Infiltrating the Airship Remastered - All Choices, Fails & Endings

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Well, well... look who finally decided to wake up. You've been quite elusive, but your skills make you worth the catch. You'll be perfect for the job. We've been having some issues with a group of thieves known as the Toppat Clan. We know they're guilty, we just can't pin them to any crimes. You'll be going into the airship to bring them down. I don't need to remind you that we've got you on several charges. Attempted robbery... Breaking yourself out of prison... Heh, and even stealing the Tunisian Diamond. We've got quite a lot of counts on you. Do this job right, and we'll drop all charges against you. Charlie here will be bringing you close to the airship. The rest is up to you. Find a way to bring them down, and you'll be a free man, Hey, uh, how do you want me to bring you in? Hey, did you hear something over there? Nah man, I didn't hear nothing. Check, check, this is Charles. Thought I'd, uh, give you a heads up. Uhh, there's a guy down there... ...a bad guy, so uh, yeah. Good luck. Hey, good job there! Oh, uh, so we should probably look for something incriminating... ...something that we can use to prove that they're criminals, you know? I mean, it's the whole point of this operation... Alright gentlemen, we've been tasked with developing new weapons for the clan. Any ideas? I was kinda thinking- Right, so if we go up to three caliber... Hey, you there! What do you think you're doing? It's Smith, right? What are you doing here, mate? Your wife's just gone into labor! Take that escape pod behind you. It'll take you right to the hospital. Go ahead. Don't worry, I'll tell the chief. No, we can't do that! Why not, man!? You do realize how much a solid gold cannon would weigh, don't you? Dude, we totally got enough power. What do you think man? Well, I'm still kind of new here, so I'm not really sure what to say. Door's jammed again! Oh, hey, uh, you see that 'record' sign...? ...where it says 'records'? That'd probably be a good place to look, right? Let me just, uh, help you get across that gap. Okay, uh, let me just teleport this thing in here for you. Yeah, I have this thing here that can manipulate gravity. It should be able to get you to float across. Let me just... Wait... Up...? Down...? Did it work? Alright, here I come! Da-dadara-dadara- dadadadaaa-! Alright, here it comes. I don't think that guy knows how to open the door. Yeah, why don't you let me take care of this. I do not understand this. Wow, this guy really is a moron. Can't believe he doesn't know how to open a door. Whoops. Alright, get to bring out the big guns! And you should be good to go now. Alright, uh... I hacked into their security system. I should be able to open the door from here. Oh man, I remember this... Good thing nobody knows about this, or we'd be in a lot of trouble. Oh man, that duck just flew right into the propeller! Oh, what a mess! Oh man, I remember this. Good thing nobody knows about this, or we'd be in a lot of trouble. Oh man, I remember this. Good thing nobody knows about this, or we'd be in a lot of trouble. Falcon... Oh man, I remember this. Good thing nobody knows about this, or we'd be in a lot of trouble. Oh, hello Mr. Spider! Alright, you got some evidence! Woah, wait, wait. There's no way you're getting through there. Lots of guys, and there's lots of guns. That's all I'm gonna say. It looks like you could get around if you go through that air duct. Alright, I've hacked into their power grid. What do you want me to do? Baaa. Okay...? I don't understand what that means. Okay, shutting down the power now. Alright, I've hacked into their power grid. What do you want me to do? I'm sorry, I just thought you needed some help, that's all. Alright, I've hacked into their power grid. What do you want me to do? Okay, I'll reroute the power to a random room, that's fine. Alright, Henry, you're almost there. I'm right outside so just open the bay doors and I'll, uh, get you on the chopper. Hey, what are you doing? Yeah, uh, we got a situation down in the cargo bay. Fire in the hole! Psst, hey! There's a button on your earpiece, you should press it. What's goin-? This could be a problem... Hey, I've been- I've been looking at the numbers here, what do you think? Ah, yes, let me have a look. Go, go! I'll hold him off! Come on then! Everyone listen up. We've got a security alert. Keep a lookout for a guy in a big plastic ball. No- no, I'm serious. Hurry up now, activate the doors! Hurry up now, activate the doors! Hurry up now, activate the doors! Hurry up now, activate the doors! No, no! Get away! Now I've got you. Help, help! Listen, listen. You've defeated my Right Hand Man, and you've defeated me. I surrender the airship to you. Great work, Henry! Now just get him to us, and you'll get your life back. They're firing on us, now we can take them down! Return fire! You think they're alright? ...pretty big fall. I'm sure Henry had a plan. What is thi... Henryyyy! Uuum... Eh, my apologies everyone. Had to deploy some evasive maneuvers. A flock of ducks flew by. Hmm... Hey, you! Stop right there! What's going on? It looks like he set off some sort of alarm... the vault...? What? He's gone rogue? Alright, move to plan B. Call in reinforcements and move in. Yeah, this is Jeffrey. Yeah, I got him right here, so you guys don't need to- Move out, men! Let's go! Come on now! Wilson! We've gotta get outta here! We've got chaos at our front doorstep! We're not built to deal with this, man! Go, evacuate everyone. I can take care of this. Goodbye... There he is! He's got the ruby! No, forget about it. We've gotta retreat, or else the Toppat Clan will be history. Orders, captain? Let him go. What?! We got what we came for. He's not worth the trouble.
Channel: JX
Views: 2,361,569
Rating: 4.8040581 out of 5
Id: -g3iSKNHiUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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