In-Depth Bible Study on Proverbs 6:16-19 | Bible Study Journal | Bible Study Video

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[Music] proverbs chapter 6 verses 16 through 19. there are six things the lord hates seven that are detestable to him haughty eyes a lying tongue hands that shed innocent blood a heart that devises wicked schemes feet that are quick to rush into evil a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community [Music] when i first read the scripture it stood out to me because it says there are six things the lord hates seven that are detestable to him so let's break it down by each item so number one is haughty eyes and the word haughty means arrogant or superior and maybe you feel like you don't fall victim to this but anytime you look at someone else's decisions and you analyze it in a judgmental type of way then you can fall victim to this um god is the only one that can judge now there's a difference between you know judging someone's sin and judging the person however just to kind of remain or to avoid this you know i kind of just think everyone makes mistakes and whatever mistake that person did i can easily do too and it doesn't matter what it is even if you think it's something you know that's extreme to you like i don't know abusing drugs or something i think everyone makes mistakes and there is no sin out there that we should crucify someone for or judge them for sin is wrong sin is sin however just be careful not to have a haughty or arrogant or superior way or you could even take this as you know i've worked in certain jobs where there have been people who have a higher title than me and they would treat me a certain way because of that title at the end of the day your title is it's great and it's good that you accomplish that but it really doesn't mean much it doesn't you know you're not defined by your title so be careful not to have that haughty arrogant superior type of mentality number two a lying tongue and this is pretty self-explanatory um you know don't lie don't spread lies i've been in situations where i hear someone telling a story and they kind of spin the story a little bit to sound nicer for them and i don't get that just you know tell the truth and be honest [Music] hands that shed innocent blood and this is murder wow this is definitely not the most aesthetically pleasing notes but i'm a lefty and i find it hard to write when the book is so thick on this side like bible studies on the other page are so much easier for me but whatever that's not really a big deal so number three is murder and that's pretty self-explanatory as well and then number four a heart that devises wicked schemes so my arrows are all lost and jumbled now but [Music] what does that mean so i see this kind of a lot and this kind of goes with lying tongue um have you ever maybe you've been texting someone and they did something that annoyed you or upset you and instead of just being honest with them you would try to like say something so that it would either hurt them or just kind of say something in a sn a sneaky way just trying to be slick i guess so that they would either know that you did something or to hurt them in some way or i see this you know posted on social media like someone will post a quote or something and i'm sure you know reading it it sounds like okay they're posting that because they want someone else to see it you know what i'm talking about don't do that you know why i don't see the point of that if you're going to post something that you know is going to either hurt someone or it's probably going to stir up a little bit of trouble just why are you what is the point you know before you do something ask yourself what am i going to achieve from this is it going to be univ or is it going to be division am i going to hurt someone or not and this is something that i've had to definitely work on because i can say definitely that this was not always something that i would do um would avoid but um it's so freeing to not i just don't care you know whatever someone thinks whatever you know if something upset me about that person that's fine just move on and i don't have i don't feel like i have to text them in a certain way or put certain things in text or put certain things on social media in order for someone to see it and so they can think something else you know i feel like i'm not explaining myself please let me know if you know what i'm trying to say just be straightforward i guess is what i'm trying to say and look at your motives [Music] feet that are quick to rush into evil and this kind of makes at first i read it and i felt like oh gosh you know you know when you read a scripture and you can feel like you've done it you kind of feel a little bit of condemnation which condemnation is not a good thing um we should feel convicted not condemned but anyways i read this and i felt condemned feet that are quick to rush into evil but then i reread it feet that are quick to rush into evil you know god doesn't expect perfection i think he just expects us to try our best and i really am trying to live my best my absolute best and that doesn't mean i'm perfect i do mess up but you know i'm not out here trying to create evil on purpose maybe it happens by accident but you know feet that are quick i think the word quick is kind of what is my saving grace a false witness who pours out lies again [Music] a liar again self-explanatory and number seven this is the one that the lord detests remember it says seven that the lord detests and i thought to myself you know why would the lord detest this one and if you think about it a person who stirs up conflict in the community is like the overarching theme for this study this makes me think of luke 11 17 which says jesus knew their thoughts and said to them any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined a house divided against itself itself will fall and that's why it's so important to avoid these things because division is hindering the kingdom of god and if you think about a person who stirs up conflict in the community let's go back to my example over here a heart that devises wicked schemes and i have seen this someone post something and i'm sorry this is just the only example i can think of um and they know that by posting that you know someone is going to see that who would get offended by it but they do it anyway um maybe it's like a family member or a friend that's you know your community your community could be your family your community could be your friend people you go to school with people you go to work with so you stirring up conflict in that community is detestable to the lord detestable he hates it and so every time i kind of get that feeling where someone upset me or maybe they do something that just bothers me and maybe i want to say something that's not the nicest thing in response um i think of this honestly i think of the scripture i don't want to be this person i don't want to be acting in a way that the lord hates that he detests um so that may be like a good way that you can look at it too a kingdom that is divided anything that is divided loses strength and in this day and age we as christians need to come together now more than ever to tell other people not only tell but also show other people god's love and the last thing we need to do is be stir up conflict in the community and you know bring division among people if you can you know figure out how to maintain power over your words and what you say to other people you're in a really good spot the bible says in james 3 chapter 8 but the tongue can no man tame it is unruly evil full of deadly poison so the next time you want to say something and it'll cause that sting to someone else or you want to say something so that you kind of get the last word in or you know anything hurtful post something hurtful text something hurtful text something where you get the last word whatever it is reel it in you know it takes so much more spiritual maturity to have control over the things that you say and the things that you react to rather than just reacting to everything saying hurtful things saying things to hurt someone on purpose think about your motives and think about why you're saying and posting something and if it is not a pure motive don't do it so yeah that's all i have for today this is not the most ecstatically aesthetically pleasing notes i've ever done but you know that's okay so if you haven't yet please subscribe please share this video like it if you like it it helps for other people to find my videos in the youtube algorithm we're so close to 10k i'm so excited i can't even believe it's just i have no words but um thank you so much for anybody that watches these videos i truly do appreciate it or comment you guys are amazing i post a new bible study video every monday wednesday and friday at 7 00 am eastern standard time and i can't wait to study the bible with you again [Music] you
Channel: Bible Bujo
Views: 1,545
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Keywords: bible bullet journal, christian bullet journal, bible study with me, study the bible with me, bible study journal, bible study bullet journal, bible study, prayer journal, prayer bullet journal, study the whole bible with me, bible study for beginners 2020, bible study with me genesis, bible study videos, womens bible study videos
Id: _UKhk0JiEig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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