Infinity Class Supercarrier | Halo

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For the entirety of the Human-Covenant  War, the United Nations Space Command Navy   faced a numerical and qualitative disadvantage.   In nearly every engagement, UNSC fleets suffered  disproportionate losses, and it was only through   overwhelming numbers that even individual Covenant  ships were reliably destroyed. The enormous   disparity between the two sides guaranteed  that near total Covenant space superiority   was achieved after predictable one sided fleet  actions. Identifying space warfare imbalances   and overcoming this disparity was the primary  focus of the UNSC Navy in the post war period.   Their cardinal success was the  Infinity-Class Supercarrier. The largest ship class ever commissioned into  service within the UNSC Navy, the Infinity   represents a foundational leap over the preceding  Epoch and Punic class carriers. Its primary role   is carrying, arming, deploying and recovering  both spacecraft and marine expeditionary forces.   Its capabilities however, extend beyond those  of the traditional carrier or assault ship.   Its heavy armament makes the Infinity Class  suitable for space-control or denial operations,   able to directly supplement the  offensive power of its carrier air-wing.   Its flag facilities allow the Infinity Class to  accommodate a fleet commander and their staff,   acting as a command and control center  for a larger battlegroup or task force.   It can also assist in coordinating the actions  of Marine or Army units, both those deployed   directly from the Infinity, and others that might  be present within the ship’s area of operations.   The Infinity class is equipped with substantial  scientific, diplomatic and medical facilities,   making it a key component of UNSC exploration  efforts, power projection, and naval strategy. Ships of the Infinity class are built to a length  of 5694.2 meters, have a beam of 833.3 meters, and   a height of 1041.2 meters. Its standard loadout  gives it a mass of 907 million metric tons.   The angular hull of the design is reminiscent of  earlier UNSC carriers but without the “wings'”   commonly affixed to the port and starboard  sides. The spaceframe’s primary modules are   instead comparatively well integrated, resulting  in a more aesthetically streamlined appearance. The ship's propulsion is provided at  translight speeds by a Shaw-Fujikawa Mark 10   “Macedon'' prototype drive. Although given a UNSC  designation, the engine is primarily Forerunner in   origin and incompatible with human technology on  its own. It is accordingly linked into the ship’s   power and data feeds by a series of Engine Module  Interlocks, themselves based on Covenant designs.   During slipspace jumps, the engines are charged  by a vacuum energy siphon, which draws power   from the underlying background energy of the  universe. The class is propelled at maneuver   speeds by a conventional fusion powered set of one  primary and two secondary repulsor engines. Both   the sublight engines and translight drive extend  outwards from the primary hull beneath the stern. The armament of an Infinity class is  iterative rather than evolutionary,   consisting of the magnetic accelerator cannons,   missile systems and gun batteries that are  the mainstay of UNSC forces. Its primary   offensive element are four 27 meter bore CR-03  Series 8 MAC Cannons mounted on the ship’s bow.   Their standard ammunition includes the ferric  tungsten rounds that proved their worth against   Covenant capital ships, but can additionally fire  a myriad of other munition types. Autonomous kill   vehicles, cargo packages and even small spacecraft  can likewise be launched from each CR-03. Secondary armaments include M42 Archer,  M75 Rapier and M96 Howler missiles   distributed across the length of  the ship in 1,100 separate pods.   Each has between 24 and 30 missiles depending on  their type. An additional 10 Onager Mac guns are   mounted dorsally on rotating weapon mounts.  The M965 “Fortress” point defense network,   M85 “Scythe” anti-aircraft guns, and M97  “Lance” missile pods, constitute the Close   In Weapon Systems equipped to the class, meant  to intercept enemy munitions and smaller craft. Both the propulsion and armament of an Infinity  class is highly dependent on its advanced sensors,   again derived from Forerunner technology. Through  a combination of shipboard sensors and drones,   hyper-accurate, real time data concerning the  surrounding space or planetary surfaces is fed   directly into the ship’s systems and can be  displayed on the bridge’s main holotable.   The aft mounted sensor array also  includes a long range hyperscanner,   and a Forerunner Luminary, a device able to  scan for and identify other Forerunner relics. The Infinity Class has the distinction of being  the first UNSC design of its size to include an   indigenously developed shield generator. Combined  with more traditional Titanium A-3 armor plating,   the survivability of the class against even  sustained enemy fire is unparalleled. When   compared to the Covenant ships that the Infinity  has been designed to directly compete with,   it is the first UNSC ship to exhibit  a substantial advantage in this area. To rapidly deploy its air-wing and expeditionary  forces, 275 primary bays, 140 secondary bays,   108 material bays and ten sub-vessel deployment  bays are located throughout an Infinity’s hull.   The latter of these are large  enough to carry UNSC frigates,   enabling a small escort flotilla to make use  of an Infinity’s more precise translight drive.   Additional transatmospheric craft  carried aboard include Albatross and   Pelican heavy lift dropships together with  Longsword and Broadsword strike fighters.   Terrestrial vehicles consist of M510  Mammoths, M12 Warthogs and M820 Scorpions. During a standard deployment the Infinity Class  has a complement of 17,151 sailors, marines,   members of the intelligence community and civilian  specialists. The nature of the ship however means   that representatives from the UEG government,  the other major branches of the UNSC military,   and even foreign observers accompany  the ship’s standard personnel.   The ship's total complement in practice  is therefore often much higher. Able to operate almost indefinitely, the Infinity  class includes a number of amenities typically   only found aboard civilian or colonial vessels.  The largest of these, and one entirely unique,   is a large atrium featuring a self-contained  biosphere complete with animal and plant   life beneath an artificial skydome. Training  facilities have also been given special attention,   providing everything from exercise rooms to  the ability to conduct war games on board. While fully commissioned into the UNSC  Navy, the lead ship of the Infinity Class   is in many ways still an experimental design  and a starship technology demonstrator.   Further refinements have the potential to greatly  affect the design’s general specifications and   it is likely that subsequent vessels of the class  might have some or all of their unique Forerunner   derived components removed or supplemented  with more readily available human technology. The construction of the Infinity class  was originally a closely guarded secret   as part of Project Ouroboros. Research and  development was centralized entirely within   Special Assembly Plant Concord, located in  the Oort Cloud surrounding the Solar System.   It was originally designed to be a mobile colony,  allowing for the continuance of human civilization   in the event that Earth was occupied by the  Covenant and the United Earth Government forced   to capitulate. With the successful conclusion  of the war, the Infinity was instead repurposed   as a warship and its design heavily modified  to reflect its new role. The UNSC Infinity,   the lead ship of the class, was commissioned into  service within the Navy on February 21st, 2557.   It was publically assigned to a mission of  peaceful exploration, but had in fact been   active in supporting UNSC aligned groups within  the former Covenant for almost 4 years previously. Assigned as the Flagship of Expeditionary Strike  Group 1, the UNSC Infinity saw action against both   remnant forces of the Covenant, and Prometheans,  warrior servants of the ancient Forerunners.   During an engagement over Earth, it scored hits  on Mantle’s Approach, flagship of the Prometheans   commander, contributing to its eventual  destruction. It was later stationed over Requiem,   an artificial shield world first constructed  by the Forerunners. Following this tour,   it underwent substantial refits over Earth,  incorporating modules from its sister ship,   the still incomplete UNSC Eternity, to expedite  the Infinity’s return to active service.   The ship was one of the few UNSC Naval vessels  to escape the Subjugation of Earth by a rogue AI,   and believed to be on route to  Installation 07 when contact was lost. While the fate of the UNSC Infinity or  Earth itself remains unknown, the ship’s   motto reflects the spirit with which it was  constructed and that of humanity itself. “To Dare   is to Do.” From the moment the human species first  set out into the vast unknown of the universe,   it has dared to do the impossible time and time  again. With ships like the Infinity, and the   sailors, airmen, marines and citizens aboard  her, there is no limit to what might be done.
Channel: The Templin Institute
Views: 397,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Templin, Institute, unsc infinity, halo lore, halo lore explained, super carrier, halo 4, halo 5, unsc halo, halo ships, halo infinity, halo space battle, halo capital ship, unsc infinity vs, halo capital ships, unsc eternity, halo warfleet, infinity super carrier, infinity class super carrier, unsc navy, united nations space command, capital ship, unsc ships, infinity halo, infinity class, infinity class carrier, infinity class supercarrier, spacedock, ship breakdown
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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