How to Edit like Nikovax - Adobe After Effects (free pf)

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you know noox boost all over the mainstream for creating insane edits in the light motion so I remade one of his edits and now I'm going to break it down for you in depth so you two can make edits like ovax or goo where is the signature the text you may Wonder well I'll be uploading a separate tutorial on that covering all of his text effects and animations but talking about that son you think that it's quite hectic to manually type down all of the words and letters especially while making edits or short FM content I used to think the same until I used accelate creative and luckily for me they decided to sponsor this content whether it's creating cool text for your edits or just animated text for your short film without much effort D AAP not only detects your text and writes them down word by word but also has really cool effect in transition which by the way is 100% changeable using it is even easier and simpler loaded by pressing r and clicking on D caps after it fits your preferences just to generate and voila you've just saved yourself a lifetime of boring typing sessions in case there are any mistakes in the gener layer you can always change it along with some other effects and transform values this might sound like a deal of $150 also but surprisingly it only starts at $25 still too much try it monthly for $5 and yes for all the a versions starting from 2015 the link is in the description in my timeline you can see that I've already managed all of the resources piled up to notes above them which I've not parented yet we'll Begin by adding tiles onto our Clips you can choose any tiles whether it's motion tile or CC repit tile after that I'm going to pair in the clip with the null layers so that the nose follow the movement of my clip hit s on the keyboard and change the scale to like 35 again go forward and change the scale back to 115 or above that depending on how zoomed in the clip you want after that I'm gradually going to increase the distance between the two key frames then I'm going to highlight them and press F9 on my keyboard to Easy E there so in case you're wondering my motion values you can pause the screen to copy it back to the timeline now I'm going to head to the graph editor and M graph is set to R graph okay so I'll build the first handle just like this and for the second handle I'll keep it unchanged and even if I am going to change it I'll change it very low it's because I'm doing the intro and in the intro when the clip comes in I want it to be very smooth okay so there's actually three movements that happen in this clip so I'm going to duplicate the null and parent it once again with the null now move a little bit forward and on the second key frame decrease the skill value instead of increasing it now I'm going to move the key frame a little bit away way from where where it initially was highlight them move to the graph editor choose a speed graph and now make a little poter graph just like this so let's have a little preview this graph does not really suit the clip so I'll make it a little loose than it initially was now moving on to our final movement for this clip there seems to be a position movement so I'm going to press key to bring up the position separate the dimensions and place qy frames just like that okay so now I'm going to drag this qy Frame onto the last highlight them 8 of9 go to the graph editor and for this one I will be making again a smooth graph because like I said before I want the transitions to be smooth now as we arrive on to another clip I'm again going to open position separate the dimension and key frame the X position so just like before I'm again going to animated from right watchs to the original position going to go over here with the initial value highight both of them and easy EAS them now previously we had a speed graph but this time we're going to change it to value graph and like I said before in the intro we'll be using loose graph it won't be much loose but it won't be tight either so one thing I discovered is that if you're going to make a ovax intro then you need to make three NS I started with around two n layers but now I got to make one additional null layer for all of the clips and parent it if I use only the exposition for this transition then it's going to be very stiff and there will be very less movement which is going to make our edit ugly so I will take the help of skill and animated it to go from like 100 to somewhere between 130 to 150 the then I'm going to spread out the key frames so that there some distance between them after that let your OCD act and E is the key frames in this type of movement where you want the clip to go smooth and slow rather than impactful then using a speed graph and making a graph similar to this would be a smart decision whether that be this edit or any edit at all now to initiate the bump properly I'm going to reverse the zoom by placing ke frames above of the nor layer and just basically you know reducing the value till it reaches its actual skill value and one thing you need to bear in your mind is that you've got to overlap the key frames for a smoother movement now for this particular graph as well you just got to copy what we did before this movement the same graph the same stuff okay so now we're going to move to the our transition which is a zoom in so open up the scale values place two key frames the initial one set to 100 and the final one set to 400 or 500 along in the distance easy as them and maybe spread the Qs out move to the graph editor choose a value graph and now unlike the other transition for this one I'm going to make a pretty tight graph so that the transition happens quickly because if you see there is some opacity as well and I think for the final value maybe I'll change it to 500 because that will make it more impactful uh again go to to the graph editor and change the graph slightly okay so the clip that happens after this can be made to the same technique that I taught you on the other Clips before making this one so I'm going to move to another clip that has some slight changes on how it's made just like any other Clips start this clip by making two key frames the initial value set somewhere between 300 to 400 and the final value to 125 why not 100 you may ask well there's a reason to it and I'll explain that in a moment but before that EAS use the key frames and move to the ground editor if you've watched my sanges tutorial then you might know that I made a graph similar to this one on that tutorial as well now moving on to why I made the final value of the in transition to 135 well that's because I'm going to make another fake zoom and because I did that now there won't be dialed when I do the fake Zoom to reduce it okay so on the middle n layer animate the scale to go from 100 to like 75 your gra and mine will not look the same so what you want to do is just mess with the graph and preview it and until you achieve the result you want then just keep playing with a graph you've got no other [Music] options okay so let's end this clip too select the null layer and bring up the scale by pressing s then hold shift and again press y to to open up the position parameters as well we're only going to need the Y values so separate the dimension and give him the Y value and now animate the scale to go from 100 to maybe 30 or below that for the Y you're going to want it to go upwards so just subtract the value and keep it like [Music] -200 spread out the Q frames easy is them and move to the graph editor and now make a loose [Music] graph same thing for the position as well okay so let's have a small preview of what we've got so far after adding text and effects we'll definitely have something right here okay so I actually skipped the zoom transition that was going to happen after this because it's basically the same stuff I did back then but the out transition here looks kind of intensive but it's definitely not that hard as you may think it is so place a key frame at the beginning and then Zoom all the way to his eye now spread them legs I mean uh key frames and open up the zipper oh I mean graph now not the value graph but we will choose the speed graph and initiate a screen pump like [Music] movement on the above no layer reverse the fake Zoom now from scale 100 to something like 45 done and graph it in a smooth and loose manner one thing I can give you all about graph is that the more you play around the more the smoother results You' achieve looks pretty good now on the final layer I'll just open up the SC value and place Q frames uh and then after that just increase it till the whole screen ites eyes we obviously use a spe gr for this one as well just play with it and when it satisfies you stop with it now you might be wondering that it looks kind of bad right well I get you but trust me once we add music in sfx this is going to be so [Music] good now on the top layer do a normal scale out it might look ugly right now but enabling motion blur will smooth this transition as well okay so now that we're done with the intro part we're going to move to the actual edit part so to start create two null layers and on the first one just animate the scale to go from a 350 to like 100 [Music] then open up the graph editor and make something like this now after you done now after you're done making the graph hold shift and press R to bring up the rotations as well but for the rotation you want to start from 45 and eventually go back down to zero highlight them and do the [Music] graph that's it for the in transition now select the other null and press s then hold shift while pressing r [Music] [Applause] [Music] andp [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I think that I've already display the essentials you should learn from making the transition and I don't want to make this say Watch Me edit by spamming the same stuff over and over again only for you guys to copy so let's spice these transitions with warp and Optics Fu in case you're wondering that the timeline has changed from the last time it really has not I just recomposed the clips okay so we'll obviously add an Optics [Music] compensation and there's this option reverse lens Distortion simply enable that switch what does that do well I'll tell you in a moment but before that select the stopwatch and enable key frame now move the key frame to the first and change the value to like 60 or so then move the key frame apart again go to like almost the end and change the value back to [Music] 30 going to do some slight adjustments and now to the actual last room and change the value all the way up to like 75 we're not going to graft them like we do in other animation for a simple fact that it's Optics compensation and it looks good without graph adjustments the other clip that happens is the same too let's just move on to another clip where this happens a little differently this plugin I used is FX console by the way and I'll link it in the description as well so about the reverse thing not doing it we'll do the opposite and make our Clips sucked in fisheye kind of like the old CRT [Music] TVs this begins with the high value and we just zero around the [Music] [Music] mid now I know I know that without T it's going to salty but but the next video about text will not only sort out your queries regarding the text but I'll also teach you some additional and advanced text effects that neova has not covered in his tutorial yet so now moving on to the end increas it all the way up to 130 and yeah that's it almost 80 minutes into the tutorial and we reach the flashes or may I call it exposure this itself is not so much important but when mixed with that effects it really does a huge impact on the edit so add an exposure on whatever clip and animate the exposure from 1.5 to zero highlight them and it def fly to EAS ease them maybe two will do fine and no we're not going to graph this one either on top of it I mean below that at a BCC OBS you can change the quality you can change the quality to sarper but does not really matter whatever you choose in this metric then pull the gum all the way up to 1,000 [Music] now for actually controlling its strength animate the iris C from defaults to zero this one though you got to graph it a little bit I think I'll change the initial Valley to 10 and make it a little light okay so there's the light two staring at this clip so let's recreate [Music] that press control alt y to create a solid layer I'll change its color to Red because the color we because the color we choose is the color of the light l control shift d to apply the cut and trim the [Music] layer now select the ellipse mask and then just draw a circle just like [Music] this click on the invert mask option expand the options of [Music] mask and increase the mask f excessively press T to open up the opacity and keep it like 14 or so now animate the opacity from 14 to zero that's how you make a simple light L now you can obviously add a glow effect or something like that to enhance it but in my opinion this the clean one looks [Music] great [Music] now you can copy the blur and Flash on the other clip as well but we're going to change the light lcks a bit first duplicate the layer and manage the placement now select the solid layer and go to layer panel and then click on the solid settings now change the color to Blue I'll change a few settings over here as per my preference not going to lie why it already looks alike so [Music] [Music] much okay so now we finally reached his impact Shake add a s disolve shake and change the dissolve person to 15 the amplitude also to 15 and the mob link to three if you know that I did the same Shake in the Goa tutorial as well if you want to learn about creating impact shakes in a more impactful manner then check out my twitch plug-in tutorial too spread out the qy frames highlight them and EAS ease them [Music] now we've got another effect from Sapphire which is the S flicker he frame the altitude from 0 to 2.5 or maybe even three Yep looks great so this clip while editing got lost and I'm kind of putting it here right now it's for the position check and let me tell you brosus it's very easy add an a shake onto a layer and change the amplitude to 0.7 frequency to 1 and phase to 8.4 and that's that's it after that copy and paste it onto all of the other layers as well you know how we do [Music] it I think I'll precompose the segments of layer like NS into a one for a cleaner work and the need composition that will also make the process that's going to happen after this a lot easier to implement one thing I forgot to add over here is the Optics compensation yes for the 4 20th time and oh Bo is this effect so much used in it style well place a key frame and begin with 160 move to the middle part and change it to something around [Music] 100 now onto the graph editor and going to make a slightly loose graph maybe point this handle a little bit down now on the last FR and increase it excessively up to a150 again and for the graph you know how it's going to [Music] be let's add some one framers too to you know make this stand out even further for that press crl and Y to create a solid layer choose a matte black colar and make it exactly one trim long so to achieve this star you can use overly if you've got any but I think I'll go with the bcz Stars it's my first time Ming with this effect too so I'm just as rookie as you are in this particular [Music] situation then add a BCC lens with OBS beneath that one I'm going to change the quality to Quality to serer and then gamma to uh thousand so I'm just going to mess with the settings of the star so this density determines how much of the star you'll actually get okay to okay to those actually watching the video without skipping here's one trick y' all if you want to add any real life effect like stars lighting bubble Etc just search it up in the effects and preset panel and you'll be surprised to actually find it over there God knows how many effects I found like that and some of them are so good [Music] man [Music] so I'm going to add a web warp I know it didn't add it but I think it does look cool so I'll mess with it until I like the final outcome looks really good to be [Music] honest okay so let's have a preview of what we've got so far [Music] looks pretty good not going to lie but now that we're done with almost all of the settings for this spot let's just move on to another part which is going to cover is called correction I've recomposed the layer once again and now I'm going to create an adjustment layer by pressing control alt and Y and also add a magic bullet looks onto it and yes you do need plugins for this one then add the saturation followed by lric color and top it off with a curves these are the settings will mess with to create a color grare we'll Begin by adding a pop onto the subject what does it do it's quite self-explanatory it just makes your clip pop off more just like sharpen and then on the lens I'll add a chromatic oration and it softness I think I'll continue the rest of the video without my voice on keep watching to learn about his color correction as well now subscribe and stay tuned because I'll upload the part two within the next week and I'll also announce the free project file along with the part two thanks for watching and have fun peace out [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] y [Music] [Music] yeah [Music]
Channel: k1tk4t aep
Views: 8,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: k1tk4t aep, after effects amv, nikovax 2.0, nikovax audio, nikovax remake, nikovax text tutorial capcut, nikovax overlay, nikovax tutorial alight motion, nikovax, amv, edit, how to edit like nikovax, nikovax tutorial, nikovax transitions tutorial, nikovax text, nikovax text tutorial, after effects amv tutorial, after effects amv tutorial beginner, text animation after effects, text alight motion preset, nikovax sound effect
Id: 8orjOB1cYJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 39sec (1839 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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