SITE B MODE ON ISLA SORNA! - Jurassic World Evolution 2

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hello everyone welcome back to jurassic world evolution 2 where we're going to start our first ever series away from the campaign and this series is going to be what i did in jurassic world evolution but with a slight little twist so as you guys can see we are going into isla sauna site b with calm weather flattened terrain and everything you need to create a sandbox park however this sandbox park is not going to be a park but instead a nature preserve i know that in jurassic world evolution one we created a nature preserve but we had kind of like some segregated islands for our guests to roam around in that's because keeping dinosaurs in one area was quite difficult so creating a site b wasn't too great however with the new territory system in jurassic world evolution 2 i'm hoping that jurassic world evolution 2 will be much better in creating a site b than it was for jurassic world evolution and yes now we're loaded in however what i have noticed is that you still need to use buildings which is unfortunate so we're going to find a designated area for our building so this is probably the area i'm going to place them in uh unfortunately we are going to have to place down the building so it will ruin the aesthetic just that little bit so i do apologize about that however i assume that once we're done and we do a showcase of the whole site b and we've built the whole map then i'll be able to remove these buildings and hopefully have the dinosaurs roaming about shall i say in their natural habitat so do bear with me as i do create all of these buildings and that hopefully won't take too long [Music] okay so um whether or not i added that as a speed build section or if i just cut it either way we're done here so we've created three hatcheries hopefully that's enough but you can release from the hatcheries which is good so i can place them all over here um now there are a few things i'm trying to think of because i assume we might need a ranger team i don't know we'll have to wait and see for that we might need paleo medical facility again i don't know about that um but we do in fact have an area for our avery domes which will probably get to working on firstly and what i want to do for the species i want to incorporate all of the ones that were found in jurassic park 3 at least and then maybe incorporate some that were on this island through the drastic evolution 2 chaos theory mode which i believe was kentosaurus and parasolidophylus grief soros yeah i think mostly from jurassic park three so what we are going to do is actually go over to pteranodon modify the genome and we're going to put random pattern i did think that jurassic park 3's tyranidon was somewhere but um i i don't know i i thought they would have increa incorporated that for the nude dlc but unfortunately that's not the case so we're just going to have a random per egg and we're going to get those on the go as well actually one thing i have still yet to do is uh train the scientists up to their maximum capacity so that's what i'm going to do do bear with me okay so we've done all the scientists now they should be able to release these pteranodons a lot quicker i am going to do a fair few pteranodons just because of um well let's be honest it's quite difficult to get to rhinodon's flying across the map so we are going to get the pteranodons on the go uh we're going to pick the fastest scientists 10 10 8 that should be good enough should be relatively quick we'll uh we'll speed this up anyways um so yeah we'll get a few tyranidons out we'll get some scientists to get them going because i think they only release three in batches of three so yeah batch size three so we're gonna have to have a fair few three six nine twelve i think at least twelve or maybe even fifteen might be good okay so the reason why i'm doing tyranidons first is primarily because they're a lot harder to break out so we'll have to wait for them to break out and then after they do break out then they'll be able to fly around the map and all of that stuff but you do actually have to turn on the comfort levels so and high escapes as well so requiring the dinosaurs to do that whilst they're in open area might be a little bit difficult but the pteranodons will be quite easy as for the dinosaur species i think we're going to go with the gallimimus firstly and um i know this might seem a little bit weird but we are going to put the 1993 pattern on some of them so uh we'll assign the scientists to that we'll get these guys on the go as well we'll probably do just as many so we'll do about 15 of them and then we'll release the creepy thesaurus and parasaurolophus into the herd later on okay so we've got the gallimimus on the go and we'll probably put a few more species here and there but firstly we need to go into our first little speed build section which will probably be speed building all of this area and um what we're basically going to do is create some form of river going through i might want to do like a watering hole in the middle here so um we might create a river going through maybe a gallimimus valley because that's what you do when you social associate with gallimimuses so yes i think it's time to speed build and create the nice environment so let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so um we've got this section pretty much completed now what i want to do is expand this into like some sort of swamp area over here maybe i think that might be a really good idea and then that swamp kind of leads into the big watering hole that will be over here but i feel like i've done a really good job here um i've tried to keep the the trees quite close to the the river's edge because obviously where there's water there'll be foliage um even in desert biomes there'll be foliage as well um but yeah so i've tried to make like a little swampy area here kind of expanding over there because what we've done is added loads and loads of um grass greenery areas that the dinosaurs can eat and um i haven't added too much uh free space like here where there's barely anything because i feel like that'll probably be quite vast on an island like this um now what does annoy me is that the outside the outskirts besides this area by the runway is basically the same they just have the same forest so i'm hoping that i can try and make it blend in nicely without doing too much um of this type of stuff so what we might actually do just for the sake of making it blend in is add a few bits of forest here and there uh just like so that way it kind of kind of blends in with the outside of the map it's not too jumpy in my opinion that is um again we'll probably just add stuff from the edge expand it here there we go so now it looks like it actually blends in with the entire isla sauna island um okay so now that we've got that done i think it's time to uh release well i think we'll probably release the pteranodons actually we haven't got them done we've got the galley minuses done so we'll release the galley mimuses into their exhibit and uh hopefully they uh they enjoy their time [Music] okay so we have approximately 50 gallimimus in one area yeah it's it's a bit manic i can't lie um now are they yeah they're grazing okay good i i can't quite remember what exactly they wanted um ground leaf they want ground leaf i'm pretty sure we've got enough ground leaf although i think that was the secondary one was it uh no it's the first one so we should have enough ground relief because unconsciously i picked the first one to go um so they should be okay as soon as they start expanding their territory over here and a little bit more and they'll start realizing they have plenty of space to drink i have incorporated a little um drinking private drinking area here just so the pteranodons can fly down and get to the episcopal feeders because if they don't then it's going to be a little bit upsetting when they die so yeah i know they can hunt the dinosaurs but i assume they'll probably want some fish as well um yeah so i quite like how what i've done with the river here we've kind of made it start in this little foliage area over here and then we kind of just bring it round we have an off section here like a nice little watering hole we have another off section here for another section of the water and hole and the river kind of just continues you can see some dinosaurs drinking from the river we'll probably slow this down actually uh we'll come across some guinea minuses as well pretty cool and we come across here and then eventually we'll probably end up going into a swamp area here with expanding over to a watering hole over here um as for the dinosaurs i think that's all we're going to do dinosaur-wise we'll just have the pteranodons and gallimimus uh up there um now what i do want to do before i release these pteranodons is instead the dinosaur combat frequency will turn that down to none so they don't hunt the gallimimus at the moment either way i still think it'll be pretty cool to have the tyranidons flying around our parks um so yeah i'm going to turn this down to none just so it doesn't they don't hunt the galley mimuses and we'll turn on high escapes just for the time being just so we can have um the pteranodons breaking out now unfortunately i think the galley minuses might have a go at these fences i hope they don't because that would be really unfortunate uh but we're just going to select all of the eggs and hopefully get these guys done relatively soon okay i'm hoping that no gallimimus just go for the gates i think they might be going for the gates here maybe no they're not okay good good galley mimosas go no no no you go away sir thank you very much okay um now the whole reason why i put in so many galley mimuses is simply because they are nature's food basically so once we do add the t-rex once we do have the spinosaurus they'll probably hunt down these gallimimuses and um hopefully eventually they will learn to expand their territory a little bit more and if they don't then we'll have to incorporate some more galley minuses or if they all move as a group over here then we'll probably still have to incorporate some galley mimosas but it is quite cool that you don't really have there's literally only one alpha of all of these 50. yeah is this guy right here going for a rock nice um yeah this guy's the alpha gallium 05 everybody basically follows him so wherever he goes uh the others will go although it seems like they are kind of forming their own little packs over here so i don't think it's uh too bad yeah one little lone galley minus over here as well probably that's probably one of my favorite skins is this basic skin no it's great sandy desert and rana pattern this is really nice i like that a lot okay well we have pteranodons to be releasing now so that's what we're going to do we're going to go ahead release all of the try no don't select this random release all of the pteranodons and um hopefully they learn to break out [Music] and there we go we have our first breakout so hopefully the pteranodons should yeah there we go they're all destroying the buildings now uh they should be able to fly out um they'll land on buildings they'll land on rocks hopefully now because of this new update they might even terrorize uh some oh look three of them on this rock already that's nice they might even terrorize some galley mimesis although i don't think they'd hunt them down uh probably should have saved that to be honest they have undiagnosed ailments i don't care about the ailments i don't want i don't want these notifications popping up i might have to remove that and already they are using the uh the episcopal veto which is good because they can fly here have a rest after feeding and it's good because they won't kill the galley mimer says oh wow uh we're gonna have to do a lot of spot checks that's one thing i hope we can remove i'm gonna double check see if i can remove that now okay it seems like we can we just get rid of this show icons over dinosaurs there we go although we don't know where any of them are now so we'll have to go like this and there are some stubborn pteranodons in here who really don't want to fly out so they're all landing there i wish there was a way to stop them from landing that's a pretty cool skin um yeah so they're going to be annoying hopefully there is an easier way to get these guys outwards um now i assume that's pretty much all we're gonna do this guy is venturing off to nowhere at the moment there's literally nothing over here so i don't know why he'd be going over there um so hopefully we can continue this series and we'll probably get karifasaurus and kylosaurus i think if montesaurus was there i think the rex was eaten in montessori so we can definitely get one of those guys out and parasaurolophus as well so that's probably what we're going to try to do in the next episode as for now we just have tyranidons flying around the gaff and we also have the galley mimuses uh running around the gap now i think there's only four pteranodons currently broken out uh which is a shame it is a shame i was kind of hoping that maybe these guys would break out or at least try to break out there's no way you can delete this unfortunately so tell you what i'm gonna get rid of the water because that's probably what they're staying here for so we'll get rid of the water hopefully that kind of entices them to fly out to find some water eventually and hopefully it doesn't cause them to die so fingers crossed for that but yeah we still only have the four pteranodons that have flown out we've got a low health no comfort data i i don't care about the comfort data i think this guy's just frozen he must be frozen he's not running anywhere oh dear okay well we're probably going to get a few dinosaurs that are going to die like that unfortunately um and i think these tyranidons are probably going to do the same thing they'll just fly around until they're thirsty and they they die so yeah so i've been trying to find out why these pteranodons aren't flying out of the aviary and honestly speaking i think it's because i have the population on quite high so we have altruistic uh comfort in this game now so it's not like the previous game where you have to have a hundred percent these guys can go down to here and as long as you have a decent amount it won't go any lower and these guys are on a perfect 100 and i think that's because we have the cohabitation and population quite high up so um i'm going to change some settings and hopefully they'll be able to break out okay we've played it all got that glitch we've played around with some settings now hopefully that will force them to fly out we have two broken broken areas over here so fingers crossed that does force them to fly out we'll let them do their own thing i might have to do this off screen as well their comfort is very low as you guys can see very very low come on i know you guys want to fly out there's an open area go go go oh you were so close you are so close are these guys just not programmed to leave now what's worrying me is that their health is dropping it's now on 95 because they're not getting any food or any water so i wish there was another way to get pteranodons out of your park that's that's the best thing in my opinion but unfortunately it seems like these guys are going to die so we'll probably have to get another batch of pteranodons on the go and hope that they break out as well just like these guys who are flying around the place i like it i like that they can fly around anywhere as for this guy mimos yeah he's um he's stuck he's gonna die so we have oh it's the last kelly mymus is ah it's number 50. yeah it seems like we'll drop down to um to 49 gallimimus which is unfortunate if you were to ask me just because it's glitched it can't move so hopefully that doesn't happen to any others i'm seeing if they're walking around they are walking around just fine um anyways guys thank you so much for watching today's video if you enjoyed today's video do consider leaving a like and let me know what other species we should incorporate from the lost world and jurassic park 3 into this map and tell me what you want me to do with this map we've got this section to build and also this section to build as well we'll obviously be incorporating a redwood biome which i think we'll probably put over here we'll grab this thing we'll go over here and we'll go like that that's not redwood we'll go like that that's not red for diver okay maybe we can't incorporate redwoods redwoods yes redbirds that's the new name uh anyways thank you so much for watching today's video do consider leaving like and subscribing if you are new hopefully these pteranodons do start eventually moving around the park and exploring new areas i think it's just because we have the feeder over there so for the time being we are just going to incorporate fish speed over here so they can be encouraged to fly over this section anyways thank you so much take care of yourselves and i can't wait to see you all in the next one bye bye hello hi you did you enjoyed the video just a little reminder to press that like button and also subscribe i just want to thank my patreons for this month on screen right here as giving me that little extra support really does go a long way but anyways i hope you guys have an amazing rest of your day [Music] you
Channel: Swrve
Views: 135,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jurassic World, Camp Cretaceous, Jurassic World Evolution 2 death animations, All death animations jurassic world evolution 2, Jurassic World Evolution 2 gameplay, Jurassic World Evolution 2 Review, Jurassic World Evolution 2 kill animations, JP3 Raptor, Jurassic World Evolution 2 glitches, Jurassic World Evolution 2 How To, Site B Mode, Jurassic World Evolution 2 Site B mode, Jurassic World Evolution 2 site b, Jurassic World Evolution 2 site b sandbox, Rebuilding Site B
Id: tuYFFKUofO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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