Imperials Are People Too | The Dark Side of Star Wars

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/slijhs 📅︎︎ Jan 03 2018 🗫︎ replies

I knew someone on the Executor

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TopProspect17 📅︎︎ Jan 03 2018 🗫︎ replies

Stormtroopers are people too

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/gman992 📅︎︎ Jan 04 2018 🗫︎ replies
happy 2018 friends and welcome back to another episode of generation tech my name's Alan now you guys might remember me from such classic videos as ten reasons why the Jedi are messed up or why Palpatine was good another look at the Galactic Civil War or five ways to cook an Ewok that last one is a trick question there's only one life it's the deep fry them now seeing these kind of titles on our channel you might be under the assumption that I'm an imperial but I'm sorry and inform you guys I'm nuts I'm just the conscientious observer of the Star Wars galaxy one who sees imbalance and injustice at how things are being portrayed so I choose to address these lies in issues in a fair and balanced life which is kind of the real point of this video politics puts individuals into groups rebels and Imperials it gets rid of their defining characteristics and replaces them with a set of stereotypes it makes me look at my co-hosts British Ben not as my best friend but just as another faceless Imperial sure he has a really strong core world accident and when he's not trying to sell me a Jaguar he's often talking about the glorious days of the Empire no not that one that one but just because Ben supports the Empire does it mean that he's inherently evil I'm sure he believes that the Sun will never set on the British Empire but he also believes that the Empire brought civility to so many different planets in the galaxy the Ben the Empire is a symbol of stability order and left side of the road driving to hear him speak about the glory days of the Empire one cannot help but hear the hope and sincerity in his voice but what happens when you muffle that voice by putting a stormtrooper helmet on it what happens when you strap him in the seat of a TIE fighter or seal him inside of a giant Walker what happens when you label the ds1 orbital battle station which employed 1.2 million living beings on it something as crude as Death Star these humans are stripped of their humanity and that's a powerful and dangerous thing we all know Howie it is the slaughter and Massacre things we believe have no sentience today I want to present to you guys a few numbers that will help put in perspective the real toll of the Galactic Civil War it's a story that you don't see from the Rebel Alliance sponsored holo dramas starting with this the 74 Z speeder bike one of the main methods a transport for the Scout trooper 310 miles is its top speed and in this scene in Return of the Jedi a scout surfer is thrown off a speeder during a chase to give you an idea of how devastating this collision is here is an image of a car hitting a wall at 120 miles per hour or a little more than a third of the top speed of that speeder bike not only has the Scout trooper lost his life just doing his job his body will now no longer be recognizable to his next of kin this is the all-terrain armored transport the symbol of Imperial might on the ground it has a height of 22.5 and represents the all-seeing nature of the Empire it also represents the height of a 7-story building so when the rebel snow speeder tripped up this Walker and sends it crashing to the ground the pilot gunner commander and 40 snow troopers in the back of the Walker are crushed into bloody sacks of jello that are neatly compressed into white plastic containers this is the imperial star destroyer a pinnacle of Imperial engineering and technology this mile-long flung humanitarian aid dispenser serves as the home of 9235 officers 27,000 850 crew and 9700 stormtroopers when the captain of the light maker Corvette slammed into the derelict and helpless persecutor it set off a chain reaction that would lead to tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of deaths including the many Imperials who failed to reach an escape pod on the persecutor and insist they're shipped Intimidator then there's all the personnel stationed on the shield gates along with all those Imperials on shore leave on scare off' who were crushed by falling debris like steve who joined the Empire to protect colonies like the one he grew up on which was constantly being rated by cannibalistic alien power ask lines now Steve can no longer protect his colony or feel his legs then there's the executor a 12 mile long piece making stability breaking star dreadknot with a crew of two hundred and eighty thousand people and thirty-eight thousand storm troopers aboard it was a city full of life and laughter whenever it arrived in a system it brought a sense of relief and safety to the local inhabitants but when alone a wing smashed through its bridge during the Battle of Endor and sent this mighty symbol of peace crashing into an even larger symbol of peace all the hopes and dreams of those aboard were snuffed out all their future accomplishments and dreams erased from the timeline when Luke Skywalker flew his x-wing down that narrow trench on the ds1 battle station and used the Satanic witchcraft to aid his proton torpedo to make an impossible 90-degree angle turned down an exhaust pipe he not only ended the lives of 1.2 million Imperials many of them civilian contractors he also ended the dreams and investments the galaxy had put into this marvellous symbol of unity and hope in any other situation we would question the morality of a man who has killed over a million people but what did the rebellion do give him a medal history is written by the victors and the Empire had its flaws but the next time you go to celebrate the destruction of an imperial ship or victory of a rebel hero remember there are living breathing people behind those blasters and plastered helmets there's a father-like British Ben who wishes only to provide his family with a safer and brighter future his sacrifice is a noble one even if you believe this causes none and to commemorate his sacrifice to honor all those Imperials who died for a better galaxy to pay tribute to the families of the Fallen whose deceased loved ones were slandered by rebel propaganda we will immortalize their struggle by putting it on a t-shirt with Ben's face on it hashtag Imperials are people to thanks for joining us today if you're watching this you on generation tech
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 426,219
Rating: 4.9249825 out of 5
Keywords: star wars, Galactic Empire, Stormtroopers, Stormtrooper armor, imperial armor, battle of endor, battle of yavin, star wars death count, star wars kill count, star destroyer, ATAT, walker, Stormtroopers are people, Imperials are people too, Imperial lives matter, Imperial officers, darth Vader, Darth vader armor, Darth vader lightsaber, Emperor palpatine, Darth Sidious
Id: gLiwVySEAXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2018
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