Indian Family's Travel Dilemma | Border Security: Australia's Front Line

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it's midm morning at Sydney's International Airport and thousands of passengers have already cleared but at Customs and Border Protection the behavior of one particular traveler has caught the watchful eyes of officers we've got a baggage officer that has a passenger coming from America um she seems very nervous uh she's got an inconsistent story it's her first time here here to Australia so um we going to have a closer look she says she's here for a 2 we holiday to visit her boyfriend he's apparently been working in Australia for just a couple of months how long have you been with your partner for like dating and that 12 years so has he bought your return ticket I certainly hope so do you have a contact number for him like you've got his number for you to call him I'm just supposed to meet him at the hotel so how come you didn't bring his number with you like what number well does he have a mobile number a landline number not knowing her partner's contact details after 12 years together seems unusual and her evasive answers to very simple questions May indicate she's here for more than just a holiday here we go again we're looking for any narcotic [Music] readings and we got a negative response doesn't necessarily mean there might not be anything but uh it's just negative for now supervising officer Frank wants to know more about her mysterious boyfriend now I know this is your first trip to Australia and that uh and your boyfriend's paid for your trip here to Australia has he he's okay what does what does he do exactly for a living what does he do for a living I have no [Music] idea at Sydney's mail center a parcel declared as a rug has just arrived from Pakistan and Customs and Border Protection Officer David has spotted a slight inconsistency on the X-ray image just looking at the x-rays looks a little bit little bit denser in the middle around the edges a little bit light I mean rugs would normally show organic material so might be nothing but just the fact around the edges it seems a bit lighter the density of the rug is slightly thicker in the middle which might be the way it's folded but officer David thinks it's worth further investigation so he runs it by the detector dogs the dogs are trained to detect the odors of Narcotics Luke will react by scratching good boy it's a it's a boy good boy get a boy that's a strong positive reaction so officers will now take a closer look [Music] an Indian farmer in his family have arrived in Sydney for a 7-Day holiday but they know next to nothing about Australia and immigration offices need to be sure they're legitimate tourists so you've been planning for 2 years have you planned anything where you want to go in Australia syy is a good place to visit stay in all right so you will stay in Sydney only do you know anything about Sydney whatever else there to say so how did you get the visa to Australia interview he was interviewed atass me but officer herenda has information that all of the family's visas were actually obtained online through a travel agent in India did you buy your ticket from akba travels as well the family has also paid the travel agent for their accommodation what's uh your income 5 600,000 so this is your 145,000 is like you your 3 months earning yeah so you're spending your three months earning coming to Australia for S days that's right BR he's got some kind of security clearance so because of that he cannot come home and tell me what he does on a daily basis a passenger has flown Halfway Around the World to visit her boyfriend but officers are trying to work out why she seems to know so little about him so you've been dating him for 12 12 years 10 to 12 somewhere he knows the exact time I don't so in that time he's been pretty uh he hasn't told you what he does for work and you you haven't asked him any questions at all when he had to get his security clearance they came to interview me to make sure I understood that he can't talk about it so why would I ask him questions I mean if I wouldn't he makes more money than me to be honest so um I really don't want to do anything to jeopardize because that messes up my little treats like my trip to Australia and stuff by doing that a vague answers are a concern and officers need to be satisfied that she doesn't pose any risk she's very inconsistent with with the story she can't really tell us anything uh concrete so we'll do a f search and make sure there's nothing on her body and then we'll go from there all Dana think you may be coning something on your body okay uh so whatever I'll do it I'll get butt necked if you want just so I can eat and lay down somewhere okay so stick me in a room I'll take everything off you can search every piece of Cl I got [Music] on oh wow look at that at Sydney Airport's quarantine something far from ordinary is passing through the X-ray you can see the claws here claws here bone possibly flesh as well the ey so we're definitely going to have to look at that the passenger has just returned from Canada so what have we got um basically it's a taxi doy bear with like the body and head attached okay he's a big bear so how did we um come to get this guy today um I got him from an antique stealer in Montreal where I've been staying so yeah the only thing I do know about him is that he's a brown bear I believe they're quite rare which is very sad but apparently died of natural causes so died of natural causes yeah I'm going to give him a good home okay and to him and what's the name of the bear his name is Boris Boris The Bear okay he just looks like a borish he just looks like a borish apologies to anyone who has name the that if the bear has not been correctly treated it could pose a quarantine risk to Australia as I suspected on the X-ray you can see here the bones here there's a flesh we can see that there's other parts that has been professionally Tann and done yeah but our concern is these areas here which is still a bit fleshy they look bit and which can house bacteria Duty manager Rose is called over to assist with the inspection um did you have any paperwork associated with that so that's one issue there are areas where it hasn't quite been finished off without a permit [Music] too hey he what's here boy good boy good boy a detected dog has reacted to this parcel from Pakistan and officer David has taken it aside for a closer examination we had a good reaction from the dog which kind of tells me that there probably is something in there most likely narcotics um I had a St Post open it just have to pull it out now I'll unwrap it a bit and it's an old rug it scent registered mail would have cost a bit I don't think the rug would have been worth that much being second hand old and dirty actually feels really stiff to and I'll x-ray it again without the packaging and see if we can get a better image with the rug laid flat on the X-ray the inconsistencies are easier to identify the lines running up and down they're much denser than the lines going across the density in the middle of the image raises concern so officer David takes the rug into the deconstruction room to investigate further you can actually feel it's thicker from here on in that's much thinner there oh yeah it's definitely something in there white [Music] powder [Music] immigration officers are interviewing a family from India they have accommodation looking they have return ticket as well but they're spending around 1/4 of their yearly income just to visit Australia for seven days which is bit uh B now officer herenda digs for information about their intentions in Australia do you intend to find employment during your stay in Australia no why not I have everything just come to he's already mentioned his meager income from a farm back in India but now a revelation about a second business might ease concerns about his ability to afford a family holiday so you said you're running a hotel okay so how big is this hotel how many rooms do you have in your hotel three Halls at the lower level and six rooms upstairs so how many people work for your hotel people the officers interviewing the family compare notes and soon discover large discrepancies he said he's running a hotel my client knows nothing about the hotel but I've asked her about another business and she said no no definitely not okay this makes a big difference M it does the mother and the son know nothing about the hotel and you'd think if that was a major source of your income that you'd know it was there and that you'd be actively involved in running [Music] it so you you are giving us consent yes you can do it complete consent and if you'd like to I will strip butt naked preferably in private because I'm 54 years old and believe me 54 year-old ladies their bodies really don't do much to excite people in public not to mention the fact that I'm old enough to not want for everybody to see my fat ass okay so lead on you can do it here at the barrier or in a private room it's up to you okay yeah whichever is quickest so I can eat because you see I'm hypoglycemic and I haven't had anything to eat so in about an hour or so so I'm going to start getting kind of crotchety and then I'll pass out so what I would like to do is to get this over with us midly and as quickly as possible so whatever works for you I'm just asking let me know I will gladly do that but see I'm in your country so you tell me what you need me to do I will gladly do that okay well you can have it done here at the barrier or in a private room it's up to you pick your choice H I don't care no it's not my choice okay it's your choice okay which whichever's easiest for you I don't care here at the barrier or we can just go into the pr private room what what what the officer will be doing just rubbing their hands over your over your clothing won't be touching any part of your skin my boyfriend's been gone for 2 months believe me rubbing over my skin ain't going to hurt my feelings no but I don't care what what whichever works for you guys just so I can go ahead all you have to do is tell me here at the barrier or in the prop okay no problems at all okay thank you now that she's finally made her decision as a matter of fact oh no don't don't take anything off here she may be a bit too Keen to get on with the search yeah you can see white powder looks that runs the length of the carpet Crossways officer David has discovered white powder cleverly sewn into a floor rug coming from Pakistan it's more more than more than likely going to be heroin so I'll test it for heroin you only need to trace of the powder to test it if it turns green that means it's a positive [Music] result okay you can see there it's turning green which tells me it's her one they've gone to a lot of hard work to do it um would have taken a long time to put it all together so that's actually that's actually could be a good quantity the rug's a few meters long by about a m and a half 2 m it's actually a good concealment good quantity it's a good find the rug was found to contain 950 G of heroin with a street value of approximately [Music] $330,000 you can take the tongue out you can um the inside to look look look here at quarantine this passenger has no paperwork to go with this antique bare skin rug so officers need to be certain that it's free from parasites and contamination what the issue is is in under the pads yeah we can't remove the fleshy tissue that comes under there so because we don't have the documentation to certify that it's been professionally Ted and then they're still see up inside the claw you can still see in there yeah yeah all that so it will require the gam radiation then once Boris The Bear is treated it will be safe for him to enter the country but there is a possible side effect the risk of gamma radiation is that the hair may fall out you know takes up to 6 weeks long as I can take him home you'll be able to take him home thank you it's not every day that you get a um a suit bag and a a bear's head is sticking out looking at you particularly by the name of Boris he was fairly expensive but I think he's worth it yeah I really enjoy him so I'm looking forward to getting him back to my house we could see visually that it was treated it was tan she just didn't have the documentation that's why we had to take this next step further and get it treated and she was happy to get treated she told us to look after Boris and we'll take care of Boris we'll bubble wrap Boris so to speak s off to get treated for 6 weeks and then she'll receive it via Courier or shelter collect at Australia Post North American brown bears are not on the sit's endangered species list and after the gamma radiation treatment Boris was allowed into the Country Three family members have told immigration conflicting stories about their life back in India so what made him decide to come here now officers sift through the details to determine if they should be granted entry into Australia he's spending one third of his income to stay here in Australia for 7 days but hasn't got a plan for what he's going to do and the son says the reason why they're coming here is because it's cold and that's it and that's it it's not looking good for the family but the father has one last chance to set the record straight and explain why their visas should not be cancelled I've told you that my hotel booking is confirmed and that I'll be going back in 7 days that is the truth so matter of my dignity I told everybody home and I'm going to tour Australia yeah do you want to say anything else or I'm requesting you with folded hands please give me self respect I all your rules and go back give me the [Music] [Applause] [Music] opportunity anyway we've got an officer that's going to be conducting the research okay so we just wait for her to come over and um and and if there's nothing on your body well then you'll be right to go okay want me take my Sho off you're enjoy I you're enjoying that chocolate now I don't want you to it's calcium Cheo another caramel flavor I like caramel caramel's good so you consenting to the search mhm okay so you want to do it out here or you going to go in the room you happy to do it here she said he yeah she said he Mar okay all right arms up things [Music] aart you know I could just take the shirt off that way you could see it for sure I understand this is a big bowy shirt it's all right okay it's a big puppy shirt isn't it didn't I just say that huh after a thorough search Dana gets the all clear she didn't have anything on her body um all her bags were negative the x-rays were negative um she's just she's she's really excited about coming into Australia we're going to let her go now um we hope she has a good trip well you know to be perfectly honest I'd rather they stop me because well because if they're stopping me they might stop a real person who means harm and if that saves somebody's life it's a good [Music] thing please give me self-respect yes I will follow all your rules and go back give me the opportunity the found mother of a family has pleaded with immigration to allow them to enter the country but the overwhelming evidence suggests they are not legitimate tourists I don't think they'll ever leave Australia I think they'll go into the community and they'll just be absorbed we'll never see them again I don't think they're going home in weighing up the grounds for cancellation your response and the evidence available to me I'm satisfied you are not a chanine v traveling to Australia temporary for tourism purpose only I therefore decided to cancel your [Music] Visa me what can I [Music] do me me [Music] man of course I can understand why he's upset I can understand how the whole family must feel you know they've paid a lot of money to come to Australia and this is their hope for a new future but unfortunately it hasn't worked out for them like that today you know they've paid a lot of money to an agent in the belief that that will get them a new life in Australia and they've lost that money and they've lost that hope and you always feel for these people in these circumstances but our job is to make sure as best we can that any anybody that's coming to Australia on a tourist visa is a genuine tourist and willing will go home at the end of their [Music] stay passengers like these are often victims of international migration agents who promise a new life in Australia in return for large fees investigations into these agents are ongoing next week on border security I think we might have something here officers are amazed at the length Smugglers will go to there's no tape there wife fill out the card you didn't know any time read this card okay so now we get to do the hisy fit thing oh God tempers afraid at the border go leave so I don't get any angrier right now know that she did I found it I mean it's closure for me and this man's desperate search for his mom could end when he's confronted with a shady past and they come back and bit in the ass that's bota security
Channel: DangerTV
Views: 415,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n_jsowvYpK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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