Inglourious Basterds - First Time Watching | Movie Review & React | Back at it with more WW2

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hey everybody welcome to cinebench my name is simone and this is george and this is where we watch films and television and fun things that we like to do and then we record ourselves and share it online yes for the uh approval of uh people on the internet strangers on the internet exactly to fill that forever void uh need of uh validation oh god too dark okay but but speaking of fun things that we like to do we are going to uh start another new series on top of the ongoing ones um where it is simone playing games for the first time because she got her first ever gaming pc and that's very exciting boy oh boy yeah come and come and watch watch uh watch her play and try out all these games and make suggestions yeah so cool okay but we are back today watching uh that's created exactly yeah that we we tried to film and got pushed back due to life due to various things but we're finally here doing it and that is glorious bastards yeah okay i have a question it's spelt with an e instead of an a right right i don't actually know i uh this movie i saw it once on a flight okay it was odd odd film to have on a flight but i didn't really dig that deep into it so i have some memories of it but it's brand new to you yes yeah that's interesting that it was on a flight though i feel like tarantino is like doesn't he like swear a lot and do not him his films like he swears a lot and and things like okay so i i think in the past both both you and i have this memory when we were like maybe much younger flying and they would have like these films on the flight that's been modified and have tells you warning of all these things but recently at least within the last two three years i've noticed that um they don't hide them anymore i've even seen in-flight movies that just have full nudity that's not even blurred out wow yeah i mean i i didn't i don't fly a lot i didn't file that when i was little and i don't i can count on one hand the amount of times i've been on the plane that's a lie i can count on two hands but just two hands yeah okay so yeah i think uh i think it's changed now but yeah so um i have no idea why it's spelled that way maybe it's just different language anyway i just noticed it and i was like hey that's yeah that's people will tell us i'm sure yeah tell us please tell us tell us um okay so i don't want to say anything about this film to you right yeah going in blind yeah we're just gonna do it blind because although i do know that it's another war movie right yeah is that it or is there any other information that you oh and i know that brad brad pitt is in it well yeah he's on the cover so yeah very very prominent on the cover yeah yeah so okay cool yeah that's about it um and tarantino so right yeah so i guess actually i think we should just watch this before life you know yes before something happens and we have to yeah okay that sounds good okay i'm just ready ready ready oh oh but before we start um i just wanted to remind everyone out there that if you so choose uh go check out our patreon because we're we're on there yay and um and uh we would uh love your support to help us keep doing this absolutely yeah cool okay let's uh start the film okie dokes [Music] the this is like for elise right like the piano the song it's like furly slashed slash western yeah but that first that first like pullback of the cur the sheet or whatever hanging yeah and the piano like even though it's such a beautiful song it sounds so ominous it was just there's something really odd about being held by the wrist like that for for that long i didn't like that at all i have no way of knowing if you are familiar with who i am four jewish families in this area old dairy farmers like yourself those pages like that list after seeing schindler's list you can't look at lists like that with characters like this and it just it's different now 18 or 19. i'm not really sure oh why does he love milk so much did you call you the johansen precisely the jew hunter oh god that is humongous pipe uh i think it's a sherlock holmes pipe the reward will be your family will cease to be harassed in any way by the german military doing the rest of our occupation of your country you're sheltering enemies of the state are you not yes since i haven't heard any disturbance i assume while they're listening they don't speak english [Music] oh god oh my god she's like covered in blood and i need me eight soldiers hey he had his throat slit oh how do you survive something like that each and every man under my command owes me 100 nancy scallops and i want my scouts 99999999 just like a whiny little child oh okay there are the scouts good became american got drafted come back to give you all what fur what fur is really funny [Music] [Laughter] oh oh oh jesus oh god oh god if you ever want to eat a sauerkraut sandwich again i love his accent that's pretty good what fur saanich san [Music] ishia this movie is weird because you like i don't like seeing anyone get hurt but yeah then they just yeah like it's it's you're so torn oh my god this is hilarious the camera yeah just how fast it is compared to the previous guy oh my god yeah everything was like like slow on his face and then slow to in the cave where that guy came out and it was so like oh my god so i just learned that porqua means why not not y four or whatever oh my god is this yes oh my god okay i don't know i mean like i feel like if i was her right and finding out he's a war hero would repel me even more 100 yeah he's an occupying force in my country yeah in my home what why though i think it was literally just her imagining like oh okay how a translator got a seat at this table you know right that's that's how we both feel i think her face oh my god you notice i just noticed that the the outside of the restaurant is completely silent there's no more sound of the background are you oh with german cinema under the third reich what film sir the motion picture's called nation's pride do you think that's a real film i i don't know i would imagine there's plenty of films made called nation's pride especially during war eras right where is he done in his club okay so there's something going on like they're planning something with the movie theater but then shoshanna is planning something else at the movie theater exactly she wants to burn it down and these guys have a different plan already which is the same plan to blow it up oh my god and she started saying the the f whatever the fuhrer yeah um so he's he'll be at the movie is what i think she was gonna say right seems like it yeah which means that they'll get to wait there's a different guy sitting in a corner reading a book [ __ ] an actual officer but this is like he's got a hat and he's got the whole like yeah he's a he's a proper high ranking oh god um i'm sorry what what what happened did i miss something maybe he never believed them to begin with he just wanted to get them drunk and then he refused to drink right so yeah you just kind of now about this pickle stick this see how peter's into your nazi boss oh is there anybody alive on our side no i'm alive you got guns on us you decide to shoot we're dead up top they got grenades they dropping down here you're dead that's a mexican standoff and that was not the deal no trust no deal just take that [ __ ] freighter and get her out of my sight oh [ __ ] i didn't think it would be her yeah we got word for that kind of art in english it's called suspicious oh needs to calm down you're letting your imagination get the better of you oh you met the sergeant yourself he ordered three glasses we ordered three glasses oh that's the german street oh [ __ ] well that was oh my god god stupid okay that's a really cool shot though in berkshire [Laughter] his reaction is so over the top though [Laughter] bonjourno oh [ __ ] he speaks italian grazie margaret dominic de coco dominic de coco bravo the guy who knows the least amount of italian at all yeah pronounces the name correctly um oh oh god somebody come in somebody come in somebody hear the noise yeah please oh my god the calendar isn't smoking oh my god all i have to do is pick up this phone right here inform the cinema and your plans cupboard but you won't get hitler you won't get gobbles you won't get girling and you won't get bombing and you need all four to end the war gentlemen let's discuss the prospect of ending the war tonight oh he's jumping ship i'm sure this mission of yours has a commanding officer a general oh that's a bingo oh what a weird weird man but how good is he though he's so good oh my god christophel is so amazing that's a crazy i shot he was going to go out the front door and see that the doors were locked but he's just going to see her oh he can just [ __ ] right off okay good for her yes [Music] what the [ __ ] fits through germany i have a message for germany oh holy [ __ ] oh my god i mean that's pretty badass though yep oh my god oh oh my god oh it's like yeah oh my god okay oh oh my god okay that shot of her projection on the smoke was so [ __ ] cool that was badass oh my god officially surrendering myself over to you lieutenant green i'm a slave to appearances scalp permanent oh [ __ ] i was like if he gets his knife back i was like oh he's gonna mark him but i didn't know he was gonna i mean by my way you wear a goddamn uniform for the rest of your pecker sucking alive i'm gonna give you something you can't take off all right oh seen it though seeing it that's something else oh god no oh wow that's some good [ __ ] makeup holy [ __ ] that's good that's well done oh i'm so mute i which this just might be my masterpiece [Music] oh my god [Music] that was awesome you know what that's probably like a much better punishment for for landa for hans landa um because like yeah if you shot him then it's over yeah yeah no but this was like there's no hiding this yes and and that's i think why i was so pissed off that they not that they made the deal because like he said it's a good damn deal but but like um i was mad that he was gonna get away with like all the [ __ ] that he did right right yeah but now he can never exactly yeah yeah he can't he may be able to live uh in absolute isolation well listen okay here's the thing i this movie was great but i'm sad that that shashana died but i know it was like it was for like that yeah like i think you had it right like she she said goodbye and she yeah they meant to to end like yeah but i'm a sucker for happy endings i mean this this was this ending was great i love this so much but i want every everyone good to be okay you know which is not yeah i know um not realistic in movies her dying right before her plan going off made that you know that that shot of her in the smoke that much more uh more powerful yeah and it was oh my god that whole thing was so amazing and that shot of of marcel like in front of or behind the screen in front of the pile of film was like so [ __ ] epic oh my god and then tossing the cigarette yeah yeah the cigarette was i mean yeah that's that's classic but i was like is that going to be enough is that going to be yeah yeah nitrates extremely flammable that's what they said so yeah oh my god um i'm curious as though why donnie and omar had to die like why was it the suicide plan for them you know i don't know if it was but when they were like that that group like the the inglorious bastards were so hardcore and i feel like when they walked in they were like looking at all of like the people and like i don't know i think at the end there when they were just shooting everybody i think that's like what they felt like they needed to do right yeah i suppose i don't think it was i don't think it was a plan to to stay in there right right right but he just couldn't let go kept shooting at the body yeah yeah yeah makes sense that was crazy i suppose in a human way also is that what if you've done or any person has done what they've done right to that extreme um once the war is over you can't really return back to normal life there is no normal life afterwards isn't there so well i mean like it's it i don't know i it feels like they like some of like for example for uh for donnie has gone so extreme that this might be it yeah yeah it's hard to it's hard to say because yeah i don't i've never been in a war so i'd hopefully you never have to i'm just gonna knock on wood real quick here let's let's i mean look despicable character but let's talk about how great uh uh christophe waltz is his performance so great he had these like even from the very beginning he had this like comical way of saying things and he's so outrageous sometimes but also so like disturbing quiet yeah yeah quiet and disturbing but then he has his outburst like that [ __ ] bingo line like what the [ __ ] oh my god he's just he's outrageous right but it's it's it like it it suits so well i feel like because you you just can't predict what he's do what he's going to do he's so unpredictable that his his random lashes of outrageous uh comedic moments and suddenly going to like silence horrifying creepy and then suddenly going to like oh my god he's just reading your mind he's like hannibal lecter level of yeah you know playing with your brain oh my god back and forth and back and forth look people watching on youtube won't know this but i'm pretty sure when i go back to edit this during the entire film every scene nearly every scene when christopher was on screen giving like long speeches long uh monologues yeah both of us were just silent oh it's true it's hard to you can't talk during yeah yeah they're just even when he was just doing like exposition or like he was just you know it's adding flavor to the scene usually at least for for at least for me in the past with other films those moments are like sometimes the best moments to do any talking that we have to do to to have content sure sure but i just i didn't want to i just want to listen to him well yeah i mean this is the the these quiet moments aren't quiet yeah you know yeah exactly yeah isn't this character just amazing amazing amazing amazing so amazing oh the movie is calling glorious browsers and it's it's about the bastards in their plan and everything but he completely stole the show totally oh my god it's weird saying it but i will watch a movie with just him even as as this ss character because the performance is so great yeah for sure let's talk about brad pitt hilarious yeah the accent yeah the accent the face yeah oh my god just constantly like squinting his eyes and protruding his body his lower lip and jaw yeah cool that's not easy to do the mannerism yeah yeah it was really great it would be really tiring yeah yeah and then his italian scenes oh my god that was so outrageous it's like he he was obviously not not the one to be number one with the with the thing like that yeah no jordan oh my god too much yeah oh god and like just the way yeah things transpired with with the the actress and that whole that was pretty brutal uh uh hammers hammersmark hammersmart hammer start hammers diane krueger yeah yeah yeah oh my god yeah that that uh the basement seemed baffled both of both of us eh we didn't uh we didn't oh yeah so what was like he he um he did this fingers yeah instead of this yeah and no germans do this but yeah and then and then you do this i'm do well i can't see what you're doing but i do i do the pinky uh ring finger and middle finger yeah yeah that's what i do uh three three yeah exactly yeah this the the thumb and the index and the middle finger is very unnatural to me to do three yeah i think i would probably do the british one anyway oh my god that was so great alrighty such a good well yeah i mean i recommend us what uh what other um tarantino films we should watch next yeah yeah yeah let's have a tarantino marathon all right well i guess that wraps up this episode of cinebench thanks everybody for tuning in and as always if you liked the video give it a like that'd be cool if you want to subscribe to our channel if you you want to do that too that's yeah i i yeah you shouldn't you should definitely subscribe yeah we're on patreon and the link is right here and also in the description box below and so you can go check us out on there as well and yeah yeah come join us there and you will have access to the entire archive um as well as getting all the videos way ahead of time way earlier than everybody else and most importantly you will get to vote on what we watch next and pretty much soon what simone plays next um for first time playing so that's going to be cool boy oh boy oh boy lots of stuff yep and uh speaking of which our patreon uh we would like to thank the following patrons so i'm going to rattle off some names and i'm going to butcher terribly so bear with me as of the day of filming yes as of the day of filming so uh kev john karen beggies avulu jose esidro karen uh sorry kage uzumaki uh tali huber sedano stephen offenberger jimmy caleb harvey travis stars dan mcdevitt emmy bradley esto stewart uh rio ciro's rb games 37 bob barker uh patrick rainder mimsie pink king potarisi abridged goku mario alexander hey would you follow me andrea giessen uh ted funky says katie cleaver henry brianna jonathan vellum pardon nation marcus elsner dario fontana emil abbas brian amika joku and kenneth jones awesome thanks everybody thank you all we'll see you later bye bye
Channel: CineBinge React
Views: 16,403
Rating: 4.7930069 out of 5
Keywords: inglourious basterds, inglourious basterds review, inglourious basterds movie reaction, inglourious basterds reaction, first time watching, inglorious bastards, inglorious basterds, movie review, inglourious basterds opening scene, inglourious basterds movie review, inglourious basterds reaction movie, inglorious bastards reaction, movie reaction, movie react, movie reactions, react to movies, react to films, first time react movies, react to inglorious, react to tarantino
Id: 5ScMVrCLk5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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