How 3 Daily Habits Led to My Million Dollar Success

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what's going on and welcome to the Bautista twins Channel I'm Shan Bautista and today I want to talk about getting out of a funk cuz we've all been there not everything in the real estate business as a real estate agent is always up up up and there's days that we do get into funks and it could turn into days weeks and even months or even years and hopefully you're not in that funk so in this video I'll be going over the three key things that I did in my life in order to go from lowend energy and feeling down and depressed to getting my energy levels way higher getting myself into a Good Vibration so I can attract the right clients and the perfect clientele and in this video those three steps will lead you into generating more leads to people who actually want to work with you and you don't even have to try so make sure to hit that like button subscribe to this channel if you want more videos like this because these three key factors I guarantee you if you implement this into your daily life you will see a change in your business and so let's get started with the first thing that we have to do is number one we have to recognize that we're in that funk we're in that cycle of things are just constantly compounding uh negative things are happening in your life things aren't going your way business may be slow and you have to figure this out and realize that you're not operating at a 10 your energy and everything about you your Vibe is probably operating between five you're not confident you have low energy and you feel groggy and you don't feel your best and so this first step is really key you have to understand you are in a funk and in order for you to realize that you have to recreate yourself into a new being and the first thing I want you to do is number one write down your goals and I'm telling you this is very very powerful I do have my 90day letter template if you haven't already gotten it just comment the word 90day letter below I'm happy to send it to you shoot your email get a hold of me through Instagram Tik Tok or any of those channels it is really really important to focus on what you want because what you focus on expand it is so true the more clear you are about what you want in your future and even if it's only 90 days out 90 days can happen in an instant but people don't realize this it goes by so fast the New Year already just went by we're already into the second quarter of 2024 and when I ask people to write down their goals this is the thing I asked them to do this before the new year and everyone's like okay I'll do it I'm going to write my letter I'm going to get clear on what I want and I asked them how their first quarter went and I could tell by the energy and the vibe that they're giving off they're telling me that yeah business is slow I'm just not really liking how things are going right now buyer went with another agent or a seller also hired another agent this is what will happen when you're not focused and when you're not operating at a high energy level and your vibrations are very low so write your goals down the funny thing about this is is that they did a research on people who write down their goals only 1% of the population write their goals down are you going to be the 1% or are you going to be the 99% who just say forget it I'm too busy I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing but if you keep doing what you're doing you will keep getting what you've always been getting and that's the definition of insanity and I truly believe that writing your goals down getting very clear with what you want and my 90-day letter template gives you the step-by-step tools that you need in order to learn how to write goals down as if you've already achieved them so that is Step number one write your goals down 43% of all who write their goals down will actually achieve them but only 1% are doing it so where does that put me if I'm doing this that means that I'm going to reach my goals I'm going to see it every single day now number one always write and read your goals every day tip number two right here is please do a morning routine here's what you can do number two with a morning routine is after you write your goals down I want you to move your body it's vital it's so important that you take care of you first how do you expect to take care of your clients that are selling and buying if you can't even take care of yourself it's true what you feed into your mind what you feed into your body for food this all plays a huge role in how you operate around people are you positive are you feeling down and about or are you having a lot of energy and do speak confidently when you meet with people you could tell if someone's taking care of themselves their mind and body we only get one you can tell if they're taking care of themselves if they're eating the right Foods getting enough sleep reading the right things praying doing all these things to take care of their body there is something about changing the physics in your body by moving so I highly recommend exercising get your body moving I don't care if you do yoga if you go out for a run whatever it is ride a bike go to the gym I love going to the gym that's why I do CrossFit and that's why I go into the gym consistently it shows up everywhere else in life if you be consistent somewhere but what I'm doing is when I'm moving my body it's just getting all these endorphins running I have a lot of energy and it keeps me younger and so please get to the gym do yoga do whatever it is and get your body moving cuz you need to move all that old energy that's been stuck if you've been eating junk food if you're overweight it really does play a part in how you show up to your clients when I show up to my clients I'm really confident I show up the way I am and with the confidence that I'm vibrating at a high level and clients want to work with people like that they want to work with people with high energy levels and this brings me to step number three which changed my life fully when I started implementing the power of affirmations what you repeatedly tell yourself is more important than what others have to say about you and what you feed your mind constantly so the moment I discovered the power of affirmations talking about I am confident I am strong I am healthy I am wealthy the moment I started implementing the power of affirmations every single day that's when I started to see a change in my life and you have to implement this for a minimum of 21 days you can't say it didn't work after only doing it once this is all about repetition and with the power of affirmations This truly changed my life I started seeing different habits that I started doing instead of sleeping in I would get up instead of eating unhealthy Foods I would choose to eat healthy and I would choose the right Foods through the power of affirmations it rewies who you are and what you've been taught it's really powerful what you listen to so be careful of what you listen to I listen to affirmations every morning when I get up and I've been doing this day in day out I started implementing this when I was broke when I was $100,000 in debt I didn't have anything but this gave me the power of belief it gave me confidence in myself and I started to believe in myself and I started showing up day in and day out you have to do this for yourself these are the three things that I did in order to change my life and I will put a link to the affirmations in the description below of the ones that I listen to to there's one that I listen to in the morning and then there's one that I listen to at night but this truly changed my life and I still do it to this day I will continue to do it because one thing that works and I know it works if it works why would I stop doing it I still do it to this day you don't just do something one time you do it repeatedly and the repetitions and the repetitions day in day out and you keep showing up you'll start to see your life change it could be a few months it could be a few weeks it could be a year but if you do this day in day out let me ask you a question here if you do these three things if I told you your life depended on this or if I told you if in order to become a millionaire Implement these three key things that I just mentioned in this video which is number one having a Clarity of your goals writing that 90-day letter reading that every single day number two working out and moving your body and three doing the affirmations every day if I told you these three things will turn into a millionaire after 6 months or a year would you do this if I told you that it worked for me in that time frame would you do this knowing that I'm giving you the keys to success or would you hit that snooze button and continue to do what you've been doing eating bad foods being low energy not feeling confident I guarantee you all the clients whenever I show up to a listing appointment or if I show up with Buyers they feel the positivity I radiate the positivity they know they want to be around a high energetic person just like myself so if I were to compete with you ask yourself this question if I were to go to a listing appointment and the seller was to hire me they were going to interview me and yourself and you were low energy and I'm coming in with the confidence with my presentation dial who would they hire the person with more confidence the person that radiates positive energy so I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you want to see more videos like this make sure to hit that subscribe button hit that like so if you found this video helpful please comment below below if you want any of the templates I'll be sure to drop the links to the affirmations that I listen to morning and night below and again these three things definitely changed my life and I hope that it changes yours and I'll see you on that next video
Channel: Bautista Twins
Views: 429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real estate mindset, real estate agent, mindset for real estate agents, personal development, goal setting, affirmations, sean bautista, bautista twins, habits of successful people
Id: RZayEvJoeis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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