Improvising Beautiful Melodies On The Piano

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[Music] this lesson is all about how to improvise beautiful melodies and this is actually super simple it's not a difficult concept you don't have to be an improviser or even an experienced piano player to do this recently we've put some videos out with amazing like left hand patterns and arpeggios and people have said well how do i improvise with my right hand how do i copy what you did so this lesson is to show you exactly how i improvise over a chord progression um to create something lovely so i'm going to give you my secrets i'm going to tell you the chord progression that we're going to use for this is going to go a minor f g e minor so you know you could do like a big rolling arpeggio but just to make it simple so we can focus on our right hand i'm gonna have us go one two three four i'm just playing fifths in my left hand and i'm gonna play that progression on repeat so a minor f g and e minor now my right hand is just going to play the root note of the chord that i'm playing to follow it it's a good way to get started it's not scary now we're going to play with some more of the chord tones so what you can see i'm doing here i'm playing the root note of the chord and the third and already it's sounding lovely i'm playing root third roots now so now this time let's try playing the third and the fifth noticing how it changes things it's lovely that's the simplest way to get started these are notes that are guaranteed to sound good together we're simply taking any of the tones of the chord that we're playing and are in our left hand and we're playing them in whatever order or rhythm pattern we want in our right so it's the best way to get started because you're not going to sound bad now to become a little more brave to explore a little bit more let's try playing with the first five tones of the chord that we're in as we go now you're going to see me mix and match this with some separate broken cords just you can see how when we change up our pattern and what we're playing it adds a little bit of magic so watch this so let's walk up the scale sounds great right now let's try broken chord notes now let's work in a bit of both [Music] descending [Music] so now we're going to branch out even more and play any of the notes in any order that belong in the a minor scale i'm not thinking about what i'm doing here and if i play something i don't like i just move on there's a new chord i just threw in there because i felt like it let's get back on track so a minor these are just the notes of the a minor scale and because we're in the key of a minor they work beautifully [Music] that's an arpeggio and i'm not even moving i'm just playing an a minor arpeggio here so really what you have there is a template for starting simple by playing just tones of the cord you're on and then branching out to explore the whole the whole key the whole scale now this works so well because we're in the key of a minor there's no sharps or flats which means that all of the white keys are fair game they're safe so if you were to apply this to a different key just keep in mind the notes that you might have in that key that would be sharp or flat and apply it as you go and then what will eventually happen is you'll relax and you'll begin to become curious and you'll try playing more than one note at a time you'll explore different rhythm patterns you'll switch it up and you'll end up with an improv that is uniquely your own so i hope you enjoy exploring this i would love to hear what you come up with so feel free to share video links to your own creations below and have fun [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Pianote
Views: 636,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: piano, pianomusic, piano melody, beautiful piano, improvising beautiful melodies, piano lesson, free piano lesson, piano chords, pianote, piano improv, improvisation, Improvising Beautiful Melodies On The Piano, piano tutorial, piano lessons, piano improvisation, how to improvise on piano, how to play piano, piano lessons for beginners, piano tutorial easy, piano exercises, piano improvisation tutorial, emotional piano, piano tutorial medium, piano tutorial for beginners
Id: xza2sApboc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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