Infinity Cube & Infinity Mirror / Klub Stol

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Greetings everyone there we are agian new video there is a bit of echo new video today we are starting something we didn't do and thats a infinite cube one table for the living room enjoy in the video today I am making this infinite cube to be honest I liked it when I saw it on the internet and I will give it a try to make it we are preparing for cutting otherwise the profiles are 50 by 50 milimeters up there are the measuers but I didnt put them in you go with 12 pieces 12 pieces have to be 50 centimeters and 6 pieces 45 centimeters of course there are different angle cuts because the assembly anyway 6 pieces 45 centimeters and 12 pieces 50 centimeters all together you need 18 pieces here we cut every at 50 centimeters that is the first 12 pieces at 50 centimeters and now 6 pieces at 45 centimeters and of course every piece has to be cut at 45 degrees angle but in different not every angle comes at the same place 45 degrees anyway but opposite direction you will see why now I made this board specialy for this job and for every next which can be made here but I made a problem with this board I will explain later now we are doing the edges on every profile so that the weld better attaches we have to zero the profiles thats why I made double weld from inside then later from outside the outside I just poked it now we are processing on every profile we process every edge and we start to weld now you will see where the problem lays I didnt notice in the begging later I noticed that I made a big problem I am putting this I listened to you I read about it somewhere, its not good as you can see the line that the board isn't flat its curved in the middle I listened and put the sheet metal so I wouldn't burn the wood and the magnet made me some problems and I couldn't do it right anyway the magnet was the smallest problem I had the problem was the curve in middle of the board, maybe 7 to 8 milimeters down and I welded everything according to that board so I had problems on some points where 3 to 4 milimeters were off I didn't see that later, now you can see the upper ones aren't right but I don't notice that then i don't know how and why but i don't recognize the problem later on I cuted some of the welds because they were very problematic, but this model of the table is complicated because everything goes from one point and you can't do it right if it bends I couldnt help my self to make it perfect but who works makes faults this is my first of course every next one I could make blindfolded but here I had a problem also the assembly here its important that you have 3 same pieces when you make 3 same pieces every next attaches to the first one left and right attaches to the first one and then you will have what you want however I hade a problem with connecting here I didn't know how to position them to weld them togheter to make it perfect the hearth of the problem is the board I am working on as you can see the line that it doesn't fit right and I didn't noticed it yet nor why or how it was smogy and lack of oxygen maybe my brain lost a bit of concentracion but that was the problem till the end I tried it on some way, the solution was that I disassemble the whole construction and to cut it and weld it agian which was impossible so I made the first one with a fault on one side I have 4 milimeters off unlike the other side but thats what I will always see and know that I made a mistake I dont have a problem to show it here I made a new weld I tried to fix it on three different places but of course it was imposible because it ties on to the other so I had to disassemble the whole to form it as a new but I wouldn't do that so I keeped it as it was on the other side I think thoes 4 milimeters was the difference were I brought it to perfection but not 100 percent it stayed like that with 4 to 5 milimeters difference in the opening of course thats the first I hope not the last I think of making one using wood I will see for now its this so you can see how it can be modified the infinite cube itself what time is it there is no ventilation I have to install one *day 2* second day started its very suffocating there, vapors are enormous I plann in the near future to install a ventilation now you can clearly see in the upper left corner that this part is off however whatever on the board is laying is crooked so then later its brought to perfection how much I could to correct it I clamped one side and relaxed the other one to bring it to the right point because I didnt have in plan to cut it or to make a new one now I hone all the edges and every weld *mudja enters* in this opportunity I want to inform all viewers to like subscribe and support my father in what he does, greetings this is the third day I am preparing for painting in the second day I only welded and honed I forgot to capture where I applied the git layer im sorry for that I have to take notice of the red dot for capturing but I forgot to look at that you didn't miss much now I am grinding it I don't like thoes profiles because they always have some kind of a line and I can't follow the line and later its visible like you can see it on stefans table where epoxy is so I gited completely everthing later on I am wiping them with alcohol to remove dust this is the base coat base coat where I will get a structure I wanted to get a bark like texture in white but when i applied matt color I lost it I didnt to the right order to keep the bark now i prepare the glasses the first one I did 30x30 because I wanted a square inside inside cube which would be infinite later I realized that wouldn't be a good idea because I would close the whole infinite cube and it would lose its point so I gave up I didn't do 30x30 so I later did 60x60 how you can see I prepared them I prepared 8 pieces because I will make more this kind of table in the future without cici there wont happen anything he is the main one this is 40x40 part for the down part these are vacumm strips when I was making ceilings I was puting granules for condensation but here wont be any so we wont have problems with that, I am packing 4 pieces 40cm to be exact 39cm there has to be a 0.5mm gap on each side for the silicone then we are unpacking it and unsticking the adhesive most important is to clean the mirror as good as possible so there is no dust because later on it will be visible and it wont be good when the lights turn on strips are self-adhesive you remove the protection from the adhesive and you glue it on the mirror in the left corner I will drill a hole I have to check there is no gap dust is blowed away I drill a hole in the right corner so that the cable can pass trough RGB cable for led strips If you do RGB its 4 wires you need a bigger hole If you do white its only 2 wires you don't need a big hole now I am draging them trough and the strip is self-adhesive but dont trust it how I trust it now because later on if you think it holds long you have to put some silicone to hold it because the strip adhesive loses its properties and it unsticks always put silicone between the led strip and the vacuum strip which I don't do here because its open and I can remove it and put a new one when I want you have to put it on all 4 corners and the cut is made on the allocated points don't cut anywhere else or it won't work and there will be a problem now I am soldering all the wires first im joinning them togheter thats how I do it don't judge me electricians I dip it in the soldering paste then I solder it thats much better and easier to connect it its required to put insulation on it so there wont happen a short circuit so its better to insulate it now soldering it each one to the other same color to the same color if you have RGB if you don't have the cable you can find it in an old usb mouse there are 4 wires in it best and fastest way to solve the problem this is a test I didnt insulated it yet before testing the down and upper board so I don't have to solder it twice agian its very important to keep it clean, best way with glass cleaning liquid and microfibre now turning it on there we go it turned on there is no effect yet beacuse one part is missing and thats the glass but not a normal glass when you do it, it always goes with a stopsol glass half glass half mirror so the glasses which are put on the windows stopsol has 2 sides one side gives a effect of 5 to 6 cm depth on the other side the effect is up to 10 cm depth its always deeper on one side and that makes it look nicer and thats it for this part now I will install it like that its important to make a good contact and the infinity mirror for the bottom part is finished now we are doing the 60x60 upper part exact same process as the bottom part taking of the protection film glueing it exact same procces like on the 40x40 now we do it on the 60x60 RGB led strip agian it goes clockwise and this time i didn't drill a hole I just did a cut I added this letters as a detail now we are applying aluminum moldings inside the bottom board because I liked it how it seperated it from all black so one detail in grey nothing too much now we are doing it for the upper board assembling the frame for the upper board I had a little problem here because I didn't want to use screws or silicone I wanted to use liquid metal of course I did it It was a pain to do it and I forgot to capture it agian liquid metal is bison you can find it in every color shop after that you let it dry, sand it paint it and then assemble it I painted it in matt black so it is the same color as the table itself bottom one in chrome grey like color and the upper in matt black and thats it for this video it was a challenge on the internet it was made from wood from metal, I modified it and made it like I want so it wont be the same like everyone else made combination was glass aluminum and iron of course led strips in the bottom and the upper board if you want a seperate tutorial on how to make infinite mirror let me know down in the comments let me know your opinion about this project do you like it what do you think of it, what could I add up to it or maybe take out etc. so thats it thanks for watching see you in a new project and new video till then goodbye
Channel: Ćaletova Radionica
Views: 2,279,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cale, Radionica, Caletova Radionica, Infinity Cube, Infinity Mirror, Klub Sto, Dnevna Soba
Id: _vchuEMF1Q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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