India's Honour Killings: When Love Becomes a Crime | Witness | Marriage Murder Violence Documentary

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[Music] you [Music] [Music] value [Music] [Music] in [Music] [Music] n [Applause] nup was his fiance together they too could have been felicitated just like these couples their romance began in this Newell University too like these couples they could have gotten married now he's alone priyansu will never have children with nup his fiance died on the 29th of April 2009 killed because she dared to love him but was not married to him killed by her own family in the name of [Applause] Honor nirupama was a journalist in New Delhi and dreamt of the day she would marry priia Banu her parents refused to accept this Union with a colleague from an inferior cast she went to see them in the northeast of India to try just one last time to win them over she never came back nup was smothered to death in her childhood bedroom her parents were arrested and then set free 3 years later her murder is still unpunished nupa was but one amongst many every day in India parents kill their own children in the name of hona 1,000 a year at least three a day but what of the others those trying to escape their fate the thousands of young boys and girls fleeing death in order to sustain their love India's doomed lovers to find them we had to plunge through the twisting streets and alleys of a lowly sector in New Delhi they have found Refuge somewhere [Music] here we're going there this December morning to a place kept secret for their own [Music] safety here they are they come from all over India they stay a few few days a few weeks even a few months they're living in this overcrowded makeshift shelter in a tiny house without windows for the last 2 years a handful of volunteers have been helping these runaway couples they provide them with a roof over their heads legal assistance and a break in their race against death 2,000 couples have already stayed here and more arrive every week that day 15 people were huddled together upstairs in a space that was barely 10 square m these young Indians have left everything behind their families their work and they've landed here hoping for a new start modern educated Children of the middle classes they are India's future and yet they're hiding love is not a crime what is their crime simply that they dare to love each other despite cultural and religious differences among them are karthic and Asia he is Hindu and she a Muslim and basar and Puja Just Married bu both Hindus but from different costs and then there is sapna she is Hindu but is in love with a Muslim boy de9 [Music] for religion [Music] C in fact [Music] finally daily torture [Music] [Music] [Music] morning for [Music] [Applause] [Music] they are tired of suffering and they don't want to hide anymore they want to live a few days later we're back Asha the Muslim is going to marry carthic her Hindu [Music] Lover by doing so Asha has laid a New Foundation turned a page on her old life and now there's no going back [Music] [Music] ready [Music] now I is ready she's ready she's ready let's see Asha has determined her future by marrying against her parents' wishes in order to marry carthic she will have to abandon the religion of her birth and convert to his [Music] I don't I don't know the temp You' never made out no this is the first time at this moment when their lives are changing feelings mingle the fear of being tracked down by their families combined with the guilt of being at least in their parents' eyes children lost forever unable to have an ordinary marriage they're going to a rare Temple that accepts marriages of Love regardless of cost or religion the only Temple willing to unite the couple without the permission of their parents dozens of couples come to this little ARA Temple every day hoping to be forever United in their [Music] love dat ofth 11 October 1990 11 October 1990 than ins [Music] for 50 EUR the couple can officially get married here it's their first step towards freedom speech foreign speech ] speech forign this is how these doomed lovers unite guilty about loving each other Against All Odds they will have to face life's many trials all by themselves [Music] speech spech for [Music] for United now before the law and before God Asha and kic are going to try and convince their families to accept their choice a battle that will go on for weeks months years or even all their lives they came to Delhi to get married now kic wants to return home with his wife beside him after traveling two days and two nights they hope to find help at [Music] last one day in January we learned that after four long months sapna has finally left the shelter she has joined her lover in her hometown where her parents still live Baroda a typical town of Gujarat India's richest state one of India's modern towns Baroda where sapna was born where she grew up went to school and worked where sapna the Hindu met Mas her Muslim lover and paid the price for it for two long years she was locked up beaten by her father and brother before being forcibly married and sent far away we find her in mother's house she gave up everything to be with him he is all she has left on Earth and she wants to spend the rest of her life with him but Maser has introduced sapna as just a visiting friend because according to him it's too soon to tell his family that he wants to marry a girl from another [Music] religion [Music] [Music] legally for what kind of man is this capable of killing his own daughter we find him not too far away from here in another neighborhood we explain to him that we have met sapna he and his wife don't want the neighbors to see us so they hustle us inside the man is willing to speak to us but first he has to perform his morning prayer a Hindu [Music] ceremony when his daughter told him she wanted to marry a Muslim this ordinary man a builder suddenly became violent sa was locked away beaten starved and tortured he wanted to know the name of her lover so he could punish him too but sapna kept her Secret for to punish her he will arrange a marriage for his daughter far from here far from towns and her old life a place of no return they are going to travel 1,000 kilomet together to Rajasthan and from there onwards to the remote Countryside where a woman's Destiny is to endure everything that life brings women get no education here they work in the fields and keep silent this is what sapna has to look forward to the lost girl who brought disgrace upon her family has been given to a family in this isolated Village her father is getting rid of her by paying these poor peasants 50,000 Rupees €800 that is what sapna's life is [Music] worth [Music] for hello yes this is the man sa was forced to marry she lived with him in this tiny house and was never allowed to step out one day she managed to escape sapna confided to us that he was an alcoholic and when we meet him he is quite obviously drunk he hasn't seen sapna in over a [Music] year I mean dishonor dishonor yes [Music] when sapna escaped from here she signed her own death warrant she brought dishonor upon her family she had nowhere to go but when she sought police protection they refused to Lodge her complaints in India women are often the victims of this kind of violence and are not protected by any law institutions turn a blind eye sapna alone and hunted had nowhere to [Music] go [Music] sapna knows that her father can find her at anytime she was a prisoner and now she's a runaway [Music] how many are there on the roads and trains searching this immense country for a safe place to live together and raise a [Music] family karthic and asha's journey is almost over in a few hours they will be in Chennai karic is fed up of being on the run now he wants to rebuild his life find a Haven his parents are waiting for them in Chennai he's hoping for their [Music] forgiveness India unfolds before them sometimes modern sometimes motionless they want so badly to change their world now we are feeling more comfortable because she's my wife right now she's my wife and uh it gives me a different feeling like you know she's married she's wearing all this because of me in India we cannot go together anywhere without getting married we can't roam we can't go together any places without our parents per misss after marriage we can live together so this is what the rules and you can say rules and regulations of traditions in India so this should be changed [Music] actually hello just before they arrive in Chennai Karthik receives a call from his father their plans and hopes crumble they have nowhere to sleep tonight [Music] sometime you feel very bad you know uh you might have to stay away from the person you love them you love your family and you have to stay away away from your family for such some reasons I feel very bad about it there's nobody waiting for them on the platform and the first stage of their new life is this waiting [Music] room they're expecting a call a solution some kind of [Music] welcome [Music] the hours go by and nothing [Music] happens kic tries one last time to convince his parents hello Ma [Music] d my first she'll talk to my dad then someone sister will come she'll come and she'll pick up you know from the shop and she'll take her the karthik's father is a crer in the suburbs of Chennai he works 7 days a week to be able to offer an education and a future to his five children two boys and three girls the father was not against his son marrying a Muslim who the parents of the young girl were not against it either but this was not the case he's my father and he's my younger [Applause] [Music] [Music] brother [Applause] [Applause] spee as the door closes only kic's parents and his brother and sister know the [Applause] secret Asia's presence in their house is a ticking Time Bomb the family has violated all Traditions by not banishing carthic for his actions their smiles mask their overwhelming distress This Girl's Life hangs in the balance who would ever want to marry a traitor's sister for [Music] a whole family in disgrace and for the young couple NeverEnding remor [Music] a few weeks have gone by and we're back in new telli where things seem to be changing for the better sapna the girl who was tortured and forced to marry against her will who was dowed in petrol who was destroyed has decided to take control of her life we meet her again again in this part of the Indian [Music] Capital now with glasses jeans and a happy smile is transformed hi [Music] so so you're happy no we have already met these couples in the shelter of love little by little they have United together to make a new start sapna is sharing this flat with them Mas her lover has just joined [Music] them [Music] [Music] [Applause] for they are expecting a visit this morning basar and Puja have come to say hello to their friends before leaving New Delhi B's family seems to be accepting the situation at last puja's father on the other hand is still opposed to his daughter marrying a Hindu of another [Music] cast [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] pap [Music] city of love does not exist basar and Puja have to face the future alone tomorrow they will be in Bombay but the door to his parents' house remains close to them Puja is from Kolkata 2,000 kilometers from here she has never been to Bombay before she doesn't know anybody here all she has now is [Music] Pasco Bas is back in the city he calls home but he has lost everything his job as a financial advisor and his family who have rejected him he is going to his cousin's house for the first time he barely knows her but she offered solidarity because she too married for [Music] love the head of the family arrives a little later but he doesn't greet POA or acknowledge her presence in any [Music] [Music] way [Music] it's not it's not a thing try to understand that situation [Music] [Music] these are hard words for Pua to hear she who has chosen to cut all ties with her family and follow basar into the [Music] unknown like I'm happy she looks good she's quiet Also let's see how she [Laughter] [Music] goes [Music] Pasa is meeting his father this evening he is the only member of his family who's willing to see him his mother isn't ready to forgive him yet they have arranged to meet on this beach far away from the family's house it's the place where as the sun sets all the lovers in Bombay get together they feel free here far from social and family constraints a breath of fresh air a chance to unwind pasa's father has questioned himself deeply before arriving at this point [Music] [Applause] [Music] e follow [Applause] [Music] for no her face is yeah I was already prepared with this all the situation I know about it that this will happen from this will happen so it was just okay but her cute face just in front of me every time then I just regret all the my tensions and all the things then this evening pasus father feels lost he doesn't know what the world is coming to will the new generation succeed in changing the system will it manage to leave the silent but deadly Revolution and will the these furtive lovers be able to come out of hiding one day having spent several months with pascar Puja and the others we can easily believe that thanks to their courage things will [Music] change sapna is still in Delhi she has found a job and is getting herself together she's struggling to get her lawyer to anull her first marriage and end this nightmare once and for all sapna is trying to be happy and gain confidence in [Music] herself [Applause] [Music] in chenai karthic and Asia are progressing in Leaps and Bounds kic has found a job and they're living together in a small flat hand in hand they stroll on the beach whenever they can they have dreamed of doing just that for so long now every moment of their lives is a triumph over the past although sometimes it leaves a bitter [Music] taste Mar [Music] elsewhere other young Indians are paying the price for the freedom these lovers have achieved how many more deaths suicides broken lives and sacrificed Destinies will there be in the name of [Music] Honor [Music] [Music] [Music] 14th 14th december9 it's okay [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] St
Channel: Witness | History & Crime Documentaries
Views: 114,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ucdl8vExCoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 29sec (3149 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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