INCREDIBLE 48 HOURS IN ATHENS | FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF GREECE (best things to eat, see, and do) 🇬🇷

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this video is brought to you by squarespace [Music] [Music] good morning from athens greece so we arrived early yesterday but we were so exhausted from our 30-hour travel day in case you missed our last video we actually had a six hour layover in singapore airport and we had such an amazing time so make sure you guys check that one out wow it looks like you're walking into a jungle leaving yeah so the first thing we did when we got to the city was when had a typical grecian meal which was called slovaki it's like grilled meats and veggies on sticks so we had grilled mushrooms and grilled mixed vegetables and it was amazing and we also have these greek fries that had shredded feta cheese on top oh so good and today we're going to go get some coffee and explore all the things to do in athens [Music] it's been so long since we've had good pastries so this coffee shop is pretty cool you actually choose the coffee you want they have guatemalan brazil ethiopian or kenya they all have different flavors i actually got the ethiopian and sammy got the guatemalans it's a demo all right we just had a delicious coffee and some pastries and the view overlooks the acropolis here it is so beautiful pretty early but still everybody's out and about we are a little chilly though we don't have any warm clothes been in southeast asia for such a long time so we might be looking to do some shopping today too [Music] [Music] thank you so we're walking up to the acropolis now that's where all the fun ancient things are namely the parthenon so we're gonna go up there and see it see all the other really cool things to check out it is a beautiful morning the weather is perfect i'm super excited to be here back in europe let's go the air is so clean it feels so good and fresh fit so nice [Music] so it's pretty weird i thought it would be crowded but we haven't seen a tourist yet and it is open it is just about eight o'clock we recommend arriving to the acropolis as early as you can to beat the heat and the crowds our combined ticket we purchased allowed us to see the seven sites over a period of five days so this ticket was perfect for us because we were interested in seeing as many of the archaeological sites as we could in the next 48 hours so we just bought our tickets to the seven historical sites it was 30 euros a person it was really convenient to be able to walk directly up and purchase our tickets with no line my key to the city worked my first steps so it's really weird they wouldn't let me take in my microphone they don't want us publishing professional videos i was like i'm far from professional that's a joke but so you guys are stuck with not so great audio we apologize but that's not very windy today it's acropolis's fault [Music] welcome to the acropolis the acropolis is iconic in greece and chances are you will be making a stop here when you visit athens [Music] it is essentially the remains of several ancient monuments that were built on the top of the hill in the city once at the acropolis you can see the most notable site being the parthenon and others such as athena nike the orectheon and the propalia we listened to a free audio tour by rick steves to get all of the history as we wandered through the incredible ruins crowned by the mighty parthenon temple the acropolis rises above modern [Music] don't forget to take in the amazing views of the city before heading back into town [Music] [Music] all right so we just left the acropolis it was full of lots of old marble and lots of history that was super fun to learn about and now we're heading over to the museum of ancient agora and agora means marketplace so it's an ancient marketplace we bought the past that gets you into all the sites so we're going to go to all the sites you can see most of them from the outside we're gonna go in and touch all the old marble and actually you're not allowed to touch the marble read the sign sammy sorry i'm gonna speed through uncle ricky's tour i'm not listening to another hour i actually brought us to the roman agora which is fine our city ticket included it but we did not make it to the athens agora anyway we're hungry we're gonna go get lunch and then we're gonna go to the big agora [Music] so it is still early but we didn't ask for permission it was okay to drink beer this early and they said yes so solid baby it's a new one and it's good it is called [Music] all right so we came to this cute little vegan restaurant they ordered some veggie pita wraps that comes with the salad and nachos on the side with good looking chips with hot sauce looks like on top we also ordered a greek salad which i'm so excited about because we have not had greek salad in so long as feta cheese olive tomatoes we're ready to dig in oh it's so good looks delicious in my cucumbers yum [Music] this is a vegan restaurant so the feta cheese is made out of coconut it tastes better than feta cheese but then when you think about it that it's coconut you get like the slightest coconut [Music] my mind is thank you guys so much see you tomorrow all right that meal was amazing it was so nice to have healthy delicious food but now we're officially heading to the agora the ancient agora let me get that right i know but we have to walk through the gauntlet first it is time to thank the sponsors of today's video squarespace if you guys are unfamiliar with squarespace they are an all-in-one platform where you can easily design a website buy a domain and host a website all in one place as tommy and i continued to discover new places we wanted a place on our website where we could house all of our incredible photos that we've been taking with squarespace's award-winning website designs we were easily able to create a gallery to house some of our favorite shots we love how incredibly user-friendly squarespace is allowing us the freedom to change the look and feel of our website whenever we want so if you guys are interested in finally creating your own website or launching your next passion project head to forward slash samitami for a free trial and 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain we will leave a link in the description box below and let's get back to the video the gauntlet so we are right at the main tourist area where all the shops are you know where you get like the souvenirs that you bring home to your family in greece they have the evil eye same as turkey which i love it's like one of my favorite little symbols sammy already found like seven bracelets she wants to buy you have to buy everything so we're going back through there now to the next tourist height [Music] one thing i'm super excited about being back in europe is we have gelato again sammy walked in our first jewelry shop and she already bought something great let's see your new necklace what'd you get the evil eye necklace i love it so much [Music] after lunch we headed to the ancient agora this is one of the larger sites in athens and whether you go solo take a tour or download a free walking tour like we did started the walking tour for the agora you will find yourself steeped in history and imagining what the lives and daily routines of the ancient athenians were like at the ancient agora you are also able to see the most well-preserved temple in greece the temple of hephaestus [Music] the restored stoa is now the agora museum and you can find art dating back to the stone age and many other ancient artifacts [Music] so we're listening to rixty's walking tour and we're standing here in the middle of the agora and he says to think back and imagine way back in the day this is where they created democracy in the middle of this marketplace was a big theater and that's where democracy was invented right here [Music] [Music] after visiting a few different historical sites we decided it was time to just roam around and get a feel for modern day athens we are right across the from the parliament right now and they just did a changing of the guards which was very interesting yeah we've seen changing the guards before but we've never seen anything quite like that they move in like slow motion and they have tap shoes on with big pom-poms it's kind of like a dance chain to the guards and their faces are so serious anywho we're gonna start rick steve's walking tour our third one today history athens let's go first stop is the setagma square it's where the busiest metro is surrounded by the parliament which we were just at watching the chains of the guards and one of the busiest places in the capital [Music] so now we're on the famous irmu street i don't know if i said that right but it's where all the big retailers are now it used to be kind of traditional street airbase to walk through still walking street now but just a bunch of retail shops and of course sammy shopping [Music] oh my god what did you do got some shopping done just a little bit we needed some winter clothes because it's so cold in greece two bags two bags [Music] hey [Music] million [Music] [Music] so we just dropped our bags off real quick back at our apartment here and we're kind of rick steves out for today bailing bailing on the tour we're going to go grab some falafels we're going to eat them up and we're going to start again in the morning strong with energy i like the plan okay [Music] thank you ma'am have a good day enjoy you guys cheers this has eggplant in it oh my god these falafels look amazing oh hell yeah this is the best falafel wrap i've ever had it was only like three euros so good so cheap don't miss it oh yeah that was gross [Laughter] you can try to get nails did you look good too big a bite [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning you guys it is a little chilly this morning here in athens we are going to continue our walking tour and go to a museum today any other plan um maybe finish up our city ticket if we feel like it yeah there's a couple big sites we're missing i think one of them is the what's the zeus one the zeus one we're gonna go to that [Music] [Music] right [Music] i wouldn't miss it [Music] stop everything [Music] [Music] so we are outside the temple of zeus and we just learned back when it was built it was the same size as the football field and twice the size as the parthenon so crazy i can't imagine how big it was back then mr rick steve actually told us to take a break now before we hike up to the acropolis and we have to listen to everything he says so it's coffee break thank you thank you man have a good day cheers takeaway is double the price three euros for coffee or a euro 50 for take away and we're in a tour spot we've been getting our coffees for a year but anyway takeaway is the way to go so you don't pay for table service [Music] it smells like somebody's cooking something really yummy [Music] after a quick coffee break we decided to check out the quaint little neighborhood of anna fiotica so this neighborhood we're in is so cool just these local homes they kind of look like beach homes so beautiful everything white blue shutters blue doors these white washed island style houses are just below the north slope of the acropolis and full of charming little gardens and narrow walkways and lots of little kitties so we just walked up almost to the top of the crop list the views up here are so amazing i love how athens is so flat they only have a couple mountains in between so when you get on the high peak you can just see the whole city so now we're back in monstrake square it's kind of the main hub here we've been through it a couple different times we actually found this fruit vendor behind me it is the best strawberries we have ever had so amazing i went back this morning bought some more and some olives they're so friendly and so delicious if you're in monster hockey square buy some of these strawberries amazing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's not enough [Music] [Applause] so we just finished our walking tour we're gonna head back to that vegan restaurant we love so much the menu looks so big and so delicious we got to eat there one more time [Music] some really yummy yummy foods so we did the mushroom euro which we haven't tried yet i thought i feel so warm and hot i'm so ready to eat that and then the greek salad again that's always a good sound it is after some history and touring around a beer is always a good idea the mushroom tastes like chicken this is the best thing we've eaten so far better than the falafel we had yesterday better than the veggie pita wrap this is the best you have to get your own it's not much wow you're right that's so good another amazing lunch oh my god the food was so good vegan beet if you're in athens make a trip it's perfect location kind of right in the middle of everything too the workers are so friendly and nice but the food is amazing now we're gonna head back to hadrian's library we're gonna check that out we're also gonna head to the acropolis museum and i think that's it for today thank you so we officially used up all our spots on our ticket and this is our last stop this is hadrian's library we just entered in [Music] [Music] so we are a little chilly now we're gonna head to the museum go inside warm up [Music] the acropolis museum is ranked one of the world's best museum and houses over 3 000 ancient artifacts from the acropolis we highly recommend a visit to gain a deeper insight into the athenian acropolis history [Music] [Music] it's crazy how they built this museum so perfectly in a way so you can come in this room and look out the window and see the parking on they have all these chiseled out parts from the parking lot here in the museum they took them all down to keep them for safekeeping because all the pollution [Music] so cool to see all the different parts how it used to look like they have excavated pieces all over that museum a bunch of tablets all the designs they had it's crazy they did all that such a long time ago kind of reminds me of sofia bulgaria like when you walk through the city there's a metro station built on top of the ruins that's similar to how this museum is built pretty cool as you're walking through the museum to the floor you can see through it and there's a bunch of excavated ruins down below the worker told us you can actually walk around this park to go underneath the museum to see all the ruins so we're gonna check that out now [Music] so that's it for our time in athens we had an amazing time i hope you enjoyed these videos tomorrow we're actually getting a rent-a-car and we have a two-week road trip planned to go all over mainland greece we have some very exciting places coming up so don't miss our next episode we'll see you guys [Music] you
Channel: Sammy and Tommy
Views: 116,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Athens, Athens Greece, Greece Athens, travel Athens, Athens travel, acropolis, Athens acropolis, monastiraki, acropolis of Athens, monastiraki Athens, Athens travel tips, Athens Greece travel tips, Athens travel guide, acropolis Greece, ancient greek architecture, things to do in athens, top things to do in athens, best things to do in athens, best things to do in athens greece, top 10 things to do in athens, things to do in greece athens, what to do in athens, athens greece 4k
Id: V2uNLC1eXaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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