Implementation of Border Gateway Protocol(BGP) using Cisco Packet tracer

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hello everyone i am professor bina balal and today we will see implementation of a routing protocol which is border gateway protocol this protocol is an internal sorry external protocol which we also know it as a inter domain protocol or inter domain routing protocol so let's go ahead and implement the same so for this implementation we will require the end devices let me take these devices from your a pc under router i am taking a router which is pt router i will be using the automatic connections to connect my devices so when you see the entire network there are three networks which you are which you are able to view over here the first network we will name it as and this falls in the say autonomous system 100. the other network which is in between the router is 198.12 and the third network is and this 3.0 network happens to fall in another autonomous system which we will name it as 200 so i have three networks over here which are seen on your screen so let's first distinguish the network with the help of different colors i'm just using some fill color over here so this is one of my network and the other network is over here which you can see so there are two networks available with me and both the networks i am going to implement by using a routing protocol bgp okay so before that we need to configure our ip addresses for the end devices so this is and on the other side it is so these are my ip addresses all right okay so now let's configure the end devices desktop ip configuration 1.11 we have given do not forget to set the default gateway and on the other side this belongs to the network 3.0 so here it is for which the default gateway is okay so we have configured both our uh n devices now we will go ahead and try to make the links from red to green so this when you keep the cursor over here you can see fast ethernet port 0 0 so i'm going to the router config fast ethernet 0 0 this port belongs to the network so default gateway is 1.1 and i switch this on so same thing on the other side this is also fast ethernet 0 0 so i go on the router config fast ethernet 0 0 this belongs to 3 dot 0 so three dot one is the default gateway and i switch this on so my links in between the router and the end devices have turned green from red now next one is to make this link between the two routers active so if you keep the cursor over here you can see uh serial port two slash zero with a clock and the side serial two slash zero without a clock so we will do this particular configuration so here this is belonging to 2.0 network so 2 dot one is going to be the default gateway this side and it was with a clock so i set the clock to 64 000 64k and i switch this on and on the other side it was serial two slash zero but without a clock so i'm putting it on not set and this side it is two slash say two that is the default gateway on this side so 2 2 1 is this side and the other side is 2.2 i switch this on and i get the link which is turned from red to green so now when you see your network the entire network is green in color let's check the connectivity first now from here to here the packet is successful from here to here the packet is successful from my source to destination the packet is failed this is because we are yet to implement our bgp which is a routing protocol so once we implement that then successfully our packet will be delivered from source to destination now i need to implement bjp protocol for this i will be going to the cli of the router 1 as well as 2. so let's first do the router 1 cli first thing you have to exit the entire setup so i am exiting exit after that i am using a command which is router pgp vgp and hundred once i do that i'll have to inform the router which two networks are connected to it so if you just observe here to router 1 there is and okay so i will be informing the router through the command network is my one network and the other network is so i've informed the router that these are the two networks which are connected to you now next we have to also define the neighbor that is connected to that particular router so for that i use a command naigh bor neighbor and the neighbor to this is 198.123 and remote dash as 200 this particular 198.1 belongs to the uh this is the immediate neighbor and the second neighbor is n e i g h b o r neighbor 198.123 dot 3.2 this is the end device or the last pc on the right hand side and it is belonging to remote dash es 200 okay so we have defined that there are two networks and there are two neighbors and once i give this information to the router i need to exit the setup so on the left hand side i have already configured my border gateway protocol now you need to configure it on the right hand side router so again i will go to cli type exit to exit the setup then i will have to go to the use the command which is router bgp 200 so router pgp 200 then i need to define the network which are connected so network is the first network that is connected another network that is connected is 198.123 dot 3.0 so these are the two networks which are connected on both the sides of the router two then i need to define the neighbor so i will be defining the neighbor n-e-i-g-h-b-o-r-n-e-i-g-h-b-o-r neighbor and 198.123 dot the first neighbor is 2.1 which is 2.1 and it is belonging to the network remote network the remote is 100 so t remote dash e s space hundred so this is my first neighbor of the second router similarly second neighbor n e i g h b o r neighbor 198 dot 123 dot one dot one dot two okay this is my labor and it is belonging to the remote af hundred one dot two is the neighbor okay then i exit the setup all right so i think by mistake i have given here 1.11 so let's change it to let me just check out what i have given over here this is neighbor eight this is one three dot one not so 1.11 here so i will have to give second neighbor i'll be making this 1.2 that is better so this is say 1.2 because already that command is gone 1.2 and the configuration we will give it as okay and this side for this cli so neighbor is 3.2 we have given so let's make this 3.2 not 11. you you could have kept it as 3.11 also but i've already given it as 3.2 in the commands so i'm changing it over here so 3.2 okay so here instead of 1.11 and 3.11 i have given 1.2 and 3.2 because i had used that particular ip address in my cli so let's see okay now here's cli may we have used if you just observe one of the neighbor is 1.2 okay so that's why i changed this and here in cli it would be 3.2 see here all right so now my entire network is done configuration of bgp is also implemented now let's check if there is a successful delivery of the packet from source to destination okay so if you just observe it is successful from here to here it is successful so i can see that my packet from source to destination which was not going earlier before the implementation of bgp now it is successful once we have implemented bgp in our cli okay so that is the entire experiment for implementation of uh border gateway protocol using cisco packet tracer thank you
Channel: Beena Ballal
Views: 17,750
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Id: Y71DK9pP8u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2022
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