Importance of Body Rotation - Make your breathing easier, smoother arm recovery, longer strokes

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you might think that when swimming freestyle you're swimming on your stomach the entire time this is not the case to swim efficiently and smoothly you need to rotate your body around your long axis with every stroke you make for more than one reason [Music] the first reason to rotate your body is to increase propulsion since you're using large muscle groups your reach will increase dramatically when rotating and therefore your stroke length as well [Music] secondly your arm recovery becomes smoother by rotating your body you're creating more space for your shoulders to move and to bring your arms back forward smoothly after every pull through finally breathing to the side is easier because you create more space for your head to turn how to do it to improve your body rotation focus on rotating your shoulders and hips your hips are aligned with your shoulders which causes your lower body to rotate as well the entire body rotates up to 45 to 60 degrees to the side depending on your shoulder mobility while keeping your head in neutral position rotate your shoulders in and out of the water with every pull you make lift your shoulder out of the water during the recovery and press your shoulder into the water and pulling through start rotating when one hand has entered the water and the other hand is pushing off at the back of the stroke alternatives with every arm pull by engaging your core you can rotate and maintain your streamline at the same time the kick follows along your rotation and is therefore turning sideways as well the focus points focus on rotating your shoulders and hips and let the body follow along a rotation of 45 degrees is optimal when the breathing keep your head still while rotating and look towards the bottom of the pool engage your core with every pull to maintain streamline while rotating [Music] improve your body rotation with our extensive collection of drills and instruction videos at swim gym calm you will learn how to start rotating more how to balance your body and how to swim more efficiently [Music]
Channel: SwimGym
Views: 33,099
Rating: 4.9492064 out of 5
Keywords: Swimming, tutorial, freestyle, triathlon, breaststroke, swimcoach, swimtraining, trililfe, borstcrawl, zwemles, schoolslag, swimrun, howto, bodyrotation, frontcrawl, swimtutorial
Id: BCkTpgyoMu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 52sec (172 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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