Simpler Training: A Deep Dive into Squeeze Pro with Taylor Horton | Simpler Trading

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[Music] what's going on traders this is taylor horton i'm the vice president of directional options strategies over here at simpler and today we're going to talk about the squeeze indicator and just overall the power of the squeeze so um i have a huge love of the squeeze setup and it's a focus on this setup that allowed me to ultimately become a full-time trader so for those of y'all listening in i am a really firm believer you can build a career around this one setup you know and the squeeze is pretty versatile you can use it for swing trades you can use it for day trades intraday kind of stuff but i do believe a focus on this kind of setup because it's high probability in nature you can build a career around that so we'll talk a little bit about the indicator ways i like to trade to squeeze a few important details but with all that being said let's get jumping right on in so with the squeeze uh the goal here is to find meaningful moves so more often than not stocks really aren't doing all that much uh you know anything meaningful it's more so just this kind of back and forth grind and trying to make headway inside of that chop is a pretty difficult endeavor so the power of the squeeze is that it can help us identify those moments in time when the stock is basically doing nothing but it's doing nothing to the extent that it's building up energy in in the build-up of energy it's gearing up for a potentially meaningful move or you know in the options market what would be known as a bigger than expected move so you know this kind of choppiness that's tough to trade that kind of move that google most recently made that directional move to the upside we can work with that um something like an amazon here this is tough price action to trade the move that follows that price action that's something we want to look to catch so there's a couple of examples here recently the qqq the back and forth chop ultimately can lead to a pretty powerful move so that's the power of the squeeze indicator not only does it help us identify that potential moment in time when a stock is doing nothing but doing nothing to the extent that it's building up energy getting ready for a meaningful move so we can identify those moments in time when a stock is getting ready for a meaningful move and then we can get position to take advantage of the meaningful move and i want to give you a sense of what i mean by you know meaningless price action so if you look at google here you're going to want to throw up the keltner channels so throw the keltner channels on your chart i'll give you a quick look here at the settings of the keltner channels but average true range atr it's a really important concept to understand really in plain english all the atr is is the average stock of move is uh the average move a stock is making over the last 14 days or so so with the keltner channels if we change the factor to one what the keller channels are going to do is measure one average true range move for the stock's average move above the 21 ema and below the 21 ema so if you look at google here inside the squeeze and we'll jump into the indicator in a second but this is basically what a squeeze is going to look like it's a huge consolidation it's a bunch of back and forth and really all the stock is doing is moving between plus one and minus one atr now the power of the squeeze because this is difficult price action i mean if you're a day trader you can make it work but for the swing traders out there this isn't the kind of stuff we're looking for so what we're trying to do is make your life easier and the squeeze can definitely do that so if we now change the keltner channels to say three atr above and below the 21. three average true range moves a two to three plus atr moved to the upside off of that 21 ema that's meaningful stuff so this is the consolidation phase it's the buildup of energy phase the squeeze indicator can help us identify that moment in time we want to aim to build our position inside that consolidation near the 21 period moving average and now here's the power of the squeeze once all that energy that's been getting built up inside the consolidation begins to get released towards the upside well there's the moment in time where we got a meaningful move taking place and unlike what's taken place here during the energy build up phase once we release that energy that's when you can get those two to three plus atr moves so you go look at the other examples like in amazon all we're doing is going basically plus one minus one atr but the squeezing indicator helps us identify that moment in time it gives us a heads up of potentially which way that energy is going to get released and then ultimately once that sweet squeeze fires there's a two to three plus atr move nvidia is another good example whole bunch of nothing whole bunch of choppiness doesn't look like much but with the squeeze we can identify this as hey video is not doing much here but it's taking a breather and it's really gearing up to potentially make a meaningful move so using the squeeze and a few other indicators will cover that's the moment in time we're trying to identify and the goal is to build our positions near the 21 ema catch the release of energy and then take our profits into that two to three plus atr extension and then you wait for the next squeeze to set up and before i get jumping into uh the basics of the indicator and how to use it this is really important so the squeeze is going to help you find those really good looking setups where you can really catch those strong two to three plus atr moves the real um you know the benefit of a focus on the squeeze is when you can find the squeeze in the overall market so as goes the market goes vast majority of the stocks on your focus list meaning when the market is setting up in a squeeze just like the s p 500 was back here and then the market's gearing up for two to three plus atr move is a swing trader this is when we aim to get most aggressive when the basket itself the market itself is going through that moment in time where it's building up energy getting ready for the two to three plus atr move because as it fires that squeeze and makes that move it's bringing everything with it so the reality is the nvidia daily squeeze worked really well because it was a good looking setup but it also had the power or you know the wind at its back from the overall market it's the same thing here for amazon same thing here for google same thing there for facebook the list goes on and on but you know when you focus on the squeeze not just the setups you're going to trade but as far as trying to get a sense of the market and the next potential move for the market the squeeze certainly comes in handy there as well so you know the most you know recent meaningful move for tech stocks the amazons the facebooks the apples that meaningful move took place when the qqq here was in its own daily squeeze firing the squeeze making a two to three atr push this is where we build our positions in the push into the two to three atr's that's we're taking our profits then you sit back and you wait for another squeeze and you take a look here here comes a brand new daily squeeze so let's get jumping into the indicators a couple of things to cover here as far as the histogram the dots all these colors let's get diving in so with the indicator itself down here the first thing i should mention is i'm using the pro version of the squeeze so on thinkorswim and i do think a few other platforms there is a free version uh the original ttm squeeze so you can find that under john carter studies if you're interested in the squeeze pro which is what we're going to cover here today i'm sure we're going to have a link in the description of the video but you can also check it out on the simpler store the first thing we're going to cover here is the dots so once you get your squeeze indicator thrown on the charts here in terms of being able to identify whether or not a stock is in a squeeze and also you know whether a squeeze is fired you're going to focus on the old dots here so a couple of notes for you if you look at the histogram right here and let's get google up google is just such a good example and a good trade all right but if we take a look here move these notes over so looking at the dots down here let me see a couple different color dots down on the squeeze indicator so the black dots it's a low compression squeeze and in plain english the higher the compression the more energy is getting built up potentially you know the bigger the move that can lead to at least that's the way that i look at it so the black dots on the squeeze indicator let's see if we can find a couple here for google because google was a tight compression squeeze there you go there's one right there so the black dots that's going to be your low compression squeeze the red dots that's a mid compression squeeze and then the orange dots in this most recent daily squeeze in amazon you had a couple of orange dots in there that's a high compression it's the biggest build up of energy you're going to get it's as tight as a squeeze can possibly get so when you're looking at the histogram those are three colors you're going to see or potentially you're going to see the green dots what the green dots means that the squeeze is fired so pretty simple stuff here you know you're going through your charts you get a daily chart here for google if you see black red or orange dots that's telling you that you know for that given time frame so for the daily chart old google here is in a squeeze ultimately is those dots fired to green that just simply means that the squeeze is fired or in other words the energy that was getting built up in this case inside the high compression squeeze once you get a green dot here it means the squeeze is fired so we'll look at a few examples right go back to nvidia so for nvidia you had a black dot squeeze at one point it did get tight enough to turn to a you know medium compression with the red dots but really you're looking for the squeeze now you can use a different levels of compression to gauge you know position sizes or you know potentially the size of the move personally i do keep it a little bit simple if it's got a black dot i'm probably going to take it if it's got a red dot a little bit better if it's an orange dot squeeze which is a little bit more uncommon then it's really something solid but you find the black dots in this case and the red dots and the nvidia squeeze and then as those dots flip over to green the energy that was getting built up now that energy is getting released and remember once that energy gets released what are we looking for a two to three plus atr average true range move to the upside so there's a few more here check out a paypal so for paypal you have the daily squeeze back here earlier in the month got your black dots you got your red dots so it's flipping back and forth between low compression and mid compression but then ultimately the squeeze fires and here's what paypal did we can kind of take this from beginning to end we use a squeeze indicator to identify that moment in time where we're chopping but we're building up some significant energy so you've got your black dots you got your red dots all right so we're going through the energy building phase once those dots turn to green we know the energy is now being released and our profit target is going to be that two to three plus atr extension there's gonna be plenty of times believe me when a stock is gonna keep on going so you'll find your squeeze you'll take your position at the 21 squeeze fires energy gets released you take profits at that two to three atr extension there's gonna be a lot of times the stock keeps on going but you know the power of the squeeze and the power of trading with this mindset is you're taking a high probability approach to your swing trading the probability starts with just to focus on the squeeze setup because that can lead to a meaningful move more often than not it's a two to three plus extension that's when the stock is going to start to lose a little bit of momentum and usually at that point the squeeze is over and then ultimately you get a new squeeze around the corner so there's one part of the histogram or the squeeze indicator the second thing here is going to be the momentum bars so you know with the histogram let's push this up a little bit anything above zero is a positive reading anything under zero is a negative reading now with the different colors here let's get the bollinger bands back up and this kind of ties everything together so you use the dots to figure out whether or not a stock is in a squeeze you know which form of compression is it and ultimately to get a heads up of when the energy is getting released in the squeeze fires but the bars here that's going to be our momentum reading so let's pull this up on google so when the histogram is positive you're going to have two different colors here you're going to have light blue bars and then ultimately you're going to get the dark blue bars the light blue bars that's your bullish momentum that's your energy getting released to the upside so we go through the build up of energy phase the light blue bars here along with the green dots that tells us that the squeeze is releasing the energy and it's bullish energy it's bullish momentum what you're gonna notice next is that typically after we make that two to three plus atr move the light blue bars there on the histogram though the histogram is still positive they begin to flip over to dark blue and in plain english what's happening here is that you're losing your bullish momentum rather it's an exhaustion of that momentum so you got a full gas tank here at the 21 you release all that energy the gas tank is running a little bit dry and more often than not once the stock goes to that exhaustion phase the easy move is over so you can see google continues to grind higher here but note the difference in catching that move versus trying to catch this slow grind so they should tie everything together for a bullish trade you utilize the dots here to identify when the stock is going through the buildup of energy phase once the dots are green it's telling you the energy is getting released and if you have the light blue bars on the histogram obviously that momentum and that energy is getting released to the upside once we're getting towards two to three plus atr keep an eye out for exhaustion usually that's where we're going to go through that phase where all the energy getting released is coming to an end and usually when you look at the cues and i think this is a good example you know of kind of the natural cycle here we go through the buildup of energy phase the energy gets released we hit two to three plus atr you then go through the exhaustion phase so essentially that easy move is over and as you go through the exhaustion phase you come back to the 21 ema and typically a brand new daily squeeze is starting so we can see squeeze squeeze fires to the upside squeeze is losing momentum that move is over and now here's a brand new squeeze and on the flip side of things when the histogram is negative it's just a sign of bearish momentum so here's a daily squeeze we're building up energy we're building up energy but in this instance once you get the green dots here and the red bars the energy we're building up is getting released to the downside so the momentum is to the downside it's the same discussion here usually what you're going to get is you build up energy the energy gets released to the downside so the green dots are telling us the squeeze is fired negative histogram path at least resistance is to the downside and usually you're gonna get that two to three plus atr move then you go through the exhaustion of the bearish momentum so now the gas tank full of bearish momentum is getting a little bit dry here if you're looking to short the market there's the easy money move if you go through the exhaustion phase the move is typically done and over with just like we did over here you go for the exhaustion phase you come back to the 21 you go through the exhaustion phase you come back to the 21 and then the new squeeze comes in so we go into a new squeeze the red dots tell us hey here's a high compression squeeze we have light blue positive bars on the histogram so we're building a bullish momentum squeeze fires two to three plus atr move here comes the exhaustion the easy money move is over with back to home base at the 21 here comes a brand new squeeze and then you look to do it all over again so i just want to go through a few more examples and really kind of drive um you know drive everything home here all right so here is sq we can see we're right near the 21 ema so there's the buy zone there's the squeeze get the black dots squeeze begins to fire so got your green dots going off you can see the light blue bars coming in so we got positive momentum getting released we hit the two plus atr extension and then we go through the exhaustion phase back to the 21 ema we go here's a brand new daily squeeze so we build our positions here we take our profits into the strength at that extension typically hey if it keeps on going without you so be it you caught the high probability move but more often than not exhaustion phase comes in we're back to the 21 and now we're going to monitor another daily squeeze for the next potential move so there is sq let me think of a couple here right we looked at nvidia we looked at paypal um what else can we take a look at here sq was a good one how about i mean how about even tesla i'm sure we got a lot of tesla fans out here whole bunch of nothing whole bunch of nothing but we start to hold over the buy zone you can see we're in a squeeze here the histogram is already positive so we're building up bullish momentum there goes the two to three plus atr move off to 21. that was a quick and it was a short-lived move but the point i'm trying to drive home here is with the utilization of this indicator this is what you can identify you know you can run scans for the squeeze but you can identify when a stock is going through that buildup of energy phase i'll talk a little bit here in a second about you know my entry criteria but in a nutshell identify the buildup of energy build a position on top of the 21 take profits into strength at the 2 to 3 plus atr extension and then you move on with life you move on to the next good looking setup and here's tesla again brand new daily squeeze and maybe a week or so from now we're in a position to catch another two to three plus atr move so a trade i took here today and it's a good example of a squeeze is going to be target right if you're anything like me your significant other probably goes to target quite often but target here so today i sold a let's see today is monday the 3rd so i sold a may 21st expiration 200 strike put credit spread not because i'm a fan of target not because i like working there it's because target has that high probability moment in time so that's the beauty of the squeeze we to an extent you know we don't so much care what the stock is as long as it's in a good uptrend and clearly targets in a good uptrend and as long as it's setting up in that moment in time when it's building up significant energy getting ready for a meaningful move that's the kind of setup i think you want to trade every single time it's presented so long as you're in a good market environment so target here it's a good example of a squeeze all right we check out the histogram you had your black dots so low compression you did have a red dot so mid compression even had a day here of high compression but the dots are telling us that target is in a squeeze and though it hasn't quite fired yet notice how the histogram is turning positive this is telling you that more you know how can i explain this when the histogram is turning light blue you know keep in mind this is a big game of supply and demand the way that i look at it is once the histogram starts to turn light blue there's way more accumulation taking place in distribution or in other words the powers it be the big money they're buying some target here that's a huge component of it the squeeze helps us identify when we're building up energy and when we could get ready for a directional move the histogram is going to tie things together you know target was in a daily squeeze here but the histogram was red what does that tell us it tells us that there's not too much accumulation taking place histogram turning negative momentum's turning negative there's more distribution there's more selling and if you're looking to play target to the upside and you don't have that positive reading on the histogram you might be the only one thinking about going along target so the histogram ties everything together but as far as my you know pre-flight checklist you know all squeezes aren't equal i mean a squeeze on its own is a good start but to really stack the odds and put the probabilities in your favor of catching again two to three plus atr move to the upside the first thing i'm going to look for is the overall trend so more often than not the path of least resistance is going to be in the direction of the prevailing trend so if you look at target here here's actually a really good example daily squeeze squeeze fire is long daily squeeze squeeze fires long daily squeeze it fires long daily squeeze it fires long daily squeeze fire is long here's a new one you got a good up trend and got a good rhythm to it so if you take a look at say snow now snow has a daily squeeze here my gripe of snow is that you're not in the solid uptrend you've you know as the market continues to grind higher making new highs seemingly every week old snowball over here is getting completely ignored it's like the stepchild of the market so we're thinking in terms of probabilities the squeeze is that high probability moment in time when you're gearing up for a directional move but i'm a believer that catching that direction will move in your favor is so much easier when you've got a clear uptrend so google's a good example daily squeeze it fires long daily squeeze fire is long in this most recent move daily squeeze fires in the direction of the overall trend so with target to me that's the first thing that makes it a viable candidate it got a solid uptrend so we'll see if that path at least resistance continues to be to the upside the other thing i'm going to look for is i'm going to take a bullish trade so if i identify a squeeze and i'm under the thought process that energy is going to get released in the form of a two to three atr move to the upside at the very least i don't want any negative momentum on my histogram so if this red bar is in the histogram we have negative momentum i'm not looking to go along the stock remember supply and demand here i need accumulation taking place inside the consolidation for ultimately the stock to fire along so that's the first thing i'm going to look at if we got a squeeze at the very least do we have yellow or light blue or even dark blue bars i'm okay with yellow bars if it's a clean squeeze because that's kind of the first step to the stock getting ready to move higher you gotta rid yourself of the negative momentum and once the histogram turns yellow we're at least going through the exhaustion phase so even then typically i'll wait a little bit but i can work with that ideally though you're looking at a positive histogram so i'm taking my entry here in target today because not only do we have a good uptrend we're in that moment in time or we're building up enough energy there could be a bigger than expected move around the corner because of this you know trend here the structure of it i'm led to believe the squeeze probably fires in the direction of that overall trend with the positive histogram i'm a little bit more confident of that and the other detail that's important here is i'm going to take my entries only when the stock is really close to the 21 ema so look at google right now i mean google's not in a squeeze but the whole discussion we've had here about the move that we want to catch getting along at the 21 and taking profits at that two to three plus atr extension even though google continues to grind higher here for me it's too extended it's not at that buy zone so the move that i want to catch over and over again as a swing trader is the squeeze of the 21 taking my profits into that push so this is a move in google we did in the options room getting along at the 21. we're taking profits at the extension we were doing some amazon same thing daily squeeze mind you the whole market was squeezing here but we're getting longer to 21 positive histogram we're taking profits at the extension we did the same thing on tesla getting along with the 21 taking profits at extension and believe me there's going to be losing trades even with the squeeze apps here i'm going to take this setup 100 times out of a hundred because we're in a tight squeeze got the red compression so mid compression squeeze we're above the 21 positive histogram this one just failed on us but the thought process here is that if you can be picky and you can find a stock in a really solid uptrend and then you can find the moment in time when it's gearing up catching its breath getting ready for a meaningful move don't concern yourself with the results of every individual trade rather have a mindset where hey if i take 100 trades in a row that have this kind of structure where i'm building my position in that high probability moment in time you take 100 trades like that in a row you're going to come out on top so i'm looking for all those things to come together a good looking up trend obviously you need the overall market behind you as well so like we talked about our trades in nvidia our trades in amazon and tesla et cetera and google they're good looking setups so all on their own they had a lot going for them but it was the squeezes in the market recently that basically sent everything higher i mean target as well target is squeezing back here the market is squeezing back here the market fires the squeeze long there goes target so i'm looking for that good looking up trend i'm looking for the squeeze obviously because there's that high probability moment in time in the analogy that i use is a 21 ema is a launching pad so i'm going to take you back to google just one more time here i'm looking for that squeeze and i'm looking for that stock to take a lift off and make that really solid move so if we're going to take liftoff and the 21 ema is a launching pad that ain't gonna happen if we're way underneath it and if we're way above the 21 i already missed the move i'm looking for so for me it's a really kind of easy rinse and repeat process i wait for this moment in time squeezes set and up i wait for a positive histogram ideally at least not negative momentum i wait for the stock to have a couple solid closes above the launching pad above the buy zone and then i build my position which typically for me is going to be an at the money or a slightly out the money put credit spread so that was the weapon of choice for the google trade the amazon the nvidia the tesla but i'm looking to rinse and repeat that setup on basically every single trade so the reason i'm taking target again isn't because i'm a target fan though i am but it's because of the structure of the setup really good looking uptrend we're going through the build up of energy phase we're above the launching pad here comes some positive momentum on the histogram i'm going to take this trade 100 times out of 100. i'm not going to concern myself with the individual results it's just the confidence that at the end of 100 trades if i'm going to be that strict and my structures are going to have that high probability nature to them i'm going to come out on top after 100 trades like that now one common question i do get is when you look at google and by the time the daily squeeze fires meaning you know you finally have triggered the release of energy it's already made its meaningful move so personally i do not wait until the daily squeeze fires to take my position ideally i've already got my position i'm worked up to my full size and i'm taking profits into the squeeze firing so you know what i like to do and this just shows you the power of the squeeze mind you you know i'm looking at amazon right now it's not because i'm an amazon fan it's because on a weekly chart here's that high probability moment in time so for a 30 to 60 day swing trade i like a weekly squeeze positive histogram tight compression it's got that structure to it so all right so with google here you know the question is if i'm not gonna you know if i'm gonna wait until the daily squeeze fires i might have missed the easy money move so you know how can we get in there a little bit sooner so we can take advantage of that with the mindset that the 21 ema is the buy zone that's your launching pad and when the daily chart has that squeeze with a good looking histogram etc here's what we can do we'll line up on the chart that 21 ema and to make it a little easier visually here so here's your daily squeeze a lot of times what is going to finally trigger the release of that energy is actually lower time frame squeezes firing so my favorite setups is when you have a daily squeeze but inside of that daily squeeze there's a squeeze on the four hour time frame and inside of that squeeze in the four hour time frame there's one on the two hour there's one on the one hour there's one on the 30 minute what can happen is when you have the good looking daily structure where you're in a strong uptrend you've got a bullish structure to your daily squeeze if you can find nested so to say inside the daily squeeze lower time frame squeezes what can happen is the domino effect where a 30 minute squeeze fire is long that releases enough energy to fire a one hour squeeze then the two hour then the four hour ultimately the daily here so if we want to get a little bit you know of an earlier entry get position for that bigger picture daily squeeze on top of that daily 21 ema hunt for lower time frame squeezes so if we zoom in here a bit what really got google waking up a bit was this 30 minute squeeze it's right on top of your daily buy zone it's a high compression squeeze once you get the green dots and the squeeze fired google starts to wake up a little bit it woke up enough to not only trigger that 30 minute squeeze but at the same time right on top of that 21 ema right on the launching pad that led to a one hour squeeze firing along which we can see the squeeze right there so the one hour fire is long that's enough energy getting released for this two hour squeeze hold on a second here you go 30 minute squeeze fire is long one hour squeeze fire is long that's enough to make this two hour squeeze fire long and then you got the big whopper here the four hour squeeze once the four-hour squeeze gets triggered a lot of times you're releasing enough energy under the surface inside your daily squeeze right on top of your by zone to finally get the daily squeeze going so that's what i like to do is it all starts for me usually with the daily chart and hey if you got a weekly squeeze now we're really talking but at the very least i'm going to find that daily chart it's got to be in a good solid uptrend so i don't want to snow i don't want to pins right now i don't want a piton or a pltr i don't want any of that i want something like a google an nvidia a target an amazon something in a really clear uptrend once i'm working with that and i find that daily squeeze just using the indicator i'm looking for the lower time frame squeezes right on top of that daily 21 ema and if you got a 30 you got a one hour or two hour whatever you might have you can certainly use that lower time frame squeeze as your gauge of building an entry so to get in here a little bit earlier because we don't want to be getting long right here we missed too much of the easy move so perhaps you dial it down to a four hour squeeze and with the understanding of you know the context of the daily chart the trend the squeeze you look for that bullish structure to the four-hour chart you make sure you got a positive histogram you make sure you're holding above the launching pad you build your position inside of that consolidation then you're in a good position because once that squeeze fires not always of course but often enough if it's a good enough daily squeeze and you have the high compression here so i mean this is really tight stuff 30 minute fires one hour fires two hour fires four hour fires there's enough happening um under the surface here to get the squeeze going so with target i ran my scan this morning daily squeeze for target comes up and i'm gonna go through my pre-flight checklist really quick are we in a solid uptrend you bet we've got a positive histogram it's taking form here today are we above the launching pad admittedly a little bit too far above the launching pad i would like it a little bit closer but if i'm trying to get a sense of you know is there anything happening here to trigger the release of energy from the daily squeeze let me check out those lower time frames and this is what really got me interested in target is not only is that daily squeeze queueing up here really getting ready for something potentially you got a four hour squeeze under the surface already going through the release of energy what triggered that four hour squeeze was this two hour squeeze here so on and so on so you know my job as a full-time trader first and foremost it starts with trying to be in rhythm with the market so i really can't stress enough you find a squeeze like this in the indexes go find a good looking squeeze in something else because now you got the moment in time where you might have the wind at your back so my job as a trader it really starts with being in rhythm with the overall market looking to build my positions on the market itself is going through that buildup of energy phase or is squeezing and then i'm looking to take my profits on my trades once the market and the stock itself release the energy and they make the two to three atr push and then you patiently wait for the stock market to go into another squeeze and build positions at the buy zone it's a good easy rinse and repeat process so that's the first part of my job is just being in rhythm with the overall market but then it's just a matter of focusing on squeezes um quite literally 95 of my trades their squeezes it might be a 30 to 60 day swing trade based on the weekly chart so a good example of that is amazon you know for amazon i might do a 30 to 60 day put credit spread and for that daily squeeze back there in google i might do a 15 to 30 day put credit spread if i want to find a day trade well i'm gonna go look for in 30 minutes an hourly two hour squeeze in a stock in a bullish trend but quite literally it's all i focus on i'll do the iron condors i'll do the weekly income trades but at the end of the year when i look at my results what really moves the account forward is a focus on these kinds of structures a stock and an uptrend identifying that moment in time with the squeeze where we're getting ready for potentially a meaningful move and my job is to get myself positioned to catch the meaningful move i take my profits at the atr extension and then i wait for the next one so believe me i could go all day about the squeeze there's you know so many more details we could jump into but to make things simple i want to touch on the very basics here the power of the squeeze why it's meaningful why you can build a career around it and remember it's because it leads to meaningful moves trading is all about probabilities instead of throwing crap at the wall you wait for that moment in time you're already putting yourself in a much better position than the vast majority of traders vast majority of traders they're going to lose their shirt inside all this chop here with the squeeze you're going to identify this for what it is it's a whole bunch of noise but it's a build up of energy that can lead to a move you can build a career around so hopefully this all makes sense hopefully it motivates you to start focusing on the squeeze because i promise you my trading took a turn for the best when i made a commitment to focusing solely on the mastery of this setup which is a process that continues to this day but i hope you enjoyed the video if you haven't already please subscribe to our channel check us out at and i look forward to talking to you in future videos without simpler training i could not have financial in the past this is one of the best investments i ever made in my life it's helping me find consistency one of the things that one meal
Channel: Simpler Trading
Views: 78,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: options trading, options strategies, stock market, trading, NASDAQ, S&P, Dow, day trading, day trading options, day trading live, day trading classes, thinkorswim, tradestation, robinhood, swing trading, forex trading, usd, live trading, tutorial, review, trading tips, news, Earnings, free trading, live trading room, free live trading, trading psychology, stocks, stocks for beginners, technical analysis, technical analysis for beginners, options for beginners, john carter, taylor horton
Id: uykobxM8uwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 3sec (2103 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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