Indicators TTM Squeeze with Momentum

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alright guys welcome to this episode on the using the indicator TTM squeeze with the momentum for your day trading this will be that what you see down here and I got both of them combined together it's how I use them let me separate them first so that way makes it easier to understand it the momentum which is the top on you here you see over here you have the proper line which is a zero line and then you got the light blue which is your momentum it kind of shows you the Momentum's up or down if it's below the zero line then the mount is pushing down if it's above it and the momentum is pushing to the upside on its own it doesn't do much but with the TTM squeeze it's got some really cool signals with it the TTM squeeze coach shows me the cycle of the market it goes up it rests it goes down it goes up it goes down so it kind of lets me know that what cycle the stock is at so if let's say I'm over here and it's in this section and I'm expecting it to go up but the market is kind of trending down or just kind of like the squeeze is going to the downside that means there's gonna be a rest period before you get a push so until I see this red turn to yellow and it's working for a backup I'm not gonna be seeing anything anytime soon so it kind of lets me gauge the market also when it's green it means the market is is more volatile as doing things when it turns red that means that it's going into a squeeze and squeezes mean the market is less volatile like we see the red right here it just means it's getting really tight don't they're not doing anything just sitting there the great thing about it is that when it does go through a squeeze it has to release its like pressure being put together like a soda can that needs a pop well once it pops depending on the momentum if the momentum is up and it gets out of the squeeze if it's above the zero line it will explode to the upside if its momentum is underneath when then the inner squeeze and it pops it will push to the downside so this is where it kind of helps you gauge it before you know it something explodes okay the other thing is you will also always pay attention to what's going on a little bit harvest the one-minute is about as low as you're gonna go but the 5-minute Trump's the one minute so for example you got this big squeeze right over here but there's no real push you can see there's no upside but here the Momentum's on the upside so it's about above the zero so it should be pushing to the up but somehow it just turned around and fell and you're like well what happened there you know it's something one of the bigger timeframes must have not let it run up so if we go up to the five minutes and find out what happened before I do that it's around oops any mother lines here so I know what time with time frame is on 14:22 one 1422 puts it about right here because he that when you had that momentum showing that was gonna go up right here it should have popped up the five minutes it's already working on his way down so this one trumped the one minute okay this indicators work great with a one minute five minutes and fifteen it does not work well with a 30 minutes or higher I don't use the 15 but I'm just put it in here for right now to kind of show you what it looks like when that time frame that we saw which is what the 1400 is already working on his way down so you got two time frames that are already pushing the market to the downside so that's why on the one minute it didn't go anywhere when it should have popped to the top to the upside the five minutes and the 15 already trumped it and it kind of put kept it down didn't go anywhere so that's how it kind of helps gauge this this thing what's also easier for me I like to put them together so for example if I go in here go to the momentum and I only leave the momentum one on I think and I get rid of the zero line because it does say it's really close with the with the dots turn that one off I turn everything off and only leave the momentum one on and then I throw the momentum right on top of it should I made it a little bit thicker now notice how it's behind the TTM squeeze if you just change the order of it it will move it up yeah this make that a different color make it easier to see it works alright so now working together when you see these squeezes you can tell which way the momentum is going which direction it will explode so if the timing if you time these right you can get a nice little run before that squeeze pops okay let's see this show a couple examples here a B and all right first here's a little squeeze right there and you saw that you see that the momentum is underneath it so as soon as it broke it did a little pulled so I went from 73 26 down to 72 61 it's a pretty big jump there okay because the momentum is pointing to the downside so I told you which direction was gonna go I'm here you have another squeeze got the three dots momentum is on the upside and it took off so I went from 74 29 to 34 91 okay a couple examples are our ass get the squeeze right here where the red dots are Momentum's on the upside as soon as they got out of the squeeze it jumped so it went from $30 26 cents to 30 57 here's another squeeze so we did that one right here I lost track of where I was squeeze as soon as I came out of that squeeze since the moment was on the bottom took a dive from 30 41 to 30 31 here's another squeeze so this kind of gives you ideas of how this works does it always work no nothing works 100% of the time it just gives you an idea like if you dude see it kind of to watch out which direction is gonna help you with no.1 Decatur is 100% accurate but it does give you an edge on the market alright guys so hopefully this will help you help you with trading and see you guys in a trading room
Channel: The Crypto Hodlers
Views: 25,070
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: day trading, trading strategy, trading system, trading strategies, trading, richard clingo, ttm squeeze, momentum, john carter, trending, trade the market, stock market, stock trading, swing trading, day trading for beginners, day trading strategies, swing trading strategies, stock trading pro, technical analysis, ttm squeeze indicator, ttm squeeze strategy, squeeze momentum indicator, momentum indicator, squeeze indicator
Id: G2FiZEkxdYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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