Import Illustrator File to After Effects for Animation

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hello everyone and welcome my name is bobby and you're watching mind island design in this video i'll be going over two ways you can easily import your artwork from adobe illustrator to after effects for animation the first way is by using your native illustrator working file and the second is my favorite workflow since i actually do more web designs which i'll cover later in this video the first thing you want to do is to make sure all of your layers are on their own top level layer as you can see i have this one layer and then i drop down and i have all these other sub layers and groups which after effects will not recognize so the first thing we want to do is to toggle on our layer and make sure it's selected select this fly out menu go down to release layers sequence and then select all of your layers within your top level layer and just drag that out and now we can delete our original layer and now i have to rename all my layers unfortunately so i'll do that and then i'll be right back now that i've renamed all my layers this working file is ready to be imported into after effects but before i do that let's head over to our asset export panel and if you don't see this you can go down to window and select asset export and now all we need to do is just drag and drop our assets into this panel that we want to export [Music] once all of your assets are in this panel you just want to highlight all of them by selecting one holding shift and selecting the very last you can change the format if you want i'm staying with png8 you can also stay with a vector format svg and then all that's left to do is hit export i've already exported these assets but once you are done uh let's head over to after effects and continue from there in after effects let's first import the illustrator working file by going to file import file find the working file and make sure you choose import as composition retain layer sizes and that create composition is checked and then select open let's double click on our composition that it's created and now we can see all of our layers or top level layers we had in illustrator are all here in after effects the next thing to do is to highlight all of them by selecting the top one and the bottom by holding shift and then going up to layer create and then create shapes from vector layer so now we have a duplicate of every layer so let's just select our vector layer holding command or control on a pc and then just select every other vector layer to delete [Music] and then just hit delete and now all of these shapes are ready to be animated in after effects now the second way to import your artwork is to manually create a composition so let's go to composition new composition and then we can rename this comp to whatever okay now the next thing you want to do is to find the file you exported all of your assets to and then simply drag and drop those into after effects and now all of these are all ready raster images so you don't need to export them and you're ready to start animating right away in after effects and that's how you can easily import assets from adobe illustrator to after effects for animation i hope this video helped if it did make sure to leave a thumbs up and subscribe so you don't miss any more helpful videos like this thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next video [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Mind Island Design
Views: 157,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe after effects, animate illustrator layers, illustrator animation after effects, illustrator layers to after effects, illustrator to after effects, working from illistrator to after effects, import illustrator file in after effects, import illustrator layers after effects, how to import illustrator file in after effects with layers, how to export illustrator layers to after effects, illustrator and after effects integration workflow, illustrator vector to after effects
Id: FnRJoag10Jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 50sec (230 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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