Ina Garten's 5-Star Mocha Chocolate Icebox Cake | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

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there's so many things I like about mocha chocolate icebox cake it's going to be hard to choose just three but let me see if I can do it the first one is that you make it the night before and it just sits in the refrigerator no cooking at all second one is that involves chocolate chip cookies that's always a good thing and the third thing is it involves mocha whipped cream that's always good let's go make some thank you this cake is based on that classic ice box cake that has like chocolate wafers and whipped cream I think we can do better than that so I'm going to start with heavy cream and make a mocha whipped cream and we're going to layer it with chocolate chip cookies how good does that sound so I've got two cups of cold heavy cream and then I'm going to add mascarpone which is going to give it lots of body so I need 12 ounces of mascarpone I it's kind of like an Italian cream cheese each of these is eight ounces right in it's like rich and delicious and it's going to stabilize the whipped cream so one and a half of these is 12 ounces it right in foreign okay and then you got to make it a little sweet right so we've got half a cup of sugar a quarter of a cup of Kahlua which is coffee liqueur this makes it a really grown-up icebox cake next thing is cocoa powder it's unsweetened cocoa powder this isn't cocoa like the mix this is the real deal two tablespoons one this is really good cocoa powder too next is espresso powder I've already added coffee liqueur but I'm going to add espresso powder and just give it a little more flavor so this is an espresso grinds this is instant espresso powder one teaspoon and one teaspoon of vanilla so all those layers of flavor are going to be great vanilla coffee chocolate okay now this is the key you want to turn it on really slowly otherwise you're going to be wearing it just turn on very slowly get it started until it's all mixed and then I'm going to whip it like whipped cream I actually got the idea of this recipe from a friend who's a caterer I said what's the easiest dessert that you make for your customers that they love and he said icebox cake and I thought okay I tried it I thought it was okay but I didn't think it was great I thought I think I can make that even better okay then just turn it up a little bit slowly until it's whipped cream it's kind of become a classic Barefoot Contessa recipe and I love it because you make it one day you put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours or even overnight and you just serve it the next day no cooking so easy okay it's done wait you see what this looks like it's so good how decadent does that look okay so I've got the mocha whipped cream that's all ready I'm going to clear the decks a little bit so I can work here I'm the messiest cook you know okay so this is how you assemble the whole thing so I've got a springform pan that's eight inches and it has to be really high like two and a half to three inches high because you want this to be tall and you want a spring form so you can eventually take the sides off without having to take the cake out okay first layer chocolate chip cookies and just put them right in the bottom and actually you want to break them to fill in the little spaces they're all going to get smushed with the cream so it doesn't matter that they've been broken you just want to sort of fill the bottom of the pan I'm using my friend Kathleen King's cookies they're called Tate's cookies they're called Tates because her father was a potato farmer and they used to call him Tate okay that's one layer done next mocha whipped cream I'm probably going to do about five layers so I'm going to do a layer of mocha whipped cream right on top and then I use an offset spatula and just smooth it out anyone to go right to the edge of the pan okay so this that's one layer and now I'm going to put more cookies on top just want to make sure the cookies are all in one layer each time you don't want them piled up on top of each other best part of this recipe is that there are those little bits of cookies left over so the Cook gets them okay another layer of mocha whipped cream you can really use any kind of chocolate chip cookies but you want something that's like really thin and crisp so it absorbs the liquid from the cream and that way it kind of pulls together it's kind of like tiramisu you know with the Italian ladyfingers and the rum mascarpone and it becomes something that you can actually cut okay more cookies my favorite expression more cookies you know what I always say you can be miserable before you eat a cookie and you can be miserable afterwards but you can never be immeasurable while you're eating a cookie okay more whipped cream I'm just going to fill this whole thing up actually sometimes I just bring the whole cake to the table and everybody help themselves there's something so like childlike and decadent about it I catered a big party once and I put a whole cake on each table and everybody served a family style it was fun okay more cookies [Music] more whipped cream when I'm doing a dinner party I'm always looking for things that I can make ahead so I don't have to cook everything the same day and this is perfect for that you can make it in the morning and leave it in the fridge but even better you can put it in the fridge overnight okay one more layer of cookies one more layer of cream oh too bad there are cookies left over what are we going to do with them can't imagine fill in the little spaces and then one final layer of mocha whipped cream right on top this is really it's so great because you can really taste everything in it the coffee the chocolate the Kahlua the mascarpone and just spread it all out if you think you can't bake this isn't really baking so it's a perfect dessert for somebody who thinks they can't bake you can't really mess it up actually I did mess it up one time I forgot to put the Kahlua in I had to go out and buy more cookies and more cream and start all over again but you can't mess it up okay this is going to go under the fridge now it's going to sit overnight it's going to be so good but happily I have one that's already done let me show you foreign this one's all set it's been in there overnight and wait till you see it when it comes out so this is why I have a springform pan I want to get it out from the sides with a small knife just running around the edge of the pan okay this looks like it's set beautifully mocha whipped cream and cookies now how did I think of that oh whoa try not to get your fingers in it first okay there we go loose and just take the springform pan off the outside this is why you could never get it out of the pan otherwise okay just like that and I usually kind of smooth the top because getting out of the pan you make a little bit of a mess isn't this just amazing all the cookies and cream I kind of smooth the outside a little bit just to give it a nice finish and the edge okay now cake plate I like it very flat cake plate just shows the cake mist and just leave it on the base otherwise you'll never get it off put it right on top and then a little decoration I always do some kind of chocolate if you do hard chocolate like dark chocolate it's really hard to shave it in curls but if you use milk chocolate it's easier so just like that just curls of chocolate on the top so everybody knows it's chocolate like you wouldn't know it was chocolate just right on the top it's always just nice to have a little decoration if you only have bittersweet chocolate you can put it in the microwave for about 15 seconds to soften it and then you can make nice curls how's that does that look good now does that look like somebody's birthday cake I say that's really special so I'm going to show you when you cut a piece out of it what it looks like and I'm not doing this because I want to taste it or maybe I am oh it's just so good okay now I need a plate and a fork I'm just going to take this out oh it's coming up look at that how outrageous is that I might have to try it um oh good the cookies and the mascarpone you can really taste that little bit of Kahlua this is so good and that's a cake that could make grown men weep foreign this recipe and more can be found in my book how easy is that or at
Channel: Food Network
Views: 328,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food network, food, cooking, recipe, how-to, how to make, tutorial, cook, fn, directions, ingredients, eat, recipes, easy recipe, food network recipes, barefoot contessa, ina garten, cooking tips, culinary customs, cooking help, how to cook, ina garten tips, ina garten recipe, at home cooking, how to entertain, chocolate cake, chocolate, mocha, dessert, sweets, cake recipes, chocolate cake recipe, ina's chocolate cake, 5-Star Mocha Chocolate Icebox Cake, 5-Star, Mocha, Chocolate Icebox Cake
Id: eP4NmSNWVc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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