Incredible Moments Caught on Camera

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hello everyone get ready for some thrilling moments because we've gathered the craziest videos from all over the world just for you let's get it on here's solid proof that aliens exist and they're already here [Music] okay it's actually a really unusual art installation in Western Norway and you can only see it by taking a boat [Music] there in case you thought Bas lisks were just a myth impressive size [Music] [Music] right [Music] woo who would believe him if he didn't have a camera thank you s Mo thank you he go now's the perfect moment to give this thing a grand sendoff into retirement [Music] [Music] you'll never guess what's inside this Barrel [Music] [Music] the textures on this section clearly didn't load properly [Music] br [Music] check out how awesome the rocket engine test firing is this video is simply [Music] breathtaking it seems like it's time to revisit How to Train Your [Music] Dragon actually it's a black sea hair often found off the shores of Florida [Music] FL how long do you think it [Music] is the Royal Cobra is widely regarded as one of the most dangerous snakes so major props to the guys who boldly catch it with their bare hands no [Music] [Music] I [Music] have now it's clear why he needs bars on the window of the excavator [Music] [Music] [Music] this pal is definitely more powerful than any SUV do what y [Music] oh there are two types of people who encounter unusual creatures careful y the girls are not careful Alicia what the heck was that you're crazy are you joking come back inside Alicia come back inside Alicia come back inside that's a sing R this kills that Australian celebrity Alicia that I'm not going I'm not going even if you pay me come down here give a thumbs up to the operator's nerves of Steel which let us enjoy sites like this sometimes nature itself crafts incredible art pieces [Music] [Music] [Music] space Rockets are always impressive but the size of this one reaches the height of a 30 story building pretty spectacular huh [Music] he knows how to make a grand entrance at the beach real artist can make an amazing painting using just a couple of boats and a drone [Music] [Music] this elevator May trigger another phobia woo I miss [Applause] [Music] [Music] that guy has definitely figured out how to bend the rules of [Music] physics oh what else can you expect from Australia [Music] [Music] this is what level 80 camouflage looks like GOI Jo go la there will be way more emotions if the glass cracks what's really surprising isn't just that they created an improvised passage but that they also went ahead and paved a pathway to [Music] it a hobby that can get your palms sweaty [Music] you see oh bro am I [Music] tripping now they won't have to worry about paying for electricity for a long time here's another phobia for those who enjoy rid Ferris [Music] [Music] wheels much respect for the people who make their Liv living on the [Music] [Music] sea make sure to add a trip to the digital Museum in Tokyo to your must SE list [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] do you think that this is just luck or good reaction speed they say that if you gather all the colors of the rainbow you'll get a bonus wo wo wo wo wa it seems like the hawk might end up being the meal [Music] instead with a helper like that you won't get stuck even in the middle of the desert [Music] trust me pal he'll remember this [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] if it's a birthday cake it has to be this one [Music] [Music] you can't pet your cat because he keeps biting you meanwhile some guy in Asia [Music] he's a true Shark Whisperer [Music] [Music] up [Music] he might not be the brightest but he's such a good boy let's add a touch of Arctic satisfaction to today's compilation [Music] how to tell you live in Florida without actually telling it that's all got to do right there got that too [Music] taate down just going to flip in get [Music] out we never imagined this ride was designed for this [Music] imagine wandering around here alone at night pretty spooky huh [Music] it seems like this guy is a real caterpillar whisper amazing bams hello [Music] B [Music] [Music] this is how we imagine Tesla spending its free time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's the work of some really skilled [Music] [Music] plumber finding a good BMW isn't as easy as it seems [Music] when nature takes care of your fashion for you classic weather on your only day off [Music] [Music] yes yeah oh my God look at that oh my god oh he F to get eaten oh she's like give me my Goddamn kid oh damn I see a jump yeah they're so wealthy they've turned a pickup truck into a flower pot [Music] Mex [Music] [Music] here's what a crowd of 50,000 people looks like after a Taylor Swift concert [Music] [Music] than a [Music] [Music] [Music] okay here's the deal if you can tell who's in this picture just drop us a comment all right also thank you to everyone [Music]
Channel: #Mind Warehouse
Views: 332,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Mind Warehouse, your mind is my wearhouse, facts, Incredible Moments, Incredible, Caught on Camera, forest, alien spacecraft, incredible compilation
Id: NG-QD1ttuj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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