Influences for ICONIC 40k Guard Regiments | Warhammer 40k Lore

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hi friends the guard is my absolute favorite faction in all of 4K obviously and I just really love the idea of humanity standing up against and overcoming any challenges the universe throws at them be it horrific aliens or literal hell spawns the guard are able to face foes far far more Mighty than themselves and another cool aspect of the Guard are the diverse regimens not only do these look super cool but they also strengthen the theme of the Guard each regimen has a myriad of influences both fictional and real and as a whole the guard really represent all the cultures of humanity coming together to kick some alien ass I just think that the guard's constant plight against Superior foes and overwhelming odds is so relatable to Human Condition and really the guard represent us the Space Marines might be the poster boys of 40K but the guard is you and me and all that Independence Day inspirational human stuff was to segue to today's topic I thought it'd be really interesting to look into the influences of some of the most iconic guard regiments I'll be looking into the lore and aesthetic of a few Guardsmen and then present some of the influence I was able to find both historical and from pop culture and fiction uh do keep in mind I'm not a historian but I will try my best to keep all of my information factual and let's get into it so first off let's start with the internet's favorite guard regiment the death corpse of C the death Corps are masters of Siege tactics and attrition Warfare they often fight in trenches and use their overwhelming numbers in Siege regimens to destroy enemy defenses at all costs additionally they make heavy use of artillery barges and tank regiments they're excellent War Warriors and they're said to be one of the best if not the best guard regimen in the entire galaxy death Corps are defined by their extreme willingness to sacrifice themselves for the cause and this does not mean that they're suicidal with the trench warfare angle and their General aesthetic the cre are heavily inspired by World War I what many battles of the first world war were miserable battles of attrition where soldiers would slowly slowly Advance through battlefields and utilize vast trenches for defense further more on the Western Front of World War I there's the idea of the cult of offensive in which many military strategists believe that an overwhelming offense would be able to overtake any defense this idea led to the huge casualty rates of World War I and are very reminiscent of the C combat doctrines Mass infantry assaults with huge casualties are also infamously reminiscent of the Russian war tactics also the silly ass shovel memes come from how in World War I shers would use melee weapons to fight charging opponents including trench clubs bayonets and yes shovels however this doesn't mean that they're all using shovels as their primary weapon that's just ridiculous and then culturally the cre are a bunch of antisocial vat grown freaks who like to hide their face so in that regard I guess it would be based on me oh I made myself sad there's also the nuclear apocalypse thing going on for them cold war anxieties of a nuclear Holocaust were fully realized on the great world de cre and they presently live in underground bunkers and stuff and I know there's a lot of fiction about underground nuclear bunkers but I just watched the show and I've been on a bit of a Fallout kick so I'm going to say that's what influenced the creers either that or Hans mullman King of the mole people the culture of atonement is also a somic common theme and fiction where characters feel the need to atone for their sins of their ancestors or religiously devote themselves to a cause then on an aesthetic level creers have many elements of different world war armies their Combat Uniform is basically onetoone with French soers and then their helmets are German sty Helms then finally to me their gas mask looks most similar to the British small boox respirator due to the well small box it can also be inspired by the German gm24 mask from World War II in addition to their uniforms the C weapons and vehicles also have a more Antiquated aesthetic than most other regimens for example the lucious pattern Las gun has a rifle grip that's unlike the more common pistol grips of 40K guns and it's also set to have a lower rate of fire making it resemble older rifles even more all right next up bust out the fortune and Sun cuz we're going to the jungles baby the kadan jungle Fighters are a formidable guard regimen that hail from the jungle death world of katchan the Jungle Fighters are masters of jungle warfare obviously and Excel in Guerilla strikes and asymmetric Warfare the katchan are Stone Cold badass muscle men who love bandanas and knives they're excellent Warriors and they're said to be one of the best if not the best guard regimen in the entire galaxy now the obvious influence of katchan are 80s action heroes mixed with some Vietnam War elements the most iconic C Chan model is literally a mix of Arnold Schwarzenegger Sylvester Stallone and Kurt Russell their aesthetic heavily resembles the characters from movies like Predator Rambo and even aliens and then the attitude and personality Kad Chan are also reminiscent of action movies the cat achan are often big dick in each other trying to prove who's the most badass and this is a lot like in the movies and even real life Where Stars like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone would compete with each other to see whose muscles could be the most epically r Ed and then another Trope in some of these movies is like a nerdy Outsider guy who tags along with the team is generally disrespected and disliked katchan often disrespect authorities and Outsiders so much so that when the crew eat the katchan they start disrespecting their leaders and wearing bandanas which is pretty funny and kind of insane another way that movie tropes in history influenced the catachan is on the planet of Catan itself in adventure movies and action movies a hostile exotic land is a very common place for adventure to go things like Skull Island and lost world feature exotic fauna and Flora that are very hostile and we'll probably eat you and this is very likely inspired the insaner residence of katchan this Trope was born because jungles in real life are very dangerous and often relatively unexplored not only are there the natural dangers but during conflicts like the Vietnam War combatants familiar with the jungles would set many traps and ambushes and like the memes say the trees are speaking Vietnamese and un Chan the trees are speaking murderes because you know they'll murder and eat you tactically speaking the katchan often employ gorilla stealth strikes they like laying traps and they also favor close combat the jungle gorilla fighting style and trap making is very similar to Viet Kongs who oppos the Americans in the Vietnam War the Viet Kongs had tunnel systems booby traps and were experts in navigating the jungles however the kadan also had some strategies that aligned with Americans in the Vietnam war in Vietnam Americans heavily utilize bombing runs Napal strikes and ground teams to kill the North Vietnamese likewise the Catan also used mechanized supports and flamers to clear out jungles and then deploy infantry squads to eradicate enemies so now finally let's talk about my favorite regiment the Caden shock troopers they're an elite guard regiment that is very professional and often seen as a template for other regiments to Aspire to they utilize combined arms tactics and are a very versatile regiment fighting very well on nearly every warfront they're excellent Warriors and they're said to be one of the best if not the best guard regimen in the entire galaxy the cadians are mostly a mix of North American soldiers both Canadian and United States with some other flavorings mixed in a big inspiration for the kadan shock troopers is the Canadian shock troopers wait wait a minute contrary to the syrup drinking friendly hockey personas that the Canadians have today the Canadians of the world wars were actually pretty scary and very effective soldiers one notable tactic they employed in the first world war was utilizing the e forementioned shock troops in the time of trench warfare their shock troops use combined arms tactics to flank and break enemy defenses cadens often utilize shock tactics combined arms doctrines and other modern military strategies along with the combined arms approach cadens are also trained in smaller Squad formations gorilla Warfare and urban combat this is reminiscent of modern American doctrines as well as other contemporary militaries the professional military theme is also similar to Americans as our military is very well funded and equipped for Squad Combat on infantry level another cultural influence for the cadens may be Spartan Legends and stories although historians debate if Spartans were actually the elite Warrior society that people perceive them as the stories in general perception of Spartans is that of a meritocratic warrior Society cadens have clear parallels to this archetype as most of cadan society is militarized kadan children are trained before they could even read and moving up in cadan leadership is mostly Merit based additionally the cadan holding the line at the kadan gate is very reminiscent of the legendary 300 holding the line at the battle thermopolymerization I personally think that they look most similar to the Halo Marines with the blocky armor and large pauldrons however many people say that they look most like Starship Troopers and then branching off of that Cadence also resemble these troops personalities to degree cadens are often said to have a Gallows humor about them this is similar to the Marines in those movies and games I mentioned where they'll often banter with each other or make jokes about how they're all going to die kadan more like K Dian am I right um uh yeah you could shoot me now and then if you had any doubts about cadens being space Americans I just have two things to say number one the cadens basically had a space 911 pulled on them kadus stands is essentially the guard equivalent of never forget and then two the cadens have a great love for their home World they see themselves as the best of the best better than anybody else totally proving that they're space Americans and with that let's close it off if you guys like this video I'd love to make into a series um it was really interesting to research both the fictional and real life historical influences of these three regiments unfortunately I was only able to cover the three most popular regiments however I would love to do a similar Deep dive into the vastan OR steel Legion or whatever and so let's do that stupid YouTuber thing and say oh if this video gets 2,000 likes I'll continue the series um secret I I'll probably continue the series eventually anyways I I love the guard and I absolutely love all the regiments I really wish GW would bring back the regiment models um the those were some of my favorites of all time and with that please let me know if you enjoyed this video let me know what your favorite guard regimen is and why tell me if I miss any other influences and why I'm a silly goose and as always please like comment subscribe and consider sharing my videos to all your besties thanks
Channel: KrakDuk
Views: 65,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crack duck, astra militarum
Id: 6BfpyuhXVX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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