Impromptu Reading + Productivity Sprints!

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hi guys welcome thank you for joining me again basically i have a mammoth to-do list for today and i was searching for sprints and i couldn't find any and it seems to have gotten to the point where i can only do work if i have sprints so that's why i've done some spreads today so thanks for joining me hopefully you guys want to be productive too or just do some reading or just hang out with friends that's one of my favorite things to do for these friends so let me know what you are planning on doing if you're reading if you're studying if you're working whatever you're doing let me know and let me know how you are i need to film a video edit a video upload a video and also start my book so it's gonna be a busy afternoon for me but i'm feeling good about it uh let's have a little look a lot of people like commenting before i'd even started thanks guys yes this is me right now i've procrastinated all morning i told myself i was going to get up early and i was going to get ready nice and early and i was going to get filled in and up edit and everything early on but that didn't all happen so these sprints are here to help fantastic i've been searching for spencer's 12 apparently i can't read without them anymore this is exactly how i feel if i've got like a big to-do list i feel like i need sprints now to keep me accountable which is probably a bad thing but a lot of times now i just started i just start a timer myself and do like my own little sprints but today i feel like having company so you know these are perfectly timed yes i feel you thank you i'm here for you is friends yay i really need them so many books hardly any waiting time yep i feel that i didn't even have a tbr for this month but i feel like after really badly my freedom it's all about june june will be great hello welcome john hello liam welcome we'll be joining after qualifying finishes i'm assuming that's f1 i don't know i'm assuming that's what it is i don't really know much about it sorry um what is everyone reading yes i would like to know that two perfect timing i was just sitting down to read i'm here for you hello beautiful rachel hello i'm currently working on the year of the witching i have that and i really want to read it i also need to get some work done today and reading for a class that i'm taking nice hello welcome reading well the boyfriend watches f1 well i just dropped my boyfriend off at drinks with his pals so i've got some me time but yeah and i just returned back in time for my big shopping spree and nice what did you get i hope you got some good books hello hello kitty hello i'm reading kingdom of the wicked very nice hey everyone i'm reading the final empire currently on page 547 of 643. nice i'm assuming you're hoping to finish that today you are so close 100 pages this isn't really close well cartridges is close i would say that is like the last hurdle but especially in a brandon sanderson book it's definitely last hurdle 11 11 books let me know what was your favorite one i want to know what you got i'm reading ice planet barbarian who have i heard talk about that i've heard someone else talk about that and i can't remember who it was but it sounded really intriguing at least i support my bookstore exactly yes and you also supported your own mental health that's what i say self-care the ultimate self-care nearly finished the mother of all christmases two hours left on audible that sounds interesting looking forward to reading at 11 p.m was 11 30 p.m on saturday night in australia see that's actually an okay time for you john usually when i'm sprinting it's like two or three in the morning so we'll give you 11 30. afternoon need to film tomorrow's video going for a five star prediction oh christy i'm excited i want to know what's on that list reading witches of ash and rooney need to finish this weekend lovely hello welcome hoping to read more of crooked kingdom nice i need to start reading red seas under red skies i love the first book of the series but for some reason i just keep putting off reading this one i don't think i actually know that a series red seas under reds guys it sounds interesting um i'll be reading the unbroken by c.l clark need to read a few chapters to stay on track for a book club and laundry maybe yeah i think i need to do something with that to be fair i was practicing this morning i put some washing on and i also changed my sheets so that feels good i also swept up the room like cleaned the surfaces i was feeling very very good and cleaned and tidy this morning but now i need to get stuff done and it's jumped there we go i'm studying for my driver's test oh good luck and i'm going to start we did six of crows i need to read that region invisible girl rachel i've not heard your thoughts on this yet how are you finding it so far i would love to know i'm reading news of nightmares i am starting that today because obviously the live show is next weekend so i'd hope to start it earlier but i have not so once i've done all my filming and edit and everything i'm going to start raising nightmares but i think it should be a fairly fast read i read the majority of stranger dreamer in one day so i'll be fine i'll be doing first number one by christopher pike 200 pages into a 600 chunker and wanted to finish it today chloe i think you'll finish it today we all know what you're like i believe in you hello welcome i'm reading the yearbook by holly board it's very relatable ah nice hello lily welcome hello to everyone we're doing fire and heist until i get need to get ready for my second job oh exciting i have someone on my first one i'll be one of the last i think because i'm 26 and don't have any like serious health conditions and don't work anywhere yet where it's like compulsory so i'll be one of the last literally the same can't be without sprints i usually watch all ones if there isn't any live ones yeah i tend to do that as well um yay if you wait for someone to just fit today reading the tool i am here for you and i'm so excited for you i love that book well i love the series i think did i give them all five stars i can't remember but i love that series and i'm one of the few people who love them all because a lot of people i think love the first one and didn't like the second two so let me know what you think reading the never tilting worlds by wrench pickle i need to read more of injury pickle i think is it french pickle who wrote the girl the girl from the well i think it was if it was that was a good book red skies under red seas oh another red skies under red seas hey i just started reading red queen nice starting you oh i really want to read that book i adore the series i really want to read the books because i think i would get so like stuck in them than that i don't know what i'm saying really need these today as i will be invited to eurovision oh my god it's your vision tonight i've not watched that in years i used to be obsessed oh my god that's interesting maybe i'll have to watch hey just try and finish off an episode of a discovery of witches and then we'll pop in to read anna k nice where was i i started rule of wolves yesterday i'm so excited to get deeper into it very nice i am finishing an assignment for union hopefully after we'll get some reading done lovely yes friends thank you for doing you're so welcome i am here for you reading siege and star nice i need to continue with that series so badly because i've only read the first one um reading i'm married 71 pages less so we'll finish it in these sprints absolutely loving it i need to read that oh all i've heard are amazing things so i'm happy for you i'm intrigued don't trust the world and as leah says oh it is yeah oh it is it's such a good i really enjoyed that one i just think lisa jill's so good at keeping you completely in the dark like you have ab just sorry wiping by squeaks there's dust all over it there we go lisa jill's so good at keeping you completely in the dark like you have no idea what's going on but i like that one with like the different perspectives just looks very interesting hi reading when we were magic by sarah gailey nice but really need to do my makeup for my friend's birthday eurovision party tonight so we'll see how much we need to get done oh are you going like big with the makeup are you going eurovision style i'd like to know it's called the gentleman bastard series high fantasy about a group of criminals strong found family vibes oh red seas under red guys is the second book lies of luck lamora is the first oh that sounds interesting i might have to look that one up actually thank you hello i'll be reading queen of air and darkness i have like 500 pages left and i want to finish it this weekend very good you can do it i believe in you i think the only reason i've had both of my jobs is job is because of my autism ah okay fair enough i know quite a lot of people have had both my mom's had both because of her work so is my friend another friend who has diabetes had both of hers yeah i do know quite a few but i'll be last i have 13 books as well well done that's a productive month i have 100 pages left of my current read the blade itself so i should hopefully have it done in a couple of sprints lovely we will sprint very very soon i got i'm waiting oh it is just come in i'll go back to the other comments afterwards because i want to know i got cersei i want to read that serpentine i feel like i can picture the book for that but like the cover but i don't actually really know much about it a phoenix first must burn city of brass high fire sister song good always stories of your life and others the dark archive the gilded ones and set fire to the gods they all sound great well done that is a good good haul i'm jealous i'm reading little women classics take so much effort for me they do for me as well i feel like sometimes if i can sort of like read for a good amount of time in a classic i kind of like get into the swing of like the rhythm of it and like lost in that world but it could take a while especially if i'm not in the bed like i need to have brain power to read a classic but i do really want to read little women it's one of the ones on my list starting ninth house again i need to read that got approved on netgalley for lisa jill's new book i can't wait to read it love her books oh my god so happy for you i've not used oh my god why did i keep doing that i've not used that galley in a while and i feel like i should because i know you get a lot of good thriller arcs on there so interesting let me know how it is because i am so excited for a new book i'm trying to work both way through like all of her books um also to take your apartment for a year vision party everyone's having eurovision parties i'm jealous reading the shadow of the wind i'm 100 pages and i'm already obsessed nice i'll be reading in the raven is dark lovely i really need to visit this weekend for a video on monday i'm only on page 20 and there's over 40 400 pages of it you could do it lily you could do it i believe in you i am here for you so anyone else excited for malibu rising me right over here i'm excited everyone is going on about it at the minute and every time i see that stunning cover i want it in my life pre-ordered it 27 so i'm still confused about it i don't think it's to do with work can't complain that's fine i know a few people have just gotten it randomly to be fair so good happy for you except for rising about pre-order trying to finish war and peace that's an undertaking i don't know if i'll ever do that i'll be having a review party by myself on my couch you know i might do the same marlene i might do the same we shall see but because we're at the bottom of the comments and i really want to be productive let's start a sprint i think we'll go for 45 minutes because that's my huge and i will probably disappear for those 45 minutes because i need to go and film the video but then i'll come back and we can sprint together and then i'll be editing and staring into your soul while i don't do so so you know it's gonna be fun it's gonna be lots of fun so let's get the first sprint started i'll make the timer big since i'm not gonna be here um and let's just get started now hello how did we all do did we have a nice productive 45 minutes did we have a fun 45 minutes what did you do what did you read let me know i would love to know how is your saturday going i managed to film the video that i was wanting to film so that's good it's all filmed and in the next spring probably two or three sprints i will be editing it so yes it's going well this is allowing me to do my watch do so i'm happy but where was i i'm rejecting the great gatsby it's outside my comfort zone but still every day good i really enjoyed the great gatsby i read that for uni um to study and like write essays on everything and i really really enjoyed it so i hope you're enjoying it too i'll add my tb i'll add my tbr books to my shelves and then read six of crows nice my plan i'm hoping to get another billy bootcase within the next couple of months i will of course do a bookshelf organization video but i really want to have like a because i'll have two one that is like books afraid and one that is big sister literate that's what i'm hoping for but we'll see how it goes um hi everyone hello i'm reading get a live chloe brown what a wonderful book i love that series so much yes i agree hi everyone i'm bridging laura at the moment oh how are you finding that i've heard mixed opinions on that one but i do still want to read it for myself reading a man called ovie i think is how you pronounce that i've heard amazing things about that book as well just believe you were just friends yay thank you for joining still reading crime and punishment oh that is a lengthy book but since you're doing sprint then maybe i'll finish it today you will how much have you got left to go i feel like you could do it i have faith in you go into your beat for a few minutes to finish the chapter do it i hope you already have done that i completely completely completely understand what's the word i'm looking for i don't know but yes do it um 32 pages very nice planned a video i read 36 pages of in the ravenous dark i'm obsessed with it all of that i love how you're totally obsessed with the book here we do pages look at you go chloe you're finished with that book today it's happened managed 42 pages very very straight a bit late but right about 20 very good 38 pages will probably finish in two more sprints that's exciting currently we did this ancestor-approved inter tribal stories for kids oh that sounds interesting i hope you're enjoying it well my voice squeaked a lot there um read two chapters of the are broken it's a slow read so far but i think i like it good got some housework done and listened to the road trip audio book almost halfway through and enjoying it i really want to read that film's my five star predictions and started our secret tbr vlog oh they need to have it washed they will be reading what a productive day you're having christy i love it i am a body shop at home rep so i've been setting up my page and making up some paper packs to say to people to review love that i've thought about doing it before probably won't now but i love that for you wrote two pages of my assignment very good managed 35 pages and transitioned to my office for the rest of the day very good 30 pages i've only about 80 pages left of my book straight on till morning nice i'm blurry am i frozen or am i just that's annoying this is new because my internet goes like in and out maybe i should move rooms maybe i'll move rooms in the next sprint and we'll see if it's better because my router is in the other room so maybe i'll be better even closer to it oh no that's so annoying okay i'm gonna try and move rooms in the next sprint then and see if that makes it any better i've got a little thing up on the screen right now that's saying that the internet is low comes up on stream yard so maybe it's gonna it so this does that and it sorts itself out again we'll see we'll see anyway where it was i just got here and started the right swipe nice master of sorrows don't mind me being an early don't worry like i literally posted them 20 minutes before i came on so don't worry it was very impromptu i'm reading six cribs and cranes by elizabeth lim though nice hope you're enjoying it got maybe 120 pages left i think should be doable if it actually sits out and read you could do it i have filthy for you just joined after booking by vacci yay exciting i want mine so bad enjoying laura a lot but it's missing some world building okay i don't actually know what the criticism is for i've just heard a lot of people say they didn't like it so maybe i should look into that if you want a paper patch review then hit me up oh i might have to do that you might have a dm coming your way i've just started full disclosure i really want to read that book it sounds amazing um not too bad just a little like you're not freezing not freezing just not very okay well not freezing is good but yeah i might try and move just to see if it makes the quality a little bit better sorry guys hopefully we'll get that sorted out um only 30 pages that i got distracted but 30 more than before the sprint's still only 40 pages left so i'm really excited for the next spread that is great i don't know what you're talking about be proud of yourself there is wonderful um didn't get any reason dub i started doing laundry and eat some breakfast very productive that's what we like yep i'm loving it so much that boy sex cribs and queens yes i'm glad you're enjoying it and finished your chapter it managed 40 pages lovely made coffee and read 25 pages look at us all go we're so productive today um favorite pages of you how are you finding it are you enjoying it i have a lot of audible credits any wrecks i don't actually use audible i don't listen to audiobooks so i can't help you but hopefully people in the comments can i've tried so many times to get into audiobooks and i just really really struggle with them so yeah i'm not the audiobook gal for you i'm afraid i'm sorry uh but yeah basically i need to edit this video in the next couple of sprints hopefully and then the little things coming up so i'm assuming i'm bloody again yeah i need to edit this video and then i need to read because like i said i've not started views of nightmares yet and it needs to be read for next week but i have faith in myself we all know that i read straight to dreamwork the majority of it in one day so we should be fine we should be good um what i do then is just go straight into another sprint right now and that way i can hopefully sort out this quality oh the sanatorium i want to read that but not on audio but it looks really interesting so if you like audio books i would definitely try it um and kings of the wild yeah we're getting lots of wrecks thanks guys that's what i love we could all help each other out it's lovely you gave me both audio books yeah i just can't do it i just sold out i cannot do it i try maybe i'll listen to like one chapter and then my brain just zones out it goes anywhere else it's just it's not fun um yeah let's just go straight into our sprint right now and then that way i can move rooms and hopefully make this a little bit better so i might just appear for a couple of seconds and then hopefully i'll come back in better quality so let's get started i'll just go 45 minutes again but feel free to like drop a comment in if you'd like it longer i probably will go any shorter than 45 minutes because i feel like i need 45 minutes to get myself in the zone but if you want longer just let me know so let's start now hello hello oh my god this is like a really weird place how did we all do i have moved as you will have seen to my bedroom which i'm hoping it's going to be better signal wise a couple people commented to begin with saying that it was looking better so let's hope it stays that way i'm really sorry if it doesn't it might just be that i have really weird signal in this area that i live in so we'll see fingers crossed it'll be okay and let me know how you all did what you were doing how you are i made the thumbnail for tomorrow's video which i'm really happy with it's not often that i say that but i really like that from the other tomorrow's video so hopefully you will too and now i am just editing it i think i've only edited yeah i've edited like two minutes of 21 so it's gonna it's gonna take a while but i also think i did a lot of like breaking in that video because i had to like look up blurbs and things like there's a few quite a few bits i'll have to just cut out so hopefully it won't take too long but yes i will be editing that in the next sprint as well hopefully get a good chunk of that done and then i can go on to reading but let's see what everyone else is up to where was i here 12 pages left of good girl by blood what are you thinking of it i love that book i gave it five out of five stars as i did google's day to murder that series it's just so good and i cannot wait for the third one to come out oh my god i forgot it was on this and you speaking terrified me i'm sorry it's always difficult after those 45 minutes i feel like you get into like a false sense of security and then my voice just breaks out of that but if it's any consolation i have the timer going in my ear that sometimes gives me the fright of my life so it's no longer blurry yay hopefully it stays that way um i read 23 pages took some book photos for instagram and bought some bookmarks on etsy what a lovely bookish time i love that okay it's looking good looking perfect yay that's what i like to hear maybe it's just that room maybe it wasn't getting the signal properly hey i read 35 pages i'm so intrigued oh i love that feeling 35 pages it took a mini nap nice i might need one of those later on loving women in the window i want to read that so badly i don't know if i should read it before i watch the film i'm not decided yet because i'm really intrigued by the film and it keeps staring at me every time i go on netflix so we'll see i do like to read the book first but i need to know what's going on with that story it sounds so good had two rough books this week so hopefully this will help me avoid a slob it sounds like the perfect fit for that it sounds like one that'll just you'll just race for it feels so good about yourself and i read about 120 pages of the lore olympus webtoon oh very nice managed to read forty percent of an arc a video hasn't been blurry since she moved ribs yay okay that makes me so happy hopefully i'll stay that way for the rest of the day maybe this will have to be my sprint room that's fine it means i get to sit in bed so i'm not really complaining hello joined at 20 minutes i'm glad that reading in very nice thank you for joining click on the video click on the thing there we go i did laundry and then switch books to hex and read five percent i don't think i know that one but it seems interesting um 73 pages chloe 250 pages left you're definitely doing this today i don't know why you even start by saying oh i don't know if i'll do it because we all know you well you need to give me your powers i read 30 pages yay this book is so freaking good i haven't read a fantasy i'm this obsessive in a little while i love that that is how i felt about from blood and ash obsessed can't i need to pick up the next one but i need to remove these nightmares first read 50 pages yay that is so good 50 pages in 45 minutes not too shabby enjoyed a little late but i should be 34 pages of know my name very nice did not read just watch the youtube nice we'll go on my bike during the next spread perfect joins about 20 minutes going around 15 pages very good got 46 more pages read 200 more pages to finish this book oh are you doing it today is the plan to do it today it sounds doable if you are writing by book i wrote 1 519 words wow you're on a roll you must have some serious like flow glenn i like that just joined are you hoping to do one or more sprints hopefully more um definitely what are we at 25 plus four maybe minimum two more sprints i don't know if i'll do another one on top of that but i'll definitely do two more so hope you're okay i am doing very good now amber thank you for i had to castle this first on thursday i don't know yeah i'll just tell you it's not like yeah basically i had cancer on thursday because i had a blister on my foot that somehow got seriously infected and my whole foot swelled up went bright red could barely walk on it it's ridiculous like i did not know this could happen from a blister basically i had to get antibiotics for it and the agitators have been making me feel horrendous so that was why i couldn't go ahead with my friends on thursday because honestly i felt ls but i'm happy that i've got someone today but thank you so much for checking on me that's so sweet of you hey hello welcome caught the live late reading war storm from the red queen series about 10 pages lovely that's how's it so good i'm very intrigued by that series read 55 pages of dj and the sex oh daisy jones and sex i was like dj the sex oh what's that daisy jones i actually know that one are you proud of me i love that book um on my phone the whole sprint nobody's judging you i do it too i do it so often sometimes you're on there and then suddenly they start talking again you're like no way was i on my phone for the last 45 minutes reading behind her eyes before watching the netflix series and woe is so good so far so i if you watched my thrifted book haul recently got behind her behind her eyes behind her book eyes behind her eyes in a charity shop and i want to read it before i could tell you the series because i think i read like watched like three episodes of the cv series and i was really really enjoying it but then when i realized it was a book first i really wanted to read the book first because i think it'd be really interesting because i'm stupid we have unreliable narrators and unreliable narrators are my favorite thing in the world so yes i want to read that before i go on and finish the series but it sounds so good hex it's a dutch horror oh reading it for chloe's book club i'm loving it i love about horror i might have to look that up you know cleaning and packing join towards the end of the sprint thank you for joining i'm here for you while you clean and pack i'm hoping i'm hoping right i still have three books on my tbr for me and one is from blood and ash now this happened to me from modern ash was one of my books on my tbr and i didn't think there was any way i was going to finish it because she is chunky but she is a quick read like oh my god jennifer l armin tries right in you just get so lost in it it goes so fast so you can do it i believe in you hello i'm joining and i'm reading yay thank you for joining the visible adelaide root and i'm finishing it tonight i really like it good i loved the writing of that book i thought it was absolutely beautiful so i'm glad you're enjoying it too unreliable knowing aaron is wild i need to pick up asap i don't know why i'm i'm so excited it looks so good i love i love a normal moderator it's my favorite thing in any book i just i love reading i've been like can we trust you i don't know are you lying to us right now love it love it so yeah maybe we oh really enjoying dr sleep i so i've read the shining i wasn't completely keen i feel like it was my problem with the shine is because i think i went into it expecting it to be something it wasn't that's the problem when it comes to like horrors i much prefer like ghosts and spirits and things like that if it's like creatures and weird hedge animals they're not really for me it doesn't frighten me and when i read a horror i want it to frighten me so i wasn't 100 into it but dr sleep i really really really enjoyed the film so i'm going to try the book at some point and that was my little rant there you go i really want to continue with the footballing aspects i had to finish in from one ash last week but i have to finish a few library work first library books first before they need to be returned fair enough yeah i really want to read the next one as well but i've just got other things i need to do first i can't wait to get back into it my friend really didn't like well no she likes the first one but she didn't think it was like amazing like everyone thought but she was obsessed with the second one and i love the first one so i don't know how obsessed i'm gonna be with the second one it is very psychological see i like psychological and i did like those aspects to it it was just just the hedge animals they just they did nothing for me you know i don't know maybe it's just me because i know people absolutely rave about stephen king um it's from larger good book to get ready to get into fantasy or would someone else be better i would say it would be um purely because her writing is very like easy to reach i think and it's a sort of thing that like sucks you in and if you want to get into fantasy i think that's one that you would like really enjoy the only thing people will say that is a bit info dumpy i didn't completely agree with that i felt like it was okay there may be some things that come up and you don't understand them at first you understand them later but it was simple enough to read it wasn't like proper high fantasy or anything and if you enjoy romance the romance in it is really good and i always say sometimes a way to get into fantasy is to read a fantasy romance because at least you've got the romance side even if you don't like the fantasies out so that makes sense hopefully and my nose played again though i didn't last long at all thankfully oh i'm sorry i have never ever had a nosebleed i don't know what it feels like but it doesn't look fun so i'm sorry i hope you're okay and with that maybe we'll start another sprint because i do really want to get this video edited asap so yeah let's do it let's get our way timer up and again i'm just going to go 45 i feel like 45's a good amount of time so let us get started now hello hello how did we all get on did we have a nice productive 45 minutes i got quite a lot done i now have about three minutes of my video left to edit so that's excited that'll be done in the next sprint and then i can eat because i'm so hungry now but like i've only had toast today that's not enough i need more food so i'll eat i will maybe read the next friend and then once we're done i will get it uploaded for tomorrow evening so yeah i'm thinking one more sprint and then i'll just have the even to chill out i hope that is okay with everyone but yeah let's see what everyone has been up to yes emma thank you welcome to cap contemporary the best team there is a god christmas covers are really appreciated but it's good well i hope you enjoy it i hope it's all right for you oh that's a shame damn i'm sorry i don't know maybe there's just something about my nose i don't know but i've never had one i feel for you though that's not fun um sorry i've been issued you in the chat do not apologize i worked on the exact same thing i had twenty pages left i want to stop but i finished five stars it was a reread but i forgot so much and i loved it even more this time amazing i love that i haven't actually reread that many books but i feel like i should do more with ones that i really enjoy i'm actually planning to be read the heart stopper volume soon because i've got the fourth one though but i want to reread the first three and then go straight on to the fourth one so i'm thinking of doing a little reading vlog for that just reading all of them in one day that's the plan 55 pages and started dinner nice 40 pages finished studying for today yay congratulations wrote another three pages of our assignment wow so productive 45 pages i read six percent more of hicks and i'm very glad i'm reading this in daylight oh my god is it scary oh i might i really might have to look this one up if it's actually creepy i love that i want to page 64 of red queen and get into it now nice joining in from work welcome finish my book yay got 19 minutes of the mother of all christmases 39 pages also put some books away very productive i also joined cat contemporary cat wait yay welcome to the team i'm so excited it's not long to go now guys it's gonna be so much fun june's gonna be such a great month got another 150 pages of lower olympics red very good very fast 90 minutes left i mean i thought you might have been that but i didn't want to see 90 minutes oh my god you're so close you're getting this done um watched youtube i've read 11 pages very good i actually really need to catch up on so many people's videos it's so hard staying up today also what team is everyone for whatever i thought yes let us know i would like to know as well finished a lot of cleaning honestly never done one of these but i've got so much done yay i'm glad i love i love to movie people i always feel so much more motivated if i'm doing sprints or watching sprints it's just something about everyone getting productive and zoning in together for those little sprints i love it i'm all about that got through 50 pages of war storm almost on chapter 9 e exciting epic and high very good epic and high drama queen just read 85 pages of fetish daisy jones in tears the end then is so good of daisy jones that was my favorite thing about it i hope they're good tears i hope you loved it more epic and high commas of chaos middleweight monarchs aka the wedding team i don't think so them i don't think so just you wait and see drama queens chaos drama queens drama queens there's a lot of epic and high energies and drama queens which doesn't surprise me considering who is the host who are the hosts for those teams they're good hosts and read 36 pages and just made it to part two very exciting ethic and hi join do the drama queens really looking forward to it i am really looking forward to i can't wait on monday i think i've got the day off so i'm planning to film my tbr pong for but i'm thinking i might make sure that all of the prompts that are on the cups are props that i can make work for whatever thought i mean most of them will be able to but i'm going to take out things that like aren't going to be good because i'm going to want things still tie in with contemporaries that's the plan anyway so yeah i'll be filming that on mondays hopefully i'll put that up next week i think i'm actually going to premiere it i've never premiered a video before so i hope people are excited about that i'm really scared because if i've like watched that along with everyone and i've edited something really badly it's going to be really embarrassing but fingers crossed i won't have it should be exciting temperature of the audiobook of touch of darkness well peaking 37 and now nice that's my second choice but i finished most of the middle grades on my tbr i do think i want to try get some middle grades in there i've not read many middle grades in a while what was the last i think the last one i read was me my dad at the end of the rainbow that was a really good one oh i agree all the hosts are awesome hosts it's gonna be so much fun i can't wait packing yeah okay i thought i might be packing i said pk because that's what it said but i was like i don't know what that means if that is what you mean packing that makes a lot more sense so yeah i was going to say something else but it's completely gone out of my head oh i love premieres good okay that makes me more excited i think maybe i'll premiere it next sunday night because i usually put up a video on a sunday night now rather than a saturday so maybe i'll primary it's under thunder sunday night and then we can all watch me cry and try and throw balls into cups together that'll be fun we can all laugh at me i'm definitely going to read frost heart 2 though um do i have even have any middle grades left i don't know i'm gonna go make dinner and then eurovision later thanks the sprints and the chats you are so welcome thank you so much for joining marlene joining marlene i hope you have a lovely evening and really enjoy your revision i'm sure it'll be lots of fun okay dog maybe we should start our final sprinting and i could get this video edited and then eat see this is what happens when i don't eat my brain just stops working and i can't speak anymore so yeah let's get our last spread up and away and we shall begin hi guys how did we get on i finished editing my video and the thumbnail and everything i've updated my reading journal ready for the book that i'm gonna be starting this evening and then i stopped because i'm tired and i need food and i can't concentrate on anything else so i've really just been going through my phone for like the last 20 minutes but that's fine it's fine hopefully you guys have had more productive time let me know what you did if you read whatever and how you're doing and then we shall head off and i shall actually get some dinner there were a few people joining and leaving there i think i've caught most people um to say goodbye but i'm sorry if i missed you um yeah i think i missed you but you'll be gone but i hope you enjoyed your dinner i finished my book i got pizza and white on the go oh my god match made in heaven pizza and wine yes that was the last sprint yeah just because i need food i need to chill out now uh but yeah that was the last spread but hopefully i'll be doing some more soon i really like i always say i do want to try to do the weekly but i can't really find a day that works because my shifts are all over the place but i'll probably just do more of this just like impromptu ones whenever i can hopefully in the future i'll be able to give you at least a couple of days in the west though just so you're aware um read 32 pages i had pizza everyone's having pizza i'm so jealous you are so welcome thank you so much for joining a 16 pages raised 128 to go so we'll finish that off after a bubble bath oh my god chloe i'm so jealous would love a bubble bath i might have one tonight you know all i managed to join for the last sprint but global 100 pages into the gentleman's guide and by some virtue it's so good i love that book i'm glad you're enjoying it too finished amari yay well done need to read that so badly and you are so welcome thank you for joining me second job done yay hopefully you'll be feeling okay i know if you people have had quite bad side effects for the second one but hopefully you'll be one of the people that don't sending you all my love and good vibes having a chat emma what are you doing to me i'm so jealous with love a chinese right now they read 30 pages nice finish the open the window oh my god it's like a temporary and a thriller and one olivia those are my two favorite genres we're gonna put them into one book seriously oh my god i'm gonna have to read it sooner uh i'm gonna have to pick it up maybe i'll pick it up next month who knows i'm excited it looks so good every time i see a little trailer start to pop up on netflix i have to try and click off it as soon as possible because i don't want to know anything i already kind of know what it's about i didn't want to know but the trailer started playing on netflix and i couldn't find the remote so it played so that's that hey where were we i love you i'm assuming that's supposed to say rex so i hope you love it too that's good then hopefully i will love it it does sound like it's one that's up my street so hopefully we will agree oh my god yeah rex don't worry you can't type i can't speak so it's fine we're all in the same boat ready to 476 percent of touch of darkness that had some steak fajitas oh yum everyone's having such nice dinners finished half of the book i'm so happy i am happy for you well done made lunch made coffee and read 16 pages nice so excited for camp contemporary i have the british sister trilogy and all four volumes of heart stopper i love list on my tbr oh my god what a good tbr i have a copy of loveless so i might try and add that to my tbr as well i feel like that would work maybe i'll try and read it with you emma i started the house of the cereal and see i bought two books but i love this experience house of the silly sirloin z is such a good pick oh my god five stars love that book with my whole heart read about 50 more pages about chapter 11 of war storm thanks for hosting the sprint you are so welcome thank you so much for joining me with that i am going to sign off because i am starving so i'm going to go get some dinner but thank you so so much to everyone who has joined me today i will have loved getting some not reading productivity and it has been nice chatting to you all as always i always love have a little chat on these solo sprints so yeah i'm going to sign off just now but thank you again and i will hopefully see you in some more sprints very soon
Channel: What India Read
Views: 1,081
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: reading sprints, reading sprints live, reading sprints live now, live reading sprints, productivity sprints, productivity sprints live, productivity sprints live now, live productivity sprints, reading and productivity sprints, live reading and productivity sprints, reading and productivity sprints live now, solo reading sprints, live solo reading sprints, solo reading sprints live now, read with me, what india read
Id: MzqfD8b_mYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 44sec (13544 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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