IMPOSSIBLE LANDING Dropper Into a DUMPSTER In Fortnite Chapter 2

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so as you know with fortnight chapter 2 a ton has been added to the game but the one thing that we seem to be the most obsessed with is dumpsters I'm not really sure why one of the things we found out the dumpsters can actually do no matter what height you drop in them from you'll be absolutely fine it's long did you land inside so today we thought why not build some droppers in the battle royale map and then compete against each other to see who can complete each other's droppers now if you guys want to see another build challenge I'll upload another one at 30,000 lights that's your goal today guys oh and how could I forget coats logo the coolest code in the world for you to use in the four night item shop if you want to support the challenge just like this person and this person anyway let's get into the video Craner we are pretty far up in the sky right now I'm terrified of heights haven't I told you this before John yep which is exactly why I brought you up here you see you see that down there there's a little dumpster I can barely see you in a little tiny blob that's what we're gonna be jumping into today please no please no John already turned up to the video so you have to do it you're gonna be jumping first so what if I fail well that's that's the whole point of today's video I guess how much room do you need I want to be able to see you mate here okay I just wanna I want to stand here okay alright good good luck ready oh this is so I up give me a countdown okay three two one [Music] [Applause] did you actually get it I'm not gonna lie you look like you were miles away from landing in there okay what does it look like when someone's coming down from up top okay look okay you count me down okay okay three two I can't see where knees in the way crazy look how cool that is oh man I'm shaky sorry I don't high-five losers I just okay get out get out we've got that we got a video to make okay oh okay so our goal today is for each of us to build our own dropper and if we can make the other person fail oh I am a master at building droplets Josh you don't know what you're in for brah okay if you say so well um I guess I'll see you in a bit then okay good good luck with your your build but bye so this is the dumpster that I am gonna be building my dropper at the first thing that we should probably do is build sort of the I don't know like the base for it this will be kind of the big tube but me and crane it will have to drop down to get in here now I don't want to make it too big otherwise it's gonna be really hard to make it difficult but I want to make it too small this is probably that's good we're gonna build walls around it as well going all the way up so that means that we should be able to have more room to put obstacles when you're falling down this is perfect now I'm not gonna lie this is gonna take a while we don't have dumpsters inside of creative unfortunately so we're doing it old-school we're doing it playground style all right work seems to be going pretty well so far it's a bit messy inside obviously because I'm having to do a lot of building just to get up high enough to build these walls but the way I'm kind of doing it as I'm doing the sort of three levels metal and then one layer of brick and I think that looks pretty cool wood is just kind of what I'm using to help me build everything right now it's like by scaffolding material but yeah building the walls is definitely gonna be taking the longest all right this is how the dropper is looking so far I've built the staircase up the side which is what we'll be using to get to the top but I'm pretty much nearly there on the outside it's looking good then all I need to do is work on the interior and making it a tough dropper and so far so good I'm running out of a ton of resources though not having creative is very sad makes me cry all right I think I've got to the top point I'm just building a little jumping area Oh what that I don't know what happened here all right I think that's good so pretty much let me just open this up there we go this is the dropper right here now it's obviously full of wooden bits right now so we're gonna have to sort of change this a lot to figure out how this is actually gonna be tough but hey it's looking good this is the next step so let's play some bits I'm not really sure how to make this hard I'm gonna keep the interior like wooden things I guess it obviously needs to be a actual pathway down it needs to be doable but we can kind of do that ourselves as we work our way down this platform I think so currently they could fall down here okay this might be harder than I thought actually I guess the best way to do it is to constantly sort of look up and see where there is gaps that people could fall all the way through okay this is like locked down so I guess if they come down this way then they can start moving over to this side pretty much okay well just got to the bottom building all the way down I cannot see the top from the bottom though so we're gonna have to double check this I'm currently this might not even be possible all right so I've been working on the interior for a little bit I'm not gonna lie it isn't easy I've been trying to basically make it I fell accident okay hold on a second so I think the sweet spot is just here you need to fall like that and then ah to the side and then make it into the dumpster now I have to actually be able to do this myself for it to be complete so if I can do this then I think we're done now I've made sure there's a lot of other areas where you could oh that's oh that's another spot that you could do okay so now we have options we just have to be able to do it alright let's see if we can complete this gap here don't see the dope I see it there we go perfect okay we made it inside the dumpster so it's officially doable let's go and see what crane is done great are you done hey wait a second is that what is he a one-by-one yeah okay I know you made like a giant tower over there yeah okay this looks a lot tougher than I thought but alright this is really tough I died like five time testing yeah I died a few times as well so I guess should we head to the top then yeah I'll show you a show where do I have to do that as well over there okay just a double check have you actually completed this once yourself okay you can't bounce down there okay as long as you show me and promise me that it is doable then we're good it is 100% doable right yeah see where the dumpster is first oh that's probably a good idea yeah come on in here it's right there oh there we go okay so we've got a dumb yep confirmed confirm no cheating good now if you want to go up here all you gotta do is go to my beautifully place door and it's wide available for Wow thank you that's very I mean I would have preferred a launch pad but this will work okay yeah you know we're gonna have to exercise a bit also I placed a little safety railing you know so you don't fall I appreciate that you know I am made of food so I could slide through the gaps that's thank you very much right here oh wait all right so we have to jump from a different platform into the dropper yes and trust me you're gonna have to get ready to move your character back and I okay this is do you remember what corner the dumpster was yeah that's bad need to remember back right corner I believe do you want me to go first are you like I guess I guess I guess I go first I mean you've already done it okay I don't even know what to expect inside of there but all right here goes nothing I did five times I'm going to okay that was pretty good I mean nice I mean it was back and forwards a couple times are you meaning to tell me you made it more difficult than mine it might be a little bit more difficult than that I thought I did good wait just a drop a pro I did you have a spike trap in there by the way yeah I wanted to scare you with it but you didn't really get it didn't even get set off I got I want to go see it there's the sneaky spike trap I see it right there we should have been on different teams so you want to get hit by yeah probably would have been a good idea but all right well now I get to see it that's I can't actually see yeah I can't see the dumpster from up here so see that's what I wanted to be scary about it I didn't want to make it impossible Josh I still like you know what I I think you shouldn't have told me where the dumpster is I think that would have been way more difficult I'm trying to be nice ah you died too bad alright I'll meet you at mine okay alright so this is the build of my dropper as you can see cheating is a little bit sicker design yeah I went I did some mail and break mail bringeth oh look pretty cool huh you just have to show me up ha ha you just have to be done I didn't even look at yours okay this is just what I was building okay that's just mean all right relax okay yeah so here's my dumpster this is jellies channel obviously okay so um yeah and then if I wait don't look up that's cheating I've decided okay I'm not looking okay look at my face not looking I'm looking down yeah I can I'm come on you buddy so yeah we need to head to the top so let's welcome to my dropper crane oh gosh it's a little bit more packed in than your one are you kidding me I made a nice little noob dropper for you and you make this freakin yeah I'm not gonna say that it's easy I don't even know what I'm looking just trust me that it is doable okay yeah I mean I guess do you have any tips and tricks or something but back and forwards give me a high five before I go sure buddy sorry I might have slipped off the edge I think you should just go see it might take you a couple attempts okay ready yep good luck three two one ah good first attempt though it's not the best results on your first what were you even thinking just jump into the middle and hope for the best okay I mean I don't know what I'm looking at here looks like somebody threw up would ya and just plain oh no I mean pretty much I didn't I only built the wood in there after the fact and just saw through a lot down and it ended up making a dropper so maybe Kate I think it ought to do this time okay if you say so ready all right struggling a little bail on you maybe you should try looking around a bit more rather than just jumping from the exact same place every time you actually give me a hint right now you be nice I'm not no I'm just saying to think and different options that's all you never not be anywhere to get down from here wait I see grass sea grass oh yes you making this up as you go along on you [Music] [Applause] you're so good at lead robbers alright I'm coming down as well this is definitely the sweet spot the way that you would this guy this guy as I was saying the way that you were doing you just try again the way you were doing it down this way I think it was is actually completely doable it is yeah say you did it both ways so congratulations off the story I sock sure yeah if that's how you want to leave it alright well there's a bunch of other different things we can jump on umbrellas other dumpsters other jellies channels hay bales that's true so I guess if people want to see us do those than they what should they do hey and even comment - okay now you're asking too much and also maybe send us a birthday present when it's our birthday they will do it okay that sounds fair bye bye there's a cake you know say bye Creina bye remember to use coats logo in the fortnight store if you want to be cooler than all of your friends you can thank me later bye [Music]
Channel: Slogo
Views: 2,557,669
Rating: 4.9365139 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, fortnite, chapter 2, chapter two, dropper, dumpster, crainer
Id: TwxvDoHNAaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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