Industrial Scratch Build 3 - The Inner Skeleton - Scratch Building With Inkscape

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hello welcome to chandwell over on the layout the industrial building is coming along quite nicely and this is part three of the series in which i show you how i use the free to download software inkscape to build this industrial building and this is what we're going to do this episode so i'm building the building as two internal elements which i'll then join together to make one big building at the end so in this episode i'm going to show you how i made the insides of the building that's the floors and these old chipped concrete painted walls this is the inside of the building and the outer walls will then go on top of this to complete the building off i'm going to start with a little overview of how i intend the buildings to go together if you've ever made a building downloaded from scale scenes you'll be familiar with the technique it's a very similar technique to how those kits work and it's how i taught myself this technique so without further ado let's have a look and i'll show you what we're going to do before we switch into inkscape i just want to show you how i'm going to construct the building so if we think about it the building from the top and this is not to scale is going to look something like this it's got that extension on the right-hand side so the right-hand side of the building is a little bit wider so when i construct this when it's all finished what we're going to have is we're going to have the outer walls are going to be the full depth of the building and they are going to be made from two layers of one millimeter card so these walls will be two millimeter thick the texture will wrap around them and so it'll look like part of the building so it won't look odd so there are two millimeter outer edges and then inside that we're going to have a half millimeter layer of card which is going to be wrapped with black texture to represent the downspouts this is the technique that scale scenes buildings work use for the downspouts and it's a really really effective way especially in engage of getting downspouts on your buildings then inside that and offset by one millimeter from the front and the back is going to be the inner skeleton so the inner skeleton is going to be constructed of one millimeter card and it's going to fit inside the building and obviously one on each side so like i said this is one millimeter card and because it's in set that gives us a space to put the front of the building on the front of the building we'll slot between the downspouts layers and stick onto the inner support which i'm calling the inner skeleton so they'll go somewhere like this [Music] if you look at the completed model i've got on the inset there you'll see how these layers go together but what we're looking at today is the inner skeleton of the building so that's represented by these red lines so we're going to do two parts of the building the left hand side and the right hand side and then glue them together with the flaws in place i'm leaving the middle for now so we're working on this bit and this bit today so with that in mind i hope that makes sense let's switch to inkscape so let's spend some time putting some guides onto our drawing this is the drawing that we used to create the card mock-up i've split the windows back out into individual shapes and you can do that by selecting the whole shape and choosing path break apart that puts them back into shapes i can deal with i'll cover that a bit later on but let's get these guides on so this is the side of the building and as i said before the front of the building and the back of the building are going to be inset into the side of here by one millimeter which is the width of the card that i'm using so i'm going to draw a rectangle as usual any size and then make sure that it's exactly one millimeter wide using snapping i'm going to drop it onto the side of the side of the building just like that now i'm going to drag that up a little bit to make it a little bit taller and then i'm going to duplicate it and with shift ctrl d and then using snapping drag it along and drop it onto the other side as well so this represents the inset that the front of the building will be sitting in when the side of the building gets put on now those are two there i'm going to select them both and over on the right hand side on the fill and stroke panel i'm going to reduce the opacity a little bit i'm going to make it 50 that just lets me see through the guides so i can see the shape underneath okay so they're good and whoops i'm going to select the guide i'm going to duplicate it and i'm going to drop it on either side of the brown shape as well because that's the other end end of the building so those are the two sides of the buildings with some guides on into which the front of the building will slot you'll see how i use these later on when it comes to actually making the actual shape that i need to stick the card and then cut out so because i'm going to be doing quite a few guides like this i'm going to just add a little a little reminder of what the colors mean so i'm going to come to the top top left i'm going to draw a rectangle i'm going to hold ctrl down which makes it an actual square and then using the text tool i just write in what the color chord for that guide is so the green rectangle it's a one millimeter inset for the front and the rear of the base of the building so now it's time to put the guides on the front face if you remember the little drawing that i did at the beginning that's quite a few now i'm not going to go through it step by step because you've seen me do it already so i'm just playing this one a little bit faster than i did in real time but we have a two millimeter layer first of all for the outer wall which goes before the downspouts we then have a half millimeter layer which i'm coloring purple and that's going to go inside of those and that is a half millimeter downpipe layer inside that we have a one millimeter inner skeleton layer now that is going to be the slightly narrower one that sits inside as the inter inside walls so there we are those are the next set of guides in place next i'm going to move on to the inner walls now i'm going to have an inner wall going through the middle of the building um so what we need to do is going to drag it rectangle into place and using snapping let's snap to the middle of the top of the roof there i'm also going to draw a line across there just to help me guide this up so drawing a line and using snapping i get that to exactly the right height and that's just a quick shortcut instead of having to use the align tool so i've now got a two millimeter thick rectangle um which is going to represent the inner walls i'm using two millimeters because it's going to be a piece of wall facing outwards on both sides so it's going to be two layers of one millimeter card put together and i'm just going to color that yellow and put a note as to what that is and that comes in handy because we can use that as a guide when we print it out to get the walls all glued up into the right place perpendicular as a nice guide so you'll see how that is used later on so that's a two millimeter inner wall that goes down the middle of that side of the building gonna duplicate it with shift ctrl d drag it into the place and snap it into the middle of the brown and then align it by selecting them both and using the align tool this time just going to align them to the top there okay so that's the inner walls of the two side parts of the building in place this building is complicated a bit further by the fact it's got this visibly open archway in the middle of it and also it's got the extension sticking out on one side so for that end i'm going to put another two inner walls and i'm going to use one millimeter wide that's what i'm using for the inner walls and i'm going to align them down the center of the join of where the pediment reaches the roof so i'm going to put those there i'm going to line the align them with the rest of the guides i've created and that will just help me build the building later on and you'll see how i'm going to use that um shortly and how i'm going to split that building up when it comes to constructing the building i'm actually going to make it in three pieces and we see the middle bit of the building there the opening on that's the middle bit and then the two bits on either side of it are going to be exactly the same from the front anyway so i'm going to call them building one two and three so i'm going to do is use the text tool and put on a label just so i know what i'm talking about later in the build of the building so i'm making the inner skeleton of the left-hand side of the building now because it's inside and the front is going to stick on top of it i need to make it a millimeter shorter either side so to do that i select the two green rectangles and choose path union that turns them into one shape i can then select that shape plus the orange shape and use path division and that splits the orange shape into one it takes two one millimeter slivers off the edge which let's then select and delete i appreciate that it's quite quick you can rewind that and see it again and but essentially all i'm doing is i'm using the green guides as a way of cutting off a millimeter edge from either side of the orange now i'm also now moving the yellow guide up so that it only affects the top two floors of the building that's because the bottom two floors are going to be open and the actual very bottom is just going to be underneath the ground so you're not going to see that one um i'm also making the floor guides one millimeter thick that's because the floor is going to be made out of one millimeter card so we've got this two millimeter bit in the middle i'm just going to make that a different color that is just going to help me glue the two millimeter thick walls in place and the horizontal lines the floor lines there is going to be guidelines to help me glue the flaws in place so that's essentially it we now have the correct side for the inner skeleton of the building and guidelines where the floors are going to go all i'm doing now is i'm just changing the widths of these shapes just to make them all line up nicely on top of the orange shape of the side of the building so i need to get a little bit of detail on these walls this is going to be the inside wall of building one so we've got it in place we've got all the bits in it so because i'm going to add a texture to the inside i'm going to have some kind of plastered wall i need to get all the rooms separated out into individual shapes so all i'm going to do is using snapping i'm going to draw rectangles above each of the rooms now this bottom one of course is going to be underneath ground level so i don't need anything on that one but i still like to have a shape on it just to keep them separate so i'm going to fast forward a little bit as i draw these shapes and i'll see you at the other side [Music] so this is the inside wall the left wall of building air it's going to select everything you shift control d to duplicate it and holding control down drag it to the left sorry drag it to the right and snap it to the side and then just draw a line down the middle now this now has two inside parts of this building we've got the right wall and the left wall so just preparing it now for the textures and for eventual printing what i'm going to do is i'm going to select all of the black guidelines and make them white that is just because we don't want to waste ink for something we're just going to glue something straight on top of so holding down shift select them all and then switch the colors to white we're using rectangle so it's the fill color here so there we are and then also this bottom bit because this bottom bit the red bit is going to be underground we don't need anything on here so i'm just going to fill those in a very very light gray i don't want to have white i do want to have something that's a little bit of a different color to the white paper it just helps when printing it out and to get the cuts in the right place when it does come time to print this out and cut it out i do find it useful to label each part it helps when cutting it out and deciding what order to glue things together so before i move on i'm just going to use the text tool to add a note as to what this is this is building one and it's the skeleton which is the inside part of the building i put on which piece is which so this is the inside left and it goes on one millimeter card that just helps me when i'm printing it out and cutting out the paper before deciding which card to glue it onto this one over here is the inside right so it's building one the inside left wall and the inside right wall now i think it might be nice to have a little window facing into the alleyway in the middle of the gap so i'm going to show the guides again and select the small window i'm going to copy it and then paste it back on our skeleton layer holding control down i'm going to drag it to the left so i've got it in exactly the right height and then i just need to get it into the middle so i'm going to draw a rectangle around the front room upstairs and just use the alignment distributor align it into the center that gives us a window in the middle of the front half of the building so with the window in the right place i'm going to select the orange rectangle and the blue rectangle and use path difference i've done this many times before it just cuts a hole out of the rectangle we've got that has given us a window in the front part of the building pointing into the open alleyway this is the inside wall obviously so you've got to think of it back to front so that is the front part of the downstairs left hand building pointing into the alleyway so i've got that in the right place now it's finally time to add some textures to this building so i just need to clean up this drawing a little bit and what i'm going to do is i'm going to put individual rectangles using clipper using snapping so it all lines up nicely just put individual rectangles on the top of each of these things what this lets me do is it makes it easier to put the textures onto the shapes later on so i'm just using the techniques that i've shown many times before i'm just drawing the shapes copying them moving them around and aligning them all and then moving them to the back so once i've got these shapes it's ready for the textures now i'm going to use another video in future to show how i get textures imported and scaled to the right size so i'm not going to do that now but here we are it's a texture it's like a kind of a grotty old painted concrete wall and i want this brown bit to be painted on the bottom part of the wall so i drag it into roughly the right part of the shape and selecting the texture and the shape the orange shape i then right click and choose set clip what that does is it replaces the orange rectangle with the bit of the image that's showing through let's do that again on the yellowy brown one move it into roughly the right place send it to the back select the rectangle and the image right click choose set clip and it's as simple as that to get a texture on there now the upper ones up here that are going to be in the attic i don't really mind they're not going to have a bottom bit on it so i'll just put it here so i select the shape set clip and there it is so those are the inside side walls of building one which is the left hand side building now i appreciate that might have been a little bit quick but i will be doing another video in future on how i work with textures and how i get them assigned applied to buildings as i go so that is building one inside sides of the skeleton door i'm just going to move them up there and now i'm going to do exactly the same as i've done but for building number two now you don't want to see this otherwise you'll be on for over an hour um into all told when this video is finished so i'm going to fast forward this little bit and we'll watch how i do it using exactly the same techniques as i've just shown you but for the other side of the building so let's go so here we are at 36 times normal speed you'll see that i did exactly the same as i did on the first sides and split it into individual sections and then i get the windows in place now it took me quite a while to get the windows in place i wasn't sure exactly what i was going to do with the side windows at this point but i eventually settled on this arrangement i think it's going to look quite nice so once i've done that then i've got the the two sides of the building done so i've got the left building and the right building the inside walls and just to help me when it comes to printing out and remembering what i'm doing and when i'm cutting them and everything i like to put labels on so the white line along the bottom there that's the ground floor just use the text tool and put it in i use ctrl d as usual to duplicate and then just drag it up and change the text so that's building one first floor oops control d and then drag and then this is building one second floor so just put these labels in so when it's printed out you know exactly what it is that you're doing and what you're cutting so we'll finish that off on the other side as well and now it's time to get the flaws in place so before we start getting the flaws in place we need to do some measurements on the building so we know exactly the size of the floors that we're going to print out so i'd like to just have that on the canvas so that i know what i'm working with so how wide is building one we've got the building one inside width we also want to know building two inside width so it's using the text tool type those into place now one of the best tools for this in inkscape is the measuring tool so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put the i'm going to put the guides back on and then scroll down and this is where those guide rectangles really come into it into their own so the width of building one is the distance between the inner layers the two pink rectangles so using the guiding using the measure tool and snapping you can see exactly how wide that building is between those two lines and i can just come up there and type it in so building one inside width is 35.03 millimeters i can then come over and do it exactly the same on building two so let's select the measuring tool click on the line where i'm measuring from hold ctrl down to keep a nice straight line and then drop it on using snapping where the measurement wants to stop and that's on the other side of the pink line so the width of that is also 35.03 millimeters wide and that shows that i've done my job right in getting the um the proportions right so it is still useful to measure everything um just in case there is a mistake in there so how far back from the front does the ground floor go now as you can see up above i'm not having a in a wall on the ground floor i want that to be nice and open so that is the full width of the orange piece on the inside of the green rectangles if you remember the green rectangles uh representing where the front of the building will go so the skeleton only needs to go back as far as it is between the two um green lines so there we go that is 48.12 millimeters now i'm going to do the same for the other building on the other side now but just a quick note about the precision of the millimeters obviously 48.12 it's a very very precise measurement and you wouldn't normally use this precise level of measurement if you were just building a building by itself however don't be tempted to round up to the nearest millimeter because when this is printed it's printed exactly to the measurements that you use so if you start rounding up or rounding down you run the risk of measurement slowly creeping out if you do it a lot you might end up with millimeter or two even two millimeter gaps in places and things don't fit properly so don't be tempted to to round up around down use it as exactly as possible so 61.73 millimeters for the depth of this building on that side and that way when it gets printed out stuck to card when you cut it all out with your craft knife you get things exactly right obviously the eye can't tell the difference between 61.73 millimeters and 62 millimeters but you run the risk of it not fitting together properly if you do round up a round down so do stick with it the upstairs rooms obviously don't go back as far so for this one we need to measure from the green line to the yellow line and now we'll do the same for the other side and then the measurements are complete you might notice that the depth of the downstairs building one has changed and it's actually rounded down to exactly 48 millimeters now that was because when i had 48.12 before i'd actually mismeasured that so i corrected that but all the rest of the measurements were right and now it's time to start making the flaws that we can put into in between the building to give it some structure [Music] so to do this i'm going to start with the center wall the center walls go down the white line the white vertical line at the top between the roof pitches so to do that what i'm going to do is i'm going to start by just drawing a rectangle and like usual the rectangle it doesn't matter what size it is so i'm just going to drag that onto the side of the canvas here now what we need to do is need to get this rectangle sized to exactly the right size the wall that we want so first of all i've realized i've missed a measurement and that is the wall height so let's measure the height of the wall i'm not going to use the measurement tool for this because there's no need we already have a rectangle in place to guide where the wall is going to go so what i need to do is work out the height of that rectangle so to do that i select the rectangle what i'm going to do is i'm going to drag it down a little bit because i don't want the card to stick up and go over the top of the apex when i put the roof on so i don't want the wall to go all the way to the top so after dragging it down it's 39.130 millimeters i'll put it back to where it was um but i'm actually going to round this one down it's going to make it 39 millimeters like i said just so the card doesn't stick over the top of the roof so it makes sense this one to be rounded down slightly okay so let's go back to our rectangle so this is the building walls building one center wall basically just read the measurements off my list and then just type them in up here at the top so type that one in its height and check its width type that one in as well and then the red rectangle is now exactly the right size for our building one center wall so that's in place um now let's do building two um center wall we can just duplicate building once it's exactly the same upstairs and so shift ctrl d duplicates it hold ctrl down move it to the right and put it next to the first one now i'm just going to change the color making a different color just to keep them apart now i'm going to do the same for all of the rest let's do the second floor so the second floor goes from the front of the building to the center wall so i've got all the measurements i need in my list so all i do is duplicate the rectangle drag it down and type in the width and the height and that gives us a rectangle that is the right size for the floor i'm just going to fast forward as i repeat this now for all of the other pieces of the floor um and then i'll see you on the other side of that so here we are let's get some texture onto these we don't want our flaws to be bright red or pink so i'm going to use the same technique they did with the walls i'm going to select each rectangle individually and then duplicate them so there's a whole duplicate layer on top now and of that of those that are selected i'm going to hold shift down and click black to give them a black outline then i'm going to select them all again and this time i'm going to choose path union and that's going to create one big shape that one shape is now comprises all of the flaws i've got some nice texture here of some floorboards i'm going to drop that on top move it to the back with the back button at the top there and then select the red shape i'm going to right click and choose set clip now because i've done that on the red shape which is behind the empty shape with the black lines on the black lines are still there so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select the black lines again i'm going to have to select them individually i'm going to hold down and control as i click on them so select those shapes then i'm just going to move the size of the width of the lines down a little bit and i like to use 0.2 millimeters that helps me it's the good it's a good width for helping cut out shapes so have you spotted the mistake what i've done is i've managed to fill the back wall um texture or the back wall shape with floorboard shapes so i need to undo what i did i'm going to right click and do release clip that takes the floorboards out i'm going to select the combine shape and click break apart that makes the red the red rectangles back to individual shapes i'm going to select the ones that are actual walls use path union to put them back together to one shape then right click and choose set clip and that puts them back together so now the flaws look like flaws and the walls look like red rectangles so i'm going to drop the wall texture onto the walls and drag it into roughly the right place now i should have measured this and got it exactly the same height so the brown matches up with the height of the brown on the back walls and the front walls that i did earlier but i didn't i tried to guess and it doesn't matter too much you're not really going to be able to tell and so i got them into the right place chose right click set clip and now we have the back walls looking like back walls now of course the back walls are going to be two layers thick um there's a back wall that points out to the front of the building there's a back wall that points out to the back so to do that i'm going to copy copy this i'll select it shift ctrl d to duplicate it and move it up now when these are printed out and cut out they'll be glued back to back to make one side as well to make two sides of the same wall so there we are this part of the building is complete all we need to do now is print it so i select it all i copy it and i come down to the a4 sheet of paper that inkscape uses to show you the the size of the paper you're working with and we'll drop it down there i can get rid of most of the text now now that we know what everything is i'm going to select this building and rotate it by 90 degrees and that just drops it on there and it fits nicely um and then i'm going to do the same with the other parts of the building now i realized at this point that the um the flaws were all one shape because i added the texture um to them all as one shape and it doesn't quite fit in the gap so i could print them on another sheet and what i decided to do was break them apart back into their original constituent shapes and by releasing the clip and then breaking apart the rectangles and then dragging them into their final printed position like this and so what that what i realized there is it actually i actually could get it all to fit onto one sheet of a4 paper um i don't like wasting paper and it doesn't cost the earth but um you know it's better not to waste it at all um so i spend some time trying to arrange these shapes in such a way that they all fit once i've got it where they all fit i then put the rectangles back together into one shape so the same as before selecting them all and going up to the path menu and choosing union and then once i did that and it's all one shape i could drag the floorboard texture back on top and then right click and choose set clip that puts them back together with their floorboards and that is it so what i'm going to do i'm going to print that out and stick it to card then start cutting it out and gluing it together there we are it's printed really nice i'm really pleased with the colors of the back wall it's kind of exactly the look i was after so that's quite good so put that to one side i've got a one a one millimeter thick sheet of card and a glue stick and i buy these in bulk of ebay and works out really cheap i need to cover the complete surface of the card in the glue then i basically just roll on the paper and then roll it off with a wallpaper roller to get rid of any creases bubbles or that kind of thing so cover the card completely it's really important that the entire surface of the card is covered um roll on the paper and then roll it off and it's worked out quite nicely so i put that aside for one to two hours i want the glue to be completely dry when it comes to cut it if it's even slightly wet you'll end up ripping the card i made a bit of a mistake here look i've got building one ground floor written over the top of the floorboards there but you'll never see that when that's on the inside of the building um because the walls the windows are tiny and no one's going to be able to see that so that's fine so let's get this cut out and there we have it once that's all cut out and glued together we have the beginnings of the real building and i'm really pleased with how well it's going so far no obvious mistakes yet um this building on the right here i've put this one on the layout back to front for this video and that window shouldn't be facing the viaduct it'll be facing the inside of the alleyway next to the arch but that's just the way i've put it down there i do eventually glue it together the right way around so the building is fitting quite nicely it's exactly the right size but we knew it would be because we went through the paper mock-up and the card mock-up stages and so that's it so please if you found this interesting or useful or if you've got any tips or questions especially questions please put something in the comments down below and i will answer them in the next episode and join me for the next episode where i show you how these get glued together and the outer skins put on to make one nice cohesive building so until then now stay safe and i'll see you next time [Music] bye
Channel: Chandwell
Views: 4,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Scratch Building, Model Railway, N Gauge, Inkscape, Card Modelling
Id: w1Jm-OrhhiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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