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what's going on guys john elder here from and in this video got some announcements all right guys happy monday morning and in this video i've just got a few announcements we're coming up on the end of the year here and i wanted to take just a couple of minutes to tell you kind of what's going on with the channel and the website and what you can expect going forward into 2022 and also tell you about some pricing changes at if you're interested in joining now is definitely the time because the price is going up dramatically in the new year and that's one of the main things i want to talk about in this video so up until now you guys are probably aware my website that has all my courses is 79. so you can click here and you can sign up for 79 bucks and get all the courses you can take individual courses there's almost 50 courses there now for 29 each just pick a specific course if you just want to take that or you can get them all for 79 now if you watch this channel at all you know that in most videos i give coupon codes for massive discounts 30 off he pages 49 for access to everything now that is not a monthly charge that's not a yearly charge it's not annual it's not you know semi-annual it's not anything it's a one-time fee 49 with the coupon code youtube won but all of the prior coupon codes that i've ever mentioned are going to expire at the end of this year so they won't work anymore and we're going to be changing the price on we've got to raise it you know everything is more expensive these days bandwidth costs more hosting costs more even processing charges for credit cards and paypal for you know when people sign up to the website those charges have jumped dramatically in the last few months you know you're paying attention to the world covid governments of the world printed up all this money we've got inflation prices are rising for everything and it's you know hit me too so i'm going to raise the price not just because of that but also because in the new year we've got a pretty aggressive strategy for new courses and we're really going to be adding lots of great content to the site and even 79 dollars is just too cheap for this any one of these courses at thirty dollars if you start to add them up we could pull these up we've got almost 50 courses at let's say 29 each that's 1450. right anywhere else that's what you would pay for courses of this quality and i think you know i think my courses are pretty good i think you probably agree if you're watching this video you know so if i charge what they were worth 1450 charging 79 or with a coupon code 49 for all of this content it's just too cheap these days so we're going to be more than tripling the cost of membership in the new year i know that's a dramatic change but i think you'll understand when you see all the new content we're going to be doing in the new year i've got some new offices i'm moving into so we'll have different setups different sets that we can have different things going on and i think it's gonna be really fun and even tripling the prize i think it's still way cheaper than it should be and i hope i hope people agree so that being said you guys my long time watchers and viewers and subscribers on this youtube channel i want to make sure you guys have a chance to get membership at the current price right now before we raise the prices in the new year you know you guys have been with me forever i want to make sure you can take advantage of this so if you come down here click on enroll click on sign up this is the sign up page you can see membership is normally 79. if you click here you can enter a coupon code as always the coupon code is youtube one if you click apply boom it bops it down to 49. that price will be good for the rest of the year up until the beginning of 2022 when we're going to be raising the price to almost 300 so you know now is the time i would say definitely jump on this now you can use any major credit card or paypal you know whichever you prefer and uh you know take advantage of that now please please before the price goes up so if you're not familiar with the website this is it we've got like i said almost 50 courses and they're all listed here on this main page so if you don't know exactly what's involved check out this main page read through these these are all the courses see if there's something you like if there's a couple of courses that you like total membership makes sense you get them all it's a one-time fee you're never charged anything ever again you also get access to all my best-selling coding books i've written a number of best-selling coding books they're all available in pdf format you can view on your computer you can save on your computer you can download print out whatever you want to do with they're available for you there you also get access to me if you have questions about any video on any course you can post right under that video and i'm the person that answers those questions we don't have a staff of people that are you know answering questions for people that's just me so if you have a question on a video post it below the video and i will answer that personally and that's just part of membership now some people think when i say that that i'll be their consultant forever that's not the case i'm here to answer questions about the videos not about the project you're working on at work right i'm not going to help you with code for your master's thesis in college i'm here to help you with the videos in the courses and that's all but i think even that is a tremendous value at no extra cost you know so you know definitely take advantage of that if you ever have a question on any of these videos that you're watching that's that's what i'm here for so just scroll through here look at all these you can click on any of them and get more information there's a little video you can watch describing them you know you see exactly what videos are in there here is a list of the videos in the courses so you can see exactly what's in there right you can't watch them from here but well i can't because i'm logged in but that's it and when you sign up you log in and you go to your video dashboard and here's the video dashboard we'll be revamping this in the new year as well to make it a little bit more sort of easy to navigate right now we've just got a list of all the courses and if you want to watch one you just click on it to expand and start watching the video you mark each as complete so if i mark this as complete and then go back here well i don't remember which one i clicked on but you can see right here there's a little check mark that shows that you've watched it and of course if you watch all the videos you get a certificate that shows that you completed the course which is a nice little thing to have and uh so that's cool so that's membership and you know i have to raise the price i've kept it as cheap as i can as long as i can but like i said spiraling costs all over the place plus in the new year i think you're really going to be excited about all the content changes we're going to be making and as a member you get all the new courses that ever come out for free so that's a you know one-time fee as i add more courses they just pop up in your dashboard nothing for you to do no extra charges nothing for you to click on or anything they just appear and you can watch them and uh that's cool so that's the one major announcement i wanted to make and give you guys plenty of time to get in there and get the cheap price while it's still there you know i don't want to spring anything on anybody and just one day boom have the price triple on you guys i want to give you guys a chance to get the cheaper price and so there you go the other announcement i have sort of a lesser announcement next week i'm going on vacation so i may have videos i may not it just depends on how productive i am this week if i can record some extra videos and have them ready to go next week they'll be there if not i don't take vacations ever this is going to be my first really really actually my first real vacation probably in a decade maybe longer i don't know it's been a while so uh you know i'll try and be around to answer questions as i can but you know i'm gonna go vacation so next week i may or may not be around much if i'm not that's what's going on i'm just on vacation and we'll pick things up again in the new year i've got lots of cool stuff planned lots of new content you know the last year we've been doing basically five things monday has been kivy tuesday's been kinter wednesday has been django thursday's pie qt5 and friday has been flask i'm going to be adding a lot more content to that so uh we won't just be doing those five things anymore we'll be doing lots of other things like i said we're moving into new office space which will allow me to have different sets set up so there'll be all kinds of different kind of content as well me talking about different programming things different programming topics and that should be a good new year so i'm looking forward to all that hopefully you guys are too and yeah that's pretty much it so that's all for this video and i'll see you in the next one
Views: 1,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, john elder, coupon code, discount
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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