Inkscape 3D Paper Cut Out Depth Effect: How to Create Inner Drop Shadow + Layers Tutorial

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I'm Rick Johansen and this is iron Echo design I want to show you in this inkscape tutorial how you can make this paper depth effect this 3D cutout effect I'll show you how to make this quickly with the drop shadow settings and if you haven't used the layers and objects menu yet we'll go into the basics there I also want to say thanks to everyone for your comments and all the people that share their feedback on the last video that's the longest one I've ever done if you're new to inkscape this is 50 minutes of how to get started using inkscape from day one I walk you through all the toolbars the basic tools settings and techniques that you need to know so you can get started creating rather than just staring at the screen and today's tutorial most certainly builds off the fundamentals from this video and it's free it's on this channel check it out let's get started here I'm going to open up a new inkscape canvas here we go let's all get on the same page literally go to file document properties and the pop-up menu I'm under format A4 that's just the a template for the page here I'll click over to landscape orientation and close out a shortcut to Center up the page is this icon right here this magnifying glass with a rectangle or just push number five and there we go this technique will work on any size page in canvas but if you want to follow along it's easier if we're all in the same ratio go ahead and grab your stars and polygons tool up in the control area I have it set to Star rather than polygon Corners five spoke ratio 0.5 rounded zero random zero I'll drag open my star if yours doesn't look like this and you have the same settings or if it's way off for any reason this arrow with an X hit that that will bring it back to the default if you want to change the color that's going to be found under the fill and stroke menu object fill and stroke I'm on the fill tab with flat color selected why don't we make it lighter something like a gray blue the stroke tab I have off so there's no stroke stroke on hit X stroke off now I'm going to show you the fast way to do this with my star selected I will do Ctrl D that's going to duplicate it and for the sake of clarity I'm going to change the new star that's directly on top of the bottom one to something light holding shift and control I can grab a handle and bring it in to wherever you please with the new one I'll do control D that duplicates this gray one we'll go back to a darker shift and control bring it down again the colors don't matter at all at this point I'm just doing it so you can see different Stars Ctrl D duplicates it make that one lighter bring it down for this one I'll hit it again so I get my turn handles because in experimenting it did look better if things aren't uniform that's why I don't care about getting precise spacing because I don't want it to be perfect I'll do one more Ctrl D that goes back to dark shifting control maybe spin this that way that's enough layers for this exercise but I want to save the bottom 1 Ctrl D I'll take it aside opacity isn't full just to be safe I want to make this whole thing full opacity okay save this one for later and I think I'll save the top one for later all right here's the effect it's very simple to do I'm doing it all at once I'll grab everything and you want to go to filters shadows and glows drop shadow it's a simple menu you have options and blur color for options I have the blur radius set to 1.4 and you can't see anything yet because I haven't clicked live preview horizontal offset and vertical offset put it to zero to begin because it's a good habit to zero it out you'll see if you play around with the settings you use for one project won't actually look right for another one so bring it to zero Shadow type today we want inner cut out live preview there it is so that's pretty good right there we can let me show you how it works if you do want to change vertical offset or horizontal offset the vertical offset is if you want to imagine a light source pushing the light and the shadow longer in One Direction let's go to 1.4 I think I had it see that it looks like if the light source is above it it's slightly more towards the top I could turn this around after but I can do also negative 1.4 now I have it on the bottom and horizontal should we try just regular 0.4 that's good I keep seeing on Instagram people talk about the new drop shadow should actually be based on the color of the object if you click over to the blur color tab it lets you do that actually if I hit use objects color they were all blue now it makes the drop shadow blue but not today if it looks good to you hit apply close out of it it's looking pretty good already but let me show you how to work with this now so you can change the colors and things to make it more manageable I'm going to grab all of them Ctrl G to group it and let's throw a touch of blur at the very bottom here of the fill and stroke menu for blur you can drag the slider or you can punch in a number 3.0 we can use the parts we saved to make the descending paper layers have color when you're on the selector tool you have your hierarchy buttons up here I'm taking that saved star and putting it on the bottom lighten it up and our other save star will be the base to make that part white I'm dragging it freehand if you go to this magnet thing in the corner for inkscape 1.2 that's snapping when I enable snapping it will do a better job for me right there if you see that it clicked itself in to this node right there or it might click into the center point wherever you want is fine this one I'll make white drop that down to the bottom up one step there we go now here's where the layers and objects menu can come in handy if I start clicking around randomly I'm not sure what I'm going to be grabbing the group of Shadows this is the base layer there are tricks if you hold alt you can keep clicking on things beneath the top layers and if you hold all you can bring that layer out there's that white star from the bottom but then it gets a bit messy go up to object layers and objects if you're coming to inkscape from a different program like Photoshop you're probably very used to having the layers open all the time it's pretty intuitive the highlighted blue here shows I have a star shape which is convenient path 10115 I can toggle the eyeball open and close to see that is definitely the white star you can click on it and change it we'll call it base star that tells me that this other star path is the blue one we'll rename that one the blue one so where's the Shadows well that's the G the G stands for group if I hit this Delta I can see the parts there's the bottom Shadow each layer when I was setting up this tutorial I was doing each layer one at a time and this whole thing was filled up with duplicates and copies and I found it this is much simpler quicker and efficient plus it lets you pick things with ease I'll take the blue one I'll duplicate that let's change it green for now because I'm going to use it as a clipping shape I want to make the surface area of this page a little bit darker than white so it shows more depth maybe we'll throw a gradient on there and I can do that by making a rectangle for now it could be gray drop that down one step and I'll knock out the star shape from the gray rectangle by selecting both of them going to path difference there you go I have the rectangle selected back to fill and stroke let's throw a gradient on it it's hard to see the gradient when it's actually in white let's make it blue you can adjust the gradient from this new slider bar or go to the edit gradients tool one side of the gradient here this is the blue side and the default takes your gradient to transparent which actually isn't as good as we want I can click this circle or this end down here a stands for Alpha we'll make that opaque when you're on the edit gradient tool you can grab either one and change the direction that looks cool how about that let's do that I also want to show you how you can put something at the bottom down here like that red ball the way you do that is with a clip group I'm going to go into the layers and objects and choose bass Star right click go to set clip group I see the scissors in the folder here and a good practice is to do right click again and enter group you'll see the blue bar gets slightly darker which means you're inside the group I'll go to circles and ellipses tool holding Ctrl I can draw open a perfect circle and there it goes right in the clip group when I go back to selector I see it highlighted but remember you have to hold alt to make sure you grab it and see how it goes underneath you can let go of all once you're holding it and there it goes you can bounce your ball around anywhere you want you can put anything in the clip group let's do something else we'll do enter clip group drag in this mystery object and let's see what it is why don't we end here thanks for watching if you have questions or comments let me know and see you next time [Music]
Channel: IronEcho Design
Views: 8,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rick Johanson, Inkscape, IronEcho, 3D, Paper, cut out, drop shadow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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