INCREDIBLE Color Grading in Lightroom and ACR 13.0

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adobe has just made color grading absolutely phenomenal in the new adobe camera 13.0 and also this is applicable for lightroom let's check it out [Music] as with every new update to adobe i try to keep you up to date with the latest and greatest as i learn how to use it that's important as i learned how to use it i'm not trying to sit here and report to you something that i don't know how to use yet so adobe just released in adobe camera raw 13.0 also in the new lightroom adobe released the color grading feature which actually replaces the split toning feature this is the absolute major new update for adobe camera raw 13.0 there's some speed and functionality that's been changed as well and i'll cover that very quickly but for the most part this new color grading section that you're going to see right here in adobe camera raw is absolutely phenomenal let's talk about some of the other new things before we get into it though so the first thing here if you right-click inside of this editing pane here it says editing panels to show if at any time you feel that you don't need to use any of these panels over here you can turn them on and off right here now i would say that some people might actually turn the calibration off because they don't understand it and don't know how to use it that's a bad idea keep that one on but there's other things that i don't use very often like let's say geometry i can turn that off and press ok and i won't see it here in my editing pane that's helpful if you just don't want certain things to be in there the other thing is anytime adobe updates some of your settings are going to change so i'm also going to change this so that my thumbnails here are vertical instead of horizontal so i'm going to right click i'm going to change this to vertical okay that gives me much better editing screen here especially on these larger taller images rather than wider images the other thing that adobe changed is you can actually change the size now of the editing pane over here too so that you can create more working space for yourself so those are all the minor things that adobe added let's see this color grading thing in action okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to show you kind of an idea of how these work when you open it up you're going to see these three circles here and it's like oh cool i get these dials that i can push and pull and you'll start moving them around and guess what you're probably not going to understand them and you're going to say this is disgusting why did adobe do this so this is what i'm going to do i'm going to go to this image right here and show you how these things work so by default right when you go into the color grading section it's going to show all three of your color grading tools right here this is basically an area where you can select an individual color that's going to work in that area of your photo so this is saying that the mid-tones will start to get more red when i do this now you see this little bar right here this is the luminance of that how dark or how light that red is going to be now these little three guys here i think they're a little bit too small for me to see so right next to these where you see the three-way here which is what we're controlling right here you can look at them individually by their shadows mid-tones or highlights and that's awesome and then the global aspect so i'm going to show you how to color grade here on this image specifically because it's really going to help so first of all one thing that you're going to probably pass over completely is this little down arrow right here and i would say just open it up by default okay why because this is where you get to refine the colors this wheel is really cool that you can move this around and stuff and say okay my shadows are now going to be blue but if you don't know exactly what color that blue is it's kind of difficult to see but basically as we move this over here this is basically going to be the saturation of the color you see how there's a little line that happens there this is the saturation of the color if i press and hold shift it's going to maintain the saturation of this individual color as i move it up and down like this okay this slider right here is going to be the hue of that color so if we want the saturation to be right here but we want to change the hue to something like a deeper red or even something like a blue that's how we can control this without having to click and drag in here and try to move this around to a point where we can see something that we'd like now very similar to what you would see over here is the luminance slider which is going to be down here now below this so why i like this a little bit better than these individual circles this i have to be like really finicky and try to get the exact color that i want it's really small and it's really difficult but when i go over here and i do it individually for each individual color i can get much more refined control over that okay so this is basically saying that the shadows are going to be color graded with this color blue we've already kind of done our mid-tones but we did it with that little wheelie circle in the three-way so let's see what happens when we change this to something like cyan okay and we'll brighten that up and make it really saturated like that and then we're gonna go over here to the highlights and i might just grab like this magenta i'm gonna make it really saturated and drop the luminance on that just so that we can see this color and how this is being color graded because the next set of sliders is really important you're going to see two sliders down here one that says blending and one that says balance let's first talk about the blending slider this blending slider as you see right now with this set to 50 we have an individual area for our shadows it's going to be a dark blue an individual area for our mid-tones is going to be a cyan and if you see here this is the exact cyan that's going to be hitting our mid-tones very hard and then transitioning out into our shadows and our highlights but if we take this blending slider and move it this way it's going to compartmentalize them and separate them even more so the blend between the mid-tone color and the shadow color is a little bit more shallow watch as i move this up see how they blend really really strong now to the point that we even lose our cyan so when the blending is at 100 percent it's basically taking all the colors that you've selected for your highlights your mid-tones and your shadows and it's just blending them together okay so i'm going to move this down so we can kind of see that in slow motion so we move it to the left it's going to compartmentalize them and make them much more separate if we move it to the right it's going to blend them together so they all start to kind of be more cohesive which is really great because when we used to do color grading this used to be the split toning section it's very difficult to see how this was gonna work because the only slider we really had was a balance slider that would balance between the lights and the darks which i'm gonna show you next we didn't have this blending slider so this is really cool because we can start to fuse those colors together to create a more cohesive color grade over our entire image now balance if we move it to the left that is going to place the priority of the color towards the shadow areas notice how as we moved it to the left all the blue started shifting itself over into the highlight areas and then to the point that our magenta that we put in our highlights is completely gone as i move this over to the right you're going to see that the magenta takes priority and starts to push all the colors to the left so this is really kind of nice when you want the balance to be more on the highlight side or more on the shadow side and you want to just get a better blend of that magenta over on the maybe that magenta spreading into the more of the highlights and mid-tones and then less of that color grade happening on the shadows i'm going to tell you that unless you're working on an image like this this might not be very intuitive and it might not be easy to see so let's go over here to the global now the global this is a color that you can add as a wash over all of the colors of your highlights your mid-tones and your shadows after you've individually color graded them so what happens here is this is basically if you've ever painted before you're going to take all the colors that are in here and mix them with one overarching color so if i go over to the yellows it's going to shift all of those colors as if they are blending and mixing with the color yellow and as i increase that saturation adjustment or the luminance adjustment it's going to change and alter those colors completely so if i move this down here to the magentas you can see that that's now magenta globally applied to the whole color grade here as it would with magenta on the right hand side that cyan color why it's starting to get that purplish color because magenta is mixing with cyan and then the magenta is mixing with the blue to make it more of a violet color now this color grade would not be an ideal color grade as a matter of fact if i were to grab this setting here and then press and hold shift and click on this image and then right click and say sync settings and then only sync my color grading by pressing alt or option on the color grading i'll press ok you're going to see that this is an absolutely putrid color grade now the reason why i did that though was because i wanted to show you how these color grading adjustments are working on your image people ask me all the time like where would you see this happen in your workflow now before i move on to these images i'll tell you where i typically color grade my images i typically color grade my images at the very end of my workflow so this color grading here while it's brand new for adobe camera on lightroom this isn't actually the place that i would prefer you to color grade unless of course you're keeping everything in your adobe camera raw or lightroom space for your workflow so if you need to jump into photoshop or something like that this is not going to be the best time to do this i would tend to color grade towards the end of my workflow but that doesn't mean that you can't make pro presets but that doesn't mean that you can't make some type of preset for this and maybe some type of action for this to jump into adobe camera raw to be your color grading place which could actually be a very phenomenal place to do your color grading so these are things that you can think about as you watch me do this people ask me all the time where does this fit into your workflow blake probably won't fit into my raw workflow this would fit into a finishing workflow real quick before we continue this is kind of like the commercial break if you like this please press the subscribe button below and hit the little bell to get notified i do video tutorials like this all the time where i take photoshop something very convoluted and very difficult and make it very easy to learn and give you an actionable workflow that you can use right now today so if you're the type of person that likes that kind of content press the subscribe button below and you'll get notified when the next video comes out this image here is a finished image so i'm not gonna go to the three-way here because i don't really care too much for that three-way i might go to the shadows and say okay this is a finished image but i want a little bit of warmth in those shadowy areas well instead of just moving to the wheel here i can go right to the hue of the color that i want in those shadow areas and increase that saturation in those shadow areas to get a little bit more warmth in those shadow areas now again you can do this in photoshop just as well and just as easily with things like blend if and blend modes and masking and all these other crazy things that we have in photoshop but it's really nice that we have them now in adobe camera roll if we choose to use it there now with the luminance you can choose here to make that a little bit of a brighter color now that's being added to those shadow areas if you so chose so that those shadow areas not only get some warmth to them but also a little bit more brightness in them which would kind of push them back and push them down a little bit so they aren't quite as strong so if we go to under into our mid-tones here we could change our mid-tone color to maybe a little bit of a warm color with there as well and this is just adding warmth but a different degree or a different color of warmth to those mid-tone areas okay you see that there and then we can go into our highlights and maybe even add a slight bit of warmth to those highlights now this would be making basically a warm image and here's what you think about color grading color grading is typically a warm or cool thing it's what we kind of lead towards when we're color grading our images so i'm warming this image up and i'm warming it up globally now if i change the blending here this is where you'll start to see how it appears more naturally when you're actually editing your image rather than what we would do here on this example photo here okay so balance i can make this lean more towards the shadow colors and just kind of blend in a little bit better there okay now maybe globally though i want to maintain that magenta color so i'll bring in a little bit of that magenta right there okay to maintain that magenta over the global image and maybe give it some brightness with that color as well and that would be an example of how you could color grade something like a landscape photo now typically people don't think of color grading landscape photos color grading is usually something that's attached to retouchers and even sometimes film and video operators but it's very important to do it on your landscape photos as well now is this maybe a little bit too much if i press the eyeball here and turn this off it probably is for this image but that's why i like doing this in photoshop instead of doing it here because if i did it in photoshop i could easily tone down these colors so that they aren't quite as strong and that's one of the main points here when it comes to doing this color grading in adobe camera raw be very careful because it can go really hard really fast and maybe color grade a little bit too much outside of your expectation that you actually wanted okay so i'm going to move on to this image here this is the last and final one this will give you a really good idea of how you can do this warm and cool balance and even how you can change it really quickly from a cool image to a warm image by using these hue sliders here so looking at this i'm just going to go into the shadows and let's say in the shadows i want to make them a little bit cooler okay so i'm going to cool those shadows down wow that's already starting to look really good but i can dial that in the exact color that i want again we don't want to go too strong too fast so think about reducing that saturation to be the thing that is going to reduce the amount of color that's coming there and a reminder here to reduce that saturation and do it easily remember this drop down arrow will open up more capabilities for the color here rather than just the luminance that you see here so just keep that open so that you always know that you can refine this much easier this way because i might need to be this a slight bit more cyan in those darkest dark areas now the luminance of that blue i might want to make that a little bit darker okay so i'll go into the mid tones and i'm going to do the same thing here i'm just going to increase the hue a little bit and then also to see that color i'm going to need to increase the saturation a little bit here too we're going for a cool effect or a cool look but i also don't want to lose that the the skin tones so i might want to push this more towards that magenta color which is going to be on the warmer side just for the skin tones and those mid-tones okay and then look at the luminance of that skin tone maybe brighten up just a little bit and then decrease that saturation just a slight hint again we want this to be a slow thing so look at the before and the after okay now we'll go to the highlights and maybe the highlights we want to make these a little bit more on the cyan level so i'm just going to grab this and move it down into that cyan color there to kind of cool down all of the colors there so this would be a pretty good example of how you could color grade an image or finish it off in a color grade and there is a cool color grade and i like that i like that cool color grade so what you could do here if you wanted to switch this over to a warm color grade really quickly this is where using these sliders is more important than trying to navigate this wheel here so what you would do is if you wanted to make this a little bit warmer we would go to the hue and move this over into the yellows or the reds or oranges you see that so that's the highlights now the mid-tones move this over here to those oranges or yellows or reds to make this a little bit warmer we might need to drop the saturation of this and maybe even increase the luminance with that because it's not going to be a direct blend over onto the other side and then in the shadows we would move this maybe to the reds or the oranges there which would then make this more of a warmer image here rather than a cooler image on the highlight side of things we might be able to increase let's increase that a little bit there and then in those highlights we also probably want to drop down this saturation here we could also go in and blend these colors together a little bit more and then make it more balanced towards the highlight area or the mid-tone area or the shadow area this would be balanced more towards the highlights this would be balanced more towards the shadows and we could make a cooler image there like that so we have the option of a warmer image or a cooler image this is a really quick rundown on the new features in adobe camera all 13.0 if you want to learn more about adobe camera raw though you can go ahead and click on this playlist it's got a ton of videos in there about adobe camera raw that can help you out with adobe camera as well if this is maybe your first time jumping into it this video is also going to live in that playlist as well so feel free to visit that playlist routinely
Channel: f64 Academy
Views: 125,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blake Rudis, f64 academy, f.64, How To, Tutorial, Photoshop, Adobe, Color grade in Lightroom, ACR 13.0 Color Grade, Color Grading RAW photo, color grading in lightroom cc, How to Color Grade, Landscape photo Color Grade, Portrait photo color grade, Whats new in ACR 13.0, New Color Grading Raw, Color Grading, color grading photoshop, photoshop tutorial, photo editing, lightroom tutorial, photography color grading
Id: FuqiDGjH0mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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