In the MIDDLE of Nowhere...Lost Ancient Civilizations & The Sumerians
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Channel: Bright Insight
Views: 1,092,984
Rating: 4.8688993 out of 5
Keywords: bright insight, jimmy bright insight, the sumerians, mesopotamia, ancient egyptians, pyramids of egypt, pyramids of giza, lost ancient civilizations, machu picchu, winged bulls, lamassu
Id: lu7SycvxS2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 0sec (1860 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
While I usually enjoy his videos, I was a bit disappointed with this one.
His script is all over the place. He jumps from one topic to the next and often loses a clear path because he tells side-stories and then jumps right onto the next topic. But that also means he doesn't really go into detail about a lot of these ancient structures. It seems more like a compilation of all the stuff we already know, with some little bits of new info sprinkled in.
The thumbnail shows us these stone-carved tombes in SA, but how much did he actually tell us about it? He mentioned once that we credit the Nabateans for it - thats it. No reasoning behind why he thinks it can't be made by the Nabateans.
I dig the topic he's working on, and I hope he makes more videos, but I also hope he gets them a bit more structured and focused on certain topics. I dont like these compilations, where like 80% of the information presented I have seen 100 times already.
EDIT: I don't wanna be so negative - I really liked his own footage from Iraq! That's some real raw first hand stuff. Awesome!
His Atlantis vid blew me away
I am now! Thanks, he is inconsistent but great.
Bright insight is a g for doing all of this research. Best YouTube content on the subject imo. Would be open to other channels if anyone knew someone like him
Most of his videos are a Top 10 style running dialogue. I was surprised the first time I saw an entire segment on a single subject and had to doublecheck that the voice and name were who I thought it was.
I give a pass to these brief histories (for being brief, not that I don't watch them) and wait for the next deep dive.
I love this guy, but he has been M.I.A. here lately.
Is he active on here?