In Memoriam: It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World

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[Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] there all the St 350 G's do you hear what I'm saying 350 G's in the Pok in Rosita Rosita big steak Park just out a day ago in Santa Rosita it's in this box buried under this big de you'll see it you'll see it under this under this big de PA pepper yes sir everything is under control here it'll take a little longer because there was a Joker in the deck that nobody knew about right yes [Music] sir how the hell could they get themselves locked in a basement we better let them out that ain't Fair it ain't Fair what ain't Fair they got themselves in there they ought to be able to get themselves out uh after all if you help them you're not being fair to the [Music] others hey did did you see it the the way he went sailing right out there did he he just went sailing out there wa away he just sailed out [Music] there now what kind of an attitude is that these things happen they only happen because the whole country is just full of people who when these things happen they just say these things happen and that's why they happen Mommy I have to worry about your baby's the baby's coming to save your mom hey wait a minute I can't cross here you said the main road this is Niagara folds all right look you're a little boy you want to be a big boy which way to the main road [Music] will you take us or won't you for $250 I guess I [Music] will estimated speed 75 we'll never be able to keep up with him better have some of the other units intercept over all my time with this wretched God forsaken country the one thing that has appalled me most of all is this Preposterous preoccupation with bosoms don't you realize that they've become the dominant theme in American culture in literature advertising in all fields of entertainment in everything I'll wager you anything you like if American women stopped wearing brazers your whole National economy would collapse overnight well that's it sure look it's a big W I tell you it's a big [Music] w [Music] I know we don't deserve any kindness Captain but well if you could help us I'm sure we' we'd all be inspired to go on and live better [Music] lives you can take us to Santa marina St Park what your matter what happened to you do what was you so kind initiation we had an accident we fell into yellow all right hurry [Music] up I didn't want to have anything to do with it right from the start you know what I know where it is I'm the only one that knows where it is and I wasn't even looking if you help me dig it up you can have half and I'll have half is that okay I mean is that fair he's head for the Border listen we just St call the police station you shut up we're going to get that money keep driving that woman is something [Music] else there up there's something funny you hear what I'm telling you now did you see the blonde I brought run around full of paint with a dress ripped and what's that all [Music] about [Music] anybody can fly a plane now here now I'll I'll I'll check you out put your little hands on the wheel Ah that's it now you have it now the feet on the rud you got it there you go feet on the r that's not who says this boy can't fly this old plane there you go now I'm going to make a oldfashioned the oldfashioned way the way dear old dad used [Music] to he we better get our story straight if you don't want C what story what story he won't woke up as usual he started driving his car he stopped at a little place for breakfast he went into the gent's room he climbed out the back window so what not even C Pepper's going to say we should have been in air with [Music] him hey [Music] heyy [Music] lesson dentist I hate dentist and I hate you so much that I'm not able to tell you how much I hate you in front of your wife life look we figured it 17 different ways and every time we figured it it was no good because no matter how we figured it somebody don't like the way we figured it so now there's only one way to figure it and that is every man including the oag for himself so good luck and may the best man win right except you lady may you you just dropped [Music] it I want the pension for cult Pepper's grade trebled not doubl trebled I want cult pepper to retire With Honor I want it on paper and over your signature that that's exactly what's going to happen and I want that paper in my hands in 15 minutes or I'll have all the reporters in town and here in 20 what did he do make a break what happened Fredy got some bad news for you grogan's cashed in his chips he what crash his car about 20 minutes ago he was making a break all right well where did it happen on 39 about 18 miles east of Danby Junction and 9 miles west of Valley Center what's the matter now it's Billy sue her new boyfriend Oscar was supposed to come down from pon just to meet us so now she called him and told him we were going away but what's the matter you keep forgetting if a girl is 6' 5 in tall she's bound to have special problems now man about the brakes you've got to you got to know about the brakes I I'm going to tell you about the brakes in just a minute just hold a minute just be just patient what the hell's with this wire here just hold it a second what was that [Music] [Music] Billy Sue where are you I'm at the bus station I only call because Mommy said I absolutely now Billy Sue sweetie what what are you doing in the bus station I'm waiting for the [Music] bus that'll be $2.90 $2.90 here here's $3 keep the change but wait for it okay oh [Music] sure what they' spotted us who who don't stop driving that keep gone what is this a helicopter they've seen us What helicopter that's a police [Music] helicopter minut time did you hear me one well you'll see [Music] now listen you just sit there and everything will be all right now take it easy pal cuz you've been sick who's been [Music] sick hey hey you people you come back here come back you You Vandal I tell you this is a club we don't do Charter work there's nobody around here can take you hey whose plane is that over there it belongs to Mr Tyler Fitzgerald but I don't think he's going anywhere today well is he here can we see him Mr Fitzgerald's in the bilard room he's well he's asleep nobody can talk to him I need help can you give me a lift what it's my wife she's sick see the doct sent me after some medicine come on come on just right out of gas get in I can show you a way out there's another way around to the road another way you show me how to get out of here I'll give you a dollar3 three while [Music] you [Music] oh [Music] trouble having any trouble yes and we don't need any help from you [Music] well [Music] I win we're going to have to kill him they're ready ready set set [Applause] [Music] sh he's just sitting in there rigid like if he catches you at that Keyhole you'll be rigid like [Music] Rancho Cano tower now listen don't talk just listen we're getting things under control so you can take it easy we know what kind of a plan you're we can see you and we're making all the necessary preparations to talk you down Ranch Cano [Music] over sir power here emergency we have contact tell a full emergency we're going to try to talk them down tell them full emergency we're going to try and talk him down I don't you ever seen anything like that before no you want oh you jumping they're going back for [Music] more [Music] this is Rancho Cano Tower do you hear me this is Rancho Cano Tower do you hear [Music] me why don't we just shoot him down and be through with [Music] it [Music] [Music] a [Music] oh no we're Clos it's 12:00 it's 12:00 wait a minute all we want is a pck and a shovel Mr dinkler's inside dler that's it we got dler that's all come [Music] on [Music] ambulance is on his way yeah the ambulance is on his way is he dead yeah listen we better shift those cars up there they're right on the curve yeah well I guess that's about all we can get from this group [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: In Memoriam
Views: 160,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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