Influencer In The Wild Owner Made Up Its Valuation? | Shark Tank US | Shark Tank Global

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first in the tank is a social media star who created a business poking fun at social media Stars what's up sharks I'm tanks and outra I'm from New York I make memes and I spread good news for a living and I'm here seeking $500,000 in exchange for a whopping 10% Equity stake in my company influencers in the wild the game now let's start with the basics some of you how do I say this older more wonderful sharks might be wondering tank what is an influencer well you see that girl over there trying to snap the perfect picture of herself distracting everyone around her that is an influencer it's all about gaining followers on social media so I took the idea of influencers and internet culture in general and built a board game around that introducing influencers in the wild the game go places gain followers get famous no Talent required it reimagines the classic board game except in our game you rack up followers instead of money players make their way around the board one roll of the die at a time and just like in real life the player with the most followers wins so sharks who wants to use their influence and money let's keep it real that's why I'm here to make this the bestselling board game of all time you're going to show us how it works how you course yeah you're actually you're you're being a little distracting there's a room back there with great lighting if you want to go back there and take some selfies that would be fantastic thank you so much thanks for your help all right so that was Chloe she's like a legit OG influencer how how many followers does she have yeah tank is Big Time on Instagram I follow him tanko is like the real deal well tell me about yours because I do not follow you you do follow me you follow tanks good news oh you're taste new new you do too I follow you as well follow your tank you're making the world a better place with the content you put out I mean I've been a a shark tank viewers since season 1 I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for Shark Tank I learned more watching this show this is your moment on carpet so let's get back to the business how do you play it so you pick an influencer playing piece you put it on start you roll the die and I picked these influencer travel hotspots like Bali Tulum the desert Rave you end at the big pink wall which is like the influencer Mecca in Los Angeles yeah and you travel around the board and you can lose followers along the way gain followers along the way all of the fun is on the blue spaces so when you land on a blue space you have blue playing cards okay I just landed on a blue space and it says catfish someone uses your photos on a dating app gain 50k followers cuz that means you're hot so at the end of the game I tally up my followers and whoever's got the most win exactly y I love this don't talk to me I'm verified exactly tell us about yourself how did you get involved in this I love comedy I love sales I love Shark Tank and I love Jay-Z and that's it but I don't love being subject to the whims of the algorithm to be honest to make my living so I think a physical product is a smart way to expand instead of just growing my following because that's what I am focused on all the time so I mean I give you CR you've got a great feel for what's going on but tell me about the business side so we're like so new at this we just signed a an exclusive deal with a big box retailer so if someone walks in and they're going to see influencers in the wild how they going to know what that is right and what's going to get them to buy so we watched what happened with Cards Against Humanity and what do you mean they were at the same price point as us but they were small card games right so it was easy to pick up and give give as a gift but they were also based on an internet meme so it's the same kind of thing we want to educate people which is one of the barriers we faced I'm a little bit delusional when it comes to business I thought we were going to sell a million copies on day one even though we only had 64,000 every entrepreneur thinks that then they said hey we don't want it for Q4 we want it for Q3 we're going to put them on an endcap you know what we want them on the back to college endcap boy then when I started advertising I saw that most of our clicks were from 25 to 44 so I was like back to college is not even our demographic how many of you sold we've sold like 1,500 so far that's terrible but how many doors were you in of that 1900 you wow yeah it's not good it's not selling enough this is getting delisted it's not giving them enough margin for linear foot that's what's going to happen perhaps it's only been two months the margins in my opinion are good well tell us the numbers tell us the numbers we can get them from anywhere from 497 to 5.47 depending on how many we buy and you sell it in at what we retail it directing consumer at 30 we sell it at the big box retailer at 1331 but that's through a broker we sell we sell it to them at 38% that's a decent margin decent for you yeah but what will you sell direct to Consumer we haven't sold any direct to Consumer how many dollars have you sold worth of product the broker has sold $140,000 worth of goods it's we're going to sell these games I have no doubt the feet my wife said the game is getting its little tootsies wet that's what happens but uh is there any other information that's going to justify a $5 million valuation we're so new I had I made the number up I'll be dead honest with you like it's not a real number the problem is you picked the wrong number coming in asking for 500k the numbers are insane there's just no way to say okay this is a good investment based off of what you've told us so far so for those Reasons I'm out you know I spent some time in the toy industry um the big guys they get thousands of submissions thousands and one in a hundred take off it's really really hard I think you're a good guy but we all are influencers I've got millions of followers when I invest in a product I get behind it which I would have loved to have done on this one but I got to write a check for 500,000 to get involved with you that's crazy I'm not going to do it I'm out okay why don't you think it's worth $5 million cuz you're not making money not yet yeah but you want us to put put our money today based on your potential in the future that's asking a lot we have no idea how this is going to sell everybody's saying if you had come in asking for 50k 80k 100K we'd take a flyer on you I couldn't I couldn't do that though because when we go into Walmart they're going to want 350,000 for 56,000 games that's our problem but tank see that that's where you missed it you don't watch enough Shark Tank right for us to get back $500,000 yeah you have to generate $5 million in after tax cash flow yeah generating $5 million in after tax cash flow is hard you have to do about $50 million in sales you've got to do so much in sales and that's just getting our money back well I understand that your money is real and I respect that and you want to get it back why would I just want my money back if I give you $500,000 I want 5 million back I want a 10x that was the mistake on this deal you asked too much yeah you know I love social media I would love to have gotten behind it and supported it and and all that you're speaking in past tense I don't like that but here I have no idea if people are going to enjoy this game or like it it's just way too much money for me to risk so unfortunately tank while I love you I'm out let me give you another point of view on the valuation so all of us have get pitched a lot we can easily look for game developers as Kevin said there's thousands of them and for $500,000 we can probably acquire a 70 or 90% position on something that has not been discovered and that's the biggest challenge for us but right now this is too rich for me I'm out yeah thank you the best thing about you as an individual and a businessman that I know of is you a quick witted everything you do is so succinct and Punchy and makes people laugh but to me I think you're just asking us all and I think you've heard that over and over again to take a chance card on, 1500 sold you're asking a lot so I'm out all right hey tank good Lu man thank you I appreciate you you should put um my opinion tanks good news on the cover and if you get a chance to go back to their warehouses and get you know 64,000 stickers with your face on it with your um Instagram um handles huge cuz then there's an immediate connection for your millions of followers so we'll put tanks in atra tanks good news we have a deal you got a better shot seriously thank you guys all right good luck I could have asked for less money based on the sales I based it more on my presence online which was in retrospect not the right thing to do but I'm such a big fan of the show so just to get to be here and meet them was a win for me
Channel: Shark Tank Global
Views: 274,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shark Tank, Shark Tank US, Shark Tank Australia, Kevin O’Leary, Barbara Corcoran, Daymond John, Robert Herjavec, Mark Cuban, Lori Greiner, Dragons’ Den, Money Tigers, Entrepreneurship, investment, reality tv, influencers in the wild shark tank, influencers in the wild board game, influencers in the wild game, influencers in the wild tiktok, tank sinatra, tank sinatra shark tank
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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