Infections increasing globally

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well you're most welcome to today's talk it's wednesday the 21st of april now globally cases and deaths i'm afraid are both climbing again let's look at a few graphics just to contextualize that to start off today cases going up globally now we know the data is incomplete we know some countries aren't reporting at all but that is definitely an upward trend and i've put a link into the latest world health organization bulletin which is here so what what this shows is cases here it's a bit of a complicated graphic and uh they're color-coded so we can see which parts of the world have what proportion of cases so for example we can see that the proportion of cases here relating to southeast asia are increasing and deaths is on this side here and the death line of course the deaths given per region you can't tell from this graph but this is the line of deaths and and sadly we do see it going up so we've had cases going up for quite a long period of time now and death's also starting to climb so um there's no question this this is a worrying this is a worrying trend and countries are particularly problematic united kingdom india going up sharply now we've looked at this several times we know that the cases in india are way more than officially reported because of the limited testing in many many areas so um that this graphic greatly underestimate underestimates the reality on the ground in india well of course we are concerned about india at the moment but even on official numbers it's going up united states the vaccines do seem to be working in the states canada got a report from canada tomorrow so we won't mention too much about that brazil france would be about here but turkey unfortunately going up really quite quite steeply so that just gives a bit of um a bit of context for various places in the world at the moment now um oh let's start off by uh confessing yesterday's errors uh yesterday i said that it's all adults or all people over the age of 18 in the united states that are now eligible well i've just taken this directly from the cdc website and as you'll see it's uh everyone over the age of 16 is now eligible so apologies uh to people in the united states but it is impressive anyone now in the united states over the age of 16 can just um everyone 16 years of age and older can just just book a test this is uh the envy of many places uh not book a test book of vaccine what am i talking about but booking a vaccine i'm still waiting for my second one it's been about nine weeks now and i still haven't heard so it really would be nice to get the second one done so that's the situation in the states that is good now the issue in the states may become vaccine take-up fairly soon if it does when vaccine take-up becomes the limiting factor then we'll start talking about it until then i don't think it is the limiting factor and i think more and more people are just waiting to get the vaccine which is good news uh global increase in cases so this is the latest publication from the who which does collect very good information it's uh it's forward thinking might be questionable but it's a simulation of what's happened is is excellent the data is there so cases increasing for the past eight weeks another 5.2 million cases just in the past uh seven days alone deaths increasing as we saw on the graphic for the past five weeks and there was 83 000 deaths in the past seven days up seven percent on the last week so these increasing cases uh and increasing deaths are not what we want to see and as we saw southeast asia india western pacific region are the areas of particular increase at the moment now um i know a lot of you kind of um follow this story how how mandatory a vaccine is going to be well i've got just a few examples here united arab emirates smallish population but uh we've followed it on in terms of uh it's excellent vaccine roll light with chinese sino farm and the pfizer vaccine at least one dose 65 of the population two doses 38 of the population so going well um but united arab emirates and israel seem to be leading the way in considering restricting movements of the unvaccinated so um this is from the national emergency crisis and disasters management of the united arab emirates delaying or refraining from taking the vaccine will pose a threat to the safety of society pretty strong words but it's hard to disagree with as it poses a major challenge to the national efforts to recover so um pretty hard to disagree with that statement really strict measures are being considered now you can agree or disagree with that but this is what they are reporting restrict the movement of unvaccinated individuals implement preventative measures such as restricting entry to some places and having access to some services so what what's going to happen here well we don't really know but um a lot of countries are going to take this path for the people that get vaccinated um really why should they suffer for people that are not vaccinated what one's vaccine is universally available and rolled out of course it's a good question um we'll carry on discussing it um but whether you agree or not this is what's starting to happen israel is another example uh some indoor venues theaters and restaurants now require proof of vaccination or infection and uh the countries that are sort of moving this way you do seem to be reasonable they're saying if people have been infected or or they've been vaccinated now i think it was i'm pretty sure it was israel i'm writing saying that you get a full green passport if you've had the disease and one dose of the vaccine so having the disease counts as the first vaccine which i think immunologically does make a fair degree of sense that the israeli approach italy this might surprise some people national government decree if a healthcare worker hospital so that's healthcare worker in hospital nursing home or other facilities where they're in contact with patients um they have to be vaccinated it's basically mandated uh then they have to accept if they're not vaccinated they have to accept a different work position with pay without patience or they can be basically uh sacked so israel taking a very strong line there but again looking at it from the other the other point of view if and we'll see we'll see an example of this later actually if you are going into a healthcare facility you want to know that you're safe and surgeons for example have to be vaccinated against hepatitis b every one of my students in the first year was vaccinated against hepatitis b hundred of them a year or whatever it was this is just axiomatic and uh really why would the covered vaccine be any different you know the idea of going to your health care provider and contracting hiv or hepatitis b or covered 19 is something you really don't want you know patient safety has to be considered so interesting interesting um italy generally is introducing the green pass while waiting for the european union health passport which is is coming is coming so if you want to travel around within the european union or you want to travel in or out of the european union although they haven't said this yet but it's even if you need to travel around within the european union it's inevitable you're going to need it to fly in and out or drive in and out of the european union you're going to need this uh green passport it's just going to happen um whether you like it or not i don't see any alternative it's the way things are going um now the bizarre story indian airline flight delhi to hong kong 4th of april just before we do that this is the number of new cases in india and basically it's not getting any better so we're basically we're edging 300 000 official cases now who would like to guess by what degree these are underestimated because these are people that have officially tested positive so is this an underestimate of what a half a quarter you know the real cases are much much higher than this but again we see this very very rapid increase in cases in india and i am i am concerned now um getting back to this flight from delhi delhi to uh hong kong fourth of april uh now we don't know how many passengers on this flight the airline won't tell us but the the the flights the the plane in question takes up to 188. um all tests all tested negative within 72 hours of departure but when they got there 53 tested positive and that emerged during the mandatory three-week quarantine in hong kong now without that that could have meant that hong kong had a outbreak of the new india variant um now how many of these were the new india variant we don't know we just know that 53 tested positive at some point during that three week quarantine if you'd like to fly from india to england today of course you don't need to do a quarantine in a hotel and you can just do it on your own mixing with other members of family going in and out who go shopping who go to school it won't become hotel quarantine until 4 a.m on friday the 23rd so uh gives you a nice window of opportunity to to get into the uk i mean why aren't these things done more proactively anyway so just think about it 53 cases and and we know that in india at the moment it's about 60 in some areas at least of the new india variant which is looking more contagious which is looking like it's causing more deaths which which is looking like it's causing some immune escape now i'm not going to say more than that because we're not certain but um from what we're seeing in india it would be pretty surprising if the if the pure science uh contradicts the epidemiology that we're seeing unfolding in india in front of our eyes unfortunately um now also there's been positive cases picked up in hong kong from uh flights from mumbai uh and uh introduced an emergency two-week ban on flights from india pakistan and the philippines as well in hong kong so hong kong doing a very good job of keeping the uh the virus and perhaps more importantly at the moment the new variants out whereas in the uk we are not doing such a good job um so still concerned about that india i'm not going to go on about it until i've got more hard data but it will be coming out in the next few days brazil is often also a bit of a concern so the case is here we see we see you know they're not far that's the 100 000 line there so new cases in brazil they're going down slightly still very high and we know that the deaths in brazil are high so um countries with particular difficulty there india brazil turkey that we know of right uh just briefly now johnson johnson vaccine the anson vaccine um european medicines agency met yesterday uh confirms the positive risk benefit analysis so it's back on back on the menu which is good to see lots of discussion about that the actual papers from the european registers to themselves of that one concluded that a warning about unusual blood clots with low platelet accounts should be added to the product information so they are accepting this link albeit very rare so it's excuse me it's this combination it's the it's the uh unusual blood clots particularly in the uh spanish system in the abdomen and the cerebral sinus veins but with it's when it's with the low platelets when it's with the thrombocytopenia so they are saying this link is there but there's a actually a pretty huge risk benefit analysis they're saying this should be listed as a very rare side effect of the vaccine and this is based on seven million vaccines in the u.s and they've analyzed eight cases now this is news to me the last time i looked at it it was 6.8 million vaccines and there'd been six cases and we know all of these six cases were women and we know that they're aged 18 to 48. so that's what we did know this is fresh information that's come to light good to see that the cdc are publishing this but as we look to those other side effects of other vaccines that do seem to be less publicized anyway so the european medicines agency 7 million vaccines in the united states eight cases so we're dealing about what what one complication here every nine hundred thousand vaccines or so so a very rare complication around not far off one in a million all cases occurred in in people under 60 so we can assume that there was a case so given that the oldest before was 48 uh we can assume that a couple of these new ones were older one or more were older uh they all occurred within three weeks of vaccines that hasn't changed and the majority were women so we can conclude that one or two of the extra ones were men as well because the original six from the united states were all um all we pre-menopausal women um specific risk factors have not been confirmed so quite why this is happening they don't know but there is this rare condition plausible explanation they say uh an immune response similar to heparin and juice thrombocytopenia so heparin is a pla a drug uh anticoagulant drug and that can induce clotting and thrombocytopenia it's called heparin injurious thrombocytopenia so they say it's similar to that and they're also saying it's similar to the rare side effects that have been identified with the oxford estrogenic vaccine but as we looked at before all vaccines have potential side effects so they are basically that basically that's reinstated and johnson and johnson itself actually suspended it originally i think but now that's back on for european union countries of course individual states will now have to act on that um united states is making an announcement on friday two days time um but the the risk benefit analysis is is so favorable and um [Music] that there are there are potential complications from all effective treatments i'll certainly be getting my second dose as soon as i can and and indeed would have a dose of the uh without hesitation i would have a dose of the oxford astrazeneca or the uh or the anson johnson johnson vaccine as my second dose it's just not on the protocol at the moment but personally i wouldn't hesitate to have that studies are going on to work out about the the likelihood of mix and match of vaccines um how efficacious that is so uh basically the the european emergence agency are saying if if any of these things happen this is not for junior doctors to decide it should be specialist uh hematologists and uh people that know about immunity and things like that senior doctor very senior doctor should decide this how to treat this because what the data from this now the european medicine agencies don't seem to mention this but in the united states they've pointed out the importance of not giving heparin which of course is the standard treatment for blood clots so the the point of that is very important not to give that but the european emergency agency don't say what the treatment is they just say basically kick it upstairs to senior doctors so this is it it's not a it's not a treatment strategy that a junior doctor in a e would decide it would go to senior consultants and rightly so until we know much more about it they say to look out for shortness of breath which could be blood clots in the lungs chest pain which could be blood clots near the pleural membranes or things affecting the heart leg swelling which could be uh blood clots in the major veins that drain the lower part of the body persistent abdominal pain which could be the splanchnic the portal vein the portal venous thrombosis that we looked at a few days ago neurological symptoms such as severe or persistent headache or blurred vision that could be the cerebral sinus venous effects and tiny spots under the skin we call these petechial hemorrhages beyond the site of the injection tiny blood clots under the skin so basically when you get little bits of bleeding under the skin um that's what they want you to look out for now this is actually um just quite similar to um you can actually get you can't see that let me pull up a bit there you go you can actually get um i mean i'm not saying this is in any way at all related to meningitis but if someone's got meningococcal uh sepsis or well you can it's the bacteria that causes meningitis the ninja coccus it can it can cause meningitis or it can cause sepsis or it can cause both um but what it does is it damages the small blood vessels and you get blood leaking out into the tissues and it's hard to tell sometimes whether that's a rash or whether it's blood so what you do is you get a glass a see-through glass and you press it i haven't got one i'll show you but um you could do it with my glasses maybe you you um basically what you do is if you've got a rash there that then you press a glass on it like that yeah that's working now can you see when i press there through my glasses there can you see my skin's gone white underneath i think you can just about see that so my skin's gone white underneath um that's called blanching so rashes will blend normal rashes will blanch here you can see the skin blanching there look with the pressure um so normal rashes will blanch but if there's blood in the tissues you won't blanch and it will still look like the same rash when it's under pressure like that and it would be the same with these particular hemorrhages if they stay obvious under pressure that would be one indication that it's blood in the tissues they don't mention that i just thought i'd add that so but the the official guidelines is tiny blood plots under the skin not related to the injection site so um good news that that's back on the the janssen vaccine of course has got massive implications for the world stored at fridge temperatures only one dose you know people that it's hard to get in for two doses they're just one dose of that and it's a single dose vaccine and it's relatively cheap as well so um good news i think good news that that's back on now um uh carla and roger have sent me an interesting reporting so it does two things really it shows some interesting principles that we'll we'll talk about but it's also people's experience in this pandemic and um that's one thing we've always been interested in on this channel it's all very well looking at the big global picture in the numbers but you know the human beings behind those numbers and this is an excellent talk excellent video not sure about the guy in the back but apart from that it is really good so uh carla roger thank you very much hi from miami uh i am carla i am 54 years old i'm 53 my kids keep telling me i'm 53 years old this is my boyfriend roger he is 39 years old uh he is very healthy i have covered so does he now uh i was very surprised to find this out i've been watching you for over a year i've been following all your advice on vitamin d on vaccination and proper hygiene and starting january last year i was already wearing face covering this is from january because of you and because of you i consulted with my physician as everybody should if they're going to take a vitamin d supplementation my physician recommended 10 000 units 5 000 in the morning 5 000 in the evening but you must consult your fair physician before taking any medications um and i've been thinking my levels were very low like 25 at the start currently there are 68 and i've been socially isolating roger and i have we live in the same household we have the same diet we uh pretty much don't leave the house and if when we do and we just started going i mean leaving the house since december maybe going you know outside uh going to you know eat or something you know but always outdoors and being very very careful uh so i'm very surprised that i have this diagnose i am going to tell you that i did take the vaccine on march 19th of this year i took the pfizer the first dose then on april 9th i took my second dose and the same day that i got the vaccine which i get i got it in the morning i was uh you know going to make a sourdough bread i was very very tired i couldn't believe i'm like oh my gosh the second dose really hit me hard and no didn't think anything of it the next day body aches everything no fever just body aches no headaches nothing like that uh brought your head started for a little bit on saturday this was friday on sunday more so sunday night having uh like symptoms like fever uh stuffiness body aches and by sunday i was already feeling better but um the reason for me finding out that i had and being past covid was that i have some stomach issues that been going on for about a year and they have not gone away and my doctor suggested i go visit the uh the emergency room so we both went and the the doctors recommended that i have a cat scan of my abdomen uh but before they took me and they said you got to be tested for covid and i'm like call it i just took my second dose like if you're admitted you must have a kova test i'm like okay so they did it by the time it came back from cat scan the tuners came in they're like you have covered am i no i don't yes i did so um they uh went through everything they said my symptoms could be related to covet you know the stomach i'm like no this is something firm a long time ago but um other than that i don't have any other symptoms of covet so they said that there's this monoclonal therapy that they are prescribing to individuals who have a severe respiratory as i do i have acute bronchitis and asthma and when i uh get it i usually have to be hospitalized or have a lot of therapies including steroids for me not to become so sick and i'm usually sick for anywhere from two to four weeks skipping through that i you know just said to my doctor no why did i get this and he goes well you got it because you're probably not fully vaccinated for some reason you got it and so did roger roger uh has chosen not to be vaccinated he's healthy he is okay we have proper diary follow-up procedures but he has had horrible symptoms i mean he has a fever now for nine days this is the first day that his fever is under 100 fahrenheit and i uh for the first couple days i was you know like you know just just not feeling well a little bit of respiratory problems we have our oximeter uh and our blood um oxygenation has been okay barrages has constant fever uh one night uh he had pain in his upper thighs they were so bad that actually kept him up at night and then the next day uh we belong to this concierge health service where we don't go to anywhere to get tested or even our vaccines were brought home to our to us and the doctor recommended this infusion with vitamins and a shot of 50 000 units of vitamin d we did that yesterday and he's already shown an improvement uh on his uh symptoms including the fever being lower right feeling much better and i have no symptoms whatsoever of coving actually he has no sense of smell i'm like i couldn't deal with that i love to cook it's my passion and i'm like no no i can't but um i'm writing this because i feel compelled to tell your viewers that the vaccination is very important and especially if you have uh other underlying issues other chronic illness this we we can't tell what the symptoms are going to be and how are you going to react but i can tell you for sure a hundred percent because of my experience and my whole lifetime i mean since i'm three years old i've been treated for asthma and for bronchitis and i even had one time i had a swine flu so i'm it that was horrible i was like i thought i was going to die much worse than this now but i am going to tell you vaccine did help me roger didn't think he's much younger than me uh i assume much better shape and he has all these symptoms not being vaccinated so i'm doing this video to let you know uh what oh and also i want to tell you what the doctor has prescribed us roger takes acetaminophen every six to eight hours we are also on the z pack myself especially because of bronchitis vitamin d 10 000 units continued plus we have the 50 000 uh shot and uh now the doctor has included a daily baby aspirin and he is doing that because of the risk of plotting uh from some studies with some of the vaccine he's just trying to be proactive and you know prevent something from happening with me being vaccinated or even just from coving you know blood clots are our usual so i am happy to share this video with you and i do have a question very important one and another subject uh roger just did this um record of jimmy campbell he's from england and we're wondering are you related to jimmy campbell the musician he was around the 60s i guess right with liverpool i don't know just hi from miami uh um the question's easy no we're not related um my my brother who died a few years ago uh three years ago um with motor neurone disease he was a brilliant musician but i i just can't even clap in time but no no we're not related to a jimmy campbell as far as we know although i think he was quite uh jimmy was on the go in the 70s so it's kind of like kind of time frame but but no i'm not related um i'll i will listen to him and see what i think um anyway seriously carla um i'm basically with your co-morbidities i'm just so pleased you'd have two doses of the vaccine because without it um really you could have been really quite quite poorly so um i'm just so pleased that you had that immunological uh protection there and roger at 39 quite quite severe disease um quite quite ill glad to see you you're improving now uh also glad to see that carla went to her own doctor and he prescribed quite a large dose of vitamin d it has to be said um but again you know that that may well have helped you in your acute episode so um quite a few things to learn from that and um very clearly and uh very well explained so um so remember don't take any medical advice from me or carla for you go to your own health care provider and get that but some very interesting um general prince principles there and and of course just the human experience of that so um i really appreciate you both both sharing that and i'm sure many people do as well so um thank you very much so that is us for today thank you for watching
Channel: Dr. John Campbell
Views: 161,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: physiology, nursing, NCLEX, health, disease, biology, medicine, nurse education, medical education, pathophysiology, campbell, human biology, human body
Id: 7_-8uTslpfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 8sec (1808 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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