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in today's video we go ahead and check out a brand new injection that gives us a bunch of brand new powers that we go ahead and infuse with the powers of an infinity stone to give us infinity stone powers that quite literally make us invincible so if you guys do enjoy this episode do me a favor hit that like button down below and subscribe if you guys knew cause it lets me know that you guys are really enjoying the content and it really helps out the channel now without further ado let's go ahead and hop into this episode of insane craft okay so hopping straight into today's episode of insane craft we're gonna be doing something pretty fun today we could be checking out a brand new hero and i think they're gonna be pretty overpowered so first things first this last week i have been a little bit sick but we're officially back and we are feeling better than ever so i am ready to you know try our best and trying to take on fandy and maybe just protect ourselves just a little bit more with today's injection it's gonna be great but yeah guys i know i haven't got started on the house guys if you really want me to get started i i have ideas i do have ideas for the building and what i want to do down here but if you guys really want me to get started then let me know in the comment exactly what i should do and i will do it i'll add it and i'll give you a little shout out and stuff but like right now we're just living outside we're living with the air and i i don't know i'm just having flashbacks because the last time i made a house this is this is what this is what happened to it and also where is where scare gary is we haven't checked on gary in a little little bit oh oh oh gary you scared me how you been buddy you've been good you've been good okay he's been good he's been he's been big chilling he's been picturing but anyway in today's episode we will be using an extractor along with some water so i'm not actually gonna be using that extractor exactly but you guys have seen the previous episodes we've checked out shazam we've checked out storm we've checked out dark superman and they all haven't stood the chance they are nowhere near better than best what we currently have and he's literally one of the strongest heroes yet so we're going to be continuing that search to find out a hero that is just as strong as best i think i might have found someone so if we look over here we can see we have the injection for master of vibration now i'm not exactly sure what this guy is but muscle vibration first of all a master that's going to be pretty cool and second of all vibrations are pretty powerful and you can use vibrations in a lot of different ways so i just kind of want to check out exactly what he does and see if he might stand to be something better than best i don't know i'm on the stage because i'm tired of having this face guys i know i have the strongest injection that i can possibly have but this face is just too ugly it's too ugly i'm sorry i'm sorry and that's why i'm always wearing a mask that's what the mask is anyway um so to get started with this injection what we're actually going to need to do is obviously make an extractor and if we go over here to page 9 we can see the recipe to making the master of vibration injection and we need water in the extractor with 5000 energy plus a vibranium ingot now i have never found vibrating before i don't think i've ever like mined for vibranium before that's what we're doing today that is why we are here today apparently it's found below diamonds so let's hop in and find ourselves some vibranium hopefully so i i'm pretty sure i'm looking for something that looks a bit like this this like block looking thing so it's like it looks a bit like diamonds but it's got a weird like texture to it it's also found below that level so here let's go ahead and oh my goodness oh my goodness okay i need to be careful when using this when using this world breaker because it really does break the world okay so we have one of these stormy crystal or no that's not what we're looking for lots of silver silverfish okay all of you can just die there we go okay so i'm not really seeing anything down here as per say i'm seeing a lot of this stormy crystal but not much more okay so you know what we're gonna go down to the lowest level we can find which isn't gonna be like what the heck is what the heck was that what the heck was that okay well here let's get down even deeper okay now we are officially a bedrock let's go ahead and see if we can mine using the wall breaker without breaking the world oh boy oh boy oh my oh my goodness oh my goodness okay you can be on be gone be gone you scary monsters oh my okay okay okay okay okay how many of them are there holy crap oh my goodness okay okay well we got purple things over here we've got some more stormy crystals okay we also have meta clusters here so maybe redstone no amethyst i do not see a single piece of vibranium on this list i see dwarf star media but no no vibranium so far so i guess maybe we just mine again oh but okay pick up pick up the pick up the metal cluster and just keep mining i guess still no vibranium as to what i can see so far okay well you know i'm just gonna mine in this direction for a little bit oh my goodness i forget how fast this thing can actually mine it's actually insane holy crap hey look we found diamonds don't mind if i do oh my goodness okay well you know what let's go ahead and do this and give us something good this time oh i forgot this can open up into the void okay um okay well i'm just gonna keep killing these things there we go and let's check on metaclasp first of all check around i don't see any vibranium just check out metacluster vibranium vibrate i don't see any vibranium anywhere this might take a little longer than i thought i guess we just keep digging i think i think we just gotta keep digging guys okay so i've already have started mining out like a lot of this area and i can't find it so i'm just gonna keep mine and then i guess i'll just cut back once i find something because this thing is taking a little while okay so i've been mining learning for so long and i asked for us where this stuff actually spawns and it is only between the y levels two like literally the void and like 11 so it's literally so deep underground that this stuff is so hard to find but i should find a full vein of it after mining for a long time so hey let's just throw out all of this other trash that i don't need and get ourselves our beautiful vibranium oh there we go we got four pieces that should be enough hopefully to get this because to get this we literally need to do it like we literally have a 30 chance each time so statistically we should be able to get this hopefully anyway let's head back home and get this thing done okay so we're back home here let me literally just drop off all of this trash that we got from just mining absolute nothingness for so long and then we have mata clusters here that just contain even more trash look at all of this who wants all of this not me oh my goodness that's so much stuff there's still more oh my goodness okay well there we go that is all gone now so now we have ourselves our full vibranium all let's go ahead and throw it into this furnace and we have ourselves four vibranium ingots okay this is where things get a little bit stressful because like i said to make this guy we're gonna need ourselves obviously some templates some iron we're gonna need ourselves some injections but we're also gonna need an extractor with water in it my other one actually doesn't have water in it right now so i'm just gonna make another extractor real quick this shouldn't take too long [Music] okay okay so now we have everything we need to make ourselves a couple injections let's go like this one more time and make another one there we go okay so we have two injections now we just need a couple buckets and then we should be able to just go like this with that and then put this with this to get those okay there we go we got ourselves a base circuit and the last thing we need is some lead and another piece of iron okay and like that we should be able to make an lv capacitor and then we can make an extractor and then we can hook this up to the power right here that should do the trick get ourselves a bucket fill it with some water and just like this we should be able to go like that and put our injection right here put our vibranium angle right here and is it going is it going we got a first try let's go master of vibration that is what i'm talking about baby let's go okay so we got that first try literally without any need to use our other three vibranium engines now if that's not a sign i don't know what it is so here let's go ahead and see what this bad boy is all about so first of all we're extracting our best injection we are now back to normal henry and now let's inject ourselves with the master of vibrations and see what he is all about okay okay so we have three brand new abilities right here and if we go ahead and check this out we can see muscle vibration okay so we get increase our health by four we get a strength increase of 2.5 we get a speed increase of 0.001 which is actually pretty good a jump boost increase of two full resistance increase of 13 a step assistance increase of 0.5 and then we have the vibrational blast that lets you shoot an energy blast vibrational shock wave collects kinetic energy and makes you ready for a blast molecular vibration while pressing this button you vibrate the molecules of your body by doing so you can walk through blocks and do more damage and intangibility which is currently locked it looks like takes you from any kind of damage wait wait wait wait any type of damage okay if we can figure out how to unlock this that will be absolutely insane and then we have fire resistance poison resistance with a resistance and radiation resistance okay perfect well here let's go ahead and test out uh the first couple of these abilities okay well i missed that's just that's just great okay we're using it against the dot really doesn't look like it does too much damage seems like she's pretty good at dodging the bullets hey hey hey just heads let me let me show you my lasers is that not too much to ask please let me show you my laser level two nymphs oh my goodness she's literally bobbing and weaving it she's popping and weaving okay well there you go we go i can go ahead and shoot all this apparently they don't do too much damage what i really am interested in is this ability the vibrational we are literally vibrating we have vibrating up body so this says we can do more damage while in this state i mean and i'm guessing if we hit people we do more damage but also apparently we can just wow this is like our other ability that we have with our ring but like without any downsides we can literally see everything we can literally use x-ray with this this is insane this is actually insane oh my goodness so i can just vibrate through blocks and literally see through them okay and then our last ability here the vibrational shock wave we're actually gonna need to collect kinetic energy and use it for a blast so we'll go ahead and test it out at the end once we've collected enough kinetic energy and we could go ahead and blow up like a little shock wave okay well here let me go ahead and put on my infinity almond but so far this thing is pretty awesome but i really want to know how to unlock that super ability because i think that could really change things up and make this guy the most powerful guy on the server so i'm gonna go ahead and speak to frost see if he knows anything about it okay so this is a mr dark lord or in this case not a dark lord's house so i he should be in here i think if we just go down here and then we have this stupid little portal um dark lord what happened to this place oh everything's exploded dark lord dark lord i'm over here new hill new hill what has happened over here i thought take a guess take a guess jerome there you go excellent honestly i'm not surprised i'm not surprised one bit well i'm not either i'm glad i'm glad you have a nice little new new home here um i'm not sure it's pretty sweet everything is going on here yeah science and things things in science but anyway dark lord i'm not sure if you um remember but i used to be best i used to have the best injection i used to have the babies looking a lot better yeah thank you i'm i'm feeling myself i'm feeding myself a little bit more now and um the only issue with that is i've become a new hero or i've injected myself with a new injection with new abilities and stuff but i'm not exactly sure how they all work there's there's a couple there's one like this where i can start vibrating and i actually hit a lot harder i'm not going to hit you because i don't want to hurt you but i can also run through rules oh literally nothing can stop me i can literally run through your whole storage system right here and careful that's the reactor oh well you know it's just a reactor well i might not feel very good later you advised me to visit my doctor after running through a reactor okay you're right i'm feeling a little bit weird i'm feeling a little bit weird not only that i also have like um laser beams i can go like that okay nothing too strong nothing too strong and then i also have an ability where if you punch me enough time to say punch me punch me punch me punch me punch me more punch me more punch me more first punch people push me i'm punching as hard as i can push me push me down and i can propel you backwards i can i can stir up all that energy and just you just became a firework that's all i i can become a human firework first i can become a human fireworker so this guy i have a firework you know this this instruction is pretty average right now right it's pretty average yeah yeah more or less but the thing is is there's one ability called intangibility and it has a lock next to it but it says protects you from any kind of damage so i am extremely curious as to how i get that and how i unlock it so here frost i'll i'll quickly i'll quickly give you the injection so you can look it over i mean dark lord not frost who's frost who's this guy i just want to know you're doing some science things okay okay oh what are the what are these noises this damage scares me man it's the perfect dimension for me okay okay okay i have an idea what do you mean you have an idea i think i can unlock it for you you cannot you can unlock the ability i think i can unlock it for you okay okay how do we do it how do we do it well you know the drill okay i need an item from you you need an item from me i need an item from you and this one's a little harder to say wait why why uh it may be one of the infinity stones no frost i literally don't have any infinity stones like first how am i gonna get infinity stones what you haven't even asked which one it was okay what infinity stone do i need to get that bad it's just the space stone wait why would you need the space stone to unlock an ability for an ejection that seems like quite a lot though i mean the what does the injection ability say again it's just like a little force field what does that mean it's a force field so we gotta force the force field into the force field okay so you're saying you're saying that the injection that needs power from the infinity stone to unlock the ability and we can hope it works oh okay okay well lucky for you i do actually i i noticed that i don't have any space stones uh any infinity stones but that's because i don't use them i have a space stone just literally powering my all of my base like all of my everything over there it's just being powered by a space stone but if i take that then all of my machines are gonna stop working and i won't have anything to like power anything anymore so that might be a bit of an issue but i i guess i can help you with that as well oh it's okay okay well hey i'll go grab it i'll i'll be right back first you do i mean i dock load um sorry the name tag is very the name tag is very distracted yep i'll be right back up just you you wait here and take care of my injection um oh not my space stone okay okay so he's saying that he needs the space stone and like i said my space stone currently is powering everything now that i've taken the space stone out things are going to slowly start powering down so i need to go back he said that maybe he could help me solve this issue but here let's see if we can use the space stone to unlock this ability because if we can that would be pretty awesome that would be pretty awesome dark lord hello why are you wearing a lab coat now what's what's up with that we're doing science i thought i'd dress for the part i guess you're not wrong i guess you're not wrong we are doing science so um i i got what you asked for i got we asked for a question am i gonna lose this once you infuse it with the injection am i gonna lose it uh technically you're gonna lose it oh but i'll replace it it's okay i'm gonna i'm gonna give you something oh oh okay okay well here i'll go ahead and throw this on your table there oh uh kind um sorry i have quite i have quite strong arms on me you know i had quite a good throw um in um back in school okay so so how are we doing this how are we doing this so you're gonna use the space all right you're gonna have to give me one moment okay okay i'll give you i need you to turn around and not look okay okay you do you do your science i know you do your science you weird i'll just go for a little walk down this mountain i guess um look at these little trees little luminosity thistles very very sweet i'll pick some of these for first i'm sure i'm sure i mean darkwater i'm sure i'm sure he'll he'll like this very much and wait yeah it's all done oh it's ready here here dark ward i got i got you some i got you some flowers from this beautiful dimension here oh those are deadly poisonous uh oh should i consult my doctor about those two probably uh oh okay um i i should probably wash my hands somewhere um anyway do you is the injection ready yeah yeah just uh don't take it out of my hand okay so now that i inject myself with this it should work it should work now okay frost i'm ready i'm gonna go ahead and eject it and how do you feel i feel pretty normal i have my normal set of three abilities and for us it's still locked it's still locked frost no no the the ability is still locked i caught there's no there's no new abilities i have on the left and it's still locked did you just scare me did i just get scammed by the dark lord why don't you try vibrating what why just vibrate you want me you want to burn right now your want to burr okay yeah wait wait on my left the new abilities come up it says i'm using both abilities right now while i vibrate wait frost am i invincible right now wait wait okay okay so try and hit me do you have a sword okay try to hit me with the sword okay okay yeah i have an infinity blade try to try and hit me with some cosmos hold on hold so if i take off all my armor including my helmet okay okay go ahead and try and hit me now but oh hey i am literally unkillable okay okay do you have any other weapons you could try on me uh i could hit you with a meteor staff okay okay sure try i'm vibrating i'm vibrating it doesn't want to come down now wait wait wait does it literally try to have blade again okay try try try your best try your best to kill me i want to see if you were thanos and you're trying to kill me would you try would you be able to kill me that's that's my question i'm using an aoe effect on you that should kill everything in my distance you're not even being i can literally vibrate for as long as i want and then i can just be gone i'm awake i'm gone i'm just literally just flying through everything and you can't kill me that is so opie uh first why are you extracting um strange this is a very scary dimension and sometimes that happens i know i know okay okay well can i have my can i have my sword back please my sort of the cosmos and there's your sword okay okay take that okay first you also said that you had something that i could use as a power source now because you said the space stone has not been infused with this meaning i don't have a space stone or i need power source anymore so you said i had something don't you worry i have all of these laying around uh you can borrow that and use that go for it a time stone yeah you're saying i have downgraded from a space stone to at times i i guess i do have literally like i literally have a way that no one can kill me ever and um that's pretty powerful so first thank you for your um you're you're you're you're evil doings and um i will see you some other time dark lord um not for us definitely not for us um later make sure you leave a good review uh yeah i'll i'll leave you the best review on y'all but i'll see you later man um thank you bye oh boy what a widow okay so we're back home and now it's time to power up all of our machines with our newly i guess received time stones so now this will power up everything it has the exact same power output so actually it's not too bad we just can't use the space stone anymore because well we don't have a space stone anymore but we do have the abilities of the space stone because the abilities of the space stone is everything that best has including a protective shield which basically this guy has because i can literally just vibrate now and nothing can kill me so i also noticed that sunday got on so i think it's time we go ahead and head over to him and show him our new powers i think he should be impressed are you are you over here what are you what are you doing why do you have your infinite eagle in the background i thought i thought you were over that i thought you were over there this is who i am henry this is who i am i heard that sigils was working on one of those too did you did you hear about that did you hear that on the grapevine oh that's cute what's cute about that seven okay okay well ian i've come here but okay no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i don't want that you know i don't like you know and i don't want to die and the reason i don't want to die i mean actually no i i guess today's episode is the reason i don't want to die because i figured out a way to become unkillable absolutely unkillable you remember my old friend bast right you know i used to be best yeah yeah you used to be a white a white foot yeah i used to be a white foot now i'm just henry i i back to my normal self and at you just just a couple differences just a couple differences i now have the power of vibrations meaning that i can shoot lasers of vibration like i can also go ahead and expel my vibrational forces oh oh was that a fart yeah i kind of pooped a little bit but then i could also you know i can also vibrate see how i can vibrate i can i can run through walls like i can run through blocks okay there's a hole down there be careful that was a whole be careful about that but the thing about the vibrating part is it got better i used to just be able to vibrate and run through walls and stuff right but now um i fused it with the power of an infinity stone and now nothing can kill me when i vibrate absolutely no hey you look like you're in a blender okay man okay there's no need to talk about my blender lookalikes okay um hey okay so i can't hit you yeah do you have a do you have a sword of the cosmos yeah notice how i'm not wearing any infinity album try to kill me literally okay all right go go ahead go ahead and try the staff of power go ahead try it try it everything you want i'm not afraid i don't think you can hit me okay okay you may be blind okay that's fine but i'm saying the word okay hold on let me try this okay so you can make me blind now that's it that's lit i'm still vibrating meaning you can't actually kill me this is doing no damage you're stunning me you're studying me trying to move go ahead and try to move i guess i can't move right now but you can't my power infinitely grew what do you mean you're literally just using oh no not your friends again not your stupid friends will they even be able to kill me they're not hating me they're not hitting me wait my heart's not my heart's going down [Laughter] so i am invincible to every single thing you throw at me other than your friends that literally just drain my health for no reason at all for no reason that's all they just drained my health what you know what i'm gonna go ahead and take that item no it's not an item it's just me it is me it is literally within me it's not an item i am the power of vibrating okay no no no no ian in please yeah please please ian please i can i can help i can i can be strong like you just okay well um i guess it kind of worked a little bit yeah we'll go with that oh boy oh boy i'm gonna go this way you yeah you go that way with your stupid robot friends then oh boy well i guess that was pretty successful ian cannot kill us with any of his weapons the only thing we need to work on now is getting away from his evil stupid droid things that for for some reason just start draining my health so if i can somehow solve that there is literally gonna be no way anyone could kill me able to serve us so we're making progress guys we're making progress but anyway if you guys did enjoy today's episode do me a favor hit the like button down below subscribe if you guys knew i love how i do i'll see you guys all again next time peace [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Henwy
Views: 484,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: henwy, henwy minecraft, insane craft, minecraft insane craft, henwy insane craft, minecraft infinity stones, minecraft insane craft infinity
Id: wsK5Rto2bJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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