Indie Game Devlog - Polishing the game

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hello everyone and welcome to this week's behind-the-scenes dev vlog video and the last couple of weeks have been pretty busy as you might know I had to fly back to the UK last week for a few days to sort out some stuff with my bank and that'll went well that's all sorted out now so I am now able to submit aquila Knox to steam but because it's my first time releasing a game on Steam that process can take up to 30 days according to the Steam website so there's still going to be plenty of time to polish up aquila Knox and do a bit of marketing and that's what I'm going to be doing this week this week's actually going to be another short week unfortunately this weekend's I'm going to Prague with my parents for my birthday so not a whole load of time for development this week but yesterday I got some of the boring tasks out of the way I did some balancing some marketing preparations and also tried to catch up on my emails about today I'm getting back to work on the programming and some gains in them and some of the suggestions and improvements for Aquila NOx so you're getting started with the programming now and I've just been planning out exactly which tasks I'm going to be doing today I've been getting a lot of suggestions from the patreon supporters recently who have been testing the game Lots which is great and obviously I've also beaten play testing the game whenever I can just trying to find anything that isn't completely polished and having any little bugs or glitches or even typos just anything that could be improved and I've made a bit of a to-do list here which I'll be working my way through today first couple of tasks for the day done so firstly there was a bit of a transparency issue with the sleeping or the snoring particles for the animals so you can see that there was a kind of dark outline around them which shouldn't be there and also when they faded outs they became a bit darker so I've just been fixing that and that's looking a lot cleaner now and secondly for the in-game tasks I've now ordered their rewards by type so that the order they're listed in is always the same so it's always item unlocks first and tasks unlocks and then TEP rewards just so that there's a bit of consistency between all the tasks [Music] I'll pass 11 now and I've just been going through all of the in-game tooltips and checking that they're all up to date so when if you mouse over a button you get a tooltip which tells you what that button does and because I've changed a few things in the game recently a few functionality changes we wanted to make sure that all of these tooltips are up-to-date and I've also just been adding tooltips two buttons that didn't already have them and in a bit I'm gonna do a similar thing with the buttons sound effects but first I'm just going to take a quick break and cycle down to the plant shop to get a couple of things back to work now and as I mentioned earlier I've just been doing a bit of work on the sound effects for the buttons and I've just been going through all the buttons and making sure that they all make the same kind of sound effects in the same kind of situations because previously some buttons make noises when you mouse over them some made sounds when you clicked on them something make any sound effects at all so again it's all about consistency just making sure that all the buttons acts in the same way next up today just adding a quick update that someone suggested to me recently which is to show the generation number of an animal in its pop-up panel so when you first place an animal in the world obviously that's a first generation animal and then when it has children there'll be second generation when they have children it will be third generation so in the pop-up panel you can now check to see how many generations have gone by since the sheep were originally added to that area so I'm gonna stuff my lunch break now and I am also going to plant a few more vegetables on the balcony [Music] so I finished planting out some more if the balcony had planted some Rockets and spinach some spring onions and beet treat and you can also see that the radishes that I planted the other week are growing nicely but this afternoon I'm doing a bit of work on the website I've just been finalizing few of the designs trying to improve the appearance a bit and a guy called Sam actually sent me some excellent example designs recently which I've been taking some inspiration from but the websites very nearly done now in terms of contents and features and functionality it's pretty much finished but we're still just going through all the pages trying to improve the designs and the appearance a bit but instead hopefully we'll be up and running in the next couple of weeks [Music] like to work on the disease system this afternoon which you might remember from a couple of weeks ago I showed in the video the disease system where animals can get disease diff they're not happy with their environments and then they can spread the disease if you're not careful and I've just been trying to balance all of the probabilities to do this system so for example the chance of an animal catching a disease and how it depends on how happy it is with the environment it sounds a bit passing on the disease and also the chance of it being cured so you've just been trying to balance all of these things and make sure that disease doesn't happen too often and that it's not too devastating when it does but that it should cause a little bit of a problem sometimes just finishing off of the day now and I've just been able to cross the final task off the to do this tier which was to show in the entity pop-up panel how likely it is for that animal to get diseased and if it already is diseased it would show the likelihoods of that animal getting cured so that's everything done for today and this evening a couple of friends are coming over and began to make some some rules together for dinner which I've been doing quite a lot recently so it's just a very nice quick easy thing to make with friends [Music] Wednesday morning and first up I've just been fixing a bit of an issue to do with world's loading so when you switch worlds a lot of the loading actually happens as soon as you click that play button which leads to that rather big pause between clicking the button and the loading bar being shown which obviously isn't how it should happen all the loading should happen while the loading bar is shown so I've just been changing a few things around in the code and now when you switch worlds you can see that clicking the play button instantly brings up the loading screen and then any loading happens well the progress bar is shown next up this morning I've just been balancing the beavers behavior a bit so the beavers go around cutting down trees to get wood and they then use that wood to build lodges in the water but the problem is that they cut down those trees a bit too often and it usually ends up with the deforestation of an entire area which then means that they don't have enough wood to keep repairing their Lodge so I've just been trying to tweak this a bit so that the trees produce a little bit more wood so that it's not so easy for the for the beavers to completely destroy an area of trees you still need to be careful about which trees you plant there to make sure that the trees that you plants do produce enough words but it's now just a little bit easier to have beavers in a balanced ecosystem anyway it's nothing lovely day today so I'm gonna take a quick break and get outside for a bit [Music] the last time I'll say I've just been working on various little bits and bobs here and there just a lot of very small little tweaks and improvements for example I updated the genetic modification button because previously I was just using a placeholder icon and I also changed the style of the button because again with the consistency most of the buttons in the game change color when you mouse over them versus this button as you can see was changing size when you mouse over it say I've just fixed that to make it more similar to the other buttons in the game coming up to 6 o'clock and evening now and there hasn't been a whole load to show you this afternoon unfortunately I've pretty much finished going through all the suggestions and bug fixes that I have in the moment so I was just doing a bit of general balancing this afternoon and then I started doing some editing for this video because I don't want to leave it all to the last minute tomorrow so not much development to show you unfortunately but I am going to make some dinner now so I'll at least have some cooking to show you [Music] so then it's pretty much going to be it for this week today I'm just going to be doing editing and then if I finish that early I'll do a bit more balancing later and then tomorrow I'm going off to Prague say sorry that there wasn't a whole load to shoot this week but after this weekend's I've got nothing else planned for ages so it's going to be full steam ahead until release and I should have a lot more stuff to show you in the next weeks before I finish I just need to give a big shout outs at the top patreon supporters from last month who were Sean McCrory Steven Kimble Harry Stanley a Mian Abdul Fattah caffeine coder charlie Quigley called you to meet you Daniel thean Josh Gil coal for the raro Austin Adamson Ross salvo Coulson tan et al did dreams Timothy Gibbons Wolfgang Dylan Thompson Andrew Wilson Alvin daily Albert hosteen Benjamin fuller and Alexander Chavez and I'm pretty sure that's the longest list we've ever had so a massive thank you to you guys and of course to everyone else supporting me on patreon for making this whole thing possible for this week though that is its so thank you guys very much for watching this video do subscribe if you haven't already have a fantastic week and I will see you all next time you
Channel: ThinMatrix
Views: 37,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: indie game, java game, opengl game, opengl, java, lwjgl, 3d game, devlog, game development, Games, 3d game development, indie development, game programming, opengl 3d game, glsl, Independent Video Game Development, Video Game (Industry), sandbox game, indie sandbox game, low poly game, low poly art, thinmatrix, AI, simulation, gamedev, equilinox, low poly tree, blender, low poly water, low poly model, 3d model, Blender, indie developer, day in the life, developer
Id: pd8BsgyguNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2018
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