Problems in the Food Forest

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now it's June 7th a lot has changed out here a lot of good things a lot of bad things so take a quick look um noticing that there's only two plants in the entire yard that are really keeping the bees active and that's this phenomenal lavender I've got two of them right here and then the other would be they're mostly falling apart would be the poppies now so in the future plant more poppies and propagate this lavender get this going so I've got other annuals pumpkins planted out here try to make this pretty quick none of the stuff is really producing none of the cherries none of the apples as for the pawpaw you've only got one fruit on the pawpaw um but it's the only pawpaw tree big enough to hold fruit anyway and second we got some apples here this is the Sundance Apple I believe it's either the Sundance or the pixie crunch I believe it's a Sundance we Al also have a honey Cris there but it's not flowering didn't flower this year cherry trees looking big as usual loquat tree second loquat tree now let's see we do have oh tons of blueberries I'm not going to show all the blueberries as for the side Garden it's doing well now raspberry bush I didn't care for the RAS raspberries at first cuz they're not that sweet but I'm getting I'm getting quite a few every day so I'm going to go ahead and spread this raspberry and keep it and it's shooting up spreading fast now something that is exciting is being in zone 7 Upstate of South Carolina it looks to me like I have my very own banana flower and it is June it is right now June 7th and this flower sticking out so hopefully there'll be some some bananas coming out everybody saying no you can't get bananas it's too cold in Greenville South Carolina but it looks like I might get them and fake trees hard to see but they're producing little figs already figs coming out and these trees are only 2 years old there's nothing cranberry making cranberries let's get going now on this side of the yard I took two pallets Built My Girlfriend couple raised beds for flowers put her in some pots and here we go now we're about to see some of the problems one of the problems is how prolific this peach tree is because so I'm think I think I'm taking out all the stone fruit for good and I'll show you why everything everything it's looking good this is kind of a jacked up tour when I got a bird nest up here a couple more bird nests but to the problems the problems I'm having nothing but the bugs the bugs are eating everything so as you come through and you walk I have again spring satin plat which is being replaced by the Liberty Apple because nothing but holes in them no no fruit stayed and here we go here's one of the Platts now it looks like I have a lot left they're real pretty but they continue to fall Non-Stop and every single one has a bug bite in a worm in it it's very rare that I get some without so this might be the flavor Supreme plat I'm not sure which one it is or the flavor finale it's one of those but they taste okay but it's very rare that you get one that doesn't have bug bites on it so it's good I like them but the amount of bugs and fruit that's Fallen I'm really debating on getting rid of it here's the peach tree that already produced in May that's coming out I put my Colette pear here when I transferred it but I did a poor job and the pear Tre is dying so here's what happens I didn't listen I got selfish with one of my Platt trees because I wanted the fruit and if you look at the amount of fruit the amount of Platts is dumb and look what happens bam snap Branch because I had too much fruit on this tree look at the other branches hitting the ground so I guess I better do good at thinning but it seems like no matter which which plot you pull off of here see like there's a hole right here in stem so I got to cut this with a knife cuz I hate biting into it and seeing a worm but they're so good but I'm not going to spend the rest of my life digging up dead fruits off the ground cutting worms out of them even though it looks like I have a lot which who knows I might decide they still left me enough but again this is sad but it's part of life so I'm going to come out after the video and and chop this off another Peach Tree again you see bug damage some of them don't have it but I'm waiting on the next round the bugs to come which looks like they are so this peach tree is going to be replaced as well as that peach tree and again the plw up despite the amount of fruit you can see some damage on mostly all of it and I'm pretty sure that there's worms and almost all of them so let's keep going this blat tree is definitely coming out it only gave me one fruit without bugs on it and it is being replaced by this Sun dance Apple okay so the one in the front was a pixie Crunch and another exciting addition we got a rooster so we now have four females and one rooster so baby chicks might be in the future so we look back at where we come from again it's definitely taking on the jungle fuel but having to get rid of so many trees is really going to put a a damper in the plans so we come up to the next one the Santa Rosa Plum which I've raved about so much fruit on this tree has gotten moldy and fallen off that I have to I have to make a Command Decision for example bug damage right here look so many of them same story they start rotting on the side and when they start to look ready they're either rotting or full of worms so the Santa Rosa plum was just replaced with a fuu premon so the fuu premon will take over the Santa Rosa Plum and as we continue on down the trail one one constant is the Orient pair it is avoiding the plum culio hit these several times and I dug them out the eggs never survived so it's cool that the plum culia hits these Orient pairs because they're not going to take them so the only issue with these Orient peirs is that they flower in March and we get freezes till April but this year we got lucky no freezes okay now we're going to hit up the side Garden which is where I do my annuals and I have no idea what I'm really doing but once we step into the first bed we have all the basics green beans tomato growing up a Vine more green beans and as we come through it's it's really simple we got some type of chellis melon we got carrots charred we got royal burgundy which are purple green beans deep back in here we have kale tons of kale in every bed more kale carrot more kale and zucchini and I used to rip the leaves off when I found the bugs but the bug eggs but now I just want wipe them off and they fall to the ground and I'm pretty sure they can't really continue their life cucumber carrot that's one bed come to the second bed we've got cabbage growing same thing just chaos planning different types of um brussels sprouts here carrots all kind of stuff um don't mention we got several Moringa trees planted hopefully they can get something going more kale again pepper more KES beets more Char greens beans everything you can think of more brussel sprouts and I don't know what I'm doing but it looks like everything is growing so I'm going to step back in the shade we've got two kale plants going to seed I want to save the seeds but then we've got zucchini on the ground uh hiding a Pon tree oh there's just there's too much I don't want to go through through every vegetable but we've got other Tomatoes coming in more melons creeping through here green beans tomatoes asparagus coming up see I'm sure there's vegetables I haven't showed there's different types of chard out here let's go see what we messed up we've also got some yellow green beans and we've got the Dr Dragon tongue green beans oh and of course you know blueberry bush blueberry bush blueberry bush blueberry bush I haven't gone over all of them but there's about 20 oh and then the size of the what is that the Elderberry getting over the roof of the house like it's crazy and let's go back here we got more tomatoes I'm going to start freezing them more Tomatoes just just the usual garden stuff but I still feel like it's not enough we've got potatoes here but I feel like I failed on planting a decent amount of potatoes so let's see if there's anything I missed I also put up this bird Tower I've been working on I just take pallets leftover pallets and chop them up turn them into this so I built this one out of pallets and I also gave them some little water with rocks in it under that bird house and then I built a second two more bird houses out of here out of pallet wood this one right here and this one I just wish the birds would stay here I see them coming out of their nest and flying to different yards to bring back food so I'm getting the canopy as I look up in the sky I see here's another problem with the plums you see rotting but this is the TOA bubble gum Plum beautiful tree but I'm not going to to keep these Stone fruits if I have to worry about this non-stop see this and these little moldy spores all over it like this is Non-Stop and I don't want to deal with that so just like here I have the what is this the um it's supposed to be the pollinator plat I don't remember what it's called like the mother of all pollinators for plats but Emerald drop plot but it's called it Emerald drop cuz it drops everything it has and doesn't give you fruit so I made a mistake I decided I was going to keep the emerald drop pluot so I dug up the pear tree from here and replanted it and that pear tree died now I have to find a new replacement for this Emerald drop plot again it looks it looks nice but the Santa Rosa Plum I think the the issues and it's getting full sun the issues make me pull this tree out there's more rotting fruit so despite the size that's coming out it's sad so the problems is the broken branches and all the plums and all the peaches coming out and they're the backbone they're the backbone of this food Forest right now I've got tons of other things um raspberries blackberries volunteer American prons um Siberian pea shrubs uh Peach from seed another Siberian Peach R Buffalo Berry of course ell Agnes gy so as for support plants like here I have a chocolate Mimosa which I'll be cutting down soon but it provides awesome shade for now to get some of the young things started um Siberian peash shrubs or I forgot the other common name Buckthorn C Buckthorn I got two of those and I've got this one Beauty Berry this one which I'm going to start propagating is blue Falls Indigo they grow well here um Native Plum blueberry so I'm I'm skipping over tons because I I see comments saying nice food Orchard not a food forest and and that's cool also here small things too randomly like sweet potato vines coming up so a lot is changing it makes me sad that I got to start over with a lot of these trees because a lot of them like the Santa Rosa Plum I've invested four years in but it's part of the game I guess and like the peach tree here not many pest on this it survived many of them I see some new bites coming but I'm afraid of the next the next wave of pest so even though this is a big beautiful peach tree it's got to come out just like here this is a contender Peach and I went ahead and replaced it with a with an Orient pair right here in the middle oh we forgot to mention something that is doing okay and that is the grapes The Grapes usually do okay they're a red seated grape and they usually do okay so I'm not too worried about them I was worried when they started coming in something else I didn't show too is I've got other grape Vines started about seven other grape Vines but this is the only one producing fruit sure I missed a lot um we've got one pair on the Moonglow finally finally a Moonglow pair and I was about to cut that out but cuz it got blight but it fought the blight off the Jero PA got slaughtered by blight so that's gone musk IR that I pulled out of the woods right next to my house that they were chopping down more at the blue fall Indigo love this plant AIS Paar not producing oh you got to get one of these Sun cooker chicken or Sun Oven solar cooker heats up pretty good so I mean a lot of stuff that I missed too that I didn't even talk about we've got Roselle the Jamaican habiscus we've got more um cardoons coming up that I just planted uh this is a walking stick Hill is supposed to be about 20 ft tall we've got Liles popping up um and also I didn't even show this too we've got fruit coming up on the what is this um pineapple goas sage looking good we got a oh no so when you see this this wilting leaves it means a Vine B probably found it and got into it because it's it's not not even the hottest part of the day yet and it's wilting at the tip so there's a chance there might be some Vine damage and that's okay and we've got several paw paaws planted just waiting and couple pumpkin Vines getting started and now we're back where we started more support plant big old Rosemary it's survived even down to and a nonuse coral bark maple can't do anything with it and I think I think that's about it nothing else really to show getting ready to split a bunch of wood but that's it um a lot of problems Heaven again one of the great vins I just put up so 17 minutes and I'm going back and forth I'm pretty sure I got to cut this off and here I'm not getting the fruit that I thought I was going to get oh because I when I first started this and you see I've got garlic Kieran but when I first started this I knew I love stone fruit I knew I wanted to eat stone fruit I love plums plats peaches and I planted nothing but those not not knowing the pest issues and I've refused to spray I've refused to treat chemicals even kin clay so my plan is to just shoot for the Oriental Pairs and to shoot for prons because I haven't even mentioned on here I've good a good amount of prons forming this is a sideo pron it's an astringent I've got about four Fu and I got one fuyu in the yard putting out fruit I have a mck wio and I have a Nikita's gift P Simon and that's it I'm going to chill out here for a little bit because it's it's a lot cooler in the shade but hopefully I'll get some of these trees dug out chop them up turn them into barbecue wood and get some strong pest free plants that I don't have to sit out here every day keep the fruit flies out so if anybody knows any fruit trees that are great for Zone 7 I'll pop them in and uh hopefully have a stress for your garden
Channel: Quarter Acre Food Forest
Views: 3,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Food forest, Permaculture, Suburban food forest, Suburban permaculture, Re wild, Garden, Backyard orchard, Backyard garden, Lawn to garden transformation, Wood chip gardening, Back to eden, Fruit trees, Stone fruit, Peaches
Id: u7qGN-Mwt9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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