab that one and with that selected I'll go to edit and duplicate and I'm going to turn that black and then come over to the stroke style the stroke paint tab and I'll make that black as well by bringing the El column all the way to the left and then I'm going to send that to the bottom and I'll come up here to the y-axis and I'm just going to press down on that a few times just to move that down a little bit maybe about that much and then we can give that a little bit of a blur we'll come over to the blur and blur that a little bit that's a little too much maybe a go with one point two hit enter still a little much let me try one point seven alright that's good enough so and I'll just drop the opacity of that a little bit so it's not so it's not so harsh that looks pretty good and if you want you could even go to the rectangles tool and just click and drag over that and create a rectangle going over the whole thing go back to the Select tool bring the opacity all the way up turn that whatever color you'd like I'll just use red for this example and then lower that to the bottom and use that as kind of like a backdrop or what I did for the thumbnail here is I made that yellow and I gave that a radial gradient by clicking on actually no we go to the fill tab and then click on the radial gradient and press G on the keyboard to get the gradient tool like on this note up top here and I'll take this H column and slide that to the little to the left just to give that a bit of a gradient then we go back to the Select tool and that's pretty much it that's how you can make some photographic style text using Inkscape so if you have any questions let me know and as always thank you for watching
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 100,230
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Keywords: inkscape, learn inkscape, inkscape tutorial, inkscape logo, inkscape logo design tutorial, inkscape for beginners
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2016
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