In Pursuit of Headlines | English Full Movie

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[Music] spe Jimmy power you son of a gun I'm afraid there must be some mistake you trying to kid me Jimmy what do you know he's trying to kid me let me get this straight you mean to tell me you're not Jimmy po I'm afraid that's exactly what I mean to tell you well I've heard everything say if you're not Jimmy po I I'll eat your hand well in that event I suppose I really owe it to you to make assurance doubl sure oh as I thought I'm not Mr Jimmy uh what was it uh Powers at all well I'll be whatever it is of course now I might be mistaken but perhaps I should take up the habit of carrying my birth certificate around with me huh come on Joe I told you not to take that last double Bron you gentleman will excuse me please convey my compliments to Mr uh uh what's his name and tell him that I don't really resemble him on purpose good day gentlemen oh come on Joe I never heard anything like it before Jimmy powers and he says he ain't you can be mistaken could couldn't you no I couldn't well he was a manag and editor of that newspaper back in Springfield I 6 years ago I used to run into him every day and then he got into some kind of a jam and just disappeared what kind of a jam well the way I got it was that he he was playing Nature's nobleman to somebody or other that fell down on him and so he took the r and said nothing maybe he was trying to high hack you just now not as yimmy po as I used to know why he was the most promising newspaper man in the country oh what of it it's no skin off your back [Music] is uh Mr Taylor please Michael Trevor calling Mr Taylor said you were to come right up Room 39 sir thank you oh how are you Mr tur that's see come in sit down it's nice to see you again I tried to call you up myself but I didn't know where to get hold of you I guess I was a little tight that day I met you with the rits oh I kind of forgot to get your phone number well I got yours so here we are yep here we are have a drink oh thank you no I uh I had a purpose in phoning you this morning Mr Taylor aside from my desire to see you again of course glad you did I'll try to be as brief as possible I don't know that you know very much about me oh sure I do you're just being modest oh thank you I've heard a lot about you Mr Trevor they tell me you over here here writing a great novel ah I wish I could be assur of that as they are about all I know is that some four years ago I quit being a newspaper man in America now I'm over here to see if I can really write you've been in Paris 4 years I wish I could stay over here 4 years I've only been here a week for the most part we have a very nice crowd of Americans living here in Paris permanently Paris is certainly a liberal education isn't it I thought i' had seen a lot but let me tell you these Frenchmen uh French and how unfortunately there are a few Americans living in this town who are not exactly all they might be frankly there's only a handful but there what I've come to see you about there was a little redhead at the F beer the other night and let me tell you yes I know I know now uh these fellows I'm talking about Mr Taylor live by their wits and by other people's lack of them I ran into one of them last night he helps get out a weekly paper here printed in English well good here me I didn't come to Paris to read uh this paper isn't circulated much in Paris it's met cheaply for American consumption this fellow was drunk and he talked too much much too much among other things he showed me a copy of an item they're going to run in their next week's issue I put it in my pocket when he wasn't looking well fine just leave it here and I'll read it well I think you would better read it right away it's uh it's about you about me what it say well shall I read it to you sure it says it is a Pity that some of our compatriots are so naive and lacking in worldly knowledge surely Mr Harold Taylor the soft coal Baron of Stratford Pennsylvania could not have been aware of the identity of the very blonde and very beautiful young woman with whom he seemed to be on such intimate terms at zel's the other morning at 4 U with whom he seemed to be on such intimate terms at zelis the other morning at 4 those in the know were forced to smile broadly as this strangely assorted couple left the restaurant arm in arm watch your step Harry boy we uh got so well acquainted that day at the Ritz Mr Taylor that I thought I take the liberty of bringing this item to you you could do those of us living here a great service we know who gets out this sheet and what we would like you to do is to take this item to the police and get the whole gang arrested arrested exactly you're a man of the world Mr Taylor and you know that the kind of fellow back of a thing like that can't last 10 minutes if the police to put on his Trail Police you could put him where he belongs behind the bars say just a minute if I if I go to the police it'll get in the papers won't it probably well that's something I don't want any part of ah but Mr T I can't afford to have this item get back to America and I I can't afford to let it be known that I had it stopped now I'm sorry it's always the same old thing every time we get something on this fellow that could send him to jail the victim is unwilling to prosecute I'd like to help you out but but I can't I suppose not well I'm sorry I wasted your time Mr Taylor I'll say good day goodbye oh oh just a minute wait how would I go about getting this fell not the princess little Li well I don't know I don't suppose it would be very difficult you think not it would be worth something to me not to have it appear say I wonder if you do me a favor well certainly if I can how about uh you seeing this fellow for me my seeing yes he probably listen to you where he wouldn't to me chances are he'd try to hold me up for more of course I'd be prepared to pay something for it pay him of course oh oh oh I didn't mean so you'd be doing me an awful service if you'd help me out on I'll certainly be glad to do anything I can suppose a couple of thousand wait a minute come on don't pull up your flag come on why do I always have to get chers who don't speak English there now maybe he'll get the idea I want him to wait don't you want to commit a minute Frank not a chance if I'm going to get back here and take you to dinner by 7:00 and then catch that train for London I've got to get home and pack and send a couple of wires there it goes again there what goes again business oh Mary I know you have to go Frank but it's that kind of thing that keeps me from making up my mind I don't want to to get engaged to a man who thinks of nothing but business all the time oh Mary you'd only say you marry me I'd cut out business if you wanted me to that's just it I don't want you to stop doing the things you want to do just on account of me what do you want me to do I wish I knew I was only fooling Frank I'm not really mad I wish you'd blow a whistle from now on when you're fooling I never can tell I want you to be able to tell we seem to be causing a traffic jam they can wake up a tra traffic jam in this town with just one car don't [Music] forget the hotel Henry cat whatever the French is will try and get me there alive I can't tell you how much obliged I am to you Mr Trevor I'll see that he gets this I think I can guarantee you this is the last you'll hear of the matter from what they say of this this fellow he seems to be living from hand to mouth so I'm sure that your donation will be more than enough to shut him up that's great of course I would have rather had you bring charges against him oh no no no no no that's out of the question well I suppose so I wish you'd have dinner with me some night before I go oh thank you I don't get out very much but if I do get the chance oh excuse me that's all right Mary come right in this is a friend of mine a real good friend of mine Mr Trevor Mr Trevor this is my niece Mary Mary candle how do you do Mr Trevor how do you do been shopping a little where's frank mean to tell me he's left you alone for 5 minutes received a wire to come to London tonight he's going to meet that Dutch inventor tomorrow I wish you could meet Frank Mr Trevor he's a fine boy he and Mary are going Uncle Harry has the soul of a Matchmaker Mr Trevor just because Frank and I grew up together and are fond of each other well in my time you didn't need much more than to grow up together and be fond of each other will you meet him Mr Trevor he's got the stuff that kid why he's going to be one of the richest men in the state before he's through I'm sure Mr Trevor isn't interested in you're right I guess I do talk a little too much well I'm afraid I'll have to be running along now Mr Taylor well we should wait and have a drink oh thank you some other time perhaps say wait uh I'll bet you know all the places in Paris where's a good place to have dinner oh Uncle har oh it's a pleasure Miss Kendall well let's see there's zos of course but all Americans go there yes we did uh have you tried uh the par P desert blue Heavens yes good Orchestra excellent we'll try it tonight thank you goodbye miss Kendall Goodbye Mr Trevor Goodbye Mr Taylor goodbye and thanks a th000 uh 2,000 that's one swell guy that fell is he I'll say so he did me a big favor I'd certainly like to do something for him sometime some business deal well yes and no he's a writer living in par Paris I'd like to live in Paris me too of course a fellow would have to watch his step but I'll bet it'd be a lot of fun once you got to know the place how do you like my new hat oh it's a Humdinger why don't you come along to dinner with me and Frank tonight no no I have a business meeting I hope this business meeting breaks up before daylight do you know what time the elevator man told me you got in last night there's a fortune waiting for any elevator man who can't tell time for [Music] s you're getting on Marie thank you thank you good evening Lou good evening M well only table 4 and 17 the lady at table four is Mrs Jo from s Lou [Laughter] [Music] do you think I'd better well here's to you but that's the Mrs Jou who got here last month isn't it she just a babe in the woods especially for Spade Henderson the waiter reports that Mrs JWT pick it up Spade at Harry's Bar an hour ago well I may make this Mrs ja the object of my good deed today I am at peace with the world Lou Fortune has been kind to me besides it might be just as well for my friend Henderson to learn to follow my rule of keeping women off his list of customers an excellent rule Mr and number 17 a very very wealthy Mr bres from [Music] Chicago the prettiest hand I ever saw the lady within is not his wife not his wife Lou I'm afraid you're losing your Illusions the Pres is of occupations Mr dor I wonder this note may be of interest to Spade he needn't know who sent it yes Mr thank [Music] you how do you doing no supper just a small bottle of terer yes Mr who was that a friend of Uncle Harry's I met him this afternoon another old friend whom your uncle never saw before today oh you never can tell Uncle says he's a very clever novelist what's his name [Music] Trevor pardon me [Music] certain who gave you this note it was left of the door you a moment ago I see bad news why say Mr JWT I wonder if you'd excuse me why what's the matter important call I've got to see a fellow right away oh here wait a minute I thought we were going to go places and do things sorry some other time maybe I've got to run so long well if this is Paris something tells me I'm not going to like it oh Frank I wish you weren't going I'll only be gone 10 days or less 10 days is pretty long I wouldn't be going if I didn't have to see this fell I wish I could have gotten a state room I get seasick so easy and the thought of having to sit up for 3 hours while I'm being tossed around on that channel doesn't make me any too happy sometimes I think I'd have been better off if I'd Spent My Summer in Pittsburgh there must be some way of getting a state room Porter at the hotel did everything he could he said there wasn't a chance for the company maybe somebody turned back a reservation that's a great idea now I've changed my mind it's a terrible idea I'd rather swim the channel and Tackle one of these French phones but you've got to get a state room not if I have to phone I don't oh you big baby if you won't do something I will I know who can do got a lot of crust if you ask me Mary Mr Trevor may I present Mr Reynold oh how do you do Mr Reynold why you sit down Mr Trevor oh thank you I wonder if you do us a favor of course GL Frank has to go to London tonight he was going to fly this afternoon but they called off the service on a count of f now he has a ticket on the boat but no State room they were all sold out oh you would like me to help you to get a state room is that it you get the general idea I Max who what time did you train leave Mr Reynold o00 is that all that's all ask him to a py he's a friend of mine there'll be a state room waiting for you in my name thank you how about a little wine Mr Trevor oh I think not thank you we're awfully obliged to you oh not at all how is Paris treating you pretty well I'm afraid we don't know the places to go to I think this place is lovely but I would like to see some French people this been a favorite hangout of Americans for years the prices are higher here than anywhere else Uncle Harry says you know Paris so well Mr SE where should we go from here well if you time uh there's a little place I make a habit of dropping into at night just before going to bed when I'm really hungry if you like uh why not come there with me it's very French hey that's an idea but surely we've taken all the advantage of you oh not at all do we wouldn't be intruding I'd like to get away from Miss tur stuff for a while would you be my guest not to give you a short answer Mr Trevor yes good ready F I suppose so I never know what I'm getting check CH over place [Music] money say this is the real stuff I suppose it is I had Paris figured out all differently well I suppose Paris means something different for everyone for you I imagine it means clothes to Mr Reynolds uh an interlude pause between business deals to your uncle I dare say it means uh change and to you I don't know there was a time when it meant everything gity glamour Adventure now and now now it's just a place to live and eat onion soup at one in the morning in America at this hour I suppose it would mean chopi give me chop SOI every time I don't know but what I agree with you you know years ago I used to be a reporter after we put the paper to bed at night we used to stop in at a little place on the corner for chapsui and uh for young Bo Young I have to B that years I suppose living in Paris makes up for not having a bowl of chopped soy I suppose so it's not the Chop sew you miss it's what it stands for home America friends Fells I Used to Know plain things without saucers hello Mr Trevor oh hello Fred off your Beating path a bit tonight aren't you yes I guess I am you know these folks want to see all the sites marked on the picture postcards M I'm beginning to think they've been getting the wrong kind of postcards the best American guide in par that fellow he doesn't seem to be any better than you are that man back there was Michael Trevor very prominent American writer very prominent what's he written books novels I guess you'd call them but I don't know when you get right down to it what are they nothing but books it's 5 1 I've got to be going it's been very nice of you to show us around like this Mr PE a my pleasure I'll only be gone 10 days I'd be tickled to death if you'd be my guest some night when I get back thank you you'd better hurry back Uncle Harry will go out of his mind if he has to spend all his time with me pretty tough his first week in Paris and having to take you around wh go I can't imagine his ever regarding you as a burden only in par if I can relieve him of any part of it if you can take Mary around a bit that would be great oh it's fine now all we need is mar uh Miss Kendall's consent Mary consent with very unly rapidity come on let's go now it's late thank you Pi i' like to call you tomorrow if I may there's a special Cup Race at Lon oh I'd love to go good suppose I call for you tomorrow at uh 1 oh that'll be fine well I think I'll walk home I wouldn't dare walk Five Steps from this door I'd get lost there'll be a taxi along almost any minute I'm sure thanks a lot for showing us around not at all until tomorrow then good night good night good night I like that guy he's very nice he's well I mean he's uh very charming and sophisticated it's a great break for you to get a man like that that knows all about Paris to ask you to go out with him to ask me to go out with him don't be silly we did everything but last sue him taxi come on Mary if I'd say hotel dyp where do you think we'd wind up let's find out Hotel d regg 2:00 and he said he'd be here by 12 think of the places I could have gone and the things I could have done he'll probably be along any day now no need getting up on your ear about it nothing's happened to him I told you saw myself at Papa jewles less than an hour ago well I'm not going to wait around half the night for him you've had a lot of practice doing it maybe but I quit worrying about him personally six months ago kind of mutual wasn't it Mutual or not strictly business that's little irini from now on you know I don't mind your kidding me but I kind of hate to see your kid somebody else somebody else yourself how wouldn't you know it it's all your life is worth to even turn around in this room say that guy's got books where I wouldn't put hair pins what does he do with them all read them well what do you suppose he does practice juggling see that cuckoo would rather read than eat the money systems of the Middle Ages there's a hot subject for you as far as I'm concerned there's just one little book we need that's all just one good old Dar and Brad street who's who and how much has he got when you're through with a guy is how much did he have isn't it I managed to get along pretty well if only you weren't so shy and uncommunicative Irene fancy seeing you here you must have forgotten you were supposed to meet us here 2 hours ago Al so that was it somehow I uh couldn't recall what it was I had forgotten I hope your fit of aasia didn't include Harry Taylor my dear Irene armed with nothing but my trusty fountain pen and G proofs I stocked Mr Taylor to his lair and bagged this too bad you can't have checks stuffed and hung above the fireplace did he make any fuss fuss you almost kissed me as a matter of fact I'm a friend of the family now guess what I've been at the Ritz Bar no well then I can't guess dining with Taylor's niece and her young man oh that's the people you're with at Papa Jews you mean you met the girl his niece exactly well we are lucky say that cup couple of pennies that Taylor gave you is nothing at all compared to what we can get say if he came across that easy to keep his own name out of the papers what are you suppose he'd be willing to part with for his dear little niece you know when I was getting the dope on them I had a feeling we were blowing into the wrong end of the horn now I know it here's a chance to make a a real killing you just give that Dane the works and see how quick her uncle will come across I tell you it's money from home that's what it is taking money from women isn't in my line it never has been and you know it oh it's not as if you'd really hurt anybody the girl doesn't have to know anything about it you just put her in a spot where it'll look bad for if she gets found out and her uncle will take care of the rest yes I know the mechanics of the business well maybe you don't know this I've got to have some money and I've got to have it quick you're a fine great big protector of Womanhood only little Irene doesn't matter that isn't true I'm not the type to put on the sawback Michael but if I tell you I've got to have it that there's no other chance of keeping them from sending my brother to the jug back home you'll believe me I've never lied to you yet Michael this is the first time I've ever asked you to break that funny little rule of yours oh it's been all over between us for a long time I know but what do you say for me for Old Time sake I need the dough like I never needed it before arim you know I do anything I could for you we could all use the dough that's the one argument I can never get around we can all use the D okay but first last and only great anything you want me to do no I can handle this alone see what's been getting into you lately I don't know I wish I did well I'll tell you if you want to know you've been getting ideas you've been doing everything with wearing a plume in your hat the first thing I know you'll be helping all ladies across the street I used to help a Mrs Allison across the street Street on account of her age she was old you see You'd better snap out of it you've been playing Robin Hood so long you're beginning to believe in it yourself well if that's all that's on your mind yes that's all if I think of anything else I'll send word by special messenger come on Fred maybe we can find some place there aren't so many books maybe there'll be a few glasses in sight I'm going home you're going to buy aren a little night cap before you do I know better than argue with you I wish I could say as much for everybody in this room so long Mr Trevor see you later French or not French they look just like any other horses to me you mean to say that you uh don't find even a trace of that Jenny squa for which France is so famous not a Jenny anyway I didn't come to Paris to look at horses there's plenty of horses back home if I want to look at them but these are champions Uncle Harry well I've seen Champions before they're no to me say how about going back to the bar and having another one of those funny little green drinks oh yes you wish if I had my wish about this party we'd never left the bar in the first place the idea of spending a lovely afternoon like this looking at horses but it keeps you out the open air Uncle har when I had all the open air I wanted back home hello Mr TR hello how are you fine and you well don't you don't mean to tell me that your showing him is H of the tow well not exactly there was a trainer down here in the paddock she didn't know so I said I'd introduce her to him I see oh allow me uh Miss Kendall uh Miss Harper how do you do uh Mr Taylor Miss Harper Miss Harper has been one of The Shining ornaments of our little Colony here in Paris for several years oh excuse me Fred Fred is the best American guide in Paris hey you're just the fellow I want to see let me tell you something Mister there's a fortune waiting for any guide who don't know anything about monuments painting historical edifices or a pen picture of Fred If Ever I heard one you've been doing pretty well in dodging monuments and paintings Uncle Harry without a GU well as I remember the old USA there's plenty of monuments right there you're terrible Uncle Harry not terrible just honest most of the time it's the same thing well to be perfectly honest would you think it terrible if I were to suggest a little drink my error I'll join you folks later don't send out an alarm for me until I've been lost for at least 10 days well uh well uh so long Mr Trevor I got some customers I got to take to the L I should think you would know those pictures pretty well by now friend oh I don't look at him Mr f i just explain him I didn't dare suggest it while your uncle was here but what about seeing something of the race what an old fashion idea let's try it let's you can catch it better from here thank you see I right yes oh yes watch's that number 11 beautiful F very [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good [Applause] he won tell me how the race came out he won who won what the man with the black and gold C did you bet anything on him no and what are you getting so excited about there's thousands of places one every day sometime I don't fig sens we get excited about horses unless you win something why don't you give me something so I can what you do with that money I gave you [Music] yesterday putting your heart in your work now I guess we can go back to the bar and get one of those funny colored drinks om Mar can stay here with Mr Trevor for the next race if she wants to the sun hurts my eyes I'm sure Mr Trevor would rather remain here wouldn't you I must answer yes or no yes we'll be back in a couple of minutes oh Mr Trevor I'm afraid I'll have to uh reneg on that offer tonight what that Russian was going to conduct oh I didn't mean I didn't want you to go no I really think you ought to go it's just that Miss Harper here was telling me about a new place in M that's opening up and I thought a nose of a new place in M that's opening up I'm sure it's the kind of place that you would like if Miss Kendall wouldn't mind going to the Opera with me alone I should be delighted what do you say Mary I don't want to go to the Opera you don't want it oh well I wouldn't like to have a generally known but the Opera I want to go to doesn't exist and it's such come on Miss harer I have a feeling we can get that fell to mix some of that orange stuff with some of that ice green stuff and turn out something really beautiful Goodbye Mr Trevor goodbye goodbye miss Kendall [Music] goodbye I suppose I ought to feel angry with Uncle Harry but somehow I don't angry why for forcing us to go to the Opera alone oh that isn't what I meant I mean angry for seing so little of what Paris really can be I adore it so don't you I'm not so sure but what he's seeing more of Paris than people who' lived here all their lives besides I'm uh rather indebted to him for for what for the offer I should think you'd never want to finish writing your novel if it meant you had to leave Paris I've had a guilty feeling these last few days that I've made you neglect your work a on the contrary as a matter of fact I've been thinking of changing my story entirely throwing away everything I've written so far why well I was writing to life of a man whom I thought I knew pretty well it was all very definite in my mind I didn't know exactly what the end was to be but it wasn't very hard to guess but now it's all different I may keep the same man for my hero but I think I'll change the entire course of his life it all depends you see it's not entirely up to me but if you're writing it everything we do whether we know it or not there always a collaborator in this case my hero has fallen in love with the girl he's just met funny I'd about a million dollars that he wasn't the type to fall in love at first sight but he has I see it's quite a problem why don't you see he doesn't know whether she cares there anything for him I'm I'm not a novelist but I know how to solve that he ought to ask her perhaps but suppose suppose what suppose he's not the man she thinks he is that he seems to be in the opening chapters I may have to end it as I first planned it if she's the girl you think you about you won't getting late don't you want to go back to your hotel do you no neither do I but I suppose we'd better I suppose we'd better well At Last so where have you been all this time I've been taking a walk alone not exactly seems to me you've been doing a lot of walking these last four or five nights it might be a good idea if you would take these walks on some other night than when we have to get out this beautiful little weekly of yours there may not be many more nights when we have to get out this beautiful little weekly of mine I want to talk to you that's never very difficult here PR now be sure you get these Corrections right let's print the corrections first next time what are you driving at meaning I wasn't born yesterday do you have a gift for Unnecessary remarks never mind my gift all right we'll never mind all your gifts spare you the trouble of asking a lot of questions I'll try to tell it to you as compactly as I can I'm through through with what through with all this with that printing press with everything that's ever been printed on it with with the whole works you've fallen for that kid thought you had that afternoon with the races when I saw you looking at her in that funny way I wasn't sure now I know I suppose you think that you're in love I believe I am in love and I suppose she is in love with you I think she is well then think again there's a fair chance that she's fallen for you but she's not in love with you you're different from anything she's ever met before but she's not in love with you there's not a chance in the world for a girl like that to be in love with you I suppose you neglected to tell her who you really are and what you really do that's over is it suppose I would to tell her a few things you won't have to I decided to let her know exactly what I am for a few minutes you had me worried when I think of you telling that girl the story of your life the things you've done the way way you earn your living I believe anything well if it's all the same to you I've got work to do somebody's got to get those papers out and if you're not going to do your share I guess I'll have to giving me the silence cure huh see if I care oh you get this silly kid out of your system everything will be all [Applause] right for on this uh Miss Mary Kendall please no no Mary Kendall right hello hello oh hello uh this is Michael I'm so glad you told me I might never known I'm Mary I'd like to see you that makes it easier I would like to see you right away right away I'll come to the hotel and pick you up if you want but uh I'd prefer to meet you somewhere else somewhere else it is can you be at that statue in the Bo in an hour uh the statue of cupid at a cupid in an hour you sound like a railroad schedule but I'll be there good bye goodbye before I ask you to listen to me I must warn you that I'm going to do a lot of talking about myself I could think of nothing I could like better no you're wrong am I you don't know anything about me I know everything about you I knew everything about you the moment I saw you you know what I do for a living of course you used to be a newspaper man and now you're over here writing for yourself I used to be a newspaper man until I made a fool of myself then I came over here because there was nothing further open to me among decent people among my own people did your uncle say anything about how we met well it doesn't matter I've met a lot of people that way I live by my wits by finding out things that people don't want to have known about themselves and by getting paid to keep quiet I don't believe it there was a time when I wouldn't have believed it myself but that was back home before well the details don't matter I was a sap and they made me pay for it so I made up my mind to make other people pay my way from then on that's all why have you told me this because I felt you ought to know why did you feel I ought to know because my telling you has served its purpose you know now what kind of man I am I know now what kind of man you were what you're talking about used to be didn't it it's part of a past to which I'll never return then what difference does it make you know so much more than I do you've seen so much more of the world than I have and you make such a bad job of trying to fool me Michael and I wasn't trying to fool you Mary I wish I were that isn't what I mean you silly Michael you thought by telling me what you used to be you could cure me of my love for you Mary what you're saying isn't important now was true it isn't true anymore I'm even almost glad it's happened glad I don't think I could have stood it if you hadn't had some kind of flaw Michael it's funny you're trying to tell me you're not worthy of me when all the time I'm Mar before you called this morning I tried to write a letter to Frank he's fine good everything a man should be and I don't love him Mar do you mean in spite of everything I do mean the past is what it was for both of us we love each other don't you see that's all that matters the hell for perhaps we can find a bench where where we can talk say I can remember once I Had a Good Time Charlie and it was all fixed up for Michael to walk in and ask this guy what he thought he was doing with his wife good for 5,000 bucks this guy was too all right Mike is supposed to walk in at 4:00 and sharp seven he shows up you can't imagine what I went through those three hours yes I can well you're wrong h a a caller hello hello H it talks say uh not wanting to change the subject but you were supposed to be here at 4:00 there something to say to you Irene what am I supposed to do hands Springs I think I'll blow along don't bother Fred anything the district attorney has got to say to me he can say in front of you oh uh excuse me for using the word district attorney I forgot you're very sensitive I got to go you don't seem to hold your audiences somehow Michael well go ahead and get all that stuff out of your system Irene and when you finished I want to talk to you seriously shoot you know what I told you last night oh you say so many things I can't remember them all try to think you put a sort of riddle to me and answered it yourself you were a bit wrong in your answer Miss Kendall and I are going to be married on the level on the level and that goes in every way and that's what I came to tell you thanks now I'll tell you something you're not going to marry that girl now or ever interesting but untrue I've told her all about myself you see interesting and true yes I see don't bother inviting me to the wedding Michael because I'll be there anyway I'll bring a couple of Cups along for protection and to pull you in as soon as the ceremony is performed there are a lot of things the cops in this town would like to know and I'm just the little lady that can tell tell them I don't suppose you sto to think of that I have a notion you won't do that you've been getting a lot of funny Notions lately and they're not healthy for you you are what you are and you're never going to be able to change because there are a lot of people you've done things to who won't let you no matter if you stayed honest from now on until you died I'm just like you are only I ain't kidding myself I don't intend to go on as I have but you've got to whether you want to or not let's say You're really in love with this girl what kind of love do you think it is because you love her are you going to take her no matter what happens to her I know you love each other that's all that matters is she can spend 5 years 10 years of her life as Mrs convict Trevor or whatever one of your aliases they get you under if I don't squeal it doesn't have to be me something will pop up one of these days and get you and you know it I don't know it oh yes you do you're too smart not to have figured it all out for yourself now don't you take a little trip she'll forget all about you in a month not that girl you are what you are then what difference does it make and you're never going to be able to change don't you see that's all that matters 10 years of our life at Mrs condic Trevor and you know it never been in love in my life until then you're too smart not to have figured it all out for yourself what kind of love do you think it is because you love her are you going to take her no matter what happens to her that I don't believe it frankly I don't care whether you believe it or not my only interest is in the amount of the check you going to give me it's Preposterous that's the fourth time you said that say it again and I walk out you can't be serious about this that first gag about holding me up on that item about me and that blonde all right I'll believe that but you and Mary it's down there in black and white just like that other item you can shoot yourself about believing it but that's the way it gets printed unless I ought to break every bone in your body well in the first place I don't think you can and in the second place the item getss printed whether you do or not I've heard about your kind of scoundrel but I really didn't believe he existed now you know hello Michael just a minute why what's the matter handy read this I don't understand this rat is trying to what kind of talk will do you know good except to raise the price price he wants $10,000 to keep that out of a dirty Scandal sheet he runs it's some kind of joke that's what I thought you'll find out how much of a joke it is just a moment according to this piece yesterday you and I visited cheap and notorious in near verai that's right you know that this whole thing is a lie do I you know that yesterday we spent the morning and most of the after in the bar you remember that don't you the item speaks for itself if the paper is wrong I'm sure it will publish a retraction unfortunately however a retraction is seldom read by all the people who read the original statement this whole thing is a lie and you propose to publish it is that right there's one way of stopping publication may I speak to to Mr Trevor alone I prefer Mr Taylor to remain in the room I see you are serious about this gladly if Mr Taylor doesn't listen to reason that item will be printed in the paper next week I uh imagine Frank will be interested in reading it I think that Frank's interest need concern you no longer I don't see what we can do Mary except pain and the sooner you take care of it the sooner I can be on my way sooner you get out of here the better it suits me why why did you tell me about yourself if you didn't mean what you said if you weren't really you are a silly little girl aren't you suppose someone had seen you with me before I had everything ready they might have found out who I was and have told you so I told you myself I congratulate you here it is allow me after all he has me to thank for it it'll be all right Mary it'll be all right you'll forget all about it as soon as Frank gets back mpect Leon from the prefecture of police I will be brief as a result of information supplied by a friend we have today establish the identity of the editor of the American Scandal sheet which has annoyed so many of your compatriots however the French government has no desire to fill his jails with such and desirable foreigners you would be conferring a favor upon this Men by letting him know that the police will call upon him tomorrow at this time they would be pleased if they were unable to arrest him because by that hour he had left the frontiers of friends behind him for all time if they do arrest him it will go very hard with him do you understand Mr Trevor yes thoroughly that will be all then until 4 tomorrow for going away long trip yes any place in particular I was thinking of Cape Town Africa they say it's very nice there I suppose you know that I tipped off the little Lads of the law so I guessed I've been keeping tabs on you you went to see her and her uncle at their hotel today I did I couldn't stand it any longer thinking of you and her you were right about her I uh I convinced her you were right it wasn't very difficult I just made a couple of things clear to her you're a great guy Michael Trevor I suppose I'm the only one in the whole world who thinks so but the world's been wrong before so it seems I wasn't going to let you go through with holding them up after I found out how much you cared for her I sold those Platinum bracelets of mine yesterday and why had the money to my brother you're something of a swell guy yourself Irene Michael I've never been to South Africa [Applause] take me with you well I'm taking so much excess baggage I suppose I might as well take you [Applause] too what are you thinking about honey it's a funny thing all my life I've dreamed of Paris and now all I can think of is that it's 4 days before we get back to Pittsburgh the head man on the ship says we reach Cape Town in about 10 days there was a funny thing I thought I could never get along without Paris now I'm happier with every mile we get farther away from it [Music]
Channel: Cinematic Euphoria
Views: 88,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FullFreeMovies, DramaMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, Man of the World, Drama, Romance, Richard Wallace, Edward Goodman, William Powell, Carole Lombard, Wynne Gibson
Id: 0ToYH9roOGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 17sec (4157 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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