Incubus - Drive
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Channel: IncubusVEVO
Views: 126,492,914
Rating: 4.8865089 out of 5
Keywords: Drive live, Incubus Drive, aqueous transmission, wish you were here, pardon me, acoustic, Incubus Drive official, music, Drive lyrics, Incubus lyrics, vevo, absolution calling, dig, official, download, Anna molly, remix, lyrics, Incubus, official video, cover, drive, original, IncubusVevo, Sony, Adolescents, love hurts, music video, single, album, live, Incubus live, are you in, stellar, Alternative, Drive, Epic/Immortal
Id: fgT9zGkiLig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 54sec (234 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2009
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I always get into really strange moods after I listen to Incubus. Never happens with any other type of music.
I prefer acoustic versions of their songs like stellar or pardon me in acoustic however aqueous transmission is by far my favorite.
My boss was telling me a story about when he was younger living in Calabasas, he went to his neighbors house party and the friends younger brother came down stairs with all his turn table equipment and started jamming. Turns out that younger brother was Brandon Boyd. And somehow he still finds a way to not like this song.
This song has snapped me out of some deep self-pity and depression.
I wish Pardon Me was posted instead of Drive. The music video is amazing, too.
Incubus was the first band I really got into and the second concert I ever attended <3 ah, good memories.
I LOVED this song. Then the radio stations got it and played it non stop for 2 months and absolutely ruined it.
I've had this album for some 15 years or so now and to this day I still skip over his song.
This music video was shot in the McNamara Alumni Center of the University of Minnesota. Just a tidbit you learn while taking the university tour.
This song definitely brings me back. This was my first Incubus album. Might have to listen to it today.
Great song. This is my favorite Incubus song and definitely one of my all time favorites songs: