Famous Quotes Of Imam Al-Ghazali

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foreign [Music] Muhammad Muhammad was one of the most prominent and influential philosophers theologians jurists and Mystics of Islam he was a Persian origin his Works were so highly acclaimed by his contemporaries that al-ghazali was awarded the honorific title proof of Islam Islam [Music] believed that the Islamic spiritual tradition had become more even and that the spiritual Sciences taught by the first generation of Muslims had been forgotten that resulted in his writing his magnum opus entitled The Revival of the religious Sciences among his other works the tahafut al-falasifa in coherence of the philosophers is a significant landmark in the history of philosophy as it advances the critique of Aristotelian science developed later in the 14th century Europe in this lecture we will look at some of his most famous quotes he says remember your contemporaries who have passed away and were your age remember the honors in Fame they earn the high posts they held and the Beautiful Bodies they possessed today all of them are turned to dust they have left orphans and widows behind them their wealth is being wasted and their houses turned into ruins no sign of them is left today and they lie in dark holes underneath the Earth picture their faces before your mind's eye and Ponder to completely trust in Allah is to be like a child who knows deeply that even if he does not call for the mother the mother is totally aware of his condition and is looking after him if you see Allah Mighty and magnificent holding back this world from you frequently trying you with adversity and tribulation know that you hold a great status with him know that he's dealing with you as he does with his awliyah and chosen Elite and is watching over you [Music] you must convince your heart that whatever Allah has decreed is most appropriate and most beneficial for you [Music] declare your fighting on 13 enemies you cannot see egoism arrogance conceit selfishness greed lust and tolerance anger lying cheating gossiping and slandering if you can master and Destroy them then we'll be ready to fight the enemy you can see game upon you O soul For Your overweaning Love of the world if you do not believe in heaven or hell at any rate you believe in death which will snatch you from all worldly Delights and cause you to feel the pangs of separation from them which will be intenser just in proportion as you have attached yourself to them what's meant for you will reach you even if it's beneath two mountains and what's not meant for you won't reach you even if it's between your two lips Ali talks about the different types of people [Music] the first kind they are veiled by sheer Darkness they are the atheists those who do not have faith in God in the last day they love life in this world more than the next world because they do not have faith in the next World at all these people are of two types one type look for their fulfillment by searching for the cause of the world hence they turn it over to nature but nature consists of a quality firmly embedded and adhering in bodies bodies are dark because they do not have the knowledge and perception they have no awareness of themselves and of what proceeds from them and they have no light perceptible to outward eyesight the second type are occupied with themselves and do not attend to searching for the cause of the world rather they live the life of the beasts their Veil is their murky souls and dark appetites there is no Darkness more intense than the Caprice in the soul has thou seen him or has taken captors to be his God and the messenger of God said capris is the most hateful God worshiped on Earth the second type are divided into groups one group supposes that the ultimate end of searching in his world is to achieve to obtain objects of appetite and to attain bestial Pleasures by means of women food and clothing these people are the Servants of pleasure they worship it search for it and believe firmly that obtaining it is the highest Felicity they're pleased for their souls to be at the level of the beasts or rather more debased than the beasts what darkness is more intense than that hence these people have been veiled by sheer Darkness another group of the second type sees the highest Felicity in Domination taking control playing capturing and imprisoning this is the path of the nomads and many stupid people they are veiled by the darkness of the predatory attributes because these attributes rule over them and because when these attributes attain their goal that is the greatest of pleasures these people are satisfied to be at the level of predatory animals or even more debased a third group of the second type sees the highest Felicity in the abundance of property after all property is an instrument to achieve the object of appetite through it the human being attains the ability to achieve wishes hence these people aspire to gather property to increase Estates land valuable horses cattle and farmland and to hoard Dinars in the earth hence you will see one of them striving throughout life embarking on great dangers in the deserts on Journeys and in the oceans to gather possessions foreign with which he is niggardly toward himself these are the ones met by the words of the Prophet the slave of the Dirham as miserable the slave of the dinar is miserable gold and silver are two stones that are not desired in themselves when wishes are not achieved through them and they are not spent then they're just like pebbles and Pebbles are just like them a fourth group of the second type climbs from the ignorance of these people and pretends to possess the rational faculty they suppose that the highest Felicity is the expansion of honor and fame the spread of reputation and multiplicity of followers and the influence of the command that is obeyed hence you see that their only concern is eye service and cultivation of the things upon which observers cast their glands one of them may go hungry in his house and suffer harm so that he can spend his wealth on clothes with which to Adorn himself so that no one will look at him with the eye of contempt when he goes out the types of these people are Beyond count all of them are veiled from God by the sheer darkness that is their own Dark Souls other famous quotes from Imam hazadi no oh beloved that man was not created in just or at random but marvelously made and for some great end although he is not form Everlasting yet he lives forever and though his body is mean and Earthly yet his spirit is lofty and divine live as long as you want but you must die love whatever you want but you will become separated from it and do what you want but you will be repaid for it do not rejoice except in an increase of knowledge or an increase of good works truly they are your two friends who will accompany you in your grave when your spouse your wealth your children and your friends will remain behind and Allah there is no sorrow or suffering or affliction if you want to be free of all Affliction and suffering hold fast to Allah and turn holy to him and to no one else indeed all your sufferings comes from this that you do not turn towards Allah just as you have taken returning to sins as a habit then also take returning to tawba as a habit because through tawba you expiate your past sins and it is very possible that you may have the fortune to die while in a state of Toba the deceitful character of the world comes out in the following ways in the first place it pretends that it will always remain with you while as a matter of fact it is slipping away from you Moment by moment and bidding you farewell like a shadow which seems stationary but it is actually always moving again the world presents itself under the guise of a radiant but immoral sorceress pretends to be in love with you fondles you and then goes off to your enemies leaving you to die of chagrin and despair Jesus upon whom be peace saw the world revealed in the form of an ugly old hag he asked her how many husbands she had possessed she replied that they were countless he asked whether they had died or been divorced she said that she had slain them all I Marvel he said at the fools who see what you have done to others and still desire you [Music] a person of good character is he who is modest says little seeks the good worships much has few faults meddles little desires the good for all and does good works for all he is compassionate dignified measured patient content grateful sympathetic friendly abstinent and not greedy he does not use foul language nor does he exhibit haste nor does he Harbor hatred in his heart he's not envious he's candid well spoken and his friendship in enmity his anger and his pleasure are for the sake of God most high and nothing more an important part of our knowledge of God arises from the study and contemplation of our own bodies which revealed to us the power wisdom and love of the creator his power and that from a mere drop he has built up the wonderful frame of man his wisdom is revealed in its intricacies and the mutual adaptability of its parts and his love is shown by his not only supplying such organs as are absolutely necessary for existence as the liver the heart and the Brain but those which are not absolutely necessary as the hand the foot the tongue and the eye to these he has added as ornaments the Blackness of the hair the redness of lips and the curve of the eyebrows look for seashells we'll find seashells those who open them will find pearls the real friend is the one who when you ask him to follow you doesn't ask where [Music] the tongue is very small and Light but it can take you to the greatest tight and it can put you in the lowest depths each of your breaths is a Priceless Jewel since each of them is irreplaceable and once gun can never be retrieved all of a man's happiness is in his being the master of his ego while all his suffering is in his ego being his master desire makes slaves out of Kings and patience makes Kings out of slaves the corruption of religions comes from turning them to Mere words and appearances the way to Paradise is an uphill climb whereas hell is downhill hence there is a struggle to get to paradise and not to hell the hypocrite looks for faults the believer looks for excuses the messenger of Allah said there will come towards the end of time people from my ummah who will come to the masjids sitting therein in circles they will only talk about the world and love for the world Do not sit in their company for Allah has no need for such people [Music] in the depths of the night before Fajr are among the treasures of piety so augment your Treasures for the day of your poverty for the treasures of this world will be of no use when you die placing the Kaaba between my brows the bridge over hell beneath my feet Paradise to my right and hell to my left and the angel of death behind me thinking all the while that this is my final prayer then I stand between hope and fear Imam al-razali woke up one early morning and as usual offered his prayer he then inquired what day it was and his younger brother Ahmad razali replied Monday he asked him to bring his white shroud kissed it stretched himself full length and saying Lauren I obey willingly breathed his last underneath his head rest they found the following versus composed by him probably during the night say to my friends when they look upon me dead weeping for me and mourning means sorrow do not believe that this corpse you see is myself in the name of God I tell you it is not I I am a spirit and this is not but flesh it was my Abode and my garment for a Time I am a treasure but a Talisman kept hit fashioned of dust which served me as a shrine I am a pearl which has left its shell deserted I'm a bird and this body was my cage once I have now flown forth and it is left as a token praise to Allah who has now set me free and prepared for me my place in the highest of the heavens until today I was dead though alive in your midst now I live in truth with a grave clothes discarded today I hold converse with the Saints above with no Veil between I see Allah face to face I look upon and therein I read whatever was and is and all that is to be I left my house fall in Ruins lay my cage in the ground Cast Away the talisman it is a token no more lay aside my cloak it was but my outer garment placed them all in the grave let them be forgotten I have passed on my way and you are left behind your place of Abode was no dwelling place for me think not that death is death nay it is life a life that surpasses all we could dream of here while in this world here we are granted sleep death is but sleep sleep that shall be prolonged be not frightened When Death Drive nigh it is but the departure for this blessed home think of the mercy and love of your Lord give thanks for his grace and come without fear what I am now even so shall you be for I know you are even as I am The Souls of all men come forth from Allah the bodies of all are compounded alike Good and Evil alike it was ours I give you now a message of good cheer May Allah's peace and joy forever more be yours
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 60,346
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Id: feG4oKoC8Fc
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Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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