Indonesia SPICY FOOD Overdose!! 🌶 SAMBAL MOUNTAIN + Smashed Chili Chicken!

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I'm in Indonesia that is that's a scary amount of chilies in that I am pette oh man today we're going on an ultimate spicy food tour of suaya oh oh there it is the smash everybody says it's spicy 30 kilos of chilies oh wow fiery chili spicy that's the real deal look at the oils just come out saturated with chili oil if you want something spicy in suraya they take you serious it's no joke really quick announcement I'm at home doing some video editing but it's time for lunch I love this Curry my mother-in-law she cooks pretty spicy food but you can always add more sprinkle on a little ghost M right now there's a limited time offer if you buy one bottle of smoked ghost pepper you'll get a second bottle for free for us customers you can get it directly from the website Kea Health and then Additionally you can go to your countryes and click on the buy 1 get one free coupon it makes a great gift or something to keep in your bag at all times thank you again for your incredible support let's get back to the main spicy food video hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's marqueen we're beginning bright and early 7:00 a.m. at the first place booty good morning good morning are you ready for some spicy food today okay I'm ready uh we are here today in Nas ton bukar Min very famous street food in suaya oh H nice crab this is the crab crab okay this is one of the famous dishes here the crab Alaska Alaska crab Alaska crab okay yeah Sal pag good morning good morning and it's getting more and more packed by the minute I love the morning rush and this place attracts a huge crowd for the breakfast rush what is the main food to eat here the main food here is uh it's a mael oh mael okay the mael the crab wow 30 kgam of of chili 30 kg of chili inside of the crab or the Macer yeah the macel wow and then okay oh macel crab and Squid we're here at 7:00 a.m. I think they open at about 5:30 a.m. and they sell out within a couple of hours so you got to get here early especially the the most popular dishes but it's known for serving a dish called Nason to my understanding kind of a I mean it's a dish that originates in the island of Madura adjacent to suraya they're famous here uh for their mackerel for their crab for their squid in sambal and everybody says it's spicy 30 kilos of chilies and you everything is prepared here at the front they're cooking rice over on the side so energizing that spicy food food smells incredible where she's about to dish out our plates so I'm here in the back of the stall with with Mrs bukini she is an absolute Legend you can tell that she has incredibly loyal customers that come here for breakfast maybe weekly daily I mean if I lived in this neighborhood I would be coming here daily as well and oh man it is steamy back here the aroma of the rice all the different dishes oh and she's going to scoop ours out right now the mackerel oh okay oh and the crab oh yes I'm already almost drenched in sweat before we even begin this tour before we even started eating but I'm so excited for this meal this is the famous mackerel this is the one of everybody says it's spicy so this is what we got to begin with oh huge pieces of mackerel maybe it's like a king mackerel like a big big mackerel with all we got to load it up with that sunball for the first bite yes oh wow oh that's incredible wow veryy yeah fiery chili spicy that's the real deal that's immediately what you get salty spicy Smoky with a little bit of acidity to it man okay can immediately start to feel sweat starting to to drip even after that first bite oh that's so good and then you can kind of take some of the crunchy bits get some more of that mackerel wow that sunball is just fire absolute fire oh man and what are these uh the crispy chips called yeah we call it a Payette a Payette yeah and it's kind of like it's very common with many meals right yeah in India we call it and sometimes it can be shrimp in here sometimes it can be peanuts yeah but it's like this this batter which is deep fried and then crispy like a chip so it adds some texture some contrast to your meal oh man I am this is truly the The Breakfast of Champions in sudaba especially if you love spicy food that is truly a morning wakeup call I cannot get over that mackerel the T Co that is an overdose of flavor man and the spices in there it has now that I take more bites it has this acidity as well and it seems like a mackerel is fried as well cuz it kind of has this little bit of an oily smokiness to it but man all of these flavors coming together over your rice that is wow so we've got two crabs here the fried crab and then we've got the main sball chili crabs I think it's that same sball that same Tonk call with the crabs okay oh man yes I'm going to legs crabs let's grab one of those legs load it up with that sunball oh I need to crack it open first okay oh as you crack that crab look at the oils just come out that's straight chili oil oh when you crack that look at the oils just come out saturated with chili oil sambal chili oil the Nugget the the leg section oh there we go I'm going to load it up with some more of that sball though I don't think I even got any crab in that bite I got all Sall but I'm not complaining oh man keep on sucking oh yeah these are tasty little local crabs I think they're uh mud crabs mud crabs or mango crabs oh wow local crabs the crab is sweet and has this saltiness to it as well oh man and that chili oil just hit the back of my throat oh that is good wow talk about a next level of chili crabs that is a flavor overdose I think we can crack open this claw yes there it is the claw and again like every bite you want to just load up with a sball you want to give it the full sball treatment oh wow yeah if you inhale if you inhale as you take that bite the chili oil and the fumes literally just go to the back of your throat you almost gasp for a little bit of air man that crab is incredibly tasty local you taste the freshness of it then we've also got the fried crab here oh you can eat the whole thing almost you can kind of because it's crispy oh look you can grab these legs yeah grab and grab legs dip it again in the the sunball and you can eat the shell in all so crispy I'm moving on to the squid and in Madura they call it chumi chumi hitam chumi hitam oh ham is the is black okay okay they with the black ink of the squid and these are like firefly squid that is delicious as well really tender squid there a little bit of a an acidity to it but other than that just the pness of the squid oh yeah this is spectacular unbelievable food at the next level of spice MH I'm definitely starting to sniffle a little bit wow that definitely gives a new definition to chili [Music] crabs that chili crab Will Make You Weep tears of joy food [Music] happiness tears of spice as well and now that I keep on eating this and tasting more of the S I think what I really taste is the flavor of shrimp paste in that recipe as well like that's what's giving it that rich well-rounded saltiness yeah if you inhale if you breathe in those chili fumes will literally go to the back of your throat giving you that gas what a meal oh what a breakfast this spicy food tour is off to an incredible [Music] start uh buddy can you tell her it's the best the best chili crabs I've ever [Music] had this is the spot and I think I can safely say best chili crabs I've ever had unbelievable Hospitality flavor over dose but we're continuing with this spicy food tour in suraya on the way to the next [Music] place we are eating at a place that's called be gor mro and they're known for be gorang which is deep fried [Music] duck and you'll find some of the best deep fried fried crispy duck in Indonesia in suraya but this place takes it to the next level with their EXT ex ra Pedas extra spicy sball oh and you step into this tent and immediately you can smell that Aroma of the duck the chilies the sball so we have the sweet the sweet sunball and then this one is the fiery super Pedas extra spicy Sb OH you can just smell the AR of that the chili seeds boo is the spice mixture okay this place they just opened at 10:00 a.m. that was like 10 minutes ago and already they're packed so many orders the Aromas coming out of this tent are unbelievable the frying duck and so the duck is the main attraction but they also have chicken fried chicken as well so they marinate the duck in all the spices and coconut and lemongrass garlic chilies uh then they boil the duck or they pre-cook the duck and then it goes into the hot oil to deep fry until crispy I love the way they make be gorang in Indonesia because it doesn't have a batter so all of that crispiness gets onto the actual skin and onto the actual meat of the of the duck from there you choose your sambal it goes on with the the there's this other like spice paste which is mostly made of fried coconut as well that goes onto it what a combination I can't wait it's hot and fresh it's going to be extremely tasty and spicy what a dish oh man and when you order so they scoop you rice on the bottom of your plate then your choice of fried chicken or fried duck fried duck is the most popular here then they give you a little bit of lemon basil some vegetables there's some cucumbers some cabbage then the spicy Sall plus some of the sweet Sall and then also he Scoops onto it's it's called bumo which is the it's basically coconut which is then deep fried and that's why you can smell your roam of coconut filling this entire Street uh deep fried until it turns crispy until this paste of fried going to that goes on top of the duck so that combination what a meal so hot so fresh oh let's move into the duck and that fried coconut on top oh the duck is unbelievably oh it's so hot so oily and succulent the skin okay I got a nugget of the got a piece of the duck going in for that Sall with rice oh wow the oily freshness of the duck the crispiness of it all those spices the coconut really comes in that sball is incredible you really taste the flavor of straight chili salt I think that might be it straight like fried Chili's oil and salt so vibrant so much flavor and then the flavor of that coconut oh unbelievable flavor that's incredible oh man yeah that duck is incredible fried perfectly made so juicy on the inside crispy on the outside and again the way they do it I love how there's no batter on the outside it's just all the crispiness is with in the skin with directly onto the duck itself mix in with a little bit of that sweet sweet sbal as well oh oh wow and I think what also makes a a huge difference is the sball I believe both of the salls are cooked in hot oil and so that really gives it a smokiness brings out the flavor full Aroma potential of the chilies the shallots the garlic in there and that duck the duck is so tender so juicy so crispy all at the same time infused with coconut you want some of that lemon [Music] beel you've got so many salty flavors so many spicy salty flavors going on then when you take a bite of that lemon Basel those loose that just gives you this mouth refreshment this minty basil just Aroma that fills your mouth oh that tastes so good that contrast this is an amazing outstanding meal it's unbelievable I mean that salal is so good you'd be happy with it even with without the duck but with the duck that's just a huge bonus and that deep fried coconut is unbelievable I mean it's cooked until it's crispy until it's fully caramelized the sugars have come out of it and just bringing out the full flavor potential of that coconut as well wow this is just another meal in suaya that's an overdose for your taste buds and then for drink we got this is made from turmeric and tamarind oh yeah oh it's sweet but has a nice sourness and you taste the flavor of that turmeric almost that carrot carrot flavor of the turmeric oh man that's a total contrast in your mouth from the salty spiciness of the duck to the Sweet sourness of the of the drink and to be honest the sweet ball is also excellent it it kind of has this fru to it it might be Tamarind I'm not totally sure but it more has more of this sweet and sour kind of taste to it also really good and it compliments your whole meal too so you've got the spicy sbal then with the sweet sbal and you can kind of rotate back and forth or kind of mix the two that was incredibly tasty what another meal and yeah I can feel the chilies on my lips I think something that really stands out here is their combination of the spicy sunball with the sweet sunball mixing that together and you get the flavors all of them together in your mouth it's another flavor overdose [Music] inaya next up this evening on this spicy street food tour in suraya we're going to eat a dish which is called aam penet it's a very famous dish from East Java where they take Fried Chicken smash it and then you eat it of course with spicy sbal yes yes yes they have stink Bean yes yeah they have stin be they have P yeah P okay okay and they're also famous for the for the a p yeah I am ging I am ging okay so it's Fried Chicken which they then smash oh they're making a fresh bch of sbal right now okay so Chili's salt shrimp paste tomato and then tomato okay so once the chilies are smashed down completely with salt with shrimp paste then he adds on some tomato sauce and kind of mixes that up oh man that's going to be spicy okay maazi self-service you grab a plate and then you grab whatever you want Fried Chicken there's Tempe the soybeans there's pet stink beans which we have to have there's even eggplant and there's some other things going down you choose what you want and then they deep fry it looks like they deep fry everything and then that serve as a sambal so let's let's choose some things thigh is the best yeah let's get two thighs I also want to get that Tempe how many Tempe okay yeah two bags of stink beans I love it I cannot get enough all right directly after you choose the ingredients you want they go directly into the oil everything deep fries oh what a process that is the real deal a am pet and it's a dish that's popular now all over southeast Asia but it originates right here in East Java oh oh there it is the smash with the sball wow wow man oh that's a lot of s oh yes wow super Pedas if you want something spicy in suraya they take you serious it's no joke in your oh man that is that's a scary amount of chilies in that I am pette oh man it must be 50 chilies maybe a 100 chilies in there he used almost that whole mortar of of sbal that he made in our one dish one piece of chicken with 100 chilies oh that's going to be fire got to add in some of the the boomoo paste yeah I like that okay that's good we've got Tempe we've got fried eggplant and then all of the PTI or the stink beans as well put this all onto my plate fried stink beans it's a massive amount of chilies look look at the amount of chilies on the bottom there and it's just the chilies are just absorbed into the the smack mashed chicken as well going to grab a piece of the the S the chicken the Sall mix it with the rice add some P oh wow that is insanely tasty oh that's so good that is so good and then I had a Paya stink Bean in that bite it has this crunch it has this poop of Aroma that goes up your nose a little bit with the softness of the chicken because it's been smashed and in in Japanese does uh pette does it mean smashed or broken smashed smashed with smashed with samb okay pet pette actually means smashed oh oh that is that's a word with winning and I love the sball too because it's a there're some some s balls are oilbased others are non oilbased so this is a non- oilbased sambal I mean even my even my fingers are burning from that that's awesome break into some more of that chicken oh we need some more of that sball every bite must be sbal and stink Bean yes that literally is maximum flavor in your mouth that you could possibly have at once just an eruption of chilies and shrimp paste you really taste the saltiness of the shrimp paste man it's tasty no wonder this place is so popular and there place you said they open at 600 p.m. right we we got here right at 6:05 already it was half full now it's completely full 6:15 now and now it's completely full and this is open until late at night too I think maybe till 2: a.m. or so yeah again I mean this whole day has been mind-blowing flavor delivered once again you want something spicy that does not fail that will that will just destroy your taste buds in the best possible way ever the most enjoyable way ever and then you can grabb some of the laal laan which are the the vegetables and especially lemon basil oh and you mix it with a SBO mix with oh nice booty has the move actually you take some of the the lalapan and then you get it with the the Sall pick it up oh and then you just straight eat it straight A a little lemon basil sball bite yeah the burst of lemony fragrance from that lemon Basel just freshens your mouth my mouth is on fire man that's incredible incredible I've had some a I've had some versions of a am pette but this is the real deal this is this is as good as it gets I mean better than it gets actually that's a lot of chilies yes okay and then we we also got some of the Tempe which is Indonesian uh soybeans delicious creamy starchy full of probiotics eggplant with a sunball oh yeah eggplant is amazing I mean I like almost anything eggplant and the eggplant is so creamy deep fried what a meal m just empty my after today I feel like I'm I'm sweating shambal right [Laughter] now and I love stink beans one of my favorite foods on Earth I mean they're straight up little vitamins my lips are burning my mouth is burning but there's still more to eat today kind of my whole faces on fire by now uh but the day is not over there's still another place that we need to go that's legendary for their spicy sball and it opens I think it doesn't open till either 9 or 10:00 p.m. at [Music] night oh man look at the line next up on this intense spicy Indonesian food tour in suraya we are at a place that special izes in a dish called SEO sambal which is a native dish from suraya I mean it's all based on sambal Chili's and they this place is called Mak it's incredibly famous incredibly popular and as soon as they open again we're arriving to all these places like as they open and as they open they're already just jam-packed full of customers just I mean shows their popularity and how good their food is and so I think it's similar to all the other places you kind of get your your food at the front uh they dish out and you get whatever you want there's a bit of a selection of different dishes that you can get uh but definitely you need rice you need the sball and I think a lot of people get The Omelette here oh and as well as some of the the smoked Stingray and then across the street is the kitchen where they're cooking everything yes they they get eggs by the by the crate here this kitchen is a straight up food factory The Omelette station the Tempe frying station The Rice Station all the meats station but man they I mean they literally cook enough they cook for the masses here late night food and I mean this is straight up a food factory non-stop cooking and she whips up that egg dumps it into the oil and it immediately just balloons up puffs up bubbles now that takes some skills frying three omelets in one walk but keeping them separate and she has quite a cool technique with the spatula you hold them separate so they don't stick together as well they're floating in the oil a lot of stingray yeah that's a lot of stingray wow it's a mountain of stingray for the night everything is going to be used tonight consumed you can smell the smokiness yeah that smells incredible and so this combination is what everyone has come here for this is their winning combination rice on the bottom with an omelet with the smoked Stingray which is going to be deep fried as well and then with Sall spicy Sall on top of it some spicy spicy samb oh this is the smoke Stinger oh and the spicy oh yes oh beautiful with so again then you come across the street you order what you want and again you get that that combination and then you can choose I think they have a medium sball and they have the spicy sball and they don't even joke around here they're not like they're not small portions of sball they have the sunball in a pot so they actually have a full dining room like a shop house but then they also have tables across the street towards the kitchen and then they just have tables kind of sprawled out throughout the the sidewalks surrounding the entire area this entire neighborhood is pretty much dedicated to this legendary restaurant M and man we've seen our share of today but they have taken Sall to the next level I mean it's literally like a waterfall of Sall it's cascading down the ingredients oh here we go oh oh that's a lot of stingray smoked Stingray omelette the juices oh oh it looks so [Music] good oh wow oh the flavor oh the chilies the Tomato definitely taste a lot of tomatoes in there and it it's not extremely extremely spicy you can tell that it's it is spicy but there's a lot of tomatoes in there but that gives it such a nice flavor such a well-rounded flavor a Harmony of ingredients and again this one is more tomato based rather than oilbased so it's not that oily or heavy or greasy but it's oh man and also what you taste in there a lot of shrimp paste for sure that well-rounded shrimp paste oh that's delicious that's so tasty and I had a piece of omelet in that bite as well that goes perfectly with the rice yeah oh man that's delicious and then the smoked Stingray fried smoked oh it's so tasty tasty the stingr is so firm I mean literally it could almost be chicken but then it's embedded with the smoke and then it has this crusty Edge because it's been deep fried after that and then again just drenched in that tomatoey spicy sambal so tasty what a combination again it's with all of these places that we've been today it's just they're packed and the moment they open they just stay packed for the entire night or the entire day that they're open um and after you taste your first bite here again you just know why there's so many people why it attract such an audience such a a loyal fans of spicy food lovers okay and then moving on to some of the the Tempe I mean yeah once your mouth experiences the pleasures of sball like this there's just no going back your mouth demands that kind of flavor you need it and that's why there I mean there's so many loyal uh so many loyal customers so many loyal eaters that I'm sure come to places like this weekly but another just outstanding dish the combination of everything together is such a Harmony and I want to say that this is the this sball is maybe the the least spicy so far today it's just it's a perfect ending to this day it's kind of like a a soothing a soothing sball even though it's still spicy and that omelette I mean she basically deep fries or shallow fries The Omelette it absorbs so much oil and then when she balloons up she takes it out of the oil and when it's golden brown and then just squeezes it and all this oil just is released from the sponge of the egg so she does drain it quite a lot but definitely it's one of those omelet that's an oil sponge and you wouldn't have it any other way this is such a comforting dish I mean this is something that I could definitely eat every day I love that Smoky seamery I love that omelette this is just yeah just pure comfort [Music] food man this place is a straight up block party the entire neighborhood comes here congregates here to eat that incredible food and by this point in the day I think my body is about 50% sunball that's the most sunball I've ever eaten in a single day and I don't regret a single bite absolutely amazing the people that we've met the restaurant owners they're so friendly so hospitable I thoroughly love suraya what a city uh and the food is fiery absolutely fiery oh this is a sambal day I'll never forget in Indonesia in suraya there's no doubt sambal is life and I want to say a huge thank you to my friend booty for taking me around today be sure to watch this entire suraya Indonesian street food Series where we're going around the city eating some of the best food uh make sure you check out all of the videos and I want to say a big thank you to you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed make sure you subscribe now for lots more food and travel videos good night from suraya and I will see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 1,646,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Indonesia, sambal, Indonesian food, Indonesian street food, Indonesia street food, street food Indonesia, Surabaya, Surabaya street food, food in Surabaya, street food, sambal street food, Mark Wiens Indonesia, Mark Wiens Surabaya, food in Indonesia, food vlog, food videos
Id: Wloec-oeV_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 28sec (2068 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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