Ingraham: The Biden who stole Christmas ... and everything else

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i'm laura ingram this is the ingram angle from washington tonight our interview with a loudoun county virginia father last night over what he alleged happened to his daughter in a bathroom forced the school system to respond today we're going to bring you that update plus you'll hear from the parents who were there with unique insight and a massive media cover-up involving a supreme court justice and why is kamala twisting history for native peoples of course it's raymond arroyo he has it in scene and unseen but first the biden who stole christmas that's the focus of tonight's angle [Music] and with the holidays coming up you might be wondering if gifts you plan to buy will arrive on time well let me explain supply chains essentially mean how we make things and how the material and parts get delivered to factory a factory so we can manufacture things and manufacture them here how we move things how a finished product moves from a factory to a store to your home oh hi um thank the good lord that we have joe biden as president to state the obvious doesn't this sound like a seventh grade book report explaining what a supply chain and he offered a simple solution by the way what if we strongly encourage the ports and companies to operate 24 7. the night hours are critical for increasing the movement of goods because highways highways are less crowded than eve at night so by increasing the number of late night hours of operation and opening up for less crowded hours when the goods can move faster today's announcement has the potential to be a game changer wait a second is he saying and i guess the roads are less crowded in the middle of the night you're kidding me who knew the truth is though strongly encouraging 24 7 operations it doesn't help when they don't have the workers to physically move the freight from one container to the other container now one terminal that did allow for overnight working from 3 a.m to 7 a.m reports that it still had zero deliveries even it did go into the wee hours of the morning well guess what you pay people to stay off the job and shocker they'll stay off the job it's funny how that works now combine all this with soaring inflation and you really have a total mess on your hands well couldn't say the angle didn't try to warn you back in may last week after that abysmal jobs report biden tried to tell us that the economy remember was going in the right direction well now that narrative has totally been blown up today's inflation number shows us just how wrong biden was and we obviously didn't need a stimulus package earlier in the year if you don't want to listen to the angle well listen to democrat economist larry summers there is a fiscal theory that looks at the ultimate consequences of deficits that is flashing a a red a red alarm if you look at houses if you look at used cars if you look at commodities if you look at labor shortages if you look at businesses reporting uh price increases signs are of inflation uh starting to break out why does janet yellen still have her job and sure enough biden's people were wrong yelling on down the inflation that they saw that they said was transitory wasn't and we learned today that year-over-year price inflation in september was the highest it's been since january 1991. okay i graduated from law school in 1991 that was a long time ago gas is now up 42 percent steak 22 egg prices rose nearly 13 don't you wish you kept that old clunker by the way used car prices jumped 24 so the prediction from biden's own team when seeing all this in its totality is that heating bills will rise 54 this winter and their answer by the way is to double down on climate change programs and government spending that will only drive these prices higher and even if your grandmother risks i don't know dying of hypothermia joe says this is no time to be short-sighted we need to take a longer view though that invest in building greater resilience to withstand the kinds of shocks we've seen over and over year in and year out whether it's the pandemic extreme weather climate change it also means companies throughout the supply chain like maritime air freight and trucking companies reduce their carbon emissions and help to meet our climate change goals translation if they pass this massive spendo rama their friends are going to get fat contracts to produce green products in china that ultimately no one really wants here even as china will continue to burn coal and ultimately build and grow its economy get richer meanwhile what about those christmas gifts based on everything being announced today yeah can this administration guarantee that holiday packages will arrive on time we are not the postal service or ups or fedex we cannot guarantee no guarantees in life the grinch has nothing on these people the fact is the bidet administration has broken our economy and now they plan to make things worse by ramming through trillions more in spending and get this the feds took in record amount in tax revenues last fiscal year but now they want to raise your taxes because the monster always has to be fed they took in four trillion dollars unfortunately for the rest of us though the press refuses to report and chooses instead to distort today cnn clung desperately to some polling data that they think shows signs of hope for biden the president's standing is a bit stronger than some other recent polling suggests 50 percent in our brand new poll releasing right now approve 49 disapproved so an even split in our polarized times the biden white house would say you'd like to be a little better but that's not so bad not so bad except for this teeny tiny little detail only 25 percent one in four think if the democrats pass this big bill it's going to make my life better from day to day only 25 think that a third say i'd be worse off 43 say about the same president has to do a better job selling how this would impact your life sell sand in the desert what a pathetic and lazy analysis of this situation biden's problem isn't his lame messaging biden's problem is his ideas will only make life harder for the average american it's a substantive problem biden's trying to use the coming christmas shortage as justification for passing an infrastructure bill but the truth is exactly the opposite because the inflation situation is so severe we cannot afford to be dumping trillions of dollars in new federal spending into an overstimulated market where the workers going to come from where the supply is going to come from if you start pumping more money into this economy right now all you're going to create is a demand spike that will cause prices to spiral and shortages will ultimately get worse biden's team of nincompoops have it exactly wrong first you have to get inflation under control then and only then could you maybe start thinking about increased spending for now inflation not infrastructure has to be the priority we're going to go right off the cliff republicans who voted for it you got to turn around now all 19 of you now we saw the same dynamic at play for biden with the afghanistan withdrawal now the basic goal getting out of afghanistan did make sense but they approached it of course in the most idiotic manner and here it may make sense to build more infrastructure later on but trying to spend enormous amounts of new federal money at a time of soaring inflation will be a catastrophe for us biden and the democrats are going to be stealing our children's future just like the grinch in the middle of the night slithering around those presents taking everything in sight and unlike the cartoon biden won't see the folly of his ways or have a change of heart in the end and that's the angle hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
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Keywords: fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news ingraham angle, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, ingraham, ingraham angle, ingraham angle monologue, ingraham angle tonight, ingraham tonight, laura ingraham, laura ingraham angle, laura ingraham monologue, laura ingraham tonight, thats the angle, the angle, the ingraham angle, the grinch, christmas, the grinch who stole christmas, joe biden ingraham, fox news biden, ingraham radical left, economy fox news
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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