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So guys i wanted to stop real quick and show you  all a little trick that I do. So what i want to do   here I don't want to have to take boards off. It's  a whole lot easier to keep the stack on the mill   so that i can get all of them off at one time  with the tractor. So what I like to do is when   I get to this point where i can't really saw any  more boards without it catching in the throat of   the mill right here... these WoodMizers have got  this angled throat right here. And as you can see   this board is going to hit on the mill and  it's not going to allow it to go through the   cut like it should. So what I like to do so  that i can keep all the boards on the mill,   and make my life a lot easier, is take maybe the  top three boards or so and just scoot them over   just like that. And that gives me three or so  more inches so that I can go ahead and finish   out my cuts without having to move around any  boards. It's just a lot easier that way and it   doesn't put extra pressure on the blade. It's  just the best way to do it as far as I have   as far as I have discovered. But,  this is a little trick I like to do. So that just makes things a whole lot easier  to shift those top three boards over. And it   worked perfectly on this particular  log. Yeah, I'll be able to get all   of these in one scoop with the um with  the grapple. First, of course, I'm gonna   scoot these over a little more and see if we  can get an idea of what these boards look like. That log gave us, how many, one two three four  five six seven eight nine ten ten of those   i think they're twelve and a half inches wide. About 12 inches wide. this is another pine log of course and it's about  17 inches around and it's not really a consistent   17 inches. It looks like it was probably towards  the top of the tree and it's not very even. You   can see there's some dips and knots and so forth  in it. So I think I can still get maybe three   twelve and three four inch cants out of it. And  from those four inch cans I can start cutting my   2x4s, I'm not sure. It's a little bit uneven but  let's just start cutting and see how it works out. So I was able to get the three cants that I was  wanting out of that so that's a really good thing.   And I wanted to go ahead and show y'all,  show you all this before i did it.   I have found that normally it's best just to  go ahead and cut your slabs off even if you   waste a little bit of material. I found that  it's better just to go ahead and make one cut.   One kind of an aggressive cut. Because if you  end up making two or three cuts trying to save   as much material as possible you're just dulling  your blade and you're wasting time. So if you   waste just a small amount of material, but you  save your blade and save time, I feel like that's   worth it. What I'm going to do in this case  is I'm going to just skim a little off the   top here because I believe I can get one 2x4 out  of this middle piece before I start getting 2x4s   out of these two side pieces. Just because of  the arcs right here. So that's what I'm going   to try to do and I believe that it will work out  we'll just see let's try it and see how it works that went pretty good. We got 16 two by fours out  of that. There's 14 on the mill, one right there,   and i had to throw this other one off to the side.  So that was the one, the single one in the middle,   that we were able to salvage from the very top up  there. But what I'm going to have to do here is   this middle cant, this is actually the side cant  right there, this middle cant is actually 4 1/13.   I'm sorry, 4 3/16. So what I'm gonna have to do  is take off all of these. This cant, and this cant   over here. These 2x4s and these 2x4s and go ahead  and lay these up on edge and resaw them down to   what they're supposed to be at: 4 inches. So yeah  let's go ahead and do that and we should be done. So guys that's going to do it for this video.  I made the mistake today of showing up here   too late in the morning and it is just  hot. Even up under the shelter that I   built. Although this shelter has really  really improved things it is just hot.   So I think this is going to be the last one for  the day. It is hot and I'm going to go ahead and   get these boards stacked. These 2x4s stacked and  we will start back on this another day. Sixteen?   Is that what I said? Sixteen 2x4s out of that last  log. And I can't remember how many boards we got,   1x1s out of that first log. But pretty good  yield. Having the camera out and sawing at the   same time makes progress pretty slow but that's  okay. I do enjoy making the videos quite a bit   and i hope that you all enjoyed watching  it. And I will see y'all on the next one.
Channel: Fall Line Ridge
Views: 2,304,980
Rating: 4.7930756 out of 5
Keywords: fall line ridge, sawmill, lumber, 2x4, homesteading, homestead, DIY, wood Mizer, woodmizer
Id: lEnFYevbp5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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