Infiltration Tactics

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hey guys run if you wanna play here again and given this actually a negative 11 out right now without one children knows how cold it really is shootings kind of tough it's cold nothing you can't actually get duct tape to stick to itself out there so weird it kind of use this time to do a lot of our classroom type stuff and talk about some historical perspectives on tactics strategy training things like that that it really led to what we do in the modern age but maybe we don't understand these are things that are very interesting to me this is where my greatest passion is so we're going to talk about today one of the tactics of infiltration now sometimes I hear I'm called putti tactics by men by the name of Oscar pon who tear who's an officer in a German army in World War one now in my research are coming to find out that only Americans use that term the Germans have made absolutely no mention whatsoever any of their reports from the time of using the routier tactics so what is called infiltration tactics so coming out of World War one we're all familiar with the basics of World War one I think and how most things that came about it won't have really led to what we know as far as modern but nuclear warfare especially armored warfare and things like that so you know I could talk all day about this but keep it nice and short we know the basics as far as over one being mostly a stalemate of trench warfare largely little ground was given her loss throughout most of the war until various parts and so these came about for a couple of main reasons now we could talk forever about these but the three main reasons that I'm going to list here are one defensive power and so defensive power coming primarily from the weapons of the day artillery was powerful in a way that had never ever before been experienced it caused 70 percent of all the casualties in World War one and up until that point all the wars fought on mainland Europe were caused the captives were you know caused primarily by the personal weapons the rifles the muskets of the infantry so this was a massive swing in addition to that you have the machine gun while it's not very mobile at the time very capable of covering large areas of ground with withering fire and really making a tax futile against a lot of stuff like that in addition now you start to have the addition of things like barbed wire you know and gas some stuff like that that all benefit the defensive okay number two is the size of the armies and conscripts below that so what I mean by conscripts is all the armies were essentially made of draftees once you got past about the first year of the war and so the armies were bidding in a way that had never ever been imagined before now as we've gone beyond the world war 1 in the world war 2 armies have gotten bigger but up until this point that had never seen that before so armies were so unbelievably huge that by and large they were much less well-trained than they had been at the start of the war and now you also end up with some tactics where just destroying enemy troops does not grant the victory and so we see this in World War one the Germans killed at least two for every one that they lost and they lost millions their friendship british-born lost millions but neither one was able to come to a decisive end and so that's why the army size matters number three is a battlefield death so again because of the weapons of the day battlefields took a depth that had not before had been seen and so instead of being a couple to a few hundred meters deep you know between the frontlines and the baggage train and things like that now you have lines and potentially miles and a mile of steam and then you know this only gets exacerbated as we've gone into the modern era so just beat an enemy at the front line or just beating in that initial contact is not enough to render someone a victory we have to find a way to get beyond that so that's where we the infiltration tactics by still gonna go ahead and I'm talking about the strategy behind that and what was hoped to be achieved with these tactics okay talking now about the action tactics and the strategy of infiltration so I've drawn up here a pretty crude kindergarten mock-up of what a World War one battlefield defense might look like now I'd been on my tail artists so you kind of do it with melee but now we have successive mines the first second and third lines of defense the artillery and then back here representing the objective which may be a town a supply depot a rail Depot things like that like we said in modern warfare the goal is no longer just to kill the troops is to get objectives that can actually bring about a successful battle okay so now what we need to do is dispel a couple of myths and talk about you know how battlefields on World War one or actually connect you all have this visionary head from the movies of a massive line of guys with bayonets fixed and they blow a whistle and they all run across no-man's land and in the trench from the opposite side there's a massive line of other dudes with bayonets fixed on their rifles then they clash in the trenches and you know whoever wins kind of has it out now it the beginning of war that was somewhat true but as the war went on that was not how armies conducted defensive operations by enlarge and the reason for that is quite obvious if you think about football if you're gonna go line defense in the middle of the field if you happen to call the right play and you stop them everything's great but if they slip there just a little bit there's absolutely nobody behind there alright and so same thing happens with the armies if you leave all of your troops in a very forward position they're going to get pounded by artillery like we said artillery causing massive catification so you're going to take a ton of casualties area so now what we have is a front line that is primarily defended by outposts within listening posts or observation posts and patrols but it's very thin they man not a lot of trips in here and there's places where these patrols can jump off to go but there's no massive amounts of men in these positions when we get back to the second line of troops now we have our actual first area that's going to be very heavily contested so these trenches are dug in a zigzag which is how they actually dug them back then to avoid on falak fire they would have hardpoints machine-gun positions and things along there especially on the German side they tended to have concrete pillboxes in the Hindenburg Line so this line would be very heavily contested this third line back here would contain mobile reserves that way they could immediately counter-attack by the enemy back and or fill in gaps as necessary they would have communication trenches running between these lines to connect them so that they could get there with minimal casualties behind that you have your artillery of your mortars to be protected and then back from the battlefield and behind that further is your objective which is supplying all of this so we need to think about what's going to happen here so is my attack begins all the way over here as I come through this first line all right we're already under our Tillery fire we're going to start to take machine-gun fire from the second line positions as they're firing on their FPS right and now the outposts that are here going to be calling in that mark chillin makin sure it's accurate and also using the rifles causing a few casualties so as we're coming through we're being slowed down the taking casualties all the way up them to the second line we'll get into our heavy fighting so by the time Army's got to that second line what they start to run into is that the battlefield is so absolutely smashed tomorrow they are all the artillery hitting that it's very hard to move through there you've taken a ton of casualties to your forces down so just getting the wounded out of there getting reserves that was takes a lot of time and by the the enemy's already calculating what you're doing and they're counter-attacking from this third line to drive you out so that's the main reason the numbers were taking so many casualties then why mass frontal assault with bayonets just did not work that's where infiltration troops come in and on the German side especially we're all familiar with that word of the storm troops they're so stupid they're shock troops okay now that we got the meet particulars down basically of what a World War one battlefield especially if the defensive position looked like it actually talked about the tactics of infiltration and specifically the tactics utilized by the Germans with their stormtroopers their favorites toast Putin and so when attack these objectives obviously these long drawn-out charges caused a lot of casualties so what they figured out was that they needed specialized troops these stormtroopers these specialized troops would instead of having a massive artillery barrage before they went over the top and then engaging in combat from the get-go they had a very short very very accurate artillery barrage and often a creeping barrage so as they were moving the archers moving in front of them they also advanced across no-man's land with their rifle slung on their backs carrying bags and bags of grenades and they've carried pistols and sometimes submachine guns the Berkman had to be 18 in small groups they would cover each other and they would avoid fighting and all you know at all cost so their goal was not to fight any of these units here their goal was to infiltrate through these frontline positions to get to the actual objective like we said our Tillery is causing said 70% of the casualties on battlefield so we want to neutralize that and the objective are the nerve centers behind that the towns the supply areas the road rail centers and things like that so it's these units moved through avoiding combat wherever possible and when they did have to engage the enemy they primarily engaged them with grenades they realized that jumping in a trench and having it out hand-to-hand with other troops basically everybody is going to be about equal so Army's figured out you're gonna lose roughly half your troops in that kind of fight so what the stormtroopers did was when they drove the enemy back into these trenches and bunkers positions they threw grenades in neutralized them kill them all with grenades and moved on very quickly took very few casualties comparatively and then kept moving with the utmost speed to get through these positions now behind the shock troops the second wave of the German assault would be true specifically equipped to deal with these 2nd line positions these hardened positions they would carry portable machine guns the MgO in 15 which for the time was pretty mobile snowed by magnify pound which was a lot lighter than the MgO it they would carry flamethrowers they would carry more grenades and explosives and they would specifically target and deal with these hard positions that was their sole goal behind them the third line and then successive lines were standard infantry and their job was to deal with mopping up the infantry left behind with their heart point shattered their artillery neutralized the infantry were very disorganized and we're not nearly as effective a fighting force as they could be before and so now this assault would just continue forward as it would go stormtroopers infiltrate through second line business then third line does its thing all the way through until they get to the objectives and now the Germans use these in the spring of 1918 in the so-called Spring Offensive or the Ludendorff offensive almost to completion they split the British and the French armies they almost drove the British back to the sea but they eventually became exhausted and failed at their and they were eventually defeated in hundred days offensive there was largely no French and Americans conducted that but the tactic paved the way for what we would know now as modern maneuver warfare and especially armor
Channel: Bastion Black Performance
Views: 15,095
Rating: 4.9886365 out of 5
Id: -MPhWdnn85g
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Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2013
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