India Interacts with Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam

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hello friends and welcome to India interacts I'm Deepak Ameen I'm your host for today's discussion on how India can innovate better and we have with us today to talk about this topic Bharat Ratna award winner and India's missile man dr. APJ Abdul Kalam please give a warm welcome dr. Kalam welcome to the show and thank you so much for coming here I know you were here at IIT recently also you have spoken and written a lot about innovation about how India can be a developed country and of late you've written very specifically just a few days ago about how India can be a powerful country in 2030 could you tell us and tell our young audience here what innovation means to you why it's important to India and how you view India as taking innovation and moving forward thank you where my friend D becoming and also I'd like to greet professor RK so gonca and all the IIT students very happy in your company and first of all friends I felt I must define discovery invention and innovation discovery invention and innovation what are the relationship I want to so that we understand what we are going to discuss now discovery as you all know relates to finding new laws a principle and concept example Raman effect is a discovery ancient energy equation is a discovery Chandra Shekar shankara's limit is discovered okay now invention from the basic theory evolve finding new system for example Graham Bell's telephone is a invention Graham Bell Telephone is Edmund and Thomas all ye ditions like light and bulb it is a invention Marconi's Wireless system is a invention now what is innovation question is what he said what is the relationship the change the change that creates a new dimension to performance is the innovation change that creates the new dimensions is the innovation is the definition for Peter Drucker now example you take telephone a telephone was grab a telephone and wireless communication is equal to even get a mobile telephone and it's variants and this application is a great example of innovation that is the mobile telephone mobile mobile mobile system mobile telephone is becomes an innovation internet invention internet is the invention cable television is another invention using Internet to deliver cable TV over a computer is an innovation followed as Erno dr. Marie Laveau much invention is the eczema laser he invented laser the laser itself discovered laser the discovery but dr. money novel bhaumik invention it's eczema laser and application of exhibit laser for eye surgery is innovation can you see the difference between the discovery and the invention and innovation you got it yes or no now let me ask a professional choice friends among you but what are your professional choices so that my discussion we relate to innovation link to a professional dream so I want to ask you how many of you like to pursue research carrier how many of you so okay good good number good now very happy good number okay how many of you share hand should not give to how how many of you would like to enter political government political governance area political and governance area nice guys nice guys nice guys I'm a very happy to see young fellows want to enter politics make a big change ok next sure how many of you would like to become a general entrepreneurs generally entrepreneurs general intrapreneurs ok how many of you want to become social entrepreneurs you know there is a difference you don't make a lot of money in social entrepreneurs whereas enterpreneur you are entrepreneurs so they make a lot of money ok how would you ever you want with a social independent ok ok ok now I know where you are okay now friends let me talk to you friends the story of invention inventors discovery and discoverers you can interact with me let us study the important inventors and their invention when I say Wright brothers immediately we remember what is that yeah craft that two brothers when people said it cannot be done they have done yet George Eastman can you think of film film film George Eastman scholar film he discovered Thomas Edison just now I told you the lightbulb they are all that's all innovation and inventors election that Graham Bell Telephone so these are all invention and inventors let us go to discoverers and discoveries all but Einstein energy equation equal to MC squared now sin was a Ramanujan great mathematics man in India produce number theory he gave a ship to number theory Chiang kai-shek is Subramanyam black hole and also he established the chantara limit use small equation using the Contra limit you can calculate how long Sun will shine now all of you want to remember all of you want to remember what I'm saying because if you want the inventors if you want be discoverers if you want the innovators I am going to give you what type of what type of characteristic you must have the invention and discoveries have Y emanated from creative minds that have been constantly working and amazing the outcome the telephone he was amazing the outcome you making the outcome in the mind with the imaging and constantly effort all the forces of the universe work for that inspired mind thereby leading to invention discoveries now higher the number of creative minds in an organization the best results of innovation will emerge I just wanted to ask you that was a good sort of introduction to people about the differences between innovation and discovery I'd love for the students here to get a little bit closer to you personally meaning from your couple of projects major projects that you've been involved in in the past we would love to hear some interesting stories that involve innovation I know you've been involved in some very exciting projects you have first till let me talk to you history then I'll come back to me the story of IAT graduate Ikey graduate transforming into an inventor okay you want to hear that how many of you here well there is doc dr. Munir all bhowmick is a PhD in quantum physics from IIT Kharagpur okay he was invited by Professor Matt Millen for doctorate research at UCLA is a it's a California Institute of Technology Los Angeles dr. Perman comes from a village you note this one dr. barbay comes from a will leg very straight in a mud house he explains the story in the book titled codename God it's a paperback codename God God named Cody has written a nice book god the professor who was his guide that smack pill and proves Macmillan who was his guide during the postdoctoral days you to give time used to give time but in 2 a.m. 3 a.m. every week for 2 days in the library of the university how many of you have patient to go to 2 a.m. 3 a.m. that's real research he gave two hours time and and between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. his game and he used to go and meet the professor Burma goes used to go and meet the professor positively at that time for discussing his project concurrently dr. Kovac you are working not prop corporation research and Technology Center in Los Angeles he was working there during his research with his Co researcher world firstly efficient hexamer laser which later found the extended use of the immensely popular LASIK corrective surgery was invented that's the inventor bombing invented the excimer laser then it becoming innovation for eye surgery LASIK eye surgery it is used today earlier and later it got an application for eye surgery throughout the world is used dr. Burwick successful innovator and celebrated innovator of course you young fellows can dream for his life how to build 5 mansion California yes built five mansion California how do you like it if I mentioned in California breaches great because when he discovered the excimer laser you become a rich fellow okay okay so no the since the IIT campus Delhi I am a breakthrough had been achieved by developing composite knee joint IIT Delhi with reduced weight and flexible joint it is cost-effective ECT where and is in production it is going to be it is already in production IIT Delhi team with Professor body but now she is not there pro-v body but and professor Cowley has developed a sieve and phase shifter for phased array radar the country for the first time we all use that Sieben phase shift for building a huge radar one of the great innovation that happened which I am involved you asked you know d but you asked for time involved one of the great innovation that happened with tune a to nation partnership in the development and production and marketing of the first supersonic cruise missile in the country now this supersonic cruise missile you know I was at that time working scientist okay there was the difference between a working scientist and not within sight so when I was working my laboratory and I visited my question counterpart and it's called professor here for BA he showed me number of labs and I found when it is a secret lab when I found is a difference laboratory like mine I was dealing when I saw the item there are some core competence uniquely I not seeing any lab in the world or in my country so I noted the unique unique technology level to area they identified then I invited professor FMO to my labs at RCA results entity Martha Hyderabad he came and he visited there and he also located two unique core competence then we found that Russia has got two unique copper core competencies and the India has got a two unique core competencies and if we bring them together a unique system may emerge that's how the first India's first supersonic cruise missile emerged with the investment of 300 million dollars today it has become 10 billion dollar business this is really innovation there is innovation technology innovation marketing and the innovation in production all the three areas there ok I think you know maybe based on what dr. Kalam has said and based on the response I am saying maybe we can go directly into a Q&A session here it will make a little bit more personal and yeah I referred that before that I won't tell you innovation where are we innovation where are we India where are we you must know that so that you guys get ready to do better things innovation index in the 2-0 level if you go to Internet you get to zero level in a which Switzerland but what innovation index okay you are happy Sweden number two Singapore number three field and five USA seven Canada eight Germany 12 Japan 20 China 29 India can you guess 62 India 62 now the question asked question is how to convert the 62 into first 10 innovation index is it not a good ambition you must graduate with all the young people when I see definitely you must graduate to the index number 10 now when I was a president in 2007 one great lady came from Finland at that time Finland 2007 number one index number one I asked the lady tell me how do you make your country number one nation in the in the innovation index she told me education education and right type of education and women education that what he said education education and right type of educate type of education that means creative education and women education this is the Unser's is a so we need for innovation a creative education capacity building global human care my recent experience the evolution of innovation now you can ask me questions which shall be all of you repeat with me if you don't mind will you will you repeat or no imagination leads to creativity creativity blossoms thinking thinking provides knowledge knowledge results innovation innovation make the nation but innovation make the nation great great innovation make the nation great so this is creative education there any campus journey campus what we needed create if we want to innovation index go first you turn imagination is to create you that means imagination that the classroom should be imaginative the teachers to be magnet of celibacy be imaginative okay and the students also imaginative creative blossoms think starting-point creative thinking provides knowledge knowledge may result in evasion and the innovation make the nation great okay so if this you are understood then we had worked for it how to make the nation in the within that ten numbers in five years time okay will you do all of you otherwise I'll catch you we have to take a little bit of a break please don't go away we'll be right back in a few minutes dr. Kalam you were talking about what it means for us to take innovation to another level to get to level 10 well I believe if you want to create you education adjust now I told you first thing is the imagination needs to create you like that you all repeated with me and the parameters we need to just lift the index create your creativity and the education system creativity in the education system to primary education and the before every where creativity has to come secondary education higher education in today's education if you don't mind I want to repeat a in today's education system because to reform needed is primary education because that is the age 50 and the children has be creative if they give a creative you need a classroom creative as syllabus creative and teaching us be creative so that the area we have to concentrate now the regarding the higher education like what you guys are doing higher education the following expect a bit considered that is like iit education University education the what regarding the higher the following expected we consider what are they number one research and acquire research inquiry if we conducts the that is index of innovation go to ten research and enquiry has to be one of the one of the component of the teaching and research secondary creativity and innovation third one use of high technology for to an enterpreneur leadership fifth one moral leadership and all the five fact five components make the creative education okay now the now I want to tell for the student young people history has proven history has proven that those who dare to imagine the impossible are the ones who break all the human limitations in every field of human endeavor whether science medicine sports arts or technology the names of the people just now I listed some of the names the names of the people who imagine the impossible or engraved in our history by breaking the limits of the imagination by breaking their limits of their imagining the change they change the world you take CV Raman you take Newton you take a Einstein you take Chandra Shekar thereby breaking the limits of their imaging imagination they change the world the great if you want to hear some examples want to hear some example example now I am going to give two examples one is the childhood that young age how how they thought what made them imagine creative to story I'm going to tell you when Albert Einstein was five years old for youth boy his father showed him her pocket compass and she realized that there must be something in the space previously thought to be empty that was moving the needle later stated this experience where the deep and lasting impression they not in campus if you see the needle moves when it moves or he was a Fayed boy so that created in his my curiosity as he grew ancient build models and mechanically device for fun and began to show a talent for mathematics Nanyang 1889 family friend max the moon the medical children introduced a ten-year-old Einstein to Ackley science his key science mathematics textbook is called Euclid's elements Einstein elements Euclid's elements actually called it whole ejected geometry this the geometry book small book we got when he was a ten year boy he calls it holy book the iron sheet began to understand deductive reasoning and by the age of twelve he had learned you please in geometry soon after he began to investigate calculus his father intended for him to pursue Electrical Engineering but I am still clashed with the authorities resented to the second regime he later wrote that spirit of learning and creative thought were lost in the stick memory oriented learning so he became the new person because the two small books they exchanged their life now when everybody considered she traveled as I experienced voyage when sashimi ramen was traveling from UK to Calcutta to London to Calcutta he saw the sea was blue and sky was blue in the horizon when Sun was shining in the evening he asked why and he got a Nobel Prize ok that means the he was pondering why the horizon where the sky and it looks blue his research resulted the phenomena of genie elastic scattering of photon in the light for this discovery Serie C V Raman was awarded Nobel Prize any questions no please ask questions folks good evening sir what is the problem with the research environment here why why is there so much of beat politics beat so much of leg pulling or why is it not so creative no my you what's your dream tell me what should leave anyway innovate for India you know if that is so see it in the globalized world cook knowledge your curse movement it definitely will take place okay whether you are from India to another country or another country to India knowledge workers will move that is means people acquire the knowledge then the movement will be always there just like Indians will go the people will come from other other parts arbitrary India okay so this is phenomena you have to accept how do we create a creative environment my feeling is I have seen I went to Howard ok few weeks back I was in Howard in the Howard I visited they called engineering apply sent as science the engineering department they called engineering and our place science there I saw three laboratories one is innovation about in the innovation laboratory the student it is nothing routier syllabus the students and evenings at holidays they go and they can work themselves but they can have their partner for example I saw in the innovation about your Harvard three students one from MIT next campus another for Howard another for industry they were working on how cable TV can be removed that means how cable TV can work via the internet light like internet that is IP IP that is Internet Protocol in telephone system how we can work there the cable TV again the internet they were working then I went to another laboratory another laboratory that is a two professors I have met two professors and one professor is a biotechnology professor he is working the IT area I how the biotechnology can be used at the high tieria similarly the IT professor working in biotechnology so what it means is like the compartment ation in our system has been removed no Iron Curtain between the departments second thing is apart from your what you are doing there should be a provision for students to innovate that means that the time free time they must put their ideas elaborately innovation laboratory should come never Mike there why there is no setup and no institution in the India that which comes to place people for research for for alternative fuel energy alternatives for infinite is a good point you have got a very good point you see what is happening you know when you come to IIT where outside you are coming in your car or scooter scooter were litter Patrol generate 2.8 kilogram of carbon dioxide cone litter okay that the point you are saying then imagine throughout the world throughout the world they are using cars and trucks per year they generally 30 billion tons of carbon dioxide that means we are damaging the ozone and then the annual war there is a type of climate change is it will be accelerating so I have suggested what is called the energy independence by 2030 we must cover energy independence that means we go away from fossil fuel that is that is a fuel a diesel petrol and coal and this type of thing you graduate from that to solar power wind power hydro power and nuclear power and biofuel and biofuel this is my 2030 we should I choose so that 50% of fossil fuel usage can be reduced and also it is estimated by world Energy Forum another 60 years time the availability of fossil fuel oil patrol who is go on trade using because it's not a renewable energy so we have to get ready now itself for a clean fuel clean fuel solar power wind power hydro hydro power and nuclear power and biofuel it's a good idea okay next next term yes sir my name is of Sheikh I am a fourth year physics student when it was pointed out that research environment is not good here and people are going abroad you said that it is a phenomena that people go abroad and from abroad people come here but here I don't see any any PhD student from abroad but I see 95% of students here going for a PID abroad don't you really think that the research environment here is demotivating well dead I say it's a fact the India's in India education which to higher education institutions that's why I was telling you the syllabus particularly undergraduate syllabus well IIT our university a part of it has been research oriented it's not only post graduate at PhD you require research that research environment we have created that that means what is the solution the solution is I have seen whenever a he experienced the higher researchers level professor moves in the environment and they reduced currency environment he is like a magnet he attracts student for research not only from the same institution from multiple institution even from abroad so the solution to that we have to create a research environment and that means we have to create the teaching environment after all what is teaching the higher the research I am the teaching capacity so research teaching to search so my personally believe that our universities and our IITs time has come we have to do priority for a research environment research but you are all fighting against the syllabus you are celibacy you are fighting so the the the reform is to count from the evolution of the new syllabus and the evolution were a new type of teaching teaching system and also the classrooms one question more before I take a break and then we will come back about in the back there good evening sir my name is ratchet I'm a final year student here so do you think that we as a society are set up you know to actually tackle this problem and not to no teller to tell the new graduates to go to a job where it is safe and then you know once say a venture fails we do not really look upon that person you know with a very high regard that is because of the society thought process and secondly we got to the infrastructure in terms of the funding or support of my government or you know the general ecosystem so do you think we're equipped to actually you know promote people to excel I have seen the future going to be it convergence off since you are all technologies converges of Technology there is bioscience information science and in and nanotechnology and the environment you Co all the four is going to be converging so this is going to happen and the environment you have to create for that yes there's not a convert per compartment ation between other departments that means he even you the graduate undergraduate level there should be six months project the syllabus we carve out so that the multi departments multi technologies they become to do a project and before going out of the campus that means they are not going as a single technologies because in future you will find they are looking for system wherever you go when industry anywhere you go have you done a system design system development and/or you are unique in a particular research in Alaska so it looks to me we have to create a environment for the such type of research and also system level development that means interfacing multiple technology that we have to do we have to take a little bit of a break please don't go away we'll be right back in a few minutes welcome back to Rogers of our TVs India interacts discussion series our topic today is how can India innovate better and our distinguished guest dr. Kalam we will continue with our questions yes how about there good evening sir I am vapor of a secondary right so there are steps which need to be taken by the government their steps need to be taken by the system so what according to you can we incorporate into it so that we can bring the change to it we as in the students yeah the students what can the students do to bring more innovation and entrepreneurship I think that's what your questions directed towards see I as I told you oh it is a it's a environment you've got a syllabus ok you IIT has got a syllabus so the teachers here they want to complete the syllabus so that you guys get good marks ok so that's the focus now what I am saying the syllabus skewer room that four year syllabus that give a room some sort of a spot should be there out of that six months or nine months period so so that the creativity of the students germinates and that should be a multi a departmental work love for example biotechnology information technology or biotechnology and nanotechnology or biotechnology and the ecology like that you know that the interface should take place for that in troth I am asking you I will have to ask that how the syllabus else be modified how the teaching teaching type of teachers the type of quality teachers we have to research oriented people we have to also we have to enlist so that students will converge to them where the research is there but infidelity celibacy demanded you to go through the syllabus and appear for the exam you don't have time for the research but if you've got a time for example on weekends you can have an innovation laboratory here for example year anyway students community council can think of an innovation laboratory involving multi departments that innovation laboratory student can go and late hours can devolve their own ideas thoughts and creativity some product or software may emerge so it is in your handouts yes you're talking about creativity and fasting this environment perhaps we should be starting this in school I mean I've heard somewhere that the current education system that we have was something that happened during the Industrial Revolution where to keep the children of factory workers engaged they would have one person and all these people sit you know fifty children or hundred children sit and study from the same person which at some level actually stifles creativity because you it's you're part of this monotonous system you go every day you take these classes and then you just sort of move on what are your thoughts on this a few months back I which did a village in Andhra Pradesh in that village I was invited to visit you know one teacher school you know one teacher school there are some places there is one teacher she she takes five class up to class five but thirty students soon I went to that rural class classroom it was seven o'clock in the evening so full moon night this teacher got all the students outside and showed the moon moon and put in a blackboard yeah paper blackboard she has put there started explaining moon what does it do why the full moon what the significance of it how much time it takes to orbit the Earth she didn't stop the girth it rotates one axis how much time it takes he asked the students assumption the response also then a day and night work how it comes and then this lathe a teacher asked the Earth orbits around what then some students say it is around the Sun how much time it takes the one student said it is well when one year nearly one year 365 days you know this is the creative education this is a creative education creative classroom and the creative teacher okay so these the type of end where but you are created followed yes there so my name is Serena Maas go to my final year student after impact we have two opportunities two ways in research one is a Industrial Research second one is in Institute where ever we go do PhD you might have seen many industry or laboratories and research laboratories I want to ask you that which research carries is better because in industry we can work with the people from different fields different fields and from in the research laboratory only one type of fields would be there so this one you suggest to us the IIT central gon funded okay now most of the universities that are highly research oriented because of industries have tested their certificates because the industry comes to the University or IIT if they know that you can provide a product of a system or a software so IIT should aim at providing credibility into the industry IIT can do a great research that will be useful for the industry so this is my view so I want to know who is a good teachers well it's a good question for example when I was a 10 year boy in rameshan primary school yes my teacher was science teacher was serum NIAAA I was a 10-year perfect class when the teacher enters we saw he radiates knowledge and also he really is purity of life you know the to quality I saw in my teacher that radiused knowledge and radiates purity of life is a Gandhian purity of life I saw so the students engaged therefore good role model is a teacher that teacher particularly primary secondary school system we need a great teachers okay with knowledge and purity of life questions yes so my soul Swati am I am take finally a student I went through this article on human development index in consumption of various countries and what I saw was India was at the log phase of the graph which meant that it has plenty of resources and it's still developing we all know that so I just wanted to us that I mean we have plenty of resources and we're still developing the problem with the country is that there's a very improper management of resources so what as a country we all are doing you know to incorporate research into managing all these resources and getting students involved into that see by believe is that you know I saw recently The Economist's you know economists your journal comes in this predicts a in a two to 0 16 the every ten workers skilled workers the four will be Indians out of in the world out of ten will cover because our population you know but you are but we have to do a skill so I have suggested what is called human resource scatter human resource scatter keeping them the universities and school educate system need to create to can dispersal won't gather is called global care of skilled youth to it specific knowledge of special kills another global care of you to higher education with special expertise like you are all these two candles would be required not only for powering the manufacturing surimi sector of the India but also fulfilling the skill the human resource requires globally that's the universities and secondary education strength we'll have to work towards increasing the throughput of the university education system from the existing 11 percent to 15 percent by the a20 15 20 percent by 2020 and 25 percent by the year 2025 30 percent by 2030 and that means our education system which skill and expertise we have to be able to modify education system and we had build the people okay yeah that's her good evening sir I am sir named Raj BTech first year student my question is that how much will an Indian experience foreign pressure if he wants to do some indigenous research on projects as nuclear fusion in order to make hydrogen bomb or human cloning meaning to say will the world support it or will the u.s. try to make a blockade against us in the UN no there is a what's happening is for example missile area there is called missile technology control regime okay as per the missile technology control regime the nation for example the nation which is got technology in missile advanced technology is national like India cannot get it that's why we became self-lighting some of the technologies that missile area okay like agony and also the he just now I told you BrahMos prefers to supersonic cruise missile these are all DNA technology denied so we have to develop ourselves so but of course the fusion area what you said there is an international collaboration going on because that is a very difficult area number of people is a work together so many nation are working together in future up to they will go up to the reactor you building a small reactor yes miracle a key party Neum histo forest nam ki ik Vida jockey 1952 may India may my love Yatta Escobar say la vega malapa Danny Keaton log party name is karima John 10 leaking our geo annual basis Bilderberg 1 lakh crore rupees in Diaco mal honey-poo Chara in a biotechnology Department way motivation Taconic many professors of the body hockey parthenium Pokemon Acharya go logging a motivation motivate helican encouragement was uncanny name is power there is what is called grassroot innovation this grot grassroot innovation innovation can be comfortably anywhere it can be from the laboratory it can come from the fisherman hat it can come from farmers it can come from anywhere it has come but we don't we did not have so far a mechanism to find the grassroot innovation fortunately now there is a what is called National Innovation foundation has come and this the every year they locate nearly 80 200 grassroot innovators they go to villages and they find for the farmers who innovated the basis for a way of forming innovative in the water supply system and innovated the way the cross club their crop agriculture crops and agriculture production yes improved per hectare these people have been awarded their said now yeah a National Innovation foundation is Government of India has formed to spot the grassroot grassroot innovators particularly agriculture the another area they are available 600 600 thousand villages yes a master scholar my question is that our education system is itself like that it's continuously killing our creativity so what is your thought on that well I I have a dead house I started that creativity particularly in the jungle age is a very important so that asking question having the curiosity so creativity leads to thinking and I have I have told you that how important creative classroom you create your classroom will come only of a creative celibacy there if you are having the syllabus heavy celibacy are having no then how do you be creative say a young boy or a young girl they may they may be good at painting but yo did you ever or quietly out of mathematics you have to give the opportunity to grow that is young gauge we have to do so that the education system primary education needs lot of reform and people are working on it after unfortunately we running short of time so this is the last question I can't take any more yeah my name is sarthak I am a third year student I just wanted to ask how can we create quality teachers in mass at primary level and at a professorship level I can share one experience with you when I was in Singapore I went to a school that school a school for primary school teachers that teachers will teach up to 8th class that been up to children of 13 years age so that type of self selection process they go through for selecting the primary education teachers is a very fantastic there are three type three types just like her IAS you know preliminary and the main and interview and the scenes of discussion they select after thousands of thousand applicants at ten twenty thirty teachers do them training and of course they play also properly they pay so properly so time has come we have to have a creative teachers and we have spot and we have to pay them that's very important okay okay sure yes let's give her a chance I'm Shaka I'm basically environmental researcher Arthur number first I'm very overland to speak in front of you and it's an honor I have been listening to a lot of questions which have been raised innovation and research is it so that here the questions that have been raised for more on innovation research on resources so is it that the research is more stress towards one area in comparison to other like for example we have climate change we have renewables like for example we want to invest in that I know it's good but even in case of industries we have energy as a separate section but what about water what about other sections which are important and interrelated we have to identify at the India 2020 division we have identified five areas okay yeah number one agriculture a grow food processing that when you produce 230 million tons of food now our innovation and technology go production value addition to agriculture produce similarly information communication technology indented connecting 600,000 villages we have that is through information technology that with innovation you have to make how to use the wireless system how to use the fiber optics so reach the villages so that we can carry education or communication and the third area is is the the infrastructure development and 40 area is a critical technologies so this have been identified and not only agriculture every field we have together five areas are there we have to work on that dr. Kalam thank you so much for coming on Roger supportive India interacts ladies and gentlemen please give a lot of Klaus
Channel: Sansad TV
Views: 3,322,217
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Keywords: APJ Abdul Kalam, Abdul Kalam, APJ Abdul Kalam Interview, President of India, Pranab Mukherjee, Pratibha Patil, Missile Man, Rameswaram, DRDO, ISRO, Homi Bhabha, Vikram Sarabhai, IIM, IIT, Scientist, India 2020, Wings of Fire, Ignited Minds, RSTV, Rajya Sabha TV, Rajyasabha TV, Gurdeep Sappal, Anil Nair, Rajesh Badal, Deepak Amin, India (Country), Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Ramani, Nandan Nilekani, apj abdul kalam inspirational speeches
Id: 9CKCfiX3uO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 50sec (2870 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2012
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