Indonesian Beef Rendang

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rendang one of Indonesia's most celebrated dishes is a slow-cooked spicy meat dish originating from West Sumatra originally used as a means of preserving meat in Indonesia's tropical climate the rendang technique slowly simmers cuts of meats and spiced coconut milk this slow cooking process is used to yield succulent pork tender meats with rich caramelized flavors unlike braising the rendang technique reduces the cooking liquid until the sauce is completely dry at the common dollar Resort & Spa in ubud bali William Wong so shows Steve Jihlava corporate executive chef of Unilever food solutions how to make a classic beef rendang and this is the D system favorite by the poor the wealthy the kids the old and whoever in Indonesia it's all over archipelago besides beef oh yes they do you you do you do a potato basically matter the immigrant the different ingredients the different cooking time but the finished product is principally caramelized beef curry has to be blackened and the also dis dis I can use the same thing but there can make 3ds first beef curry the light one I add some stock second brown curry just before the random and to keep going blacken it they become random so in different cooking stages yes different issues different dishes so this is how unique is it and also in 2011 was voted by CNN go as well most favorite pieces called rendang padang padang is the western the capital of Western Sumatra but if you go to Western Sumatra I've tasted modern and it's type of this dish the principle different is only the combination of spicy inside but the common sense of this dish is a caramelized beef curry everything has to look flattened so the meat that I'm using tenderloin the local local meat the ratio of my ratio I have one kilo of beef one in half liter of coconut cream if I say there are hundred type but this is among the most popular the mix is with garlic the basic shallot if you don't have this small shallot like this you can use the the type that Indian normally use the one it's a larger than this in some clove this is important red red chilli and this is galangal this is Kendall not not yet roasted but always remember this this will be roasted anyway I belong yeah because the long and and don't worry about the chili because one the chili after four hours cooking it until be peppery hot it's not chili hot and then this is a basic we ground we make into spice pace you cook you cook slowly until you hydrate and make a pace this kind of pace you can this is a ready-made pace the ratio is about 1 to 10 100 gram 2 to 1 kilo of meat but if you ground this as a pace you don't have to you don't have to stir it will at the end will be stir-fried anyway just put the whole thing with the coconut millet and then Tamaran this is aromatic lemongrass and this is not commonly it's not we can have what you don't have it this is a leaf of tumeric and this is kaffir lime leaf the rest is salt pepper you you need oh you do need let's turn the let's turn the fire this is the coconut cream coconut cream I said this is the version when you use good quality meat in in the village when they use some Buffalo some whole cow then they do reverse the use of the coconut milk first to tenderize the meat first to cook devices right and then this is the Bombay right hey storm exit event yes so when you're good when you cook with the good meat mm-hmm you have to have camera caramelize certainly this coconut millet could not cream and the spice then you put the meat that's on economy really so the more tender it was time in there sure but in the modern way I'm not going to let you do it for nine hours right so I'm going to show you to do it with the modern way half way after you put the meat inside mm-hmm you can put in the combi oven 85 degree 85 degree well two hours two and a half hours it depends and you have to do to test then you finalize in the wok rates by bits the color you want so really the mastering of the dish is really about the carmelization or color oh yes he's out the dish so so you said that the cream was from the basically the first process just addressed without without any water we done any water if you use if you use the the other type of non Indonesian coconut cream with this much like that you have to lose almost double you cook the coconut Prince will reduce it then you put you see the the colors start changing because you start to caramelize there also the smell starting to change too you don't have a choice you do the wok pan then you just do the first caramelization then you put in the oven the best is the cast-iron heavier pot yes maybe yeah and you're saying that you could do this with any so there's other proteins you can use vegetable oh you can do you can do but if you do chicken mm-hmm do the great-grandmother chicken don't do is spring chicken the oldest of the old chicken yeah because you want the time to cook yeah I mean also the duck also very good they also do the fern for vegetarian mm-hmm you can do this for the manioc anything you can do you can do with this it's a matter of the timing how far you it's the cooking time of the protein of vegetables the most important when you go vegetable you have to caramelize until dark brown then put the original for for the family oh they said I love to put their red beans all right I love to put potato mm-hmm the marble potato it's just to say I have 10 children I kind of fought for them tell me I meet so did using red bean to replace it okay now just put the meat normally put chunky meat 50 gram just strain this this blood because they will give you additional showers taste okay so I'm going to leave you alone I come back three hours there's some coffee so how am i doing we have a good time we should watch TV we had a coffee we sleep good guy this is how can you imagine nine hours real it's what they do this we use a battle you see this is start to caramelize but you have to be very careful because the sugar run like you see when you caramelize you see black is a little better yes so before solutely like this you will the color will gradually change toward but make sure for the modern kitchen the transition period to tenderize you put the whole thing in the oven or something in the oven for 85 degree and then bring back to the wok or tilting pan and then you caramelize the whole thing better to finish by Brown curry because you cannot go back when you already black so you keep the brown curry anytime you want to black caramelize you take both I bet you do it okay yeah this is choice you can do brand curry you add some water stopped and you make curry also brown light curry so many ways to do with this dish see this this is separation the oil so the oil is roasting the pace and the scheme of the coconut cream so I like how you said you could do it in section so yeah really good a lighter curry and there you want to finish to this exactly now get salt it's not salty enough little bit now there's enough I mean to me there was enough salt in okay so because yes you need a little bit onion and you can play also with this with the means beef uh-huh so you do it faster and you can spread on the bread you can do sandwich so it's this choice but again the key is to caramelize the curry and that's caramelizing yep so well it's a big change from where it's stored at the color yeah we started out with the same a little spicy a little darker white to black this is random padam or western sumatra caramelized beef curry you have to say caramelized beef curry when you tell everyone to how to do it because the caramelized the point is very very important and Indonesian cannot eat this without rice and you said pretty much all the food is eaten with rice yes the carrier for all the flavors yeah and and some people deliberate like to eat this with hand and when you finish the meat mm-hmm don't throw the pace you can do some other cooking you can stuff right you can stir fried chicken or you can yeah you can cook with the potato or you can put in the rice you cook with the rice like like a Brioni rice and this it's very good very nice thanks Steve thank you did I do okay you like you make my life easier thank you very much I have so much relaxed today by doing random
Channel: The Culinary Institute of America
Views: 818,056
Rating: 4.7778106 out of 5
Keywords: Indonesian Food (Cuisine), Rendang (Dish), Beef (Food), Cooking (Interest), The Culinary Institute of America, Unilever Food Solutions, World Culinary Arts, Indonesia, Indonesian documentary, Indonesian cooking, Southeast Asian food, Southeast Asian cuisine, William Wongso, Bali, Ubud, Kamandalu Resort and Spa, John Barkley
Id: Ln-rMu31014
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 23 2014
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